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Research Journal of Modern Physics

Review Article *Corresponding author: Iİsmail German, Retired research fellow of

Inner Structure of Elementary Particles, a . Received: 03-09-2022
Primordial Model Accepted: 09-09-2022
Published: 14-09-2022
Iİsmail German
© 2022 Iİsmail German
Retired research fellow of TUBITAK/MAM OPEN ACCESS

A continuing search for truth is said to be a possibility to be set free and the motto “The truth shall set you free.” is widely used. To be free can be
an unreachable dream, but understanding the conditions under which we stay may be of great help to us. It is an intrinsic property of sciences that
they continually update themselves to help us in this way. In the last century, sciences have mainly served the industry, and serving their intrinsic
property greatly failed. Serving society on the way to becoming spiritually to be developed is our wish and this is our aspiration, for a pretty long
time we missed it.
Regarding the basic sciences, especially physics, not only the pressure of wishes to be materially developed but also the difficulty of understanding
the subatomic world were strong obstacles. In the past, we preferred dealing with point particles having intrinsic properties and we described their
behavior via mathematical models. Recently we began to see the dead end we are in. To possibly break the chains that bind us, to eventually reach
the truth, here we propose a primordial two-dimensional extended particle model. In our model, as previously stated, particles are oscillating
bundles of with the speed of light moving infinitely hard spheres and there is no action at a distance. Momentum transfer is done only in case of
collisions. The greatest obstacle on the way is the problems associated with stability. The bundles should also have means of attracting and repelling
each other. Here we offer a possible primordial structure with these desired properties.

People who built the temple on Gobeklitepe indicate that they had Are we created or evolved as consequences of natural phenomena?
questions and answers regarding their presence on this Blue Planet, Why we're here and if we have a Creator what is expected from us?
and we seem to have inherited the planet as well as the questions. These unanswered questions are not within the domain of science
The generations in between could not find any satisfactory solutions, and Prof. Feynman, like most scientists, says he is not frightened by
they eventually preferred ignoring them and going their way. There not knowing the answers to these questions. Being not frightened
is a good deal of archaic and also modern questions, mostly ignored, may be regarded to be said easier than done if we look at the
that we assume belong to the agnostic domain: promises in Holy Books. Not only the promises regarding the after
Is the Universe finite or infinite? life but also the promised chaos just before the doom is frightening
Is the Universe created or self-existing? and we feel the sign of chaos much heavily in comparison with
Prof. Feynman and his contemporaries as seen in Figure 1 [1]:

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

the right part is from Quran (2:28,11:108, 55:26-27). They
basically say the same thing and this fact has implications.

Figure 1: Left says a Turkish scholar that search for truth is an ever-
Figure 2: Arcana of Freemasonry and the Holy Quran say basically
existing war of humans against nature and right is Prof. Feynman.
the same thing. The scripts are very probably uncorrelated but
That actually means we need to reconsider religion, esotericism, and
Inhalts are correlated.
science, separately and all together. The first two seem to have a
• Some were encoded/encrypted, some were given under the
kind of chicken-egg relationship, the real original source is hard to
condition of being kept secret, and some were ad hoc and hard to
know. Regarding the sciences, it may well be said that their
bring down to Earth as it is in the case of “the smallest indivisible
foundation has a good deal of archaic esoteric sand and gravel.
constituents of matter”. The idea is associated with Democritus but
Sciences behaved like chestnut that doesn't like its shell and has
it is much more likely to be associated with Hermes the 2nd., i.e.
gone astray; they claimed esotericism may only be quasi-science if
Harut-Marut as mentioned in Holy Quran (Facebook). We
it is at all. The first was archaic and probably down from Heavens.
personally know the difficulties of making moving matter out of the
Its gaps could not be filled via controlled experiments. Driven by
smallest elements without any connection/action at a distance
practical human needs going astray has meanwhile happened to be
between them.
too far astray, and we are no more able to find the right way out of
• The predictions of Nikola Tesla were reprinted in Popular Science
the labyrinth we are in.
Monthly, especially the one in the red rectangle may be regarded to
We will reconsider this trilogy and we will do so since our intuition
be extraordinary foresight. We meanwhile seem to be unaware of
and observations give us clues regarding the answers to the
the fact that the same thing was said about 1400 years ago as seen in
questions above. We first want to make mention of some of our
Fig. 3 and ref. [2].
*Here we will mainly stay in domain of physics. Our thoughts
• Heavens seem to have given us data regarding the Creator, the
regarding the other two are original and we will share them with
geometry of Heavens ( Facebook, Facebook ), and the basic
scientific community and people on Earth in the near future. Since
“encrypted/encoded” information on the structure of matter, they are original we can not give scientific references but we feel
eschatology, and fate**. free to refer to our posts in Facebook. Certainly we are open to
• The left part of Fig. 2 is taken from “Arcana of Freemasonry, and further communication in case of language/composition difficulties.

