Template Email Part 4

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Email 1

Dear A,
Are you fine these days? We haven't connected to
each other for a long time. Hope everything goes
well with you.
I have joined a/an ___ club for ___ months/years.
My club đề bài. Can you give me some ideas to
support/solve my club's problem/plan?
Lots of love,

Dear Mai,
Are you fine these days? We haven't connected to
each other for a long time. Hope everything goes well
with you.
I have joined an English club for 6 months. My club is
planning to hold 1 public meeting. The club would
like to organize and host this event. Can you give me
some ideas to support/solve my club's problem/plan?
Lots of love,
Email 2

Dear Sir A,
My name is ___. I have been a member of ___ club
for ___ months.
I am writing this email to express my feelings and
suggestions about the announcement/ notice that I
have just received from our club recently. According
to the news, our club ___. To be honest, I think the
plan/problem is cảm nhận 1 and felt cảm nhận 2
when I heard about it.
In my opinion, we should đề xuất 1, giải thích 1.
Besides,/Moreover,/ In addition, we need to đề xuất
2, giải thích 2. I hope that my suggestions are useful
for the club to keep members satisfied.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as
Best regards,
B. (cả họ và tên)

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