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14/12/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO3]

Este intento tuvo una duración de 9 minutos.

Pregunta 1 37.5 / 37.5 pts

Use the correct option to complete each sentence.
1. My parents are quite proud of me because next month I will finally

[ Seleccionar ]

2. Now that I’m traveling abroad, let’s keep in touch once a week and talk about our

3. Do you want to go to the [ Seleccionar ] at the National

Museum this week?

4. The new manager is planning a meeting to give us the good news: we will all have a

[ Seleccionar ] in our salaries.

5. The [ Seleccionar ] has to be properly

[ Seleccionar ] to send it.

6. I heard you got a [ Seleccionar ] in an advertising company. It’s

not the ideal situation, but it can become a permanent job if you do well.
7. My favorite celebration in this country is New Year´s Eve because the parades along
the main streets are quite fun.

8. [ Seleccionar ] is a typical American celebration when families

gather to have a special meal-usually turkey and pumpkin pie.

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:

keep in touch

Respuesta 3:

exhibition 3/9
14/12/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO3]

Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:

temporary position

Respuesta 8:


Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Pregunta 2 37.5 / 37.5 pts

Choose the correct option in each question or answer to complete
the conversation in a logical way.
MARCH: Hey Con! I haven’t seen you in a long time.
[ Seleccionar ] these days?

CONNIE: Hey March! Not much. I’ve seen a couple of series on Netflix. .
MARCH: You really love Netflix, don’t you? Were they any good?
CONNIE: Yes! They were great. Both were Spanish and you know I love 4/9
14/12/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO3]

Spain. [ Seleccionar ]

MARCH: Yes, I have. I went two years ago, and I didn’t like it too much. I

don’t know [ Seleccionar ]

CONNIE: I don’t know, but [ Seleccionar ] , I started

feeling a strong connection with this country.

MARCH: What did you like the most about that country?
CONNIE: I absolutely loved the Prado Museum. Now, I’m really into it.
MARCH: I didn’t get to visit it. What’s special about it?
CONNIE: It probably has the finest collection in Europe. And I would say
[ Seleccionar ] .

The other place I loved was Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia cathedral. It’s

MARCH: Oh, yes! [ Seleccionar ] in your plans if you go

to Spain.
CONNIE: And, what about you, March? What’s new in your life?

MARCH: [ Seleccionar ] .

Respuesta 1:

What have you been doing

Respuesta 2:

I’ve seen a couple of series on Netflix.

Respuesta 3:

Have you been to Spain?

Respuesta 4:

why you love it

Respuesta 5:

after I went 5/9
14/12/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO3]

Respuesta 6:

it’s one of the most visited museums in the world

Respuesta 7:

That one must be included

Respuesta 8:

I’ve been so busy with my new job that I haven’t had time for anything else

Parcial Pregunta 3 28.13 / 37.5 pts

Read the following text and answer T (true) or F (false) for each of
the statements below.
A road safety organization in Australia has created a mock-up of the
perfect body needed to survive a car crash. Australia's Transport Accident
Commission (TAC) has called its human-looking creation 'Graham'. TAC
commissioned a sculpture of Graham and released a video to educate
road users about road safety and how serious some accidents might be.
Although Graham looks like a human, he is somewhat grotesque in parts
and resembles a character from a horror movie. The BBC says: "He has a
head shaped like a rock, feet that look like tree roots and a chest like a
pig." A spokesperson from TAC said Graham was designed to show how
fragile and vulnerable the human body is when involved in a vehicle
collision on the roads, especially when cars go over the speed limits.
TAC commissioned celebrated artist Patricia Piccinini to create the
artwork for Graham. She collaborated with a trauma surgeon and a road
crash investigation expert to get the right look and build for Graham. She
gave Graham a big head, a wider neck, an inflatable chest that acts like
airbags, and hoof-like legs that allow Graham to jump out of dangerous
situations. TAC chief executive Joe Calafiore commented on why his
organization commissioned Graham as an educational tool. He said:
"Cars have evolved a lot faster than humans and Graham helps us
understand why we need to improve every aspect of our roads system to
protect ourselves from our own mistakes." 6/9
14/12/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO3]

Adapted from:

1. An Australian organization has made a crash-proof car.
[ Seleccionar ]

2. 'TAC' means Transport Accident Commission.

[ Seleccionar ]

3. A creation called Graham came directly from a BBC horror movie.

[ Seleccionar ]

4. TAC said its creation would make the human body less fragile.
[ Seleccionar ]

5. An artist, a surgeon and a crash investigator helped create Graham.

[ Seleccionar ]

6. Graham has a bigger head and a wider neck.

[ Seleccionar ]

7. A TAC spokesman said Graham was an educational tool.

[ Seleccionar ]

8. The spokesperson said cars evolved less slowly than humans.

[ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

Respuesta 2:

Respuesta 3:

Respuesta 4: 7/9
14/12/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO3]

Respuesta 5:

Respuesta 6:

Respuesta 7:

Respuesta 8:

Pregunta 4 37.5 / 37.5 pts

Listen to the news report about a shark attack and choose the
correct option in each case

0:00 / 2:35

1- The tourist attacked by the shark is called…

[ Seleccionar ]

2- The man who suffered the attack was [ Seleccionar ]

3- The shark attacked the victim’s [ Seleccionar ]

4- According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, dead zones are

areas where [ Seleccionar ]

5- These dead zones are caused by contamination in the area The number
of dead zones in the world according to the United Nations is 8/9
14/12/2020 Examen final - Semana 8: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO3]

[ Seleccionar ] Authorities are advising tourists

[ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

Mark Skipper

Respuesta 2:

only swimming

Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:

there is little oxygen

Respuesta 5:

contamination in the area

Respuesta 6:

around 150

Respuesta 7:

not to swim too early or too late

Puntaje del examen: 140.63 de 150 9/9

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