Student's Sexual Identity Based On Interest, Style and Behavior - Group 3

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Reviewing a R U

Journal Article
Member Introduction
Cindy Regina Mailangkay Fani Fadhila
(20190701202) (20190701235)

Jihan Chaidir Bayasut Liestyorini Dwi Pratiwi

(20190701031) (20190502253)

Muhammad Rezza Kusuma Rachma Raudah

(20190701096) (20200701188)

Wulan Ramadhini
Student’s Sexual Identity
Based on Interest, Style
and Behavior
Table of Contents
01. Basic Information 02. Abstract

03. Introduction/Back 04. Literature review

05. Methodology 06. Result

07. 08. Concluding

There are several authors of this journal:
Neviyarni, Netrawati, Riska Ahmad, and Wiwi

Title of journal :Student’s Sexual Identity Based

on Interest, Style and Behavior

Statement of the problem or issue discussed: the

issue discussed by the authors is sexual identity

This article is aimed to define the sexual identity

of students based on behavior, style and interest.
Research Area : Counseling and

Volume 04 Number 01 2020

The number of pages in this

journal is 4 pages

In obtaining the data used in

this study is descriptive with a
quantitative approach.
This article is aimed to define
the sexual identity of
students based on behavior,
style and interest.

Based on the result of the study, the

tendency of students sexual identity
average is in the heterosexual category,
which means the students who have
heterosexual identity is the normal sexual
identity based on
the sex they have.
Is the title of the article appropriate and clear?

From the descriptive technique carried out by the researcher, it

was found that students generally tend to identify their sexual
identity as heterosexual based on interests, behavior, and style
What information is included in the abstract?

Information that can be obtained from the

abstract is how a person gets the right
sexual identity based on behavior, style and
Is the abstract specific, representative of the
article, and in the correct form?

Yes, it can be said that it is specific because the methodology

and the results of the research are in accordance with the
Overall evaluation about the abstract

The tendency of the average student's sexual

identity to be in the heterosexual category,
meaning that students who have a
heterosexual identity are normal sexual
identities based on their gender.
03. Introduction/
Is the purpose of the article In this journal, the author made it very
01 made clear in the introduction? clear about the purpose why they making
this journal

The main statement of the problem in this

What is the main statement of journal is about determining the sexual identity
02 the problem? toward college students based on their
behavior, style, and interest
What is the background
The background information on the problem in
information on the problem? Is
03 it clearly and logically
this journal is that the maladjustment of
sexual identity owned by individual
What is the educational
Is to acknowledge that the maladjustment
04 significance
of the problem
of sexual identity of a person

The overall evaluation about the introduction in

Overall evaluation of the this journal is the author providing enough
05 introduction section information about the problem they addressing
to in this journal
Yes, it is, because the journal not only talk about
Is the review
1 perception,journal also talk about the religion,and
experiencing abuse in childhood, and the impact from
the society if the person decides to LGBTQ.

According to eser & Çeliköz that sexual identity is the

2 The main Theory
perception of individual and acceptance of body and
him/herself in certain sexuality, and the organization is
based on the emotion and behavior (Eser & Çeliköz, 2009).

Based on the theory, the theory support what the

Does the research aim to
3 research talks about the journal. It depends of the
support/refute/extend the
what person think about what they are.
current theory?

Are all cited references All the citation on this journal is relevant to what the
4 relevant to the problem journal talks about
under investigation
5 We couldn’t find the hypotheses, because the writer
doesn’t write any hypotheses

Have the references been Based on research from the study of Irawan entitled “Iam gay”
6 critically analysed and the results background of how someone could be a gay), reveal the result
of various studies compared, i.e., that the background of it are: (1) not getting sexual
is the review more than a series satisfaction from the opposite sex, so that the person tries to
of summaries or descriptions ? be homosexual (gay), (2) experiencing abuse in childhood,

Overall evaluation of the Overall of the literature review of the journal is really
Literature Review section great, interesting.
What type of research In attaining the data, descriptive
research with quantitative approach
01 methodology is used?
was used.

