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1st Summative Test in Biotechnology

Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
1. What refers to the traditional techniques of using living organisms to yield new products or modify foods
or other useful products for human use?
a. Traditional biotechnology b. modern biotechnology c. post-era biotechnology
2. Which of the following is considered an example of traditional biotechnology?
a. Mutagenesis b. DNA cloning c. transgenesis
3. When it involves the use of GE techniques, it is considered as what?
a. Modern biotechnology b. traditional biotechnology c. post-era biotechnology
4. What process uses microorganisms to convert sugars into energy?
a. Fermentation b. Selective breeding c. CRISPR
5. Who is the father of genetics?
a. Gregor Mendel b. Louis Pasteur c. Alexander Fleming
6. What is the first sequenced eukaryotic genome?
a. S. cerevisiae b. Lactobacillus c. B. cinerea
7. Fleming discovered penicillin while studying which type of bacteria?
a. Staphylococcus b. Lactobacillus c. Streptococcus
8. What enzyme in the CRISPR (encoded by the bacterium) detects and kills comparable DNA sequences
using the bacteriophage DNA sequences as a guide?
a. Cas9 b. protease c. lactase
9. How is recombinant human insulin produced?
a. Through E. coli
b. by cutting restriction enzymes
c. deleting genome sequences
10. What is the process that many microorganisms (yeasts, molds, and bacteria) use to convert sugars into
a. Fermentation b. Lactation c. Variation
11. Excision and insertion of a gene is called
a. Genetic engineering b. Biotechnology c. Cytogenetics
12. What is the first transgenic plant to be produced?
a. Tobacco b. Rice c. Cotton
13. Plasmids are used as cloning vectors for which of the following reasons?
a. Self-replication in bacterial cells
b. Can be multiplied in laboratories with the help of enzymes
c. Replicate freely outside bacterial cells
14. What are the two views does the definition of biotechnology encompass?
a. medical biotechnology and agricultural biotechnology
b. traditional biotechnology and modern molecular biotechnology
c. blue biotechnology and red biotechnology
15. Which of the following is a product of biotechnology?
a. bacteria b. vaccine c. plant
2nd Summative Test in Biotechnology
Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
1. What is a genetically modified organism (GMO)?
a. a plant with certain genes removed
b. an organism with an artificially altered genome
c. a hybrid organism
d. any agricultural organism produced by breeding or biotechnology
2. What is the role of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in the production of transgenic plants?
a. Genes from A. tumefaciens are inserted into plant DNA to give the plant different traits.
b. A. tumefaciens is used as a vector to move genes into plant cells.
c. Transgenic plants have been given resistance to the pest A. tumefaciens.
d. Plant genes are incorporated into the genome of Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
3. What theory showed the existence of microorganisms and their effect on fermentation?
a. big bang theory b. germ theory c. Hans theory d. Hewitt theory
4. Involving the genetic engineering of plants is called what?
a. Blue biotechnology b. green biotechnology c. red biotechnology
5. Which of the following is an ancient grain thought to have been selectively bred into maize 6,000 to
10,000 years ago?
a. wheat b. teosinte c. kernel d. rice
6. Why is biotechnology important in our lives?
a. It regains the inner consciousness of the people c. It encompasses the philosophy of life
b. It uses living things to make life easier d. It makes people avoid boredom
7. What is the living thing in all alcoholic fermentation processes in traditional biotechnology?
a. maize b. yeast c. bacteria d. virus
8. What is the living thing in the production of cheese and yoghurt through lactic acid fermentation?
a. virus b. bacteria c. yeast d. fungi
9. How can you differentiate traditional vs modern biotechnology in terms of technique?
a. Traditional involves fermentation, while modern involves selective breeding
b. Traditional involves fermentation, while modern involves recombinant DNA technology
c. Traditional involves somatic cell nuclear transfer, while modern involves selective breeding
10. What technique that Sumerians used to produce beer and bread?
a. Pasteurization b. fermentation c. baking
11. Who is known as the father of genetics because of his research with pea plants and hybridization?
a. Louis Pasteur b. Gregor Mendel c. Alexander Fleming
12. What traditional biotechnology method involves choosing parents with particular characteristics to
breed together and produce offspring with more desirable characteristics?
a. Fermentation b. selective breeding c. bread making
13. What do you call the type of biotechnology that uses the complicated way of manipulating genes to
produce new products for human use?
a. Traditional Biotechnology b. modern biotechnology c. green biotechnology
14. Which of the following has been the primary reason that biology is now seen as the science of the
future and biotechnology as one of the leading industries?
a. somatic cell transfer b. gene manipulation c. CRISPR
15. Select the earliest examples of fermentation.
a. DNA manipulation b. Beer, Cheese, Bread, Yoghurt, Wine c. DNA, plasmid

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