ISP 7-3-2023 OIS Final Report

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Julia ‘State's Attorney. Courthouse 101 East Main Street Urbana, Ilinois 61801 Phone (217) 384-3733, Rietz Fax (217) 384-3816 Office of State's Attorney Champaign County, Til ‘STATE'S ATTORNEY REVIEW OF ILLINOIS STATE POLICE OFFICER INVOLVED SHOOTING, ST. JOSEPH IL, 7/4/23, ‘Summary of Events and investigation (07/3/23 about 6:45pm, the Danville I Police Department was advised of two ‘shootings that had occurred in Clinton, 1A earlier that same day. lows law enforcement advised the suspect, Randy Jackson, was believed to be ina vehicle that was located by ‘GPS in Vermilion County. The allegations of the lowa offenses included Jackson being involved in the shootings of two persons, atleast one of which was not expected to survive. lowa law enforcement further advised that one watrant for Jackson was already ‘outstanding and another, for attempt murder, was pending Danville PD located the vehicle and successfully stopped it. It was being driven by a female but Jackson was detected hiding on the rear seat floorboards covered with various items. When Jackson realized he was discovered, he caused the female to exit the vehicle, took over driving, and fied from police in a pursuit that would span several counties, 8y 7:21 pm, the Vermilion County Sherif's Office detected and attempted to stop the vehicle. Jackson initiated further fight from pursuing marked law enforcement vehicles with active lights and sirens. Jackson drove his vehicle at high speeds, sometimes in ‘excess of 110mph, including through residential areas, putting uninvolved civilians at isk, For safety reasons, aw enforcement broke off active pursuit, Shortly thereafter, Jackson's vehicle was found abandoned ina cornfield outside St. Joseph IL in ‘Champaign County. [A search ofthe area was conducted and Jackson was located by an assisting ONR officer about 11:37pm hiding in the loft area of a garage at approximately 2200 CR 1300N, The locating officer did not observe weapons in Jackson's direct possession, but Jackson advised the officer "You better shoot me of 'm going to fucking kill yu, I'm going to fucking kill ou, you better shoot me, motherfucker.” The officer sought cover and called for assistance. Law enforcement including linois State Police SWAT responded, secured the area and, ‘concerned Jackson was armed, deployed remote surveillance and communication ‘equipment into the garage. A Crisis Negotiation Team Officer with training in de. escalation made audio contact with Jackson, (Over the next 5-6 hours Jackson presented defiantly to the CNT, declining to surrender peacefully, and indicating officers would have to go in and get him. He repeatedly stated he hada gun. He made various demands and indicated that he would kil officers if they lentered, that he would shoot them, and that he had ‘thirty rounds’ (ammunition cartridges). Troopers also heard mechanical noses that, in ther training and experience, were consistent with the manipulation ofa firearm. Jackson, apparently hearing the officers discussing their belief he was manipulating a firearm, called to them words to the effect of "Yeah, you know what thats” Jackson further stated that he would shoot a police K9 fit was sent in, and that ‘troopers would need to kil him, or he would kill one of them. He made statements about bling children. He indicated his intent to take atleast one officer with him. He Indicated an intent to ‘take’ as many ofthe officers as he could before they could get, hhim. He requested officers enter the garage one at atime so he could kill them all, At ‘one point Jackson started a fire in the garage which was largely extinguished shortly thereater Jackson was repeatedly instructed on how to exit the garage safely and given numerous ‘opportunities to do so. He declined all of them, ‘At 3:553m on 7/4/23, 1SP deployed an aerial camera drone into the garage area and discovered Jackson appeared to have retreated tothe garage loft where he could maintain a tactical advantage. lackson then thew items at the drone until it was Asabled. Jackson proceeded to manipulate his environment in a way that would create ‘obstacles or tripping hazards for officers should they enter. [About &-4Sam, after more than 5 hours of attempts to get Jackson to surrender peaceably, officers concluded further negotlations without a change in circumstances would be futile. Officers deployed several doses ofa chemical iritant into the garage ‘through a vent in an attempt to make Jackson uncomfortable enough to surrender. This was unsuccessful and it appears Jackson barricaded the vent being used to introduce the gas. Additional iritants were introduced from other angles in several subsequent attempts to encourage Jackson to surrender. These efforts were equally unsuccessful A second drone was deployed and located Jackson now hiding inside a vehicle in the sarage.Jackson left the vehicle and disabled ths drone as well ‘About 5:29 aim, as officers