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Question for Oral Histology

1) True/false statements (100 Questions)

2) Choose the Correct Answer (100 Questions)
3) Complete the Following (100 Questions)

Which of the following statements are true and which are false?

1) Salivary glands are classified as holocrine glands.

2) The superficial and deep parts of the submandibular gland are
separated by the hyoglossus muscle.
3) The posterior portion of the sublingual gland drains via numerous
ducts on to the sublingual fold.
4) The minor salivary glands in the hard palate are serous.
5) In serous cells, the endoplasmic reticulum is concentrated mainly
at the basal end of the cells.
6) Striated duct cells exhibit numerous infoldings lined by
mitochondria on their basal surfaces.
7) Myoepithelial cells lie between the basal lamina and the basal cell
membrane of acinar secretory cells.
8) All three major pairs of salivary glands exhibit striated ducts.
9) Parasympathetic stimulation causes an increase in salivary
secretion, and sympathetic stimulation causes a decrease in salivary
secretion and a dry mouth.
10) At high flow rates bicarbonate is reabsorbed rapidly by the
striated duct cells, so little bicarbonate gets into the mouth.
11) At high stimulated flow rates of saliva, it is possible for the
saliva entering the mouth to be isotonic with plasma.

12) The parotid glands contribute the highest percentage of
saliva to whole-mouth saliva in both the resting and stimulated
13) The content of plaque matrix formed in high dietary glucose
is thick, gelatinous and sticky.
14) Plaque matrix is not linked to diet.
15) Nasmyth's membrane is an alternative name for the reduced
enamel epithelium.
16) The facial processes correspond to centers of growth in the
underlying mesenchyme.
17) Ectomesenchyme (neural crest) tissue contributes to the
facial processes.
18) Facial processes are separated from each other by epithelial
sheets which must be broken down for normal development.
19) The frontonasal process is subdivided into medial and lateral
nasal processes around the lens placode.
20) In the presence of a bilateral cleft lip, the philtrum is
innervated by the maxillary nerve.
21) The primary palate is formed by the frontonasal process.
22) The palatal shelves forming the secondary palate are
outgrowths of the mandibular processes.
23) Secondary palate formation in humans requires the elevation
and then fusion of the palatal shelves in the hard palate but not the
soft palate.
24) Palatal shelf elevation occurs because of external forces
produced by the developing tongue.
25) The hard palate ossifies intramembranously from a centre in
the premaxilla.

26) The anterior part of the tongue is derived from the 2nd
pharyngeal arch.
27) The developmental division between the anterior and
posterior parts of the tongue is shown by the sulcus terminalis.
28) The accessory nerve may innervate the very back part of the
tongue, indicating some contribution from the 4th pharyngeal arch.
29) The musculature of the tongue is derived from preoptic
30) The epithelial lining of the tongue is ectodermal in origin.
31) Both the maxilla and the mandible initially develop
32) Unlike the mandible, the maxilla receives no significant
contributions from secondary cartilages.
33) Forward growth of the lower jaw is greater than that of the
upper jaw.
34) The maxillary air sinus does not develop until 3 years after
35) The initial centres of ossification for the mandible lies close
to the divisions of the inferior alveolar nerves into incisive and
mental branches.
36) The secondary cartilage within the mandibular condyle is
essential for growth of the ramus.
37) Remodeling of the ramus of the mandible involves
resorption of bone on the anterior border and deposition on the
posterior border.
38) The mandibular symphysis closes 1 year after birth.
39) The vestibular lamina lies lingual to the dental lamina.
40) The enamel organ is derived from ectomesenchyme (neural
crest) cells.