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

** The 1st Facebook post is in Turkish but but detailed, I am at two different particles at almost exactly the same location, it was
service as said previously. observed that one kind and the other were taking exactly opposite
paths. Feynman's quote on this is well known. We could not
understand what we said charge and we made the charge a
mathematical sign. This behavior served to our pragmatism till this
*Here we will mainly stay in domain of physics. Our thoughts
regarding the other two are original and we will share them with
scientific community and people on Earth in the near future. Since
they are original we can not give scientific references but we feel
free to refer to our posts in Facebook. Certainly we are open to
further communication in case of language/composition difficulties.
** The 1st Facebook post is in Turkish but detailed, I am at service
as said previously.
Thus (that is in Fig. 4) is said in a physics book, but our fields do
really have quite interesting properties [3]:

• Hopi prophecies and beliefs are really stupendous.

• Eschatologies of different folks scattered around the world have a
good deal of similarities and this fact has implications.
We need to keep interpretations/implications short, and we just note
that we are not sure about them but we need to be sure. In case
they are true, and if we keep our stand, the near future seems to be
pregnant to chaos, great wars and new/modern cannibalism. It may • A held electron spends all of its rest mass energy as it pushes
another electron from 1 to 2 Fermi (classically calculated).
even be fate but we certainly have the right and need to treat it as if • Our model does not claim that this energy is provided by the other
it is a possible destiny and do our bests to prevent it. electron propelled.
Science • Every point in our fields is a source of energy, it can drive a
During all of our history we struggled to find the truth; probably not consecutive sequence of infinitely many charges put in up to
all of us but all the heavy thinkers. Religions/heavens have not infinity.
revealed it, probably due to an ongoing exam. Our science could not • Known that the fields propagate with the speed of light, what
find it, because there are too many parameters related. makes them propagate are said to be photons and virtual photons.
With Renaissance, from archaic remnants, including heavily We do not know much about photons but virtual photons are much
religion-based ones, we tried to bear the burden due to previous worse. Virtual photons are for attractive forces and almost nothing
miseries. It began well. We adopted the experimental way, doing is known about them, and their possible structure.
isolated experiments and then understanding the whole. • Our model knows of only emission and has no idea of absorption.
Unfortunately, the Whole was too big, and we got isolated. This sounds like continuous outward flow without any inward. The
All was good till we confronted electricity and magnetism. There source should be very rich, infinitely rich.
there was an extremely interesting phenomenon to observe: Putting Our particle physics is based on these fields derived from