were evaluating their next option, Jackson emerged in 2 rapid or aggressive manner from the garage angling his body to concea a hand behind 9 leg. Multiple officers repeatedly directed Jackson to show his hands and he refused to comply ashe adjusted his position around a vehicle. Trooper Shanks observed what appeared to be a gun in Jackson's hand and yelled that Jackson had a gun, Trooper Shanks repeatedly ordered Jackson to drop the gun. Jackson declined te drop anything. [At this point Trooper Hedges, who had been present for Jackson's ealier statements about being armed and willing to kill officers, had heard the earlier noises consistent \with the manipulation ofa firearm, and had heard the alert that Jackson was holding 9 {Bun, now observed Jackson to be holding nickel colored item in one hand and moving the tem ina furtive manner while angling his body to conceal the item from officers. Trooper Hedges identiied the item as being consistent with a snub-nose, nickel plated revolver. ‘Trooper Hedges reported Jackson to be moving in an erratic fashion and with a bizarre expression. Trooper Hedges reported Jackson then moved as Ifo present the item in his hand ina threatening manner, causing Hedges to believe Jackson was about to fire on him or other officers. Trooper Hedges discharged his own weapon to nullify the perceived threat presented by Jackson Jackson was struck and fel, dropping the nickel-colored object in his hand. The object was later determined to be a car emergency-exit tool, sometimes callec a window: punch or glass-breaker. Jackson had apparently removed the item fromthe vehicle in the garage. The window-punch presented with a nickel finish, a hander very similar to the grip of a handgun, and a horizontal protuberance consistent with the appearance of 2 short-barreled handgun, Law enforcement promptly removed Jackson from the immediate acea, where residual chemical irritants made instant first aid untenable, to where an ambulance and medical treatment were available on scene. Emergency medical personel remeved him from thescene for further medical care. Jackson did not survive his injuries. The described events were investigated by an independent Division of internal Investigations (Dl) of te Ilinas State Police which interviewed witnesses, compiled reports and evidence from law enforcement agencies, the forensic laboratory, civilian witnesses, medical experts, and crime scene investigators, and submited the results for review by the CCSAO. Evaluation ‘The use of deadly force by a peace officer is governed by 720 ILCS 5/7-5(a) which states A peace officer is justified in using force likey to cause death or great bodily harm when: (i) He reasonably believes, based on the totality ofthe circumstances, that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodlly harm to himself or another person; oF (i) when he reasonably believes, based on the totality of the circumstances, both that: 3) Such force is necessary to prevent the arest from being defeated by resistance or escape and the officer reasonably believes that the person to be arrested is kely to cause great bodily harm to another; and 2) The person tobe arrested committed or attempted to commit a forcible felony which involves the infliction or threatened infliction of {reat bodily harm ori attempting to escape by use ofa deadly weapon, or otherwise indicates that he will endanger human Ife or inflict great bodily harm unless arrested without delay. Inthe current circumstances, there is no evidence to support a conclusion of Inappropriate use of force by law enforcement, Jackson was arestable for multiple felonies, fled from officers in a manner that posed serious danger to the community, resisted and threatened numerous law enforcement personnel, and was subject to, warrarts for serious offenses involving firearms and causing great bodily harm or death to.others. Insofar as Jackson mad a peaceful apprehension impossible, and emerged ‘rom the garage holding an object reasonably believed to be a deadly weapon, Trooper Hedges’ decision to discharge his own firearm was reasonable and legally justifiable {tis werth noting that Jackson's actions could reasonably be interpreted as designed to inducean officer to fire upon him. Indeed, there is ne discernible reason for Jackson to take up and maintain the window-punch in his hand, refuse to drop the item when ‘ordered, or diect the item in a threatening manner, except to deliberately induce an officer to believe he was armed and intending to open fire on that officer or others. ‘The Champaign County State's Attorney's Office concludes Trooper Hedges both genuinaly and reasonably believed that deadly force was necessary to prevent an imminent infliction of death or great bodily harm on himself and/or his fellow officers, Undersea ofthe state of lino, the offcer’ use of desl force was justified uariete Troy 0 tozar Champaign County State's attorney SAO, Chief of Criminal Dvsion

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