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• How long will it take you to get there?

MENYUSUN Kalimat SOAL no.36 – 40 • How long will the ship stay in Barcelona?
• How long the will refitting take?
• Are any portable fire-extinguishers available?
• How long have you been discharging containers?
• Are they going to carry out bunkering soon?
• How many crew members are injured this
• Are there any injured crew member onboard
• All necessary equipment was stowed in an
• How many people helped to extinguish the fire?
appropriate location
• How many propeller has your vessel got?
• Avoid contact with any moving part
• How many tug were assisting in the berthing?
• Your cabin is a health and safety hazard
• How much you will need time to finish loading?
• You must sign the visitor log before boarding
• How much time do you need to repair the winch?
• Chemicals must be handled with great care.
• How much time will take to complete this work?
• Did the officer explain the danger of working
• How do you prevent unauthorized person from
coming on board?
• Did you inform the master about the visitors?
• He completed the training course three months
• Did you put back the tools in your tool box?
• Did you inspect the cargo spaces for stowaways?
• If the visibility is reduced we will proceed at slow
• Did you post the look-outs on the forecastle?
• Did you receive a work- permit before entering
• If you do that is causing you on explosion risk?
the enclosed space?
• The master is going to brief the crew?
• Did you launch the mooring lines yet?
• Is there increase in an cargo theft?
• Don’t touch that suspicious looking package
• Is there a lot of smuggling by sea?
• Do you have designated security duties?
• Is there a navy patrol in this area?
• Do you know how to don a lifejacket correctly?
• It took us a long time to clean the cargo hold
• Do all personnel require security training?
• I have just checked the fire-fighting equipment
• Emergency services must be called immediately.
• I have always wanted to work on a large
• Each lifeboat should be launched and manoeuvred in
the water at last once every 3 months container vessel
• Has the cargo been delivered yet? • Inform the bridge at the earliest opportunity
• Have you searched the containers for stowaways • Nobody was injured after the fire in the
• Have you carried out the ship assessment yet?
• Oil is the main source of marine pollution
• Have you fixed the oily water separator yet?
• Prepare the main engines for departure
• Have you seen the ship security plan anywhere?
• Protective respiratory equipment should be used
• Have you inspected the mooring line yet?
• Respirators don't provide protection in oxygen
• Have you read the operation instruction yet?
deficient atmospheres
• Have you ever been to Australia?
• Seal off the access to the accommodation
• Have you read the operating instructions yet?
• Switch on the additional lights when it gets dark
• Have you seen to the work permit
• Should be used respiratory protective equipment
• Have you checked the first aid equipment?
• The crew going to enter
• He has been on duty for 24 hours
• The crew are holding their lifejackets
• He is used to working the long hours
• The crewman are taking part in mooring
• How highly are the pirate gangs trained?
• How do you now to don a lifejacket correcly?
• The crewman is demonstrating how to use the
• How do you prevent unauthorized person from
fire extinguisher
coming on board?
• The dining table will be set
• How far the pirates do attack from coast?
• The firefighter party is evacuating yhe casualty
• How easy is it to drug smuggle?
• The breathing apparatus is over there.
• How is it easy to reaching the destination?
• The cargo was damaged by water.
• How long have you been working for that
• The hoses have just been pressurized.
• The insvestigation showed that the fire was • They may be able to find a solution to the
caused by the carelessness of the welder problem
• The investigators have been trying to find the • This should be carryy out by trained person only
cause of the accident since last night • Tools which are defective mustn't be used
• The security incident has been filled • Today the crew are going to carry out a launch of
• The line throwing device is stored on the bridge recovery exercise with a lifeboats.
• The lifting work was done under the supervision • We have filled the security incident report
of the chief engineer • We have finished pressuring the hoses
• The Master is responsible for the emergency • We have made an appointment for tomorrow with
party training the surveyor
• The master isn’t happy with the lighting overside • We have to decided against renewing your contra
• The master welcomes new joiner on board • We must have additional lighting on deck
• The panamas bulker sent out a distress message • We need to maintain full speed ahead
saying the holds were filling with water • We need to examine the release gear
• The rescue operations were completed • We need to carry out a lifeboat drill next week?
successfully. • We need to leave the berth in
• The rescue boat has been launched • We must carry out an anti piracy drill this week.
