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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami

11am- Sunday Services & Childrens Programs



October 2nd: Association Sunday: Celebrating Excellence in Ministries- Rev. Wendy Pantoja We will join thousands of Unitarian Universalists across the continent and beyond in afrming our common bonds and purposes on the fth annual Association Sunday. Honoring that connection and common vision can be a spiritually fullling and empowering experience. Funds from our special collection will be joined with those of other congregations to support the continuing education of our religious professionals and of programs that lead to vibrant, thriving congregations. October 9th: We Begin Again in Love

-Rev. Wendy Pantoja At this time of year, the Jewish community enters into a joyous and holy ten-day period that begins with Rosh Hashanah and ends with Yom Kippur. This is a time of repentance and forgiveness a time to wipe the slate clean and begin anew. What can we draw from the teachings of this important religious source to refresh and renew our covenant of right relationship? October 16th: Worship Committee Lead Serivce Join us at 11am as we are lead by our Worship Committee in community together.


October 23rd: Holy Hearts in Sacred Spaces

-Rev. Wendy Pantoja When our heart is in a holy place . . . So begins a hymn in one of our new hymnals. Today we will explore what it means to nd that place and bless the space we inhabit.

October 30th: For All the Saints- Rev. Wendy Pantoja Who we are as individuals and as a religious community has been greatly inuenced by those who came before us. Come. Let us honor and celebrate those ancestors in our religious and personal lives who live on through us.



Reverend Wendy Pantoja


I cannot believe it has already been a month since I arrived. Time sure ies when you are having a good time and a good time indeed it has been! There is great energy in the congregation and much eagerness to do great church together. We are off to a very promising congregational year. Our leadership is pooling their talents to ensure the vibrancy and nancial health of this congregation. On two consecutive weekends they have given very generously of their time to attend inspiring workshops led by our District Executive, the Reverend Kenneth Hurto. Special thanks go to the Reverend Sofa Betancourt who took time out from her very busy schedule to help co-lead one of these. Our leadership has also given of their treasure to lead the congregation in a New Beginnings pledge drive. This is only the beginning of all they are doing. Please stay tuned for more and support their fabulous endeavors. The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) is busy identifying individuals who would lead or serve on some of the committees that are key to helping us carry forward our mission. Several of you have already stepped up enthusiastically. Please do not hesitate to let the LDC know of a special interest or talent you may want to contribute to the life of our congregation. Please remember that the vibrancy and vitality of any congregation is in the hands of those who gather there. I encourage you to participate to the fullest extent you can and make ours a shining beacon in this corner of the earth. It certainly has been wonderful to see your friendly faces on Sunday morning. Your warm welcome has been most appreciated by me and by those who have returned after being away for a while. Sunday mornings are always very special in the life of a congregation for they bring together the largest gathering of its membership and other seekers of truths. You come here not only to be with like-minded people but also to nurture your soul and spirit, to be stimulated intellectually, and to be motivated into the kind of action that will make this world a better place while speaking to your passion. So, how do ministers come up with Sunday morning topics given there is no lectionary in Unitarian Universalism? Sometimes the calendar strongly suggests topics having to do with the seasons and holidays, and with historic or cultural anniversaries. Among other sources of inspiration are current events, social justice issues, Unitarian Universalist history, congregational history, outstanding heroes and sheroes, and our principles and sources. In recent years, there seems to be a trend of developing a liturgical calendar that takes all of the above and sets it into annual or periodic themes. The themes I have chosen this year are: Welcoming and Hospitality Gratitude and Joy Acceptance and Love Rebirth and Renewal Appreciation and Celebration September-October November-December January-February March-April May-June

These themes help to weave a thread of consistency and continuity in our spiritual explorations. While some specic topics have already been chosen, there is still room for a few more. So please let me know what your interests are. Whatever does not make it onto this years liturgical calendar could be seeds for next years. I look forward to hearing from you. As we go about our daily lives, may our words speak of peace and may our deeds inspire compassion and justice. 2



Ministers Office Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10 AM 2 PM* Monday day off Thursday Sermon writing day Saturday reserved for special meetings and other Please know that this schedule is subject to change in order to meet other ministerial and denominational responsibilities. It will also be revised over the course of the year in response to congregational needs. Rev. Wendy is available by telephone 9 AM 8 PM except on her days off. Emergency calls will be accepted at any time. *It is always best to call for an appointment. If these hours do not accommodate your schedule, please do not hesitate to call for an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

