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hall1 eompase th e

to a oummase's Day papergrid

hal aompaMe thoe to a
Summox'a Do
Tho onnc hall a omp.asuo thoco
lto a Summe9u9Da
mumhe{_A8 in
the soquOneo and t & Addto230d
to thepoc
oun fsueond P t 6 batl os tO by_paRg
the poblam eontauing) n the dantiti
of the Paso yocthalthc sonndts and e
0n &Lda th poohA Os Saanol
QelugLrelap s-n0eting? daeamatiting
Shakogp00o0 $ pg93.Onalsudlatitanghip wlth a
LOunguëh ond handsdnme aa pabiaon_ulha.
Scuppas0d to be tha fa fasul a
Soulthouptan lho pnom ihost apnoieatod
a a lySt'e pacn uttecung) uniueaLAaL
goultmnt3. Dt Lg a 3Lnatue med kateen
n tmo_and lAo ntau sieneg and
peomanLnel_a beauty) and aol, Pau ndshp

lhopa@m stats mith a intecL0gation

nhcotohako 3pdaLO addsue R80 8 tho undplantio'e
LTend eoniietuoced to kaye youthil
tgatety and ehaoutng glon at Lto AMn.0os
aLdLdatod to
ay to whrah thd pod
leonmbao0 hes 'sudAnd and palLON
kathosu khan
tho twOtyp Paug houMR dayp
thaotuo/h Bamoeazitoe3 ntaoupocott
th 0 n30M
E a3 SC0.2.0n i e h_waiid
smmeN0LQLated magooy
n the_
tho soeouno lino_3 a
a the poom he
au0 negative
nogat g103.pons of tho
kind a
Lntouagatiói psLpoLeadd in the yeop Co
lcmeof the sonno he LallowEng-th9400
in tho
tne3 af tho quatoaln_elaboatco
0nd al&o
bo antp of tao \ a t h the pnutatean_.
n g i p l o o fof ae fea9

tho bo auty?
Dumm093 day eald holp_ us tO
to V3uali20 a pasurod na
blOLom_ond iho 908u Llaneas fgLangeAneO
ghie h iz tall
-ful th0n: Thoealoual
app0 asLaneo 0u
nnatug0 Ho Mot only moo Layelip bu
0 ICmbasLato that t ' to bo say_ma and
qLabio fi mpaocatuoe cs saa3on Medhoauty #
l d then dt wll_yanizh _quekly thah thL-
othao b0 ALutL Pul thingg_tStummeM_
Poot Poaua thoat as the SummoM.

atnlacl ho boaaty2'a hig Lsuuona _ike ho summa

m a yoas l l ho tuomol PleLLn and
touadaitosLp llo hag usaH voup oeontly2
Lasuge 00gtteor_as a legal motapho LO halp_
0de undosLatand tnat the temo alotod t0
SMImO9 n a yoa9( d3 vo9LY 809t aL a contekae tual
aaLg OMon Ihoyoxt duatSLaLn_leadz tho eados
aganto study2 tha Aummo the blazing Sun
Gho noon de houL andbourghinezs LgiD
Eee-atatt e tho scuN _wull
Con_b¢_dmmodeühe by th elaudy weath0
AMd otlon
O9 b Tho app0LOa@hin Sn3
n hi gald ebmplentodmmd Gnd the oue8ult
thegoradaal dimming ol The SunlighT hteh-
cnTlcp _CnL28ed n the vOB "And
doeltnas3" ha_
eYO arq faoum M 50mottme
LOpoYLLon_a a ma yy ineklalhy2 eamge
a ltle hi ot ontaiing Whonthe A u t Y
ar s takon to maan ¢aeh failem_and
t h s l e oundaia SEand Lo9
the total ta
lakon_in thiz a the 4c0pok Lonre
only gudo ug to tho Atuno Vton _ot
winod, douhd up and dmnLIhod ald ag0

hteh 3 the gL03ulE_ctpasunodie

ot tho 0aeh_fom otf disItueti
hiehe0laA eantsuhutld fo tho tatal
OsthoteafuLAlueo Ahis u0deustton_ot
bacLtLmak plae0 by implo
matudal Law ho nly way op.ratoe
th othLal gLnw s¥o boVaELulely
d'wauo_a tho cuttuLa0Lllp3 e tho_
bo acty and the 0ntnuaLg 0aul af_man
to ednt 8ct the olepoundlation aauaLd hy
he ten_at the tido the
theLgh poLOe oRg _Nhie h tnOth0i_Sonnt
Shako 3beaee eome8 the theutecnt
and feuutth nth lno and thal is hy
hakogpaao 3 alenLplets auey094lp
|RmpoLtaNÍ) app eaL3 unusally n the
oenoth n e t h s a n n a t dhith
toehnue allty the PetLaehan tuuN O

Tnthe thisud 4uctauain Shakagpe

acuqcmOnt_Of the
aLO e 0LntoL8 tha
p9rpvtOu th0 4tua l9uaing with
He is vcsLe0nLed0nI that ki Pouiond
otË tho shhada M iau0g Omang
nat be oho No
ndostbla0Lld A a d o *
in A PQLto wand09T in_hix
Shdil de2th p_botng thaLL
30080n foa ai? pLALLd doelasattm
Shado ho
thesolutton that ho nens_ha eohaLVOd
is wo9LLa Whon_in_
and alfouod the
a tAog9cOn"at
at cgun al lomes th tim
ndeed hakogpcaxe ig aonlrdLni ahout
_eo a h sannOt3 hiheeh
n utilut

faend feom dog touLelteon fHe

his S0 lonpmn

l be ablo to Soo_and baoatho his pao m3

_ouLT _an tho WOULa and an eva S88LO
o gondng th0 S0nNoR_on futuso ho ho0auty
f hog fobnd
023on_ot 94OadL'ng
theg phomquauanteo y t
KOBuoLOLoefLón_ at fhb_hoauAp_at Shakezp020E
DatLan feuw'ond

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