• The strom warning was received at 1900 hrs • We should provide a detailed report
• The ship is moored alongside • We worked to clean the oil spill
• The ship is seems okay at the moment • Warning signs must be displayed
• The ship seems to depart tomorrow • Who give the order to stop the engine?
• The ship carry out a systematic search before sail • Who can speak Spanish on board?
• The ship was chartered last year • Who is lashing the deck cargo?
• The Tube oil has been contaminated with sea • Who is the man standing next to the master?
water • Who is keeping watch at the gangways at the
• The vessel I work on is old moment.
• The vessel loaded a cargo of sawn timber • Who is responsible for this?
yesterday • Who is responsible for the use of the
• The weather is going to improve when we reach communication equipment in an emergency
lisbon • Who is responsible for the number and use of
• The 3rd officer has never sailed this route before tugs during mooring
• The tug service will be resumed after 8 hours • Who prepared lifeboats for launching
• The team began donning chemical suits and • Where are all the visitor passes?
breathing apparatus • Where are you from?
• The use of mobile phones is prohibited • Where can I get protective gloves?
• The oil is main source of marine pollution • Where do you expect to go next?
• The officer informed the terminal about the • Where is the ship registered?
situation • Where is the ship bound for?
• The passengers disembarked from the vessel 2 • Where is the oil spill removal equipment on
hours ago board?
• The Tanker is altering course to starboard • Where will they rig the pilot ladder?
• The turbo charge is out of operation • What kinds of cargo pass through your port?
• This lock has been broken by someone • What are you duties at sea?
• These hold are designed to keep cargo at the • What are the lates requirements about security?
correct temperature • What are the advantages of this system?
• There holds are designed to keep cargo at the • What are the procedures in case of fire?
correct temperature.
• What cargo are you loading in hold no 4?
• That suspicious boat has left the area • What did they manage to avoid the incident?
• There's poor visibility because of the fog • What did you have for dinner yesterday?
• What do you thinking of doing • Which flight is boarding at gate18?
• What will you do if you lose your job? • Which side will the ship moor?
• What security weapons do the guards have? • Which defective tools are must not be used?
• What doors must be locked when in port? • Why have you disabled the alarm system?
• What equipment should I use when working • Why is the master not satisfied with our work?
aloft? • Why is that man taking photo of the vessel?
• What fire-fighting appliances do you have onboard? • Why was the master so angri?
• What is the problem with the new radar? • Why did you cancel the meeting yesterday?
• What is the biggest cause of breakdowns in security? • Why didn't you inform the bridge about the
• What is the purpose of a ship security plan? accident?
• What is your type and latest vessel?
• Why didn’t the master come to office yesterday?
• What point should be considered in the cargo plan?
• Why isn’t shore-based radar assistance available
• What type of a person is to security threat?
• What safety measures are carried out on vessel?
• Why Should i speak to about underground
• What was the main cause of the collision last
storage tanks?
• You musn't smoke in the cargo hold.
• What warning notices were used during welding?
• You musk ask port state control if refuse for a
• What's the name of that vessel over there?
• What should you do if you see a man has fallen
• You need to check the mooring rope
• You need a license to operate this machine
• What precautions should be taken when loading
dangerous cargo? • You were playing computer games last night,
weren’t you?
• What time did the accident occur ?
• What time did his captain start the watch?
• What will you do if you notice the smell of
• What will you do after finishing your last
• What are the three security levels?
• When are you going to complete bunkering?
• When did these new regulations come into force?
• When did the accident in the galley happen?
• When did they put the fire out?
• When did you last check the fire flaps?
• When did you last launch the lifeboat?
• When did you last check the lifeboat inventory?
• When did you last see the watchman?
• When did you have a related security drill?
• When it gets the dark you must switch on
additional light?
• When will be they permit beck to ashore?
• When will our food be ready?
• When will you deliver supplies the ship?
• When will they be permitted to go ashore?
• When will the ship arrive in Liverpool?
• When will the supplies delivery?
• When was the letter issued to the port authoririties?
• When was the strom warning received?
• When was the master last time visited the new

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