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Useful Information for the

Exam Preparation (IELTS) assignment

Before you begin, look back at the following units:
Unit 2 – This will help with the structure and content of the Academic Exam plus the marking
criteria. It is important that your students are aware of these areas too.
Units 3-6 – Once you’ve chosen your two skills, review these pages to refresh your mind with the
types of activities and strategies to include in your lesson.
Unit 7 – This will help you to pitch the language in your materials to the right level.
Unit 8 – Here, you will see ideas on how to structure your lesson and incorporate strategies to best
prepare your student for the exam.

5 Top Tips:
1. Analyse the class summary carefully; this will help you to figure out what skills need to be
worked on as a class.
2. You are responsible for the research for this lesson, so, when deciding what to cover, consider
what will work best for the class that has been described: a group of 6 students who are
preparing for the IELTS Academic test. You may find it helpful to use past papers from here.
3. Remember that you have been teaching these students for 3 weeks already (lessons are twice a
week), so there is no need to do any diagnostics or needs analysis.
4. Cover exam preparation for two skills in the 60 minutes – not just one. Remember to include
pre-, while-, and post- stages, e.g. pre-speaking, while-speaking, post-speaking, for both skills.
5. Remember to teach and not just test, i.e., don’t just give your students a past paper without any
support. Guide them through how to approach the tasks and ensure you teach relevant
strategies to help them succeed, e.g., underlining key words or helping them know what to do if
they don’t understand the meaning of a word during the exam. The course is filled with ideas on
how to do this.

Submission information
Submitting your work: Your work will be marked within seven days of submission. Please be patient;
we mark as quickly as we can.

If you pass: You will receive feedback from a tutor and confirmation that you have passed the
assignment. You will then be able to move onto the next unit of your course.

If you don't pass: If you do not meet the criteria for any part of the assignment, your tutor will
contact you with feedback. You will then need to make the required changes to your work and
resubmit it through the system. It is possible to submit the assignment up to a maximum of three
times if required.

Assignment Feedback: The assignment is graded by a tutor against fourteen criteria. If you do not
meet one of the fourteen criteria, you will receive feedback explaining the changes you need to
make. You will then need to resubmit your work through the system.

When you receive your feedback, your tutor will put a cross [x] next to the criteria you have met.
Only make changes to the criteria that you have not met. If the box has an [x] in it, you will not need
to make changes. Make sure you read the comments given by your tutor and not just the criteria.
Important: Please consider the possibility of needing to resubmit when planning your time. Don't
wait until the very last moment to submit your assignment; if you do and you have to resubmit, you
will need to purchase an extension.

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