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Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following terms are not associated to creative writing?

a. aims to entertain c. formal
b. artistic expression d. informal
2. A segment of a poem that is divided into groups of lines is called a ________.
a. paragraph c. stanza
b. sentence d. verse
3. What do you call the pattern of beats made by stressed and unstressed syllables in the lines of a poem?
a. rhyme c. stress
b. rhythm d. tone.
4. It is the style, arrangement, or appearance of printed letters on a page.
a. acrostic c. tone
b. concrete d. typography
5. It is a poetic device which is used at the end of a line and the beginning of the next line in a poem.
a. enjambment c. mood
b. line break d. tone
6. A literary device used by authors to give hint for certain plot development that may come later in the story.
a. Flashback c. Motif
b. Symbolism d. Foreshadowing
7. It can be the character summary that reveals something about the character, dialogue that reveals something, cliff-
hang ending, setting description, philosophical reflection, and narrative conclusion.
a. Action launch c. Meaningful dialogue
b. End d. Scene
8. A literary device referring to how a person, situation, statement, or circumstance is not as it would seem to be. It
is the exact opposite of what appears to be.
a. atmosphere c. irony
b. conflict d. mood
9. This refers to a long speech made by one actor which may be delivered alone or in the presence of others.
a. dialogue c. monologue
b. foreshadowing d. soliloquy
10.“Drama” comes from a Greek word which means __________.
a. action c. diction
b. actor d. narrator
11.Which of the following literary elements of drama helps playwrights organize the information in the play in an
understandable manner.
a. character c. plot
b. dialogue d. setting
12.This is the theatrical equipment, such as curtains, flats, backdrops, or platforms, used in a dramatic production to
communicate environment.
a. costumes c. props
b. lights d. scenery
13.What is a person or animal that takes part in the action of a story called?
a. character c. plot
b. genre d. setting
14.The following are areas of stage, EXCEPT _________.
a. center stage c. set stage
b. off right d. upper stage
15.What non-literary evidence can be used to establish the historicity of a story written centuries ago?
a. periodicals c. blogs
b. websites d. social media
16.Which of the following terms are not associated to creative writing?
a. aims to entertain c. formal
b. artistic expression d. informal
17.What are the words or phrases that enable a reader to create vivid sensory experiences?
a. Imagery c. Sensual words
b. Image d. Imaginary
18.Which of the following describes a free verse poem?
a. It follows no set rhythm. c. It has no set number of words per line.
b. It has no rhyme scheme. d. All of the above.
19.Which of the following best describes dalit?
a. an indigenous type of Filipino short poem
b. consists of five syllables in each line
c. there are three lines in each stanza with a single rhyme
d. all of the above
20.What is the rhyme scheme for the poem “ Dreams”?
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
21.Which of the following might describe the setting of the story?
a. a frog and a witch c. a high school in 1956
b. happy and loving d. love is stronger than fear
22.When the bus came, I got on, carrying my pink backpack. It was the first day of school, and I was nervous. I smiled,
though when I saw my best friend Kevin sitting in the back. What PoV is used in the material?
a. First Person point of view c. Third Person point of view
b. Second Person point of view d. none of the above
23.Where does the main character come face to face with a conflict? This is the turning point of the story.
a. Climax c. Rising Action
b. Exposition d. Falling Action
24.Intertextuality takes place ________.
a. across cultures c. within the same medium or styles
b. across medium or styles d. all of the above
25.What is the first step in writing a scene for one-act play?
a. Create the place and time setting of the play.
b. Include stage directions stage directions.
c. Keep the structure of the plot simple.
d. Select specific subject or topic to be covered.
26.The curtain was waving to everyone every time the wind blew through the open window. What type of figurative language
is used in this sentence?
a. Hyperbole c. Onomatopoeia
b. Metaphor d. Personification
27.In this poem by Gwendolyn Brooks, what poetic device is used?
We real cool.
We Left school.
We Lurk late.
We Strike straight.
We Sing sin.
We Thin gin.
We Jazz June.
We Die soon.
a. Onomatopoeia c. Simile
b. Repetition d. Theme
28.The element of diction in drama can be defined as:
a. everything that is seen c. everything that is heard
b. the way the characters speak d. characters are multiple
29.Which of the following lines is enjambed?
a. He told me a secret
b. something I would not tell others
c. I swore to him I would never, never
d. tell a living soul
30.What is the tone of the passage below?
“My dead love came to me, and said:
'God gives me one hour's rest,
To spend with thee on earth again: How shall we spend it best?'
'Why, as of old,' I said; and so We quarreled, as of old:
But, when I turned to make my peace,
That one short hour was told.”
a. Cheerful c. Ironic
b. Humorous d. Suspenseful
31.Read the following excerpt. What part of the plot does the highlighted text seem to be pulled from? Juan Martan had
been excited about this field trip since his first week of school. His class would visit the Philippines Science
Centrum in November. The day had finally arrived. It was a cool, crisp fall day. A perfect day for a class trip. While
visiting the Philippines Science Centrum, Juan found the perfect gift for his mom at the gift shop. He reached for his
wallet. It was gone! There was five hundred pesos in that wallet! He started to panic. Juan decided to retrace his steps.
