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Part 1

3 chủ đề x 3-5 câu

Chủ đề 1: core (Work/study, Hometown, Accommodation)

Chủ đề 2+3: random

Part 2: Describe

Part 3:

Are you working or are you a student?

Actually, both. I’m a sophomore (sv năm 2) at UEB majoring in Business Administration. However, since
it’s summer break, I have a part-time job as a receptionist at a fitness center.

What do you like most about your study/job?

- I think the best thing about my study is how general my major is. When you study business
administration, you learn a little bit of everything related to business. For example, at school, I
learn about marketing, HR management, a bit about accounting. My favorite subject is
- As a receptionist, I get to talk with customers on a daily basis, which really improves my
communication skills. And that is probably what I like most about my job. I think that my job is
interesting yet demanding at the same time.

I’m studying in B&E, vacation => part-time job as a receptionist fitness center

It’s my dream short ansnswer => I want to become a business woman/ enjoy learn about B

Hesitation => communicate with ppl + learn many things about this job

Member => talk with me very much GRA => it’s very bad

Now I live alone in flat but /home is in HN have my parents and my brother, it’s a house

According to my window => the opposite flat. It’s a flat of my friend



Talk about dreams very reality and fantastic

P1: chủ đề

3 chủ đề x 3-5 câu

1 core topic: work/study – hometown – accommodation (nơi sống)

2 random topics:


1. Work/study
Q1: are you working or are you a student?
Currently, I’m working as an accountant at a consulting firm. My main responsibilities include
writing financial reports and managing company expenses. I love my job as I like working with
numbers and my coworkers are very friendly.
Q2: Is there anything you dislike about your job?
My least favorite thing about my job is the pay. To be honest, my salary isn’t enough for me to
make ends meet (xoay so cuoc song) in such a big city like HCM City. Actually, I’m looking for a
better-paying job at the moment.
Q3: Do you enjoy your job?
I love my job because I like working with numbers and my coworkers are very friendly. However,
my least favorite thing….
Q4: Why did you choose your job?
I chose (qk) this job because…. (I love these tasks because I get to (get to V = duoc lam gi) work
with a lot of data)
Q5: Describe the company you work for
As I mentioned, I work in a consulting firm located …. It’s a small company founded in 2016 with
around 10 employees. We mostly provide our clients with financial consulting services related
to tax and audit.
2. Hometown
Q1: Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Tay Ninh, which is a developing province located to the south of HCM
city. Tay Ninh is famous for many tourist attractions, such as Ba Den mountain and Dau Tien
lake. I visit my hometown once a week, usually at the weekend when I don’t have to go to work.

P2: 1p chuẩn bị + tự nói 2p

P3: hỏi dựa trên chủ đề của P2 (câu hỏi khó, vĩ mô, yêu cầu đưa ra nhận định, ý kiến, phân tích, etc.)

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