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Lab 8: Induction Magnet through a Coil

Name John Hafele Date 7/20/23

Lab Partner(s) Alexander Hernandez, Connor Pascual, Dylan Mandel

Laboratory Report

NOTE: Insert screenshots of each of the Voltage vs Time graphs. If needed, include additional pages,
or do your work on a separate sheet and insert a scanned copy or picture to your lab report. Clearly
explain your answers to each of the questions.


Table I Change in Magnetic Flux = N ΔΦ

First Pulse Second Pulse

(Vs) (Vs)
1 N down .0565V*S -0.0574V*S

2 S down -0.0564V*S 0.0569V*S

3 N down hi 0.0567V*S -0.0568V*S

4 N down low 0.0537V*S -0.0571V*S

Insert a screenshot of each of your Voltage vs Time graphs showing the area under the curve.
Lab 8: Induction Magnet through a Coil
Lab 8: Induction Magnet through a Coil
Lab 8: Induction Magnet through a Coil


1. On the graph, select the “N down” run. Why is the peak voltage higher on the 2nd
pulse thanon the 1st pulse?
The second voltage is higher on the second pulse rather than the first pulse because the
first pulse corresponds to the time when the magnetic field is increasing as entering and
the second pulse is as the magnet is leaving the coil or when the magnetic flux/field is
decreasing. In conclusion the change in the field is lower when the magnetic field is
increasing which is why we see a smaller spike in the first pulse compared to when it is
leaving with a higher pulse in the second flux.

2. Why is one pulse up and the other pulse down?

The first pulse is up because of the direction of the magnet. The magnet was dropped with the
north end down. As the north end dropped it was increasing in flux and the south end followed
it decreasing the field. This is all due to the properties of induced current which will flow in a
direction to oppose the outward motion of the magnet by attracting it. North end down gives a
positive while opposite end, south gives a negative.

3. Explain why the value for the magnitudes of the change in magnetic flux for
the “N down” and “S down”, and “N down hi” are all essentially equal.

The values for those magnitudes are essentially equal because they all have roughly the
same change in flux with the coil. Yes, they are dropped in 3 different ways but the
change in flux will remain the same in all 3 of the cases.

4. Select both the “N down” and “S down” runs. In terms of the magnetic flux, explain
why they are reversed.

In the case regarding the North down when the magnet enters the coil the field lines of the
magnet through the coil are following a downward path. This is the opposite regarding the
south down one because the field lines are in the upward direction. The direction of the
magnetic field lines passing through the coil reverses and so the sign of the magnetic flux
changes. Regarding magnetic flux these 2 trials are reversed of each other.

5. Select the “N down” and “N down hi” runs. Explain why they are different. Why
doesn’t this change the area under the curve?

The 2 are different because of the height the magnets were dropped. The height difference
causes a velocity difference. The n down high run had a larger average velocity than the n
down run. This did not change the flux with the coil, just the velocity.

6. Select the “N down” and “N down low” data. Explain the difference.

The difference between the N down and N down low trials is at the height at which they were
dropped. N drown was dropped at an average height compared to the capacitor rather than
N down low that was dropped as low on the capacitor as we could. The N down low spend
less time giving its magnetic field off compared to the prep that then down had.
Lab 8: Induction Magnet through a Coil


Lab 8 focuses on induction (magnet through a coil). In this lab we had a large focus on
Faraday’s Law of Induction. We will be seeing the total integrated flux as the magnet moves
through the coil. For this lab we used the equipment of an electronics lab, a voltage sensor, a bar
magnet, a backpack standing in for the no bounce pad, an 850 universal interface and a PASCO
capstone software. To start the lab, we followed the set-up procedures. I started by loading up the
computer in anticipation that it would take the longest to set up and the computer being slow to
turn on. I was right in guessing that the computer would be slow to turn on, so we set up the
electronics laboratory as the computer loaded up. We had trouble setting up the coil because
Connor could not roll the paper tight enough but got it eventually. As Alex and Connor finished
setting up the electronics lab, I set up the PASCO interface on the computer. The interface was
easy to set up so after setting it up we were ready to start the lab.
Starting the lab and going through the procedure was very straight forward. Four drops of the
magnet were recorded in the configurations of North down, north down low, north down high, and
south down. Each of these drops had corresponding graphs which were recorded and saved in the
PASCO interface. Our graphs the first time all showed 1 very large peak and another peak but was
very small and both in the same direction. It was at this point we realized we had messed up. We
found that our mistake was that the wires plugged into the interface were switched. After
switching the wires, we were able to redo the procedure steps and the drops and get accurate
readings. We saved these readings and have done the analysis of them.
Starting to analyze our data we found both similarities and differences. Except for negative
and positive signs, we found our data showed very similar areas and peaks. They would change of
course regarding which end of the magnet was dropped, this would change the direction of the
flow of the magnetic field. We found that the velocity at which the magnet is dropped from did not
change the pulses, just the speed. Walking out of this lab I can say that I am able to understand
induction and the principles of it. In everyday life we can see induction in items like electric
generators and electric transformers. Electric generators use induction to change kinetic energy to
electrical energy. They can produce and provide energy to power plants. Electric transformers use
induction to change the overall voltage of electric current, they can also increase and decrease

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