41) The stratum intermedium is a single layer of cells lying
between the internal enamel epithelium and the stellate reticulum.
42) The enamel cord is a transient group of cells extending from
the stratum intermedium into the stellate reticulum.
43) The enamel knot, an important signalling centre during tooth
development, is found in the centre of the stellate reticulum of the
tooth germ.
44) The cementum and the periodontal ligament originate from
the dental follicle.
45) Root development commences immediately after crown
46) The epithelial root sheath comprises the internal and external
enamel epithelia, separated by stratum intermedium but no stellate
47) As with the crown, the internal enamel epithelial cells of the
root sheath enlarge during their inductive stage.
48) Cells of the epithelial root sheath give rise to cementoblasts.
49) In multirooted teeth, ingrowth of the epithelial shelves from
the root sheath takes place along paths of high vascularity.
50) Principal fibers of the periodontal ligament are poorly
organized at the time of eruption in succedaneous teeth.
51) As for dentine, calcospherites can be observed during the
mineralization of cementum.
52) Coronal cementum can be deposited on enamel following
degeneration of the reduced enamel epithelium.
53) At birth, the 20 gum pads corresponding to the unerupted
deciduous teeth are often brought into a functional occlusion.
54) At 5 years of age, the deciduous incisors show considerable
wear and often occlude edge to edge.

55) Between the ages of 6 and 13 years, the human dentition is
described as a ‘mixed’ dentition.
56) Spacing of the deciduous dentition is uncommon.
57) The first permanent molars often erupt with a cusp to cusp
58) The cells responsible for the resorption and shedding of
deciduous teeth are distinct in origin and form from osteoclasts
responsible for bone resorption.
59) As a tooth erupts through the oral mucosa, its reduced
enamel epithelium becomes the initial junctional epithelium.
60) Following the loss of an antagonist tooth in the opposite jaw,
a tooth often ‘over-erupts’.
61) The main phase of axial tooth eruption begins prior to root
62) The first deposits of mineral in the mantle dentine are seen
within matrix vesicles.
63) A globular pattern of mineralization is seen at the
mineralization front of dentine.
64) After mantle dentine formation, mineralization occurs in
association with the dentine extracellular matrix.
65) The initiation of mineralization of cementum and dentine is
66) The first-formed layer in coronal and radicular dentine
shows identical patterns of mineralization.
67) Like dentine, the surface of cementum possesses a distinct
unmineralized layer of precementum (cementoid).
68) Enamel contains 4% by weight of organic matrix.
Hydroxyapatite crystals in enamel are flattened hexagonal.

69) The prismatic structure of enamel is not evident in carefully
demineralized sections.
70) Enamel prisms run a straight course from the enamel–
dentine junction to the surface enamel.
71) Enamel spindles are present in greatest numbers beneath the
cusps or incisal margins.
72) Deciduous enamel appears whiter than permanent enamel
due to its being more opaque.
73) Enamel over the cusps of permanent teeth can reach a
maximum thickness of 1 mm.
74) Hunter–Schreger bands are prominent in the outer third of
75) Enamel matrix in adult enamel consists primarily of
enamelins (non-amelogenins).
76) On a wet weight basis, dentine contains 70% inorganic
material, 20% organic material and 10% water.
77) The hydroxyapatite crystallites in dentine are the same size
as those in enamel.
78) The primary curvatures in dentine represent daily
incremental lines.
79) The mature dentinal tubule contains an odontoblast process
that passes from the pulp–dentine border to the enamel–dentine
80) In demineralized sections, predentine stains differently
81) Collagen fibrils in the circumpulpal dentine are oriented
parallel to the dentinal tubules.
82) Peritubular dentine is hypomineralized compared to
intertubular dentine.

83) Peritubular dentine increases in thickness with age.
84) Interglobular dentine results from incomplete fusion of
85) Nerves have not been identified in dentine.
86) The granular layer (of Tomes) at the cement–dentine border
is an effect produced by terminal dilatations and branching of
dentinal tubules.
87) Von Ebner lines are long-period incremental lines.
88) A dead tract occurs when the dentinal tubules in that region
become completely obliterated by peritubular dentine.
89) Reactionary dentine is formed by newly differentiated
odontoblast-like cells.
90) Regular secondary dentine may be demarcated from primary
dentine by an Owen's line.
91) Reparative dentine closely resembles secondary dentine with
a regular tubular structure.
92) Both the dentine and the dental pulp originate from the
dental follicle of the tooth germ.
93) Dentinogenesis commences immediately after amelogenesis.
94) The cells forming the dentine and pulp are mesodermal in
95) There is both a spherical and a linear pattern of
mineralization of dentine.
96) Predentine maintains a constant thickness throughout life.
97) Cementum consists of 65% mineral, 25% organic matrix and
12% water on a volume basis.
98) Cementoblasts are all derived from cells of the dental

99) The incremental lines in cellular cementum are further apart
than those in acellular cementum.
100) Sharpey fibers in cementum have a similar diameter to those
in alveolar bone.

