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1. What is software? Explain the characteristics of software.

2. Explain software development life cycle (SDLC) with the help of diagram

3. Define software engineering and its layer with the help of diagram.

4. Write a short note on

1] RAD Model 2] Time Box Model

5. What are functional and non-functional requirements of software?

6. Explain the three phases in SCRUM for agile project management.

7. Describe the different stages of system engineering process.

8. Explain the importance of system dependability and the causes of failure in system

9. Explain the legacy system in socio technical system that continues to provide essential

10. Describe the different stages of system engineering process.

11.Explain the essential characteristics of socio technical system.

12.Define and explain the two types of emergent properties.

13. Explain context diagram and its components of data flow diagram (DFD) with the help of

14.Explain legacy system categories and its assessment with the help of example.

15.Explain the classification of the software requirements.

16.What are the components of software process? Explain.

17.Explain the structure of software requirement document.

18.Write short note on spiral model.

19. State and explain the emergent systems properties with example.

20. Explain the simple critical system with suitable example.

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