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Faculty of Engineering

Lebanese University
2022-2023 Spring

Modern Physics

Final Project
Quantum computing and machine learning future

Prepared by:

Ali MAKKA 6478

Mahdi ALLAW 6488

Mohammad KARAKI 6384

Submitted on 08/06/2023


Quantum Superposition:..........................................................................2

Quantum Entanglement:..........................................................................2

Quantum Interference:.............................................................................2

How Quantum Computing Works:...........................................................3

Quantum Computing Use Cases:..............................................................4

Quantum computing is here. No, not just as a far-off concept of the future, but right now in
the present. You've probably heard about quantum computers, but what exactly are they?
How do they work? And what could they mean for the future of technology? Quantum
computers are poised to revolutionize the way we solve complex problems and could lead to
massive improvements in fields like artificial intelligence, medicine, and more. Sounds like
science fiction, right? Actually, major tech companies like Google, IBM,
and Microsoft already have working quantum computers up and running. While still in their
infancy, quantum computers represent an exciting new frontier of computing that you'll want
to understand. This article will give you an overview of how quantum computers work, where
the technology currently stands, and what the future may hold as these strange new machines
continue to evolve. The quantum computing revolution is here – let's dive in and explore.

A qubit is the quantum analogue of a classical bit, the fundamental unit of information in
traditional computing. A classical bit can exist in one of two states: 0 or 1. Think of it as a
switch that can be either off (0) or on (1). However, a qubit can exist in a state corresponding
to 0, a state corresponding to 1, and states that are a superposition of both, thanks to a
quantum property called superposition.

To visualize this, picture a sphere where the north and south poles represent the classical
states of 0 and 1. Unlike a classical bit, which can be at either pole, a qubit can exist at any
point within this sphere, thereby representing a superposition of the 0 and 1 states. This
means that a qubit can, in some sense, represent 0 and 1 simultaneously, giving quantum
computers their computational prowess. A consequence of superposition is interference.
Qubit states can interfere with each other because each state is described by a probability
amplitude, just like the amplitudes of waves. Constructive interference enhances amplitude,
while destructive interference cancels out amplitude.

Quantum Superposition:
A quantum particle is used as a bit, also known as a qubit. It could be an electron, photon, or
any particle, but outer electrons in phosphorus atoms are frequently used. When the spin is up
it’s 1 and when the spin is down it’s 0. The spin can be controlled with an electromagnetic
field. The spin of electrons can be up, or down, and while we’re not observing, they can be up
and down at the same time. This is known as quantum superposition.

Quantum Entanglement:
In quantum mechanics, we use the property of entanglement. Two particles can be linked so
that no matter the distance, one particle always gives the same result as its other half. This
entanglement will manifest itself in the outcomes of measurements on these qubits. When
measured, these qubits will always capitulate 0 or 1 at random, but no matter how distant they
are from each other, they will consistently give the same result.

Quantum Interference:
Quantum interference is an outgrowth of superposition. It is a fundamental concept in
quantum mechanics that describes the behavior of quantum systems when they interact with
each other. In quantum mechanics, particles such as electrons and photons can behave as both
waves and particles and when they interact with other particles or waves, they can either
interfere constructively or destructively. Constructive interference is where the crest of one
wave meets the crest of another wave having the same frequency resulting in an amplitude
which is the sum of the two individual amplitudes. On the other hand, destructive interference
is when a range of one wave meets a trough of another wave, then the amplitude is equal to
the difference in the individual amplitudes.

How Quantum Computing Works:

Quantum computers tend to deal with instructions in a different way when compared to
classical computers. Traditional computers use binary bits whereas quantum computers

convey information through qubits. The qubits capability of being in superposition is the core
of quantum computing, as it displays a huge analytical power.

They harness an array of algorithms to perform various assessments and inferences. User
inputs are then accustomed by the computer to create a multifaceted space where patterns and
individual data points are stored. The physical construction of a quantum computer comprises
three parts. The first one is a classical computer with a framework that executes programming
by delivering commands to qubits. The next part is the transfer of signals from the computer
to qubits. Lastly, a repository is required for storing these qubits. This repository must
maintain the qubits in their constant form. This demands specific requirements that range
from needing to be near zero degrees or the housing of a vacuum chamber.

Qubits require huge sustenance as even a basic instruction can cause disturbance and result in
a loss of a quantum state. Not only small vibrations but slight temperature shifts will also
make the qubits decoher.

That’s why quantum computers are kept isolated, and the ones that run on superconducting
circuits — the most salient method, preferred by Google and IBM — have to be kept at near-
absolute zero (a cool -460 degrees Fahrenheit).

Quantum Computing Use Cases:
Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize certain types of computing and help
solve currently intractable problems. Here are a few of the most promising use cases for
quantum computing:

1. AI and Machine Learning:

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize AI and machine learning by

providing exponential speedup for certain types of calculations especially related to
optimization, which involves finding the best solution from a large set of possible
solutions. Quantum computing can provide exponential speedup for certain types of
optimization problems, which can enable us to find better solutions faster. Secondly,
quantum machine learning algorithms can be used to classify data more quickly than
classical algorithms. Additionally, quantum computing can be used to speed up the
training of machine learning models, which can help reduce the time required to
develop new AI application.

2. Computational Chemistry:

It is one of the most promising fields because of the ability of quantum computers to
exist in both values 1 and 0, concurrently. This could provide a great opportunity for
the machine to map molecules elaborately which could serve the purpose of
pharmaceutical research. Along with that, it can also improve the nitrogen-fixation
process for creating ammonia-based fertilizer; creating a room-temperature
superconductor; removing carbon dioxide for a better climate; and creating solid-state

3. Financial Services:

Application of quantum technology in this field will prove to be rewarding as it can

accomplish intricate computation and give a better solution in lesser development
time. Algorithmic trading is another possibility where complex algorithms are used to
automatically trigger share dealings by evaluating the market variables, which is
beneficial, especially for high-volume transactions

Quantum computing is a rapidly developing field that promises to reform computing and
solve some of the world’s most complex problems. The property of qubits allows quantum
computers to perform certain calculations exponentially faster than classical computers.

Despite the promise of quantum computing, there are still significant challenges that must be
overcome before it can be widely adopted. One of the biggest challenges is developing error-
correcting codes that can protect quantum information from the effects of noise and
decoherence. Another challenge is building quantum computers with enough qubits to solve
meaningful problems.

Overall, the field of quantum computing is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to
fundamentally transform computing and solve problems that are currently intractable with
classical computers. As research continues, we will likely see significant advancements in
both the theory and practical applications of quantum computing.

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