Choose the Correct Answer (100 Questions)

1) What structure is formed in the crown first?

a- Enamel.
c- Pulp.
d- Dentine.
2) Which of the following induces the dental papilla cells to be
differentiated into odontoblasts?
a- Stratum intermedium.
b- Reduced enamel epithelium.
c- Inner enamel epithelium.
d- Outer enamel epithelium.
3) Which of the following is not derived from the dental organ:
a- Stellate reticulum.
b- Hertwig's epithelial root sheath.
c- Odontoblasts.
d- Ameloblasts.

4) The stratum intermedium:

a- Induces dentin formation.
b- Is separated from the stellate reticulum by a basal lamina.
c- Develops in cap stage.
d- Is important for enamel maturation.

5) The dental organ
a- Develops from cells in the dental follicle.
b- Is a completely connective tissue structure.
c- Is a completely epithelial structure.
d- Is highly vascular, as ameloblasts require an enriched environment.
6) Is an extension of the dental lamina.
b-Is an extension of the outer dental epithelium.
c- Is an extension of successional dental lamina
d-Extends from the stratum intermedium to the stellate reticulum.
7) Dental follicle cells
a- Differentiate into the ameloblast layer.
b- Differentiate into the odontoblast layer.
c- Are found within the dental organ.
d- Migrate to dentin surface of the root and differentiate into the
8) All of the following is the functions of the Stellate Reticulum
a- Keep Space for the enamel development.
b- Act as a reservoir for nutritive materials.
c- Act as a cushioned to protect ameloblasts.
d- Secretes alkaline phosphatase enzyme.
9) The epithelial root sheath of Hertwig disintegrates:
a- After odontoblastic differentiation & before dentin matrix formation.
b- After odontoblastic differentiation & dentin matrix deposition.
c- Before odontoblastic differentiation.
d- After cementum formation.
10) Nutrition of enamel organ.
b- Formation of cementum.
c- Formation of periodontal ligament.

d- Formation of supporting alveolar bone.

11) The lateral dental lamina gives rise to:

a- Deciduous teeth.
b- Permanent successors.
c- Permanent molars.
d- Vestibular lamina.
12) The stratum intermedium:
a- Lies between outer enamel epithelium & stellate reticulum.
b- Is a transient structure.
c- Is rich in mucopolysaccharides.
d- Plays important role in enamel calcification.
13) The down growth of an epithelial thickening buccal to
the dental lamina is known as:
a- Vestibular lamina.
b- Linguo-alveolar Sulcus.
c- Lateral dental lamina.
d- Successional dental lamina.
14) Calcified tissues of the tooth are derived from:
a- Ectoderm only.
b- Endoderm only.
c- Mesoderm only.
d- Ectoderm & Mesoderm.
15) The stimulus that initiates the actual formation of enamel
matrix seems to be:
a- Reduction of stellate reticulum.
b- Influence of increased vascularization of the dental sac.
c- Disappearance of the cell free zone of dental papilla.
d- Presence of predentin.

16) The number of roots that are formed is determined by
a- Number of root sheaths developed by the enamel organ.
b- Number of medial ingrowths at the epithelial diaphragm.
c- Number of root sheaths developed by the dental sac.
d- Thickness of the cervical loop.
17) Which of the following is the first process to occur in the
sequence of tooth development:
a- Deposition of the first layer of enamel.
b- Deposition of the first layer of dentin.
c- Elongation of the inner dental epithelial cells.
d- Differentiation of odontoblasts.
18) All of the following are involved in the formation of a
tooth except:
a- Epithelial root sheath.
b- Successional lamina.
c- Dental lamina.
d- Vestibular lamina.
19) The dental lamina initiating the permanent molars
a- As successional lamina.
b- As a distal extension of the dental lamina.
c- As lateral dental lamina.
d- As vestibular lamina.
20) The cell rests of Malassez are derivatives of:
a- Cervical ameloblasts.
b- Outer enamel epithelium.
c- Dental papilla.
d- Root sheath.

