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F said in his paper that, he agreed with the war on drugs that the former President Rodrigo Duterte

implemented during his administration. To start with, I am in opposition of the war on drug that the
Duterte administration enforced. Surely without doubt, it gave us positive impacts like decreasing
the crime, and drug related offenses etc. However, the war on drugs by the Duterte administration
in the Philippines has been highly controversial and has generated strong opposition from many
people. The reason for this involves, Extrajudicial killings; the war on drugs has been criticized for its
heavy-handed approach and for the high number of deaths that have occurred as a result. Critics
argue that many of these deaths have been extrajudicial killings and that the police and other
authorities have acted outside of the law. Lack of due process; the war on drugs has been criticized
for its lack of due process. People have been killed without proper investigation and trial, leading to
concerns about the rule of law and the protection of human rights.

Excluding my stand, however, I am bewildered on how he justified his stand. He stated that, he
agreed on the war on drug or the anti-drug campaign whatsoever that the Duterte administration
enacted. But in the latter paragraph he stated that, “Yet many points violate the human rights of
Filipinos.” Yes. You are indeed correct. War on drug violates the human rights of Filipinos but why
are you going out against your stand?

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