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Design of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures Second edition Robert D. Anchor BSc, CEng, FICE, FI Struct E Edward Amold A hss of Hehe Somahon Dedication To Joy Elizabeth O92 Ree, Ancor rity Cntpigi Paton Dee ‘ese ean eicterac ‘etary elgg ey ey nmin ‘eee ti eaten erg cy ‘ine eee tomy ‘Aino: Toten Gu Rs La sausage eters he upon 011 Tina Wea ol, an We FRNA os Comat Rost bon eSsaa Se Preface to second edition “Ton years have pone since the fst elton of thi book was pobished, dari whi hfe has Seen consider sty nafng Exper and Intemational Codes of Pacis In particu. a Eurscode or he espn of url conret hi Been dafed but there as Yt no extension of his sain de wo ffening effect of concrete Zou Utimate concrete tense sain Net ratio based om i ena of aid Het Faia based on gros concrete ction Poe Stel See ate, base on prose concrete ston (pronounced tho ea) bare Matric uit he wns of measure usd in his ook ae these which ate curently widely sisedin the United Kingaow They ae based on the mete St neneen hears i Notation ‘ot quite ‘pure. For the Bowe a readers wh ate not used to mete uit $n pproxiate comersom given below Quansiy ni Eenats sete (m) Member ses, etc, ilimee (mm) Fores Rewion (8) ‘oneyton Suess pressure Nin kN, KN? Volume pecs Approximate conversions 1 metre = 3 ches 1mm a tinctee 300mm foot ion ton TN? = 100 989. in S00 KN = lenis Vite = 0-2 Imperial estons = 0360 US gallons (Note: 1 Nn = MINE = 1 MP Concrete strength ‘he formula used in iis book ate based om Brith practice, wher eerste serength evaluated using tort cubes rather than ene “The elation between cube and esindr stems is wel tokens ia faa fon Dut the ratio varies widely according tothe type of aguegate Loads {Chureteristie loads and yng ae oye wl wd for design purpossh sa are based ona satin auton ‘Service fod und sess are elculated with applied charsteriaie hd ‘ond generally wath a paral sfey fat for oats gua to lima Keds and sveses are eseuated wath applied aracertic ds cand a pata safety fcr for hh mh genera Design of Liquid Retaining Concrete Structures 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope the sage of water and stheraqesoat Ede. Silo design mets sho te ured to design ftement 9 bulkngs whcte ground water must ‘Excluded and Chuptr dels with ethods of preventing vapour tans ‘Nom rwuph core stastures, Concrete generally te most econo Strut of concretion ani when rectly dengned an sonsracted il ‘unt fone fe amt snsntpance coun The types setare which ae Cintra hy te design methods given in thi book ate" storage tanks ‘ccna. ling pods cecatee Tanks. ponds, setlement tans, bse none wis. and smite sriturer (ign 1 and 4-2) Specialy exctoded ic acts hank Ke: ta pts ae Sroer tes of sretare forthe omnes of iiecmenicnt to deus designs forthe eetenlon of wate. but the winclcr apply equally wo she tenon of other aqueous Niyid. T0 Poncuae sewage tanks are neluded The posses om astroctare may have {oe calcuited vsines specie gravity poster than anys where he stored Igual ot gremer densify thn nate Tvoughout tis Bouk its assumed Ait water he seine Tgud ws ny ember qualifies i a, Te Teemsructage cused in ne Book to dere the vex oreootine hat reitinsurexcades the “The isp of sirctorsho ota pte and other penetrating Ligusit include ands dea with spent hgralare™ Likewse the deen of Unke costae hot hud at disused 1.2 General design objectives ‘A soutuns st is designed 4 oan gas mast Ful the reuirements fr ‘vom srturee in hing equate Sength drat ad freedom fam {Chitnhe cehng ov defini additon,imua be deigned so tat the ‘had ral kesh or porolste thro the concer srctre. In ‘eg of toa ung rbture.he owt eric nopet oe deh A dustrial