Hassan Written Exam-Project Officer (Food Assistance) - Wajid

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Project Officer (Food Assistance)-WajidTIME: 1.5 hours Marks: 50 24 th July 2022


Kindly before you start, the questions go through the following instructions
A. Respond to all question on this questionnaire provided without changing the template.
B. Observe the time indicated on the questionnaire and the 1.5 hours should be between
the time received and the time submitted. Late submission will not be considered.
C. Do not use any external sources of information (e.g. internet, written documents) in
completing the test.Any detection of cheating will be penalized
D. Please pay due attention to technical correctness, language and logical presentation.
E. Please do NOT include your name and refrain from making direct references to
yourself within your responses to the questions as the tests will be reviewed
F. Send the answered sheet back to Southern Somalia WV Recruitment Skype as soon
as the 1.5 hours end.

1. Are there specific protection needs of women, men, boys, and girls in the community that you
are currently working in? What are the risks for each group? (10 marks)

 To protect sanction against woman internees

 Protection of an expectant mother and mothers of young children
 General protection for expectant mothers
 General protection of mothers with small children
 Protection of foreigners
 Occupied territories
 Children who are orphaned or separated from their families
 Reunited of dispersed families
 Relief
 Protection of children against the effects of hostilities
 Education and national care
 They need food, shelter and education
 Special protection for women
 Special protection for children
General risk
 Persons of concern may be at risk of SGBV in many different settings ( at home, in
public places, on public transport, in the work place, at school, at aid distribution
 Perpetrator may be from the host or refugee/ IDP community from the humanitarian
community or in an official position

Project Officer (Food Assistance)-WajidTIME: 1.5 hours Marks: 50 24 th July 2022

 Although they are also communalities, SGBV related risks in camps may differ from
those in out of camp sitting e.g. in camp sittings, displaced people are at risk of SGBV at
aid distribution points
 Reputational risk faces
 The media may demand information on SGBV cases/ if survivors come forward, it may
put them at additional risk, particularly when the service in place cannot meet the
immediate support needs.

2. A How does Cash Transfer Programming differ from traditional in-kind support (5Pts)

 Programs objectives. Transfer amounts are often set in terms of gabs

 Fixed of variable transfers. The transfer amount can be the same for all recipients
 Frequency of transfer. The frequency of cash transfer should be based upon the
programs objectives and security for beneficiaries and staff
 Adjusting for inflation. The transfer amount can vary depending upon price fluctuation

3. What are some of the concerns or fears about Cash Transfer programming? (5Marks)

 Pre disaster. In preparation for a predictable shock or as part of a disaster risk

reduction programme
 Initial stages of a disaster. To meet immediate essential food, non food and income
needs and/ or protect/ re-establish livelihoods and provide shelter
 Recovery or transition period. To help re-establish/support livelihoods and/ or provide
shelter or short term labor opportunities for benefit of community
 Impermanent/ chronic crisis. To contribute to poverty alleviation/ shift from
humanitarian programming
 During conflict. To meet immediate needs and contribute to livelihoods support or
a. What measure can be done to address the above challenges? (5 marks)

 Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable HH without stipulation conditions or requiring their
labour, cash to be made available when the beneficiaries has done something
 Cash based on school attendance
 Cash for work
 Meeting multiple and different

4. a) List down five main performance indicators in food assistance programme?(5 marks)

 Measure. Every performance must have a measure is to have more than expressive
 Target. Every performance needs to have target that marches your measure and the
time period of your goal
 Data source. Every performance needs to have a clearly defined data source.

Project Officer (Food Assistance)-WajidTIME: 1.5 hours Marks: 50 24 th July 2022

 Reporting frequency. Different performance may have different reporting needs.

b.) When there is poor performance in the indicators listed above, outline the
potential risks and mitigation measures you will take to ensure the project is
within the acceptable standards(10 marks)

 Choose an appropriate mechanism

 Ensure that targeting is done
 Develop a good working relationship
 All agencies should develop and strictly follow
 Consider specific security risks

5. What is the difference between livelihood and Resilience and site cite practical examples
in each case(5 marks)

 Livelihoods. Means a source of securing the basic necessities,” food, water, shelter and
clothing” of life
 Resilience. Is the ability to prevent disaster and crisis, as well as to accommodate or recover
from them in a timely, efficiency and sustainable manner eg. Copying mechanism

6. Describe strategy you would use to sensitize community who are already vulnerable and food
insecure to form saving groups. Give practical examples in past work experience(5 Marks)

 Conducting community involvement meeting

 Doing stakeholder mapping
 Do extensive community mobilization and awareness
 Stablishment of project management committee
 Overall participation thus community based selection involvement of a community in the
selection process
 Selection of the project beneficiary
 Verification of the beneficiaries
 Registering the most vulnerable communities eg. Poor HH, female headed HH, Elder and under
five children’s, disabled people, child headed HH

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