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Section Topic Name Concept Minutes Concept Hours Practice Minutes Practice Hours Total Minutes Total Hours
1 Conceptual Framework, Standard-Setting and Financial Reporting 1762 29.37 990 16.5 2752 45.87
2 Select Financial Statement Accounts 2692 44.87 1631 27.18 4323 72.05
3 Select Transactions 2363 39.38 1216 20.27 3579 59.65
4 State and Local Governments 959 15.98 241 4.02 1200 20
Total Time 7776 129.6 4078 67.97 11854 197.57
Conceptual Framework, Standard-Setting and Financial Reporting
Sr. No. Topic Name Minutes Hours
1 FASB and Standard Setting 50 0.83
2 Accrual Accounting 73 1.22
3 Financial Accounting Standards Codification 34 0.57
4 Objective and Qualitative Characteristics 52 0.87
5 Assumption and Principles 32 0.53
6 Constraint and Present Value 22 0.37
7 Fair Value Framework 172 2.87
8 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
9 Post Assessment 51 0.85
10 TBS Assessment 100 1.67
11 General Purpose Financial Statements 190 3.17
12 Statement of Cash Flow 159 2.65
13 Notes to Financial Statements 38 0.63
14 Risks and Uncertainties 39 0.65
15 Subsequent Events 32 0.53
16 Exit or Disposal Activities and Discontinued Operations 49 0.82
17 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
18 Post Assessment 59 0.98
19 TBS Assessment 360 6
20 Consolidation 412 6.87
21 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
22 Post Assessment 73 1.22
23 TBS Assessment 60 1
24 SEC 69 1.15
25 EPS 137 2.28
26 Segment Reporting 46 0.77
27 Interim Financial Reporting 68 1.13
28 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
29 Financial Statements of Employee Benefit Plans 25 0.42
30 Cash, Modified Cash, Income Tax 33 0.55
31 Private Company Council 30 0.5
32 Post Assessment 27 0.45
33 TBS Assessment 100 1.67
Total Time 2752 45.9
Select Financial Statement Accounts
Sr. No. Topic Name Minutes Hours
1 Cash 33 0.55
2 Bank Reconciliations 38 0.63
3 Receivables 207 3.45
4 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
5 Inventory 311 5.18
6 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
7 Post Assessment 81 1.35
8 TBS Assessment 261 4.35
9 Property, Plant, and Equipment 330 5.5
10 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
11 Nonmonetary Exchange 68 1.13
12 Post Assessment 54 0.9
13 TBS Assessment 220 3.67
14 Investments 401 6.68
15 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
16 Intangible Assets—Goodwill and Other 218 3.63
17 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
18 Post Assessment 76 1.27
19 TBS Assessment 220 3.67
20 Payables and Accrued Liabilities 160 2.67
21 Contingencies, Commitments, and Guarantees 109 1.82
22 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
23 Financial Liabilities and Long-Term Debt 424 7.07
24 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
25 Post Assessment 49 0.82
26 TBS Assessment 240 4
27 Equity 393 6.55
28 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
29 Post Assessment 10 0.17
30 TBS Assessment 100 1.67
Total Time 4323 72.09
Select Transactions
Sr. No. Topic Name Minutes Hours
1 Revenue Recognition 245 4.08
2 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
3 Share-Based Payments 77 1.28
4 Post Assessment 5 0.08
5 TBS Assessment 100 1.67
6 Income Taxes 255 4.25
7 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
8 Accounting Changes and Error Corrections 155 2.58
9 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
10 Post Assessment 41 0.68
11 TBS Assessment 320 5.33
12 Business Combinations 341 5.68
13 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
14 Financial Instruments 230 3.83
15 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
16 Post Assessment 57 0.95
17 TBS Assessment 80 1.33
18 Foreign Currency Denominated Transactions 127 2.12
19 Foreign Currency Hedges 216 3.6
20 Conversion of Foreign Financial Statements 145 2.42
21 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
22 Leases 250 4.17
23 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
24 Not-for-Profit Organizations 227 3.78
25 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
26 Healthcare Organizations 57 0.95
27 Colleges and Universities 38 0.63
28 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
29 Post Assessment 73 1.22
30 TBS Assessment 180 3
Total Time 3579 59.66
State and Local Governments
Sr. No. Topic Name Minutes Hours
1 State and Local Government Concepts 574 9.57
2 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
3 Post Assessment 54 0.9
4 Format and Content of Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) 197 3.28
5 Adaptive Review 40 0.67
6 Interfund Transactions, Construction Projects, and Infrastructure 38 0.63
7 Long-Term Liabilities Other Than Bonded Debt 44 0.73
8 Terminology and Nonexchange Transactions 61 1.02
9 Special Items—Recent Developments 45 0.75
10 Post Assessment 27 0.45
11 TBS Assessment 80 1.33
Total Time 1200 20

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