21) The embryo's stomodeum is lined by:
a- Ectoderm.
b- Endoderm.
c- Mesoderm.
d- Ectomesenchyme.

22) The ectomesenchymal cell condensation just beneath the

enamel organ is called:
a- Dental sac.
b- Dental follicle.
c- pulp.
d- Dental papilla.
23) Initiation of dental lamina is induced by:
a- Neural crest cell.
b- Endoderm.
c- Ectoderm.
d- Mesoderm.
24) Primordium for the permanent dentition appears as an
extension of dental lamina into the ectomesenchyme:
a- Lingual to the developing primary tooth germ.
b- Labial to the developing primary tooth germ.
c- Mesial to the developing primary tooth germ.
d- Distal to the developing primary tooth germ.

25) Which of the following is not a correct pairing of

embryonic structure and adult derivative?
a- Maxillary processes: secondary palate.
b- Primary palate: upper incisor teeth.
c- Second pharyngeal arch: mandible.
d- Lateral lingual swellings: anterior 2/3 of tongue.

26) Which of the following does contribute to the formation
of the upper lip?
a-Lateral nasal process.
b-Two maxillary processes & medial nasal process.
c-Medial nasal process.
d- First branchial arch.
27) The palatal shelves (palatine processes):
a-Are covered by endoderm.
b-Are derived from the primary palate.
c-Must assume a vertical position for palate closure to occur.
d- Are derived from the first branchial arch.
28) The extrinsic muscles of the tongue:
a- Develop from the maxillary process.
b- Develop from occipital myotomes.
c- Develop from tuberculum impar.
d- Develop from the second branchial arch.

29) Which of the following embryonic structures contribute

to the formation of lower lip:
a- Maxillary process.
b- Maxillary & medial nasal processes.
c- Medial & lateral nasal processes.
d- Two mandibular processes.
30) The tongue is not derived from:
a- Two lingual swellings.
b- Second branchial arch.
c- Third branchial arch.
d- Copula of His.

31) Palatine processes are derived from:
a- Maxillary processes.
b- Mandibular processes.
c- Copula of His.
d- Medial nasal process.
32) The maxillary processes:
a- Are covered with endoderm.
b- Are derived from the 1st branchial arch.
c- Form the primary palate.
d- Form the entire upper lip.
33) Branchial archs sharing in tongue development are:
a) First & second.
b) First.
c) Second & third.
d) First, third & fourth.

34) Passive eruption is:

a- Growth in the length of the root.
b- Apical migration of the junctional epithelium.
c- Deposition of bone at the fundus.
d- The formation of cellular cementum.
35) During the pre-eruptive phase of tooth eruption:
a- Cementoblasts begin to secrete cementoid.
b- The apical foramen is beginning to close.
c- The developed tooth at the bell stage lies within a crypt of bone.
d- The root is formed.
36) Active eruption of the tooth:
a- Begins as soon as the roots have begun to develop.

b- Begins when the apical cementum is deposited on the roots of the
c- Begins as the occlusal tip starts moving towards the occlusal plane.
d- Continues until exposure of the cementum has occurred.

37) The root formation theory of eruption proposes, that

eruption is due to the push of the:
a- Expanding pulp in the root canals against the alveolar crypt.
b- Elongating roots against the base of the alveolar crypt.
c- Elongating roots against the Hammock ligament.
d- Proliferating periodontal ligament.
38) Actual eruptive movements of tooth occur mainly in a:
a) Horizontal direction.
b) Complex pattern.
c) Axial direction.
d) Rotational direction.
39) All of the following statements about the eruption of a
permanent tooth and the exfoliation of its predecessor are true,
a- Prior to eruption, the permanent tooth is completely formed.
b- Resorption of deciduous roots is an intermittent process.
c- Earliest resorption of deciduous roots is on root surface, facing the
permanent tooth.
d- Eruptive movements of the permanent tooth may not be solely
responsible for deciduous root resorption.
40) In the post-eruptive phase a tooth undergoes primarily:
a- Rotational movement.
b- Movements in a distal direction.
c- Movements in an apical direction.

d- Movements in an axial & mesial direction.

