Impact of Covid-19

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Impact of Covid-19 on Health

Covid-19 or corona virus is a virus that has been widely discussed lately because of its big
impact on everyone. This virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system, acute pneumonia,
to death. The corona virus was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019, attacks the
respiratory system and can infect anyone, both infants, children, adults and the elderly. And it's
more at risk for pregnant women, the elderly, people with certain diseases, and have a weak
immune system. This new type of corona virus has a high transmission rate so it has spread
globally in other countries including Indonesia. The common symptoms of infection with this
virus are runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever and shortness of breath. Transmission is very fast
through direct or indirect contact between individuals and causes many victims to fall.

Covid-19 has had a big impact on people's lives in various fields, one example is in the health
sector. The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic in the health sector is that the level of health has
decreased because many are exposed to Covid-19 and many people are stressed because they are
worried and afraid of contracting the Corona virus, which makes the immune system decrease.
Total cases until Wednesday (14-10-2020) afternoon, there were 4,127 new cases recorded. So
that the total cases of the corona virus in Indonesia are 344,749 people ( In
addition, many health workers have fallen due to this pandemic due to the factor of contracting
the Covid-19 virus and fatigue due to the increasing number of patients. As of Monday,
September 27 2020, 101 health workers who were treating Covid-19 patients had died.
Prevention efforts to anticipate the spread of Covid-19 that have been carried out include
regional quarantine, lockdown policies, social distancing, complying with health protocols by
wearing masks, keeping a safe distance, diligently washing hands, and so on. Not only the
government but the whole community must play a role in these prevention efforts so that the
corona virus can be resolved soon and we can return to our activities as before.

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