Barbara Woshinsky- President of the Board


Despite the storms that roll through every afternoon, inviting Miamians to indulge in late summer siestas, your Board of Trustees has had a very active month. On September 9-10, the Board, the Committee on Ministry (COM),* and Rev. Wendy Pantoja attended a start-up workshop led by Revs. Kenn Hurto and Soa Betancourt. Kenn is our Florida District Executive; Soa, a UU minister and facilitator for the Diversity of Ministry Initiative, is currently working on a Ph.D. in religion at Yale University. Soa sensitized us to the subtle assumptions people sometimes make about a minister of color, and how we can all work to counter them. In her remarks to the group, Reverend Wendy afrmed her commitment to social activism and anti-racism and her intent to seek out interfaith connections in the community. She also expressed interest in deepening our spirituality (in whatever form that may take for each congregant); in encouraging teaching, learning and growth throughout all life stages; and in fostering involvement with our children, youth, and young adults. The Board and the COM pledged to aid and support our new minister in her transition. We are in agreement with her goals, but do not expect Wendy to accomplish everything in her rst year! Finally, we identied some of our Congregations special core values that we will try to embody in everything we do. These values include: social justice; open communication; caring for one another; self-expression and joy through art and celebration; enlarging our hearts and minds to include everyone. In addition to the retreat, the Board held a special meeting on September 2 to plan for the nancial stability of the Congregation. We are running a matching pledge drive, culminating in a celebratory dinner on October 8more of this elsewhere in the Newsletter. The Business Affairs committee has drafted a resolution, approved by the board, laying out guidelines for a Facilities Enhancement Fund; this will presented to the Congregation and voted on at a future meeting. Special thanks to Joyce Anderson, John Bost and David Roelant. Through all this work, we are heartened and strengthened by the energy and good will we feel around us. Thanks! * The Committee on Ministry works to strengthen the ministry of the church as a whole.



Our New Beginnings

David Jacobs- Treasurer Board of Trustees

New Beginnings Pledge Drive Our budget shows its largest decit in memory; we are $64,000 "in the hole". The Board of Trustees has been busy working on long term solutions, including investing in a wonderful staff, reaching out to the community with programs to stimulate your mind and inspire your heart, creating facilities enhancement & endowment funds to encourage planned giving, & much more. All this needs to be done from a sound nancial footing by eliminating our $64,000 budget decit. Please do your part by participating in Our New Beginnings Matching Pledge Drive. If you already made your pledge earlier this year, thank you, but please look deep in your heart & consider increasing your pledge by completing a special pledge card. If you have yet to pledge, please take this opportunity to make a commitment of nancial support to our loving congregation. Special pledge cards are available at back of the sanctuary and in the ofce.Simply complete a pledge card and give the card to Susan Green, Ofce Administrator or a member of the Board. Thank you very much.
Margaret McAlister- Vice President of the Board

For the Good Life of Our Cong regation

Have you ever had a wonderful idea about how our Congregation could be better? Have you ever known that you had the perfect solution? And, have you ever wanted to praise a fellow Congregant at the top of your lungs? If you have been here long enough, you have probably experienced all three states of mind, and perhaps were frustrated because there wasnt a consistent process in place for expressing yourself. Your Board of Trustees has been listening to you, and we have created FOR THE GOOD LIFE OF OUR CONGREGATION comment cards for use by all Congregants. Blank paper versions of this card will be kept in the back of the Sanctuary if you prefer to complete by hand, or you may utilize the electronic version (click HERE) which can be downloaded then emailed to me at or printed and placed in the FOR THE GOOD LIFE OF OUR CONGREGATION box in the back of the Sanctuary. Cards (paper and electronic) must be signed to be considered. Our promise to you is this: let us know whats on your minds, and we will respond. Thank you for the opportunity to do so.



"A friend is one whom I may think aloud." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Iris Massey Spiritual Reality
Spiritual Reality offers an opportunity for spiritual exploration and growth through selected readings and commentary by the group. Those who attend are encouraged to comment on the readings and/or share their personal concerns. We are not a therapy group, but a group of caring friends who come together to listen and to learn. Please join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM in the Emerson Room. September 10th with a FABULOUS evening showcasing Pridelines Youth Services, GALA ,Homecoming and Talent Show!! There were LOTS of people in attendance in the, festivly,decorated, , Sanctuary. The talent Show was, DELIGHTFUL, with numerous acts! The Pridelines Chorus/Glee Club sounded GREAT, as usual!Pridelines Mistress/Master of Ceremonieswas the HIT of the evening! Hewas an INCREDIBLY talented and clever Female Impersonator named Christopher. . We, all, hope to see him at the next Pridelines Event!! The Lavender Salon, also, plans to re-start the Interweave Film Series celebrating LGBTQ themes, this Fall. Please join us for or upcoming activities, including Speaskers and Workshops. For more information about The Welcoming Congregation Committee, and The Lavender Salon, please contact Marilyn Rutgers or Dave Roelant.