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

observations and controlled experiments and it seems to be having On the other hand, if we try to describe every observed phenomenon
hard times, because of lacked understanding. Nowadays it almost in terms of the smallest indivisible elements we need to construct
claims, since mathematics describes nature almost perfectly, all matter and fields in only one kind of particle at hand, we need to say
should be simulations of this math. A Nature article says particle particles turn out to be fields, and fields, in retrospect, turn out to
physics should be more than particle hunting. Several other authors be particles. We need to find some way to predict the results of
do also underline flaws [4]. high-energy particle collisions and their outcomes. Such a
description of all phenomena is extremely complicated. Under these
conditions, the way we preferred to describe the behavior of matter
and fields is unfortunately not “anschaulich”/picturesque. We need
to regain our intuition, understand the basics and then continue our
mathematical models.
The atomic structure of matter is handled philosophically, even
modern scientists like W. Heisenberg have shown a philosophical
interest without much success. Very weak performance in this arena
There exist a huge amount of critiques regarding modern physics.
has blocked scientific handling. It is indeed extremely difficult to
Saying is certainly easier than doing and saying has almost no
make working models to replace quantum physics and chemistry.
meaning unless it introduces a better/shorter way of doing things or
It is an interesting area though, the advances in computer science
a necessary way of great importance for our future. We have a
and their power of calculation should givea hand to some scientists
proposition and surely know that our to be proposed model is a very
to show interest and work in the area. It did not, because we did not
complicated way of handling the situation. That was meant Prof.
know how to begin. Understanding the problem is half solution and
Hannakam of TU Berlin as he said to us in 1975 “Das ist sehr
beginning is half finishing but there was no leverage, no solid
umstaendlich”. The same was said by Prof. Weisskopf of MIT in
ground to stand on and to begin with. The subject stayed in the
1982, he said: “You have a long way to go.” We will give it a try
domain of philosophy and scientists wanted to let it stay there. The
despite all of such comments because the situation is more than dire.
behavior is understandable for anyone aware of the immensity of the
We additionally know that our model will not be able to replace the
task. It could bring an understanding though, an understanding of
existing descriptive/ mathematical models for quite a long time,
the basic structure and necessity of the working models.
probably till an expected doom. To explain all behavior of
We made some preliminary work and we compiled them in [5]. The
elementary particles with our model will be extremely hard. We
abstract of this publication, due to its relative importance, we repeat
believe it will make the situation clear: Truth and modeling are
here: “Having observed that modern mathematical theories of matter
different things and with our model, the truth will at the least show
have begun to experience difficulties, a visit to their origins is
its face. It will also show that what has been previously revealed to
made. The so-called Hermes revealed theory of matter has been
us includes this basic structure, the truth. We hope to be able to say
explored. A theory of matter made up of infinitely hard, extremely
that classical physics could describe the behavior in the quantum
tiny classical particles moving at the speed of light is proposed, and
domain if we had much more time, more advanced facilities, or both.
preliminaries of such a theory are investigated. Elementary particles
Status Quo are proposed to be handled as ordered bundles in a random vacuum,
The Universe is unbelievable, and free space is more oscillating either simultaneously, 180 degrees out of phase, or as a
understandable. That means we have difficulties understanding the mixture. This is proposed to be done under the restriction that phase
existence of matter. We do not understand and make everything and basic incremental motion are supposed to be quantized. The
more complicated as we claim dozens of elementary particles. coincidence between the teachings of Hermes and the holy books,

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

especially the Quran, has been brought to the surface. The necessity to-imagine-their-change-into-others
of further research, which is urgent under current conditions,
performed with the help of supercomputers at hand has been i-believe-that-elementary-particles-are- indeed-elementary
proposed.” A new route is needed, the fear is a dead end. In case we are brave
The followings are to be noted: enough, the simplest form to be chosen is a sphere. In such a case
• To differentiate our divisible atom and the indivisible one from we could say the basic constituent of the matter is an extremely tiny
each other we called the second one “hatom”, because it may have sphere.
been revealed by Hermes (the 2nd i.e. Harut-Marut). We also know that mass and energy are convertible to each other,
• We postulated that phase and incremental motion were to be these spheres should be moving.
quantized. That no mass can be accelerated beyond the speed of light whispers
• Somewhere we have noted a condition for the equality of the to us that they should be moving with this speed. The spherical form
repulsive and attractive forces. and shared equal speed are to be expected as a result of an infinite
Regarding the first two, from the year of typing the manuscript till past
its publication, a good amount of time has elapsed, and we All these are said easier than done. We said all of these as a freshman
meanwhile thought these additional postulates should be derivable at Robert College/Bosphorus University. Teachers were open-
from the basic postulates. In this work, we open our ideas. minded, accepted, and promoted. During graduate studies, with our
We also clear the ambiguities around the third. advisors, we decided that such work was meaningless because the
Why and What is here Proposed mission is impossible and we changed our profession to being an

We very well know that all elementary particles may be converted E.E.

to each other; we may hereby sense that they have basic Four facts have rather recently contributed to the preparation of this

constituents. These have been called atoms in history but nothing manuscript:

really scientific could begin with a term/concept probably revealed • The pain of leaving the first lover was still deep inside.

by Heavens. • We did graduate studies promising to work on the subject, and

Calling them quarks with intrinsic properties like electric charge, these studies were paid for by the people of the countries we studied.

mass, color charge, and spin has almost no meaning out of the group • Our previous work which contains a good deal of mystery was

of experts. The answer to the question “What is a quark in simple published.

terms?” is given as “A quark is any of a group of subatomic particles • The most important of all is that the result of continuing in this

believed to be among the fundamental constituents of matter. In way seems to be catastrophic.

much the same way that protons and neutrons make up atomic Below we present the essentials of our proposal. Our suggestions

nuclei, these particles themselves are thought to consist of quarks.”. here deal with mass/stable bundle, force/transfer of momentum, and

Such an answer contains more questions than an answer. charge/action at a distance.

