Sebastián Nicholls Results

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Sebastián Nicholls

April 19, 2023

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You are most like The Implementer
Implementers organize and structure people and processes to reliably execute tasks. They tend to be
precise, reliable, results-oriented and more concrete and practical than philosophical.

Strategies and plans are only as good as the people working to achieve them. Implementers are the people who get important jobs and
tasks done. Never getting too far ahead of themselves, they have the ability to focus on the task right in front of them.

Typical Implementers are distinguished by their organized and orderly approach to the jobs, assignments, and projects they work on. No
detail is too small or unimportant to escape their notice and tracking. They follow through and complete what they start and work more
comfortably when their priorities are set for them. They create, maintain, and embrace following the rules and structures put in place
around them. Rules and procedures are essential to maintaining a stable and predictable environment. Implementers structure and plan
their time to be efficient and productive.

Other distinguishing characteristics include making decisions using a methodical and systematic approach that yields consistent and
expected results. They don’t wait to get started on tasks, but take the bull by the horns and get moving on them. They don't act
impulsively or take unnecessary risks. Finally, they tend to resent it when people act irresponsibly and unreliably.

They tend to be less drawn to generating new and innovative ideas, but pride themselves on finding the most efficient methods for
getting things done. Some Implementers may have a difficult time saying no to requests for assistance, and they can be overwhelmed
with too many things to do. Unexpected change and chaos creates stress for them. They tend to like to be appreciated and recognized
for their contributions and become discouraged when their loyalty and hard work go unnoticed and unrewarded.

Implementer Talents Implementer Growth Needs

Following through, getting things done on time and on Learning to say no and asking for support when
schedule overwhelmed
Focusing on the present and specific details Negotiating different responsibilities and priorities when
Practical, dependable, and orderly necessary
Calming and reassuring force for team members Being open to change and new ways of doing things
Following procedures and rules and respecting the chain of Balancing short-term practical needs with future
command possibilities
Accepting that change is inevitable and learning skills to
manage it
Not being too black and white in how they approach

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You also have attributes of the Orchestrator and the Planner

The Orchestrator
Orchestrators excel at bringing people together, organizing around them, and mobilizing resources to achieve and
exceed expectations. They tend to be planful, precise, engaging and people-oriented.

The Planner
Planners are driven to put structure and systems around goals, translating ideas into practical and achievable plans.
They tend to be planful, methodical and results-oriented.

Here are the archetypes you are least like

The Inventor
Inventors are driven by coming up with new and innovative ideas, products and solutions. They tend to be creative,
open-minded, conceptual, spontaneous and at times disorganized and unstructured.

The Individualist
Individualists walk to the beat of their own drum and find unique ways of expressing themselves and their originality.
They tend to be creative, independent, expressive, perceptive and at times sensitive and dramatic.

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How You Prefer to Think

Creative 1% Deliberative 35%


You tend to heavily favor tradition and set practices, and like You tend to rely on personal instinct, with a moderate inclination
following rules and routines. to be methodical and process-oriented when reaching
decisions and making choices.
Original 9%
Logical 45%
Curious 1%
Systematic 44%
Non-Conforming 1%
Impartial 25%

Detailed and Reliable 86% Conceptual 18%


You tend to be orderly, planful, and detail-focused, as well as You have a preference for straightforward, concrete thinking
organized and reliable in meeting commitments and deadlines. over abstract and philosophical thinking.

Organized 90%
Detail-Oriented 76%
Dependable 64%

Practical 60%

You have a preference to focus on direct, real-world

consequences in making decisions and choices.

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How You Engage with Others

Extraverted 46% Tough 47%


You tend to be engaging and outgoing, thrive at the epicenter of You tend to seek cooperation and compromise over open
social activities, but are more cautious than adventurous in the debate and disagreement, though are generally straightforward
activities you like to participate in. in expressing your thoughts and opinions.

Gregarious 62% Feisty 9%

Engaging 69% Critical 48%
Adventurous 11% Direct 89%

Nurturing 39% Leadership 79%


You have a strong desire to prioritize and support others' needs, You are driven to lead, have a desire to motivate people, and
while being less interested in deeply observing their personal hold them to high standards of performance.
behaviors, quirks, and tendencies.
Taking Charge 75%
Helpful 68%
Inspiring 81%
Empathetic 41%
Demanding 68%
Person-Oriented 17%

Humorous 46%

You have a moderate preference and appreciation for humor,

being light-hearted and not taking matters too seriously.