Alice Lingswiler Grief Support Group

The Grief support group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month in the Emerson Room at 1:15pm. You are welcome to join us whether your loss is recent or long ago. See Connie Bartels or Alice Lingswiler.

John Bost Humanist Group

Join us on October 11th as we explore DVD "Cultures and Values-Questions of Relativism"? from the "Philosophy & Intellectual History" by Professor Patrick Grim, State University of New York at Stony Brook. We meet in the Emerson room every second Tuesday of the month at 8pm. Come join us.

June Harbett The Alliance

Meeting Saturday, October 1st for lunch at 12pm and conversation with Reverend Wendy Pantoja at 1pm.

Nanette Bartels Buddhist Group

If you are looking for a pause in your busy week why not come and experience Buddhist Reections? We meet every Tuesday evening from 6:30-7:45pm in the Emerson Room (the second Tuesday of every month is in the sanctuary). Discover your Bodhicitta. We begin with a seated 15 minute meditation, a reading or two, followed by engaging discussion. We close with a second 15 minute meditation. No commitment is necessary; come whenever you like. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. Come and refuel for your busy week. Enlightenment is intimacy with all things. - Jack Korneld

Alice Lingswiler Lunch Bunch

Bring a bag lunch and join us as we enjoy a friendly lunch and discuss a reading from an inspirational book each Wednesdays from 12pm-2pm in the Emerson Room. Every 3rd Wednesday is Poetry Day so bring your favorite poems to share. Hope to see you there.

Margaret McAlister & Sandy Howard PFLAG

PFLAG Kendall meets at 12pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami. PFLAG Homestead meets at 12pm the fourth Saturday of each month at St. Johns Episcopal Church,145 NE 10 Street in Homestead. For more info contact

Carol Reiter UU Jazz Series

Our second concert, Sunday Oct. 23rd at 4:00PM brings a return of Paul Green, the brilliant clarinetist, keyboardist Bob Weiner along with others and their exciting sound, Klezmer East. Klezmer East joins forces with Latin Jazz and World Music star Maria Rivas in a unique concert fusing Latin music and jazz with traditional Klezmer music. In this exciting new collaboration, Maria and Klezmer East present beautiful and haunting Sephardic songs, plus special arrangements combining traditional Jewish melodies with a jazz and Latin avor. In addition, Maria will sing some of her favorite Latin tunes, and the band will perform some old-fashioned Klezmer music. Join us for this exciting collaboration! All tickets are $15.00 (adults), $10.00 (minors), cash at door, and dont forget our brownies, wine and cheese at intermission. Come out and support our series. We are self-supporting and we need you to continue our work. Theres nothing like live music.

Marilyn Rutgers Welcoming Cong regation

The Welcoming Congregation Committee is scheduled to meet on the rst Sunday of each month, at 1:00PM. The Lavender Salon, which we sponsor, is an Intergenerational Event for Miami's LGBTQ Community. It is, usually, held on the second Saturday of the month, at 6:30 PM, in the Emerson Room. We start with a Potluck, followed by an evening of educational events, and fun! We had been on hiatus for the summer. We opened our Fall Progran on



"The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn." ~Gloria Steinem
Monica Rizzo- Director of RE

Classes What a busy month for our children!Regular Religious Education classes willtake place October 2, 9and 23. Please pick up your child promptly after service. On October 16, we will have an Intergenerational Service where children remain in the service with their parents/ guardians. OWL (Our Whole Lives) classes will be taking place after the service as well. Children in grades 4-6 will meet on October 9 & 23 in the Emerson Room at 12:30 pm. Parents of children K-1 in OWL will meet in room three at 1 pmon October 9. The nursery will be open for this session. Monster Bash The Monster Bash will be taking place on Friday, October 28 in the Sanctuary. The time will be announced closer to the event. Nursery Also, each Sunday the nursery is open at 10:45 for infants-3 years old. Please note the age change. When dropping off your child, please

