Reaction Paper (Maam Libranda)

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School of Graduate Studies

Sorsogon City

Subject : PA 505 Organization and Management

Semester : 1st Semester, AY: 2022-2023
Professor : Dr. Librada H. Esplana
Student: Levy A. Ebid

Reaction Paper
(Coping Changes in the Workplace reported by Riza Dogillo and Serilene Buelo)

During the repot of Ms. Riza Dogillo regarding the company culture inside an
office it intrigues me what example or relate experiences they would give. Cause for me
company cultures (Bad or good) all employees have experienced it. Company culture is
the shared belief system and set of values that the employees of an organization hold
together. Some organizations may have theirs formalized, but many companies,
especially smaller ones, will not have their culture documented. Netflix, for example, has
a dedicated “Culture” section of their careers site that describes what values and
behaviors they expect employees to practice. Shifts in company ownership, trends in
worker expectations, and decisions from investors or parent companies may spark
changes in a company’s culture. I agree on what Ms. Dogillo that as am employee we
should not let toxic Environment affect our Leadership, we must learn how to adapt and
cope up with this culture in order for us to lead the organization Effective and Efficient.

They also discussed how Technologies changes our daily routine inside the
company. we’re all familiar with how the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to
digitize many of their processes, including sales outreach. New innovations like 5G are
now being adopted by more organizations—even by older industries like insurance! The
increased use of technology in organizations also allows for more automation, which
can mean a significant change to human workloads. Changes in technology can impact
employee training to learn the new technology, hiring practices to seek out those with
more advanced skills, or possibly even team staffing to reduce the number of
employees on certain teams Advancement in technology has obviously had a significant
impact on every aspect of modern life. Almost every industry has been affected by
these changes. To be precise, the modern technology plays a big role in keeping things
on track. Technology that powers all industries is constantly evolving. It is more likely
that in the days to come, your business is going to face a challenge that can strike fear
into the hearts of those in the business including the management department. The
challenge is implementing a new technology in the workplace. Whether you are in
shipping and delivery business, hospitality industry, running a reservation system that
provide bed and breakfast, running an import and export business or are establishing a
new technology firm, technology change management can be quite a daunting task.
Obviously, if you make changes to a system or part of or an entire procedure without an
oversight, chances are high that your change implementations will fail.

I loved how Ms. Buelo and Ms. Riza dIscussed the topic. They Give realistic
Example on each Topic, and im sure the class enjoyed it since every one experienced
it. I like how the class shared each one’s experienced and tell us how they manage to
overcome the toxity inside an Organization.

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