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Building Meaning Example


oste/o bone osteitis, osteoma, osteocyte


chondr/o cartilage chondritis, chondroma, chondrocyte


arthr/o joint arthritis, arthroplasty


myel/o bone marrow myeloma 骨髓瘤 /ˌmaɪəˈləʊmə/

ten/o, tendon (binds muscle to tendonitis 肌腱炎

tendin/o bone) tenorrhaphy /tɪˈnɒrəfɪ/肌腱吻合

ligament/o ligament (binds bone to ligamentous injury

韧带 bone) (连接骨与骨) 韧带损伤

burs/o bursa, “bag”, (shock absorber bursitis(肌腱和骨骼之间的减震器)囊炎

between tendons and bones)

my/o, muscle myoma, /maɪˈəʊmə/肌瘤

myos/o myositis /ˌmaɪəˈsaɪtɪs/肌炎

-malacia softening osteomalacia, chondromalacia

骨软化症, 软骨软化症

-porosis porous 多孔的 osteoporosis 骨质疏松症

-asthenia weakness, loss of strength myasthenia gravis 重症肌无力

-trophy development, atrophy (shriveling of muscles) 肌萎缩

stimulation, hypertrophy  (increase in size and strength of
maintenance muscles) 肥大(肌肉的大小和力量增加)

-algia, pain myalgia, /maɪˈældʒə/疼痛肌痛

/ældʒə/ arthralgia /ɑːˈθrældʒə/,关节痛
algesia analgesia /ˌænəlˈdʒiːziə/失痛症
/ælˈdʒiːzɪə/ nostalgia/nɒˈstældʒə/怀旧

Building Meaning Example


rhin/o nose rhinitis, /raɪˈnaɪtɪs/鼻炎

rhinorrhea /ˈraɪnərɪə/ (inflammation of and “runny” nose),

laryng/o larynx, laryngotomy, /ˌlærɪŋˈɡɒtəmi/喉切开术

“voice box” laryngectomy (cutting into, surgically removing the
喉/咽喉/喉部 larynx),喉切除术(切开,手术切除喉头)
Adam’s apple

trche/o   trachea, tracheotomy, /ˌtrækiˈɒtəmi/气管切开术

气管 “windpipe” tracheostomy /ˌtreɪkɪˈɒstəmi/ (temporary and permanent
气管 openings),气管造口术(临时和永久开口)

bronch/o lung air bronchoscopy /ˈbrɒŋkəˌskəʊpi/

支气管 passageways (looking into the bronchi) 支气管镜检查(支气管内)

pne/u, - breath, air, lung tachypnea, /ˌtækɪpˈnɪə/呼吸急促

pnea dyspnea /dɪsˈpniːə/,呼吸困难
apnea /æpˈnɪə/ (accelerated, difficult/painful, cessation of
breathing) 呼吸暂停

pulmo/o lung pulmonary artery 肺动脉/肺脏

-ptysis spitting hemoptysis /hiːˈmɒptɪsɪs/咳血

(coughing) (spitting or coughing up blood from lungs)

-plasty reconstruction rhinoplasty /ˈraɪnəʊˌplæsti/ (surgical reconstruction of nose)

Word roots for organs

Building block Meaning Example

stomato mouth stomatitis /ˌstəʊməˈtaɪtɪs/口腔炎

dento teeth dentist /ˈdentɪst/  牙科医生

glosso/linguo tongue glossitis /ɡlɒˈsaɪtɪs/舌炎,

lingual nerve 舌神经

gingivo gums gingivitis /ˌdʒɪndʒɪˈvaɪtɪs/齿龈炎

encephalo brain encephalitis /enˌsefəˈlaɪtɪs/  脑炎

gastro stomach gastritis /ɡæˈstraɪtɪs/胃炎

entero intestine gastroenteritis /ˌɡæstrəʊˌentəˈraɪtɪs/肠胃炎

colo large intestine colitis /kəˈlaɪtɪs/肠炎

megacolon /ˌmeɡəˈkəʊlən/巨结肠

procto anus/rectum proctitis /prɒkˈtaɪtɪs/,  直肠炎

proctologist 直肠科医生

hepato liver hepatitis, /ˌhepəˈtaɪtɪs/肝炎

hepatomegaly /ˌhepətəʊˈmeɡəli/肝肿大

nephro/rene kidney nephrosis /nɪˈfrəʊsɪs/肾病,

renal /'riːn(ə)l/ artery 肾动脉

orchido testis orchiditis/ɔːkɪˈdaɪtɪs/ n. 睾丸炎

orchidectomy /ˌɔrkɪˈdektəmi/
n. 睾丸切除术(= orchiectomy)

oophoro ovary oophorectomy /,əuəfə'rektəmi/

n. [妇产] 卵巢切除术

hystero/metro 子宫 uterus/ˈjuːtərəs/ hysterectomy,/ˌhɪstəˈrektəmi/子宫切除术

子宫 endometritis /ˌendəʊmɪˈtraɪtɪs/子宫内膜炎
salpingo 输卵管 uterine tubes hysterosalpingogram 子宫输卵管造影片

dermo skin dermatitis /ˌdɜːməˈtaɪtɪs/  皮炎

masto/mammo breast mammography /mæˈmɒɡrəfi/,乳房 x 光检查

mastectomy /mæˈstektəmi/乳房切除术

osteo bones osteoporosis /ˌɒstiəʊpəˈrəʊsɪs/骨质疏松

cardio heart electrocardiogram (ECG) 心电图


cysto bladder cystitis /sɪˈstaɪtɪs/膀胱炎

rhino nose rhinitis /raɪˈnaɪtɪs/鼻炎(runny nose!)