In addition, the following links and comments in related pages Mass

show how childish we and almost all the scientists of the previous Mass is rather easy to understand. To accelerate a greater number
Century have been forced to think against the difficulties associated of particles having an average speed of zero in a certain direction
with understanding subatomic behavior: more momentum transfer is obviously needed. The probable shape of the bundle in contracted form is given in Fig.
_any_internal_structure 6.

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

our work a good deal, as seen in the following parts.
There is a good deal of unknowns associated with our description.
It will obviously be a mission impossible to determine these via
well-prepared directly related experiments. Unknowns are the
dimension of spheres of identical shape, their density in space (in a
volume of certain dimensions), the meaning of being infinitely hard,
the conditions of regions in which they can form stable bundles, the
distribution of 0-momentum collision probability, etc. But said is
“Beginning is half completing” and we need to begin.

The Method
The method will be trial and error. It will gradually and eventually
be done with the help of computers, and proper computation
algorithms. Not to forget is the fact that the only possibility to
Stability abandon the abstract mathematical way of describing nature, under

To make a bundle of spheres that travel with the speed of light, let the given conditions, is something like the one described here.

them oscillate, and provide stability is not an easy task. First of all, The Primordial Model
we need to think of their interaction which is primarily governed Since the transfer of momentum to another particle on a definite
by Maxwell Equations, especially Gauss Law. The Law says there line should be the same (Gauss’ Law) independent of the distance
is no radial loss as they interact. The force is 1/r2 force and between the particles we need a structure as given in Figure 7 of our
weakening is due to spherical expansion. A point particle should in previous work.[6]
fact see the same momentum transferred at every distance if bodies
responsible for interaction were also points that follow the
dimensionless line between the particles. If there happens to be
loss/weakening, this should be due to extended particles and
possibly due to "zittering"/trembling on the way, i.e. not keeping a
straight line on the way as the particle formed again and again.
Since repulsive and attractive forces at equal distances are the same,
we tend to adopt the view that hatoms that transfer momentum keep
a straight line and have no loss. They are transferred from one unit
circle to the adjacent one, back and forth, with a probability of 1. A
single period of oscillation cannot provide such a probability means Since we need repulsive and attractive forces we need to investigate
that all periods in the past and future contribute. How oscillation the property of a unit cell given in the image, Fig. 7.
began is out of consideration. • A unit cell is a circle in two dimensions that has a radius that is
Transfer of Momentum equal to the distance of acertain-in 0-p collision.

The most probable condition is that momentum is transferred to the • It is here assumed that 0-p collision probability is normally

bulk as all particles are closely packed. If the package is opened the distributed.

transfer will be a mess, almost impossible to calculate and realize. • Within this time the probability of finding an hatom is greater at

This fact also explains the quantization of the phase and simplifies the side of the original direction of entering hatom.
• Particles are oscillating bundles and momentum transfer can only

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

be made if a particle is contracted form. 1. At time t=T (the period) the probability of finding an
• In case of a proper collision, a single hatom displaces the particle hatom /the second red arrow from the left entering the
by a distance equal to a multipleunit cell radius. second unit cell is equal to 1.
• With only one unit cell it is not possible to get both attractive and 2. The conditions at the other end of the unit cell chain.
repulsive forces, within the unit cell finding an hatom traveling in 3. At time t=T (the period) the probability of finding an
the original direction of the entrance is quite high. hatom /the second blue arrow from the right entering the
A Possible Proper Form first unit cell is equal to 1.
The Method of Calculations
We basically need to show that the first hatom entering the first unit
cell at t=0 (the first red arrow from the left) causes/generates the
presence of the second red arrow at t=T. To this end we classify
periods and number of probable 0-p collision within. We are of
course aware of the fact that the feeding particle that causes the
existence of the first hatom is ever oscillating and contributions
of each previous oscillation should be taken into account. Below
T the duration of a single period,
Figure 8: 3 consecutive unit cells T, 2T, 3T, etc. passed time from t=0 and

Not hereby to forget is that ordered movement is embedded in a #C is the number of 0-p collisions probably done within the elapsed

vacuum that has a randomly moving 80- 85% of all hatoms present time.

