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Civic Welfare Training Service 1

Topic: Historical and Legal Basis of NSTP


Name: _____________________________________________ Lance Luis F. Ragas

Class Schedule: __________Sunday 9:30 – 11:30

1. The government recognizes the youth as the ablest resource of the country. Through the
National Service Training Program, the government envisions to instill civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth. As a Filipino youth, what help
shall you extend to the government? What will be your contribution to the country?

- As a Filipino youth, the best way to show my support to the government is by

following the laws & orders that are implemented for the betterment of the
country. We, the youth, play a crucial part in promoting the good of the
country by simply being its own model citizen. With active participation in the
programs of our Government such as the NSTP, I will learn more & will adopt
the values, foster a sense of responsibility, and this is the best way to set an
example for future generations.

2. In your own understanding, what is the significance of NSTP training to (a) yourself and
to the (b) country?

- NSTP training is beneficial to me because it will help in my personal growth; it

will expose me to a range of experiences, challenges, and learning
opportunities. It will empower me as a person and instill in me the spirit of
patriotism and nationalism.
- On the other hand, NSTP training also benefited the country as a whole by
developing empowered citizens that will help in contributing to nation-building
and equipping everyone with the lost spirit of camaraderie. The notion of
“Bayanihan”, which literally means helping a neighbor move their house, will
be kept alive since the empowered Filipinos can gather together to help move
the house, which is our country, to hopefully in a better state.helps to instill in
the mind of the people patriotism and nationalism

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