Microarray and Flow Cytometry

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307: Gene+c Engineering, rDNA Technology

and Cell & Tissue Culture Technology

By: Dr. Swa+ Paliwal
Bioscience & Biotechnology
•  The concept of microarrays was first proposed
in the late 1980s by Augenlicht and his

•  Microarray technology evolved from Southern

•  They spoBed 4000 cDNA sequences on
nitrocellulose membrane and used
radioacGve labeling to analyze differences
in gene expression paBerns among
different types of colon tumors in various
stages of malignancy.

•  The core principle behind microarrays is

hybridizaGon between two DNA strands.
•  Fluorescent labeled target sequences that
bind to a probe sequence generate a signal
that depends on the strength of the
hybridizaGon determined by the number of
paired bases
Image Aquisio+on
FuncGonal Genomics and Proteomics

•  Flow Cytometry is used in several fields including molecular biology,
pathology, immunology, virology, plant biology, and marine
biology. Some of the common applicaGon include:
•  It is used in clinical labs for the detecGon of malignancy in bodily
fluids like leukemia. Cytometers like cell sorters can be used to
separate the cells of interest in separate collecGon tubes physically.
It can be used for the detecGon of the content of DNA by using
fluorescent markers. Flow cytometers allow the analysis of
replicaGon cells by using fluorescent dye for four different stages of
the cell cycle.
•  AcousGc flow cytometers are used in the study of mulG-drug
resistant bacteria in the blood and other samples.
The different stages of cell death, apoptosis, and necrosis can be
detected by flow cytometers based on the differences in the
morphological and biochemical changes.

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