lguids that are peer 1.3 Fundamental design methods Historically, the design of sruxtural caerete is ‘hore th speed mma ds 4 tnroducion loads, More rece iit state philosophy has ben ntoiced, providing ‘more Tosca basis for determining facto of sey” Io uate espn the ‘Novking or characte lands are enpaneed by eng molipiod bys rad Safes factor. The eahanced oF ulna loads tee then sad eh the fre ‘Htenphs ofthe materia o espn the stuctre: Limit sate desipn eds repo we hed rouse wo ov nnd er deg Formerly he desi of ligul eating srctores ws ase onthe we custe denen, with materol sees 20 fow that no Renal alle crs Slevelope. This led to the se of thlck conefte sections th capone janis of mild sie! reinforcement. “The pwobsbiiy of arin and ‘ermal cracking was no dest wath on 9 salisfactory bass and nora {quansties af reinforcement were specited in mow cadcy of practise. Nave ‘eens anclyiea! procedures have been developed to enble ex eek ‘dts tobe estimated and compared with species maxima’. A method of CBleulating the effete of thermal and shrinkage sans fe io Soe Publshed™. These tio developments enable limit stste eethode to he vended 1 he dsign a gue coin structures Limit sate design metheds chuble The pombe modes of failure of sete alanine ptr ema ry ‘tare my he presented, Lim stator may a ‘atumate (whore ulate {ds are une or nena (where dog or arc onde ae us), Inthe UK. limi state daugn ban beer weed succesfully for uve {0 year forthe desigh of ligud retaining stuctores “The former BS S33) allsed esignet to conse Between cls design and Limit sate eign However. it tends imi state design In Austria an the USA, design methods bse) se theory are Speed nthe atonal codes Eine design ie anplar Hocess. put with the widespread ase of computer fies. thre Hm {Eisen preparing hn state desig ‘Al the te of wring. hcte is much setvly in duting “European standard and inal drat of EC2 for normal eonerete uct espn i sence. Although there fs European’ hd retaining design eve inthe prouramme of work. no comitiehas jut Been set up. The dean of Viuidretainingstuetres in Europe is clouded in mystery. The sn os Ursugcessfuly attempted to dvcer how such stururar ane denne in humber of European counties ut without uny dete sacs flowevey. Sny design system tot enaes a nersceble retur to be cortrcted with ‘i economy is acceptable AS has often been sud A siroctare des no now hew i hus been desaned 1.4 Codes of practice Suutural design ion avers hy a Code of Prastoe appropriate to the ication of the stracane his the Mnsedesga ecto a i eh Impermeabiity 5 coe, the specified sess and factors of sfety may vary It is important ‘sons the elimatc conditions a the proposed ste. and bot to use cde of [racic writen for emperate sone in porteof the world wih more exteme ‘renter conditions. “Tce widely used codes ae: "rich Siondard: Code of Pracce BS, $67:1957 Design of concrete structre for retaining sus fei ™ merci Concrete faac ACT 30 RA: Conte Sanitary En: fverng rte 3. Ritalin Sunacd AS 3735-191 Coneree sutures for retaining F pcan A the tide elude material specications. joint ets and dei procedures 10 fimit cracking. ” ss Dish Stupdued Code of Practice BS MWTIBST i & revised version of [BSS337 196, uhh sel derive rm BSCP 2007 The relation betwee ihe ‘oem enmerte ces ad the gi stn et shown Pow ermalende Liga reining ode wsci ie misc SSCP a Bscr ss37 BSCP s110 BSCE si? Acts RAN" ‘The rginal poet appeared in 197 and was amended forte 197 ein Jin] gain in TRS. Structural sgn fe ladcd. wih spel erat oe Imininicing the pansy ofeach 1.8. Impermeability (Conerete fr lguieretaning srwcturs must have low permeability. This recess to prevent Lakoge toush the concrete and iso. prwse IMigiate Suri resistance to fos damages