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2021-2020 ‫العام الدراسي‬ ‫إمتحان السعي األول‬ ‫ثانوية صور الرسمية المختلطة‬

‫ دقيقه‬40 :‫المدة‬ ‫ طبيعيات‬:‫المادة‬ 1224 ‫رقم الثانوية في مركز البحوث‬

‫صور‬: .‫قضاء‬ ‫ الجنوب‬:‫المحافظة‬
‫ رائـــد معنّــا‬:‫معد المسابقة‬ 20:‫العالمة القصوى‬ ‫ السابع المجموعه‬:‫الصف‬

Question 1- (10pts) 20min

Mohammad cultivated a plant inside his room. He watered it daily, but the plant started to wilt after a short
time. He was asking himself: why the plant wilted? His friend Hasan visited him once & he supposed that
the plant needs sunlight to survive.
a- Pick out the posed problem………....…………………………………………………………………………..
b- Pick out the hypothesis studied...……………………………………………………………………………….
To solve the problem, Mohammad & Hasan prepared the following experiments in two plants A & B.
To verify hypothesis, they conducted the following experiment:

c- Indicate the variable factor………………..……………………………………………………………………

d- Compare the results obtained for plant A to those obtained for plant B after 15 days.
e- What can you conclude about the hypothesis formulated by Hasan right? …………….….………………….
Mohammad took some leaves from plant B and measured the amount of
starch produced during 15 days; the results are shown in the given graph. Starch Produced (mg).
f- Analyze the adjacent graph. 30
…………………………………………………….………………..……. 20
……………………………………………………………………..…….. 10
……………………………………………………………………..…….. Days
……………………………………………………………..……..……… 5 10 15
g- Name the process of production of starch.……………………………
h- Draw a table that shows the variation of the starch produced (mg) in plant B as a function of time (days).
Question 2- (5pts) 10min
In order to know if chlorophyll is needed for the plant to produce starch, we
bring multicolored geranium leaf that contains a chlorophyllic part & non
chlorophyllic part, and then we make iodine test to detect the presence of the
starch which gives dark blue color after adding iodine solution.
a. Pick out the objective of this experiment.
b. Pick out the work of iodine solution?
c. Indicate that part that produces starch? Justify your answer.
d. What can you conclude about the importance of chlorophyll?

Question 3- (5pts) 10min

In order to identify the structures of the green plant that are responsible for the absorption of water from the
soil, we conduct the following experiment:
-Placing root & root hair of plant A in water.
-Cutting root hair of plant B & placing its root only in water.
a- Pick out the variable factor in the experiment.
b-Analyze the experiments done in tubes A & B.
d- Derive a conclusion.
e- List any 2 needs for the green plants to grow up.
Solution 7
Question -1 (10pts)
a- Why the plant wilted? (1pt)
b- Hypothesis: The plant needs sunlight to survive. (1pt)
c- Sunlight. (1pt)
d- The wheat seedling plant A became yellow & not well developed, while the wheat seedling
B became green & well developed. (1pt)
e- Plant needs sunlight in order to grow. (1pt)
f- As time increases from 5 to 15 days, the amount of starch produced increases from 10 to 30
mg. (1pt)
g- Photosynthesis. (1pt)
h- Title: the variation of the starch produced (mg) as a Time (days) 5 10 15
function of time (days). (1pt) Table (2pts) Starch produced (mg) 10 20 30
every correct point 0.5 ruler 0.5

Question 2- (5pts) 20min

a-To know if chlorophyll is needed for the plant to produce starch. (1pt)
b-To detect the presence of the starch. (1pt)
c-Green part (1pt) because it became dark blue with iodine test. (1pt)
d-chlorophyll is needed for the plant to produce starch(1pt)

Question 3- (5pts)
a-Root hairs (0.5pt)
b-The plant in A grows up when the root and root hairs are placed in water (1pt)
while (0.5pt)
the plant wilts in B when the root hairs were cut and the root alone was placed in water. (1pt)
c-Root hair is responsible for absorption of water. (1pt)
e- Water Minerals CO2 light Chlorophyll ( 2 of them ) each 0.5pt (1pt)

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