Do you think is it
The author has identified data from a
02 appropriate ? Explain your
number of people who have been

This research used is a descriptive. The

descriptive method is :
● Describing
03 What is the research design ● Researching
? ● Explaining something that is learned
as it is
● Drawing conclusions from phenomena
that can be observed using numbers
04 ● Identification
Describe the steps / Procedure ? ● Observe
● Collecting Data

Research techniques in this study

05 using technique multistage random
Describe the sample / object of research

06 The instrument utilized is sexual

What research instrument / tools are used ? identity scale with guttman model

07 The method used in this journal is

Overall evaluation of the method section appropriate, so that data is collected
from what has been researched
06. Result/
What are the main The result of the study points out that the
01 results/findings? maladjustment of sexual identity from
individual will give bad effect for life.

Are the hypotheses tested?

02 Are they
supported or In this journal, no hypotheses were tested.

The results presented are incomplete

Are the results clearly because there are no tested hypotheses and
03 presented? no explanation regarding the validity and
reliability of a measurement
Are the tables and figures (if
In this journal there are tables that are well
04 any) well organized and easy to
understand? organized and easily understood by readers

Are the data in each table and In this journal, tables are explained in detail
05 figure described in the text? so that readers can understand the meaning
of these tables
Based on the result of sexual identity
data of students there were 385 whom
were the respondents of the
study, it can be seen from the students
sexual identity profile in table 1
Table. 1
Students Sexual Identity Based on
Behavior, Interest and Style
This research uses a quantitative approach
with a descriptive type. For measurement, this
study used the Gutman model of Sexual
Identity scale. The results of this test can be
Overall evaluation about the seen from the table which shows that
06 Results section! heterosexual based on style indicators is
greater than the indicators of behavior and
interests. Basically students have a normal
sexual identity who are attracted to the
opposite sex (heterosexual).
07. Discussion
Is each result discussed in terms of the In the journal that we use the author
1 original hypothesis to which it relates? does not write down the hypothesis.

In this jurnal the writer has tell us,if the The person who become
Is each result discussed in terms of its lgbt it’s because when they child they have a bad experience or get
2 agreement or disagreement with some child abusive. The researcher stated if a child grows with the
proper way and given religious education earlier, an individual will
previous results be avoided from sexual identity disorder that is homosexual/ LGBT
(Yanuarti, 2019)

The limitations of the journal used are the lack of

What is/are the limitation(s) of the
3 present research?
discussion of the methods used and the
hypotheses that are not included

In order that an individual is able to identify the sexual identity well

(heterosexual), parents should give sex education in the early age for children. It is
Are theoretical and practical based on the research done by Wahyuni (Wahyuni, 2009) with the title “The Role of
4 implications of the findings discuss?
Parents in Sex Education for Children to anticipate LGBT”, The research describes
that parents have a very big role in giving sex education in the early age for
children in preventing LGBT as the wrong sexual orientation which is by explaining
sex problems completely to the children and parents also watch the kids about sex

For further research, it can include

What are the recommendations for
5 future research?
hypotheses in research and also to clarify
research methods
08. Concluding
The conclusion from this journal is this research important to be
conducted because from this research can help people to analyze the
right sexual identities and it is useful to recognize people who
interested the opposite sex.

Based on the result of the study, the tendency of students sexual

identity average is in the heterosexual category, which means the
students who have heterosexual identity is the normal sexual identity
based on the sex they have.

The preventive effort given is by giving counseling service by developing

the purpose of life from a person based on the value and norm.
Meanwhile, for individual who has homosexual identity, homosexual can
be applied by doing counseling approach in form of Cognitive Behavior
In this journal, the writer using qualitative approach with descriptive type.
The populations of the research were students of Universitas Negeri
Padang 2017 and 2018 generation in amount of 15.752, and sample counted
were 385 students.

To collecting the population of the research, they use multistage random

sampling technique by using Taro Yamane Formula.

To obtaining the data about sexual identity based on interest, style and
behavior, they using Sexual Identity Scale with Guttman model.

The practical implications of the research finding in this journal can be

applied in university counselor by utilizing counseling service so that can be
done in order that an individual has the right sexual identity.

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