He searched the food court. Nothing. He searched the boys' restroom. Nothing. His heart raced. He'd worke1d a month
as a paperboy to earn that much money. What would he do? Then he heard the announcement: "Juan Martan, please
come to the office." Juan rushed in, and there was his wallet! He wondered how they knew it was his! Then he saw the
label his mom had put on it. "Thank you Mom," whispered Juan. He returned to the tour with his classmates. Juan was
now calm. Later that afternoon, Juan left the Philippines Science Centrum with the gift for his mother under his arm. His
wallet was tucked safely back in his jean's pocket.
a. climax
b. exposition
c. falling action
d. rising action
32.What is the setting in the sentence below?
“The moon was shining brightly as the fox slowly crept toward the chicken coop.
a. fox slowly crept c. moon was shining brightly
b. chicken coop d. b and c
33.Based on the diagram below, what will be the correct stage direction for #3?
a. center stage
b. downstage right
c. upstage right
d. cross over
34. How to write a one act play script?
a. create the character sketch before bringing them to life
b. the plot should be simpler and there should be a structure
c. infuse the place and the setting of the story
d. all of the above
35. What theme can be classified under the Cultural Approach?
a. Arranged marriages c. View of women as objects
b. Inequality in society d. Lender-borrower /rich-poor relationship
36.How are similes and metaphors different?
a. Simile is used in poetry while metaphor is used in stories.
b. Similes use like or as in comparing 2 subjects while metaphors do not.
c. There is no difference
d. None of the above
37. Which of the following statement is an example of a verbal irony?
a. The students are quiet as a massive cat fight.
b. Kiko is a ninja warrior trained by Mountain Master Yoho Mahrati.
c. “I will never accept a peace treaty from the Marcos.
d. I smiled, though when I saw my bestfriend Kevin sitting in the back.
38.What type of intertextuality is being portrayed in this excerpt? “Even God can have a preference, can he? Let’s suppose
God liked lamb better than vegetables. I think I do myself. Cain brought him a bunch of carrots maybe. And God said, ‘I
don’t like this. Try again. Bring me something I like and I’ll set you up alongside your brother.’ But Cain got mad. His
feelings were hurt. And when a man’s feelings are hurt he wants to strike at something, and Abel was in the way of his
a. allusion
b. illusion
c. parody
d. none of the above
39. Why is the setting of the story important in a story?
a. It tells us the end.
b. It tells us about the conflict.
c. It helps us be a part of the story.
d. It’s not important
40. What era in Philippine history is shown in the following lines from Unseen War,
“That very second the first volley burst from the 80 canons of the Spanish armada…the musketeers, lancers, bowmen,
artillery men, and foot soldiers, sprang from waiting behind Sultan Kudarat’s stronghold”?
a. Martial Law c. American regime
b. Japanese era d. Spanish conquest
41.'The little girl stood outside of the candy store with her hands by her side, head looking down and one tear rolling down
her cheek.'
How would you describe the character?
a. disappointed c. joyful
b. excited d. surprise
42.What would be a good example of prose writing?
a. Paragraph about the benefits of eating carrots
b. Dictionary definitions
c. Newspaper article
d. All of the above
43.How is setting used in story writing?
a. Setting should be used when there are new characters.
b. Setting should be used to help solve the conflict and to show the climax.
c. Setting should be used at the end of the story to help explain the resolution.
d. Setting should be used in the beginning of the story, when there are new events in the story line, or when the
reader needs information to understand the plot.
44.What could be the advantage of a thrust stage over a proscenium stage?
a. the audience sits on one side only and they face one side of the stage directly
b. thrust stage gives a closer and all-around view of the action
c. the use of proscenium stage is a great advantage to the audience
d. all of the above
45.What is the best method or pattern of paragraph writing to use for the topic “Four Important Sights along Boracay Beach”?
a. chronological order c. sequential order
b. order of importance d. spatial order
46.Which sentence below is an example of man vs society?
a. A character disagrees with the values, laws or beliefs of a group.
b. A character has a problem with outside forces like weather or land.
c. A character develops a struggle between his thoughts and ideas.
d. A character has an agreement or disagreement with another character.
47.Which element is exemplified in the following statements?
GLORIA: Today is payday, Mario.
MARIO: Yes … but…
GLORIA: But what? Where’s your pay for the week?
a. character c. plot
b. dialogue d. setting
48. Which setting would best promotes the theme of friendship among teenagers?
a. an abandoned house c. World War II
b. a crowded shopping mall d. 1990 earthquake in the Philippines
49. What essay title can be best presented creatively?
a. The Passing of the Death Penalty c. My First Taste of Forever
b. The Bangsamoro Organic Law d. The Importation of Rice
50.Rearrange the following details by applying the guidelines in writing a play.
I. Blood in the hallway
II. Man playing the guitar
III. Woman crying under the rain
IV. Song, Hawak Kamay, playing over a radio
V. Loud gun shot
a. I, II, III, IV, V c. II, IV, V, I, III
b. IV, II, III, I, V d. III, I, V, IV II

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