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SCHOOL YEAR 2020 - 2021


To Sir/Ma’am:

Good day Sir/Ma’am, we are researchers from Grade 12 STEM of Philippine Academy of

Sakya and we would like to ask for your consent to enable us to collect information from you for

the research that we are conducting entitled “Math as a Stepping Stone for Engineers: A

Quantitative Study of the Effects of Early Exposure to Math-related Subjects on the Academic

Performance of Engineering Students”.

The study we would be conducting aims to analyze how early exposure to math subjects

affects the academic performance of engineering students. We estimate that the survey will take

2-5 minutes to answer and it can be taken at any time that suits you. The data you would be able

to provide would be of great help and will be deeply appreciated.

Thank you for your time and we wish you a great day ahead!

The Researchers: Noted By:

Kurt Benedict Hill

Enrico Luis R. Dela Cruz Ms. Elsie Concepcion

Angela Marie P. Erfe Subject Teacher

April Thea P. De Jesus

Arwen Rae D. Aumentado

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