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How You Apply Yourself

Composed 85% Autonomous 19%


You tend to remain calm, confident, and controlled under stress You hold yourself accountable to the outcomes you experience
or pressure. and are generally self-motivated, though have a desire for more
direction and clarity when achieving tasks and goals.
Calm 87%
Independent 2%
Confident 73%
Self-Accountable 74%
Poised 83%
Internally Motivated 44%

Flexible 31% Determined 86%


You tend to embrace change and uncertainty, yet tend to be You ambitiously set goals and persevere through challenges,
consistent in who you are and the roles you play regardless of determined to do what is necessary to achieve them.
the circumstances, and tend to be less focused on making
Persistent 87%
personal development through examining mistakes and
weakness a top priority. Driven 71%

Adaptable 68% Proactive 79%

Agile 14%
Growth-Seeking 33%

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Humble 12% Energetic 81%

You tend to be less receptive to critical feedback or eager to You have high levels of stamina, enthusiasm, and energy in
openly examine your mistakes, weaknesses, and blind spots, work and life.
and may prefer to project self-confidence rather than modesty.

Receptive to Criticism 16%

Open-Minded 25%
Modest 24%

Status-Seeking 62%

You have a preference to please, “keep up” appearances, be

liked, admired, and respected.

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How you respond in different situations:

Now that you've reviewed your detailed results, "You" in Context gives insight into how the combination of your attributes may play out in
a variety of work and life situations

When interacting with others, you... As a leader, you...

...Balance time spent alone and with groups ...Are comfortable taking the lead in groups
...Are moderately inclined to be joyful and lighthearted, but know ...Alternate between being direct and diplomatic depending on
when things need to be taken seriously what you see as required in the situation
...Are generally willing to tell people honestly what you think and ...Take initiative and rely on concrete instructions and clear
hold them accountable when needed standards when directing others
...May not always be aware of the feelings and needs of others ...May be less inclined to instigate major change
...Generally take care of your own needs and expect others to as ...Can benefit from reaching out more actively and seeking input
well and guidance from others
...May prefer to project confidence and certainty, rather than
acknowledge weakness and uncertainty openly
...Can engage vocally, but also benefit from time to work things
out in your own head

When planning, you... When solving problems, you...

...Favor stability and predictability and orchestrate plans to ...Like to stick to more traditional methods, and don't have much
withstand change interest in engaging or debating unproven possibilities
...Believe changes in strategy should only be made when ...Operate best with concrete direction and clear expectations
contingency plans are in place ...Like the security of a detailed plan
...Drive hard toward clear, specific goals ...Work toward solutions more instinctively than analytically
...Like to identify precisely what's needed to achieve goals ...Tend to "go with your gut"
...Operate best with a well-structured and fleshed-out plan to
track progress against
...Track progress diligently against targets
...Make a strong effort to complete tasks early
...Prefer working toward concrete objectives and expectations
...Are not bothered by close oversight and direction
...Think more concretely and literally
...Create plans by scheduling, mapping out details, and being
neat and orderly

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When setting goals, you... On a team, you...
...Set practical and realistic targets and push through to achieve ...Try to strike a balance between sharing your own thinking and
them letting others have the floor
...Prefer direction from others, but once established, are willing ...Are generally comfortable engaging with the team, but don't
to take charge always perceive when others need support
...Move forward with focus and determination, though may not ...Are motivated by challenging goals, and balance diplomatic
adapt quickly enough when goals demand flexibility and direct approaches when expectations aren't met
...Do what's needed to achieve your goals, and expect others to
do the same
...May perceive more emergent personalities as disorganized,
while they might perceive you as a bit rigid

Under stress, you... When learning, you...

...Generally remain calm, cool, and focused ...May prefer subjects that are intuitive rather than highly
...Find security by creating stability and predictability in your analytical
environment ...Prefer an organized curriculum and following a clear schedule
...Can find value in turning to others more readily for advice ...Take your deadlines and commitments seriously
rather than going it alone ...Don't find open-ended brainstorms particularly productive
...Tend to be confident and resilient no matter how ambitiously ...Like subjects that are straightforward, technical, and practical
you set your goals ...Are comfortable studying around people, but also need
moments of peace and quiet
...Are interested in applying tested methods using concrete
knowledge and skill
...Have good stamina and endurance

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