phlebo/veno veins phlebitis /fləˈbaɪtɪs/静脉炎,

phlebotomy /fləˈbɒtəmi/  静脉切开术 

pneumo/pulmo lung pneumonitis /ˌnjuːməʊˈnaɪtɪs/  肺炎,

pulmonologist 胸腔科医师

hemo/emia blood hematologist

anemia /əˈniːmiə/贫血

Building Meaning Example


-itis 炎 inflammation tonsillitis, appendicitis

-osis abnormal cyanosis (of blueness, due to cold or low oxygen) /ˌsaɪə
病态,病症 condition ˈnəʊsɪs/【医学】发绀,青紫

-ectomy to cut out appendectomy /ˌæpenˈdektəmi/阑尾切除术,

(remove) tonsillectomy /ˌtɒnsəˈlektəmi/ 扁桃腺切除术

-otomy to cut into tracheotomy (to cut into the windpipe,

temporary opening) /ˌtrækiˈɒtəmi/气管切开术

-ostomy to make a colostomy (to make a permanent opening in colon)

造口术 “mouth” /kəˈlɒstəmi/n. 结肠造口术
a/an without, none anemia (literally no blood but means few red cells)
/əˈniːmiə/n. 贫血;贫血症

micro small microstomia (abnormally small mouth)

[口腔] 小口/小口畸形/小嘴

macro large macrostomia (abnormally large mouth)

/ˌmækrəˈstəʊmɪə/大口畸形 /巨口 /大嘴 /颊横裂

mega/ enlarged megacolon (abnormally large colon = large intestine)

-megaly /ˌmeɡəˈkəʊlən/巨结肠

-scopy/ to look, colonoscopy /ˌkəʊləˈnɒskəpi/结肠镜检查

scopic observe

-graphy/ recording mammography (imaging the breasts) /mæˈmɑːɡrəfi/n. 乳房

graph an image X 线照相术

-gram the image (X- mammogram /ˈmæməɡræm/乳房 X 线照片



Building Meaning Example


leuk/o white leukemia (overabundance of white blood cells)

/lu:ˈki:mɪə/ [内科][肿瘤] 白血病

melan/o black melanoma (black tumor of the skin)


cyan/o blue cyanosis (blueness may be due to cold or not enough oxygen in
blood) /ˌsaɪəˈnəʊsɪs/【医学】发绀,青紫

xanth/o yellow xanthoma (yellow tumor)

/zænˈθəʊmə/ [医] 黄瘤;黄色瘤;黄疣(一种皮肤病)
aden/o gland  腺 adenoma /ˌædɪˈnəʊmə/ [肿瘤] 腺瘤

lip/o fat lipoma /lɪˈpəʊmə/ [肿瘤] 脂肪瘤

my/o muscle myoma

/maɪˈəʊmə/ [肿瘤] 肌瘤

lymph/o lymph tissue lymphoma /lɪmˈfəʊmə/  [肿瘤] 淋巴瘤

carcin/o malignant carcinoma /ˌkɑːsɪˈnəʊmə/ n. [肿瘤] 癌

osteo/o bone osteoma /ˌɒstɪˈəʊmə/  [肿瘤] 骨瘤;脑壳瘤

endo = within, inside of endoscopy (to inspect the inside of an organ or space with a
lighted instrument)
/enˈdɒskəpi/ n.  [临床] 内窥镜检查;内视镜检查法;内

peri = around perianal (around the anus)

/perɪˈeɪnəl/ adj. 肛周的

circum = around circumcise (cut around)

/ˈsɜːkəmsaɪz/ vt. 割包皮;割除阴蒂;除去邪念

retro = behind retrosternal (behind the breastbone)

/,retrəu'stə:nəl/ adj. 胸骨后的

epi = upon, on top epidermis (the top or outermost layer of skin) /ˌepɪˈdɜːmɪs/
n. 上皮,表皮

trans = through transurethral (through the urinary exit duct) /ˌtrænzjʊə

ˈriθrəl/ adj. 经尿道的

intra = within intravenous (inside the veins, e.g. IV fluids) /ˌɪntrəˈviːnəs/

adj. 静脉内的

sub = below subclavian (below the clavicle = collar bone) /sʌbˈkleɪviən/

adj. 锁骨下的;锁骨下动脉的;锁骨下神经的;

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