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Pe) - WORKING OF INSTITUTIONS C4: || CESS © Civics ) f 4) @padhlein [> Padhle sabse aag oO sirf padhle ee hai = Class9 ~ Hello, Rohan ! Geode Play Google Play. download the padhle app now. [> Padhle (ayeterelateaia wanted an amazing channel for class 9? we got you covered Thank you for using We here at Padhle, make sure that every piece of material reaches you without diving deep into the tabs of your browser. Typed content to bohot hai, par feel chahiye naa! Padhle will take care of that! Presenting to you, hand-written notes! Following table Shows difference : Rajya Sabha ‘Its members are elected by the elected members of Its members are elected for a period of six years. Its maximum strength cannot be more than 250 ‘members. Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved. One-third of its members retire after every two years. Itis also called the Upper House. itis comparatively less powerful. No money bills can originate in the Rajya Sabha. b The ok Sabha exowises supreme power in the counby in folowing ways : 1. Members of bot owes must powe omy reqular bis « ~ Tn a flint season of both chamben, we Lok Sabha's members Glen nave the lost soy . i. When i comes to money, the dok Sabha hos move authority than the Rajya Soba. « ~ Moray bills camo, be reeded by the Rajya Sobta- ile Te Lok Sabra controls the Council of Ministers . - Tf a motion of no confidence ts passed im tre Tautiamenl against any minisler, thea alt ministex hove tO xalian json thei, posts « « Executive » The execute branch of the Govowrment is rrade up of Tawdiomentacen who serve in Govewment and mak vwuial decisions om te behay of * the people, along with the Prime Minister, nd wis Council of miristors. - Trey axe called the ‘Exeulive' os they exeuite the policies of the Government - The aime Minister and wis cabinet ove known ae the Political Exeutive, write those who axe appointed and hold her, positions even when the sulting party changes ave veyerned aa tre Powmanent Exouutines. - Because the membos of the Political Exewutive one diredtiy lected by the people, they exewite move Powers than the Toumaneri Exeuutine « Functions of Tautiament — The dlected representative of the people make-up the Taxiomenil. - Tt & sofved to os tre Legislative flwomrly at the State Covel. - The functions one : @ The Faxtioment amenos the existing laws in addition to creating new ones for the mation. - Tt may also nullity tre already - passed Lows. @ Lt nas influence over the goverment . ~ Ministers nave the outhovity to make dedsions 0s long os members of Fudiament supports them. (D Te Government needs the approval of the Fautioment before using pwotic money. @ The voxous polices ove ditused and debated by the members poxtiament . ~The rmembeu ox aunilade to trem or inquiniss ard to provide information « a Paine Minister and nis Council o Ministers + The Prine Minister i the Leader 9 the party whlon gets a majority in the Lok Solna elections. — He choose tre members of Wis council. — The Count of Ministers ove appointed oy the “Puutdoat on the advice of the Pame Miniter . + The Cobinet mriwisters of housing, defence and inane oe members Councit of Ministers. - The Cabinet membou make orudal deusiont as the inner ving of Cownel of Ministos. — Each Cabinet Munistoc is vequired to asstet the other cabinet members un their work: +The Coundl f Munistor alto tndudes Ministos of State with independent chouge « ~ Wey attend Cobine mettings only won they one invited « + Ministers of Stale assist the Cabint Ministons. * Civil sowant —seovetouies work in cwouy minis. ~ They also oveuee how various miniatids operate . + Powers tre Prime Minister au : > He presides over the mestings the cobimel rniwisters and wovdinate the working | voxiqus rriwistvies « > He Supowiges tne work various ministries , and Wis detitions > He appoints the ministers . — He can alto tvamsjn & dismiss Wis minutens. ~ When the PM quits, the etic minishy has to quit. » Thus, the PM is the most powerul powon in the coundbuy — However, when a calition govemment is formed, he is not able to take any duision at his will because ne has to wwsult various coalifion ppowties before taking funy deusion. Cabinet — Inner ring of the Council of Ministers x The President The head of the stat, i President . — He poyorms womonial dutius. - The rombo of the State Aegislative Arsomblia and the memloors of the Powtioment dect the President . ~ He is only a nominal exeutive because We is wat dinetly deuted by the Tndian people. + Powers of the Puidont one : & AN nagar poling dedstonk axe ‘iaued by tre Crovewwnudt in the nome of President . b Ail mivistios ox appointid by Preideut on the advia of PM, - He aio appoints Chie, Justia of Tndia, Supreme Cowl judges , Election Commissioner, Ambassadors and State Covenas — He can only appotal them only on the advice of PM. C All iwlownationsl tvealies ord ovement, are vnode by PM wn the name of Proideut . da. No vill becomes om Act umnlil amd unless ifs Signed by President. ~The Pratdent may sond tu Yill bak to Puuiomend jor suousiuration « — Hower, wnen Ut is sent to Wim for 2” time, Ie has te pass it. d. When no party gets a majority im Lok Sabha dlections , he Prescot can appouut leaden of tangut pay as the PM and ask him to puove {he sequined rnajority in Kok Sabha. The Sudiciony + The Supreme Couxt, +High amd District Cowd and lower fewel Cows makes up India's judicial system. - India has a fully integrated judidarey because tae Supreme Court overseas the vation's judicial system « ~ Its judgements axe Heqorded 08 final . * The SC can dedde disputes , Wnduding — > Citizens of counbry » Citizens on ome side and Crovermment om tre other > Two o more State Govts. > Union (rove on one hand amd State Gout on the other — People wet satisfied with the decision of tah Cowd can file cae in Supreme Cows « + Lrdependence of Judiciony r The Yudiciany le Undependent oom the combo enceuttive and legislature tw below ways + . dudges 4 SC ond HC ome appointed by the President on adie of PM and consultation with Oni Gustie of SC. ~ Owe appointed, Jidges canal be sumoved {fom tia Ofpise - * Judge can be sumoved juom thea office by prowss of, Impeaunmont that weeds to be passed by 2-Bvd wnajonity of members | both houses. ~ Hone, prowss of thwr vemoval is ottsumety tough. * The Solauies of tre Judlgs cannot oe sudued by Crovewnvnunt- x Powers % Judiciaxy & SC along with HC as the power to tntouprut Constitution of the voumtny « b: Any (aw passed by the Enewutive, or Leqislaluae can be dedawed null and void by SC if iu ts against the sprit of Couslilision. ~ Ths & known 0s power of judicial suuiun- G The judiciosuy pools jundaumental slants of the people - d Anyoue, can, fill A Coe im court YY qermol iuuts of people au, Wal by any Gpvownment — order - ~ This Called Putolin Tterett Littation CALL) « d “The touts can always pul a chock on the mabpractios 9f people-

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