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PBL-103-Project Based Learning-III

Project Proposal
Project Title: Pizza-Hut Management System
Name: Asib Hossain
Roll: 132221007
Project Name: Pizza-Hut Management System
Project Platform: C/C++

Programming Language Used: C++ Programming


Development Tools: Code blocks or VS Code.

Requirement: PC / Laptop, Internet Connection.

Project Type: Desktop Application

Database: File handling

Project Introduction: Fast food restaurants are very

popular in the current scenario. Everybody likes to go
there and enjoy. It doesn’t only provide them good quality
pizza but also provide them several services like home
delivery which is very good facility for the public.
Automatic system can bring a certain change in the
business. The pizza hut management system is used
to detect caller basic information. All data is stored in a
database. At the end of the day all the transactions
synchronize to central database.
Project Purpose: It is observed that most pizza serving
restaurants don’t have any automatic system they are
taking orders by phone and working by using the
old ways. There is a need of pizza hut management
system which not only records the daily sales of the
company but to provide good management of the
goods. Mostly pizza serving centers are working
manually so they are facing lots of problems, so there
is a need of management system which automate the
work and reduce the additional work load on the
employees and this will help them a lot because it
just really works.

User Sign In:


Admin Customer
mode mode

Project Feature:
-All data is stored in database.
-Online system helps customers to view menu and place
-Customers can order online.
-Orders will be taken automatically.
-In case no of orders exceed maximum limit; system will
-not take further orders.

Pay System: This system can be paid for with cash or a

credit card. When using a credit card, the user must enter
the card number and the personal identification number
Conclusion: This project will sufficiently reduce the
additional work load of the employees as well as
helping them to manage the daily records of pizza hut on
daily basis. Its primary goal is to s a v e t h e t i m e o f t h e
w o r k e r s w h e n o r d e r i s p l a c e d b y t h e telephone
land line numbers it will automatically get their
address without asking from the customer.


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