sign him/her in on the class roster and leave your phone number. Each child is required to have appropriate supplies including diapers, wipes, change of clothes, snack and drink. Please pick up your child promptly after service. Registration If you have not yet registered your child for RE classes please see the Director of Religious Education (DRE), Monica, as soon as possible to ll out the appropriate paperwork so your child can attend classes. Religious Education Meeting The next RE committee meeting will be Sunday,September 25at 12:45PM in the Religious Education Ofce. The October meeting has been pushed back to late September due to conicts. The next meeting moving forward will be Sunday, November 13. New to the Program? If you are new to the program and would like more information about Religious Education, please feel free to contact Monica Rizzo, the Director of Religious Education (DRE), at to chat by email, set up a phone call or schedule a face-to-face meeting.

Andrea Mustelier Membership Committee We invite our guests and newcomers to visit the "Pineapple Table" on Sundays. It has been rewarding to see so many summer visitors and the way they have been welcomed. Wed love to pair up newcomers with members in order to share our community as they meet new people. It is the congregation as a whole that is our best representative. We knowing that it is important to worship together on our spiritual journey but, we want to embrace those who are just starting their search as well. The committee is comprised of: Martha Dominguez, Martha Harrison, Melissa Jacobs, Selva Joseph, Andrea Mustelier, Derrick Mustelier, Jill Taft, Sterling Waiters & Ruth Wells. You can easily identify us by our bright yellow name tags with a pineapple on it (a symbol of hospitality). We welcome any information about people who we can reach out to. We plan to work with the Caring Committee to make sure that we contact people who may be ill or going through a difcult time. Come meet with us on the First Wednesday each month, 7:30pm in the Emerson Room. For more information contact Andrea Mustelier at (305) 299-9958.









11am- Alliance, Luncheon, S

9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am- Worship, S 1pm- Welcoming Congregation, R3 1pmCongregational Meeting, S 1:15pm- Grief Support, ER

6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

12pm- Lunch Bunch, ER 7pm- Membership Committee, ER

7:30pm- Choir Practice, S

7pm- Young Adult Group, ER

12pm- PFLAG, ER 6pm- Lavender Salon, ER 6pmCongregational Dinner, S

9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am- Worship, S 1pm- OWL classes, R3 & ER

10 Columbus Day

6:30pmBuddhist Reections, S 8pmHumanist Group, ER

12pm- Lunch Bunch, ER 7pm- Board of Trustees, ER



10am- Path to Membership, ER 1pm- Young Adult Group

9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am Worship, S 12:45pm- Worship Committee, R6 1:15pm- Grief Support, ER


6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

12pm- Lunch Bunch, ER




9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am- Worship, S 1pm- OWL classes, R3 & ER 4pm- Lotz Concert, S


6:30pmBuddhist Reections, ER

12:30pm- Lunch Bunch, ER

7:30pm- Choir Practice, S

6pm- Monster Bash, S


9:30am- Spiritual Reality, ER 11am- Worship, S

31 Halloween

ER= Emerson Room S= Sanctuary A LOOK AHEAD

Legend: TBD= To Be Determined, See Calendar Online R= Room for most recent information G= Grounds NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011

- Installation Sunday- Be on the look out in November as we install Reverend Wendy Pantoja. - SWIM, the UU camp from Dec 26th-Jan 1st in Homestead. Check out the SWIM website and the new YouTube video:

Association Sunday
with Unitarian Universalists across the country!
Most congregations will join together on: October 2, 2011
Our service will be held on:

Celebrate the Fifth Annual

October 2, 2011

Celebrating Excellence in Ministries

We are better together!
As we begin the next 50 years of our Association, the UUA is joining with our professional organizations and congregations to raise funds for outstanding continuing education and professional development for all our religious professionals.

Visit or call (617) 948-4661 for more information

Staff Schedule & Contact Info

Rev. Wendy Pantoja, Minister- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 10 AM 2 PM*, Monday: day off, Thursday: Sermon writing day, Saturday: reserved for special meetings and other events. 305- 667-3697, Susie Green, Ofce Administrator- Monday-Friday 10am-2pm* Ph: 305-6673697, Fx: 305-667-9585, Monica Rizzo, Director of Religious Education- Dr. Tim Buchholtz, Choir Director- Zoltan Bakos, Custodian, Ph: 305-667-3697

*It is always best to call for an appointment. If these hours do not accommodate your schedule, please do not hesitate to call for an appointment at a mutually convenient time.

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