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Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the

government rather than private companies. To what extent do

you agree or disagree?
The government/state should establish/conduct and take control
of scientific studies rather than individual businesses. I
completely agree with this statement for several reasons
State-owned / private sector
Some people believe that governments should pay full course fees
for students who want to study in universities. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
It is believed that full course fee should be paid for students
having an interest in studying at university/ in pursuing higher
education by governments. Although I agree that providing free
university education/tertiary/higher edu can offer several
benefits, I believe that the drawback of such practice should not
be ignored.
Many people believe that tuition fees should be paid by authority
for students seeking to attend to study at university. Personally, I
partly agree with this idea for several reasons
Modern life brings a lot of pressure on people’s lives and reduces
the quality of their relationships. To what extent do you agree or
Many people believe that the new era and hectic lifestyle are the
main reason for stress and lower relationship standards. While I
agree with that idea to some extent, I believe that this will expand
friends and social networking circles.
Some people believe that governments should pay full course fees
for students who want to study in universities. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement?
It is believed that tuition fees should be paid for students having
an interest in attending universities by the state. Although I agree
that providing free higher education can offer several benefits, I
believe that the drawbacks of such practice should not be
B1: Advantages
P1: provide education opportunities for those in need
I1: students struggling financially: easier access to edu
E1: improve their later living standards / future career prospects
P2: ^ university enrolment
I2: many students are prevented/discouraged from joining due to
financial barriers
E2: graduates = skilled workforce => develop country.

Body 2: Disadvantages
P1: students: lack determination
I1: financial responsibility = motivation + Commitment
E2: completely free of this res => take their studies for granted
P2: burden gov’s budget + taxpayers
I2: funding drains state’s coffers => higher tax + lack funding for
other sectors
E2: unbalanced dev + dissatisfaction among taxpayers, esp those
who do not attend uni.

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