nd pratestion “ie Cemion fr the reinforcement and other empedded sec, An wpsteced Sncrteslab of adequate tekst lhe impervsus te ow of hau i the coneete mix ha been properly designed nd compacted ino Pn ‘The spotfention of suitable coneate mines Gncued In Chapter 2. The zinimum thchness of conercte for sutacory performance tment tics resis aM mp. Thinner sists should only be wae for structural meme ‘ery med dimensions or under very kw bud press, gu ee may osc at ns that hane been ly designed eon stegeled, and th craks from conte serfeet whore otom te ‘Seton Rasen accel ec msry este that ommscach ng ‘cnet in al bat the simplest apd sot seus Wa comet a 6 Innoducion cracks for any reason, there possibility that gud may leak o that a wet patch wil cur on te surface: However found tat cracks of Hed sth not sow gio feakt™ and the probiem forthe desanet 49 it the surface tack width Io. predeermiped sac, Cracks dus 10 ‘Sincage and tnemal movement end tobe of enor theknes rough the iHekness of the sib, wheseus craks due to Reaurl detion are of hed {ptt and age backed up by b depth of coneete tha sin compression ‘Gb the former type crack i more serious in alowing eage to oer 16, ‘Site conditions “The coe of site for a reservoir tank unl dictate by reaitements tude the steutural designers responsbity, Dit the oil condtions may ‘aay net the design, & welatned ate with underyng soll having ¢ ‘ion af teanng presnre a foundatin level deal. These comin ‘Ruy be achieved forsee exert ner tthe top fail bat st many ‘Rathore sewage tris re bene contacted the subo hs a por bing ipl and ta leond mater able ner tote sre igh slo Tone mt omar ening they to et Fate (9p 12)- door Be ‘gre me to Wercmcd SStement Wire the subsoils {Sure than one ype of sub Dida Tg ha) A sal smey fs hays nese) nls an sue ey sce Fis feta anny sense Influence of construction mets 7 rein the the subsoils anal. Boreoles of t east 150mm diameter ‘fou he ied to dep of Hm, and sm simples taken ad tested 10 {Termine the sequence of seata nthe allowable Gearing preset “tous dpb. THe mnrmaton from bofeetes should be supplemented hy Ulgtng lps wht sual exavatr to depth of 4 meres ets iestiation pst ssn inhide chemical test on the sls and sou tr to detoe te presence of spats of other emis in the {round wih gulch te concrete and cently enue corrosion o the vf Carta sass af the subeol tv parculay Important round ter from an adcen ip may Bow tough tes ‘tration given i Chapter 2 ‘Wien nny act suspected,» frter survey maybe necessary anda cpr trom te nr vale oF 4 mining consultant cer. Deeper. ‘eR ected reoles may be requ To detect any vows waderving fee ng ofr oe ound monet So ae ining setsy requ the provision of cera movement Joints OF Ger rect dea wt he antepated mancnent and tse he soe of we etthnitInsnome pute of the werd eansiernien must He pe 10 1.7. Influence of construction methods ‘Any strc design st take secount of the contctona problems ‘hjceand ens parctry the case fm the fed of gid retaining rie! Contac jtsim ulin sects ex numa shoe semssled grangs tor are desrbed in the speciation For gi ‘Thing sacar construction ots smst be eated on drawings adhe eeintde quiet comic he works oat concrete placed none spe stwden the pene jt potions The eat he fs srepe peste nd any permanent srovement joins most be aly etd ‘isnot jm rue a form ob watery to te ine ‘ahauction jis may generally br deigned witout ing 8 watery. arate Conaragson se guen naples Tn the ators opinion penis eng and spectcton ef gens the respons ofthe “Esse ste comet Tne quan of disuton enfnceet in sei susie of fonts ae mterdependent. Casting one section of A Jett anther section, peso cat amd hardened, ue

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