in the neighborhood. To attain the desired properties, stability,

repulsion, and attraction we consider three consecutive unit cells.
Stability is there because, for each red-arrow hatom that has
distributed itself within half a period, there enters a blue one. Figure 9: Case t=T
Repulsion is present, because for each red-arrow particle, + signed, t=T: For the hatom to reach the position of the second red arrow it
there exists another one at a distance of T(c=1) after a time T at the needs not to get scattered around, it should only make head-on 0-p
next probable + signed particle position. collisions with an impact perimeter equal to zero on the axis of the
Attraction is present, because – signed particles are expected to be original entrance. Any integer number of collisions is possible
located at unit cells’ boundaries where the directions of arrows are because equal length subintervals may again be subdivided into
inward/to left. equal parts.
• Such structures may have been formed due to the presence of Only the most dominant may be taken into account. To calculate
multiple + and – signed particles and may be stable as long as the the probability of arrival at the right time the duration between
tail, far end, supports. In case this support fails particles can not collisions and collision probability distribution(s) are needed
stay stable anymore and this is what the Arcana and the Quran say. (distributions may be interval dependent in the general case.
Requirements and Calculation of Their Realization t=2T and #C=1: Only 1 collision is not possible under our desired
conditions. In case of only one collision,the hatom can not be at
position T after a time interval of 2T.
Requirements under the condition that the foremost particle, the red
T=2 and #C=2: 2 and more only on-axis collisions are possible and
arrow, at the left enters the unit cell at t=0:
can be handled as in the previous case. If the hatom gets off-axis

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

after the first collision it can not get again on-axis after 2 collisions. • Our assumptions state that any hatom beginning to motion at P1
Here after only on-axis collisions are not handled/considered. will diminish out of the blue circle in Fig. 10. That means on the
T=2 and #C=3: In such a case the hatom needs to make 2 on-axis one hand this specific geometry can not contribute to the desired
collisions and 1 off-axis. The 2 on-axis collisions should take 1st probability at t=2T. The minor axis of the ellipse should be smaller
and 3rd orders in the sequence. as the major one gets bigger.
Let the 1st collision be at t=t1 and the 3rd collision at t=t2. • #C>3 are of course possible. In such a case the mean distance
2nd collision point is not on-axis and variable. between collisions will get smaller and the ellipse will begin to
The situation is handled in Fig. 10. An hatom enters a unit cell at t=0 contribute. This contribution seems to get increased if sigma
and we expect this will result in another hatom traveling in the same (standard deviation) of normal distribution gets smaller.
direction as the original one at t=T. For only one period the Conclusion:
probability of this event is very low. If only we consider all previous It seems that stable oscillating heaps of hatoms that show repulsive
oscillations of the originator of the first particle the probability may and attractive behavior among each other are possible if we consider
get to be equal to 1 (We implicitly assumed that the first hatom is an ever oscillating behavior.
created as a result of a spherical/circular oscillating heap/form of Chains that go out from the heaps are somewhat stringlike.
hatoms). The cases here not handled may be handled with the help of the
methods here mentioned. We may, of course, execute the above-
mentioned calculations but we prefer to wait for the response of the
scientific community.
Future Research:
Algorithms to calculate the probabilities of contribution from
different cases of #T and #C are needed to be developed.
Algorithms that can change the input parameters and check for
the desired results are to be developed. Any possible similarity
between our chains and well-known strings should be investigated.
The behavior of our hatoms is in a sense continuous random walk.
The probability of getting scattered after a 0-p collision may be
handled as confined to discrete directions. In such a case the
relations between such a random walk and Schroedinger Equation
are to be investigated [6-8].
We got no funds from any person or institution as we work on this
Figure 10: The geometry of creation of the second hatom at the Acknowledgements:
center of the second unit circle at t=T. This is (almost) the happy end of an adventure that took about 50
We need to take care of the followings: years. We owe thanks to 1968-69 Freshman engineering class of
• To find a particle at a distance T away from the beginning of the former Robert College and Physics 101-102 instructor Dr. John
event at time t=2T, another time of length T has to be spent off-axis. Faust. The class has shown great patience with our objections to The
• The loci of points that has the desired property are the yellow Special Theory of Relativity and Dr. Faust, and also other
ellipse in Fig. 10.

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

members of the Department of Physics have shown interest and
support. Without this patience, interest, and support this work could
not come into being.
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7. Balwant SR (2012) Diffusion Equation and Telegraph Equation
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*Copyright: ©2022 I . Waly. This is an open-

access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited.

Research Journal of Modern Physics Volume 1/Issue 3

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