41) During shedding which of the following is wrong:

a- The pulp plays an active role.
b- The pulp plays a passive role.
c- The pulp appears histologically normal till the end of the process.
d- The neural elements remain in the pulp until shedding is completed.
42) Which of the following is true about ankylosis?
a- Is a union of the tooth with the periodontal ligament.
b- The active eruption of an ankylosed tooth continues.
c- Is a bony union between the alveolar bone and the roots of teeth.
d- Ankylosed teeth do not show Howship's lacunae on the root.
43) Shedding is predominantly the:
a- Physiologic loss of impacted teeth.
b- Pathologic loss of non-vital primary teeth.
c- Physiologic loss of permanent teeth.
d- Physiologic loss of primary teeth.

44) Ameloblasts having ruffled borders are:

a- Secretory ameloblasts.
b-Maturative ameloblasts.
c- Protective ameloblasts.
d-Transitional ameloblasts.
45) Which of the following is not a feature of enamel?
a- Contour lines of Owen.
b- Cross striations.
c- Prism sheath.
d- Perikymata.
46) Incremental lines are a result of variation in:
a- Proliferation.

b- Histodifferentiation.
c- Morphodifferentiation.
d- Rhythmic apposition.
47) The prismatic structure of enamel is due to:
a- Variation in the density of organic material.
b- Variation in crystal orientation.
c- A rhythmic pattern of apposition.
d- The periodic change in prism direction.
48) The prismless layer of enamel:
a- Is found only in primary teeth.
b- Does not contain prism & prism sheaths.
c- Is found near the amelo-dentinal junction.
d- Contains no hydroxyapatite.

49) Enamel tufts:

a- Contain cellular processes.
b- Can pass to dentin.
c- Are seen in decalcified sections.
d- Are grass like structure.
50) When prismless enamel is formed, the secretory
ameloblast does not contain:
a- Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
b- Tome's process.
c- Nucleus.
d- Secretory granules.
51) Neonatal lines are present in:
a- All permanent teeth.
b- Permanent canines.
c- All deciduous & first permanent molar.

d- Premolars.
52) Organic components of enamel are primarily removed
from enamel by:
a- Secretory ameloblasts.
b- Maturative ameloblasts.
c- Transitional ameloblasts.
d- Enamel spindle.
53) The main difference between the rod and the interrod
region is:
a- Crystal size.
b- Crystal orientation.
c- Crystal composition.
d- In the nature of the organic component.

54) The striae of Retzius:

a- Are parallel to the enamel rods.
b- Are parallel to the surface of the enamel in the cervical region.
c- Are not seen in the cuspal one third of the enamel.
d- Would be seen as concentric rings in a horizontal section of the crown.
55) Enamel is composed of:
a) Rod, interrod & rod sheath.
b) Only enamel prisms.
c) Needle shaped crystals.
d) Prism sheath.
56) The extensions from secretory ameloblast cells that give
structure to enamel rods are called:
a) Enamel tuft.
b) Tomes processes.
c) Enamel spindles.

d) Enamel lamellae.
57) Striae of Retzius:
a) Result from enamel crack.
b) Separate prenatal from postnatal enamel.
c) Are due to rhythmic apposition of enamel.
d) Are hypermineralized structure.
58) Enamel Rods:
a) Their number varies in different teeth.
b) Have an average width of 1um.
c) Are Present at the enamel surface.
d) Have a straight course at the cusps of teeth.
59) Interglobular spaces:
a- Do not contain dentinal tubules.
b- Do not contain type I collagen.
c- Are formed during the course of globular mineralization.
d- Are seen only in secondary dentin.
60) Which would not be present in a ground section?
a-Inorganic crystals.
c-Interglobular space.
d- Dentinal tubules.
61) The interglobular dentin is found:
a- Near the amelo-cemental junction.
b- In the root dentin.
c- Near the amelo-dentinal junction.
d- Near the dentino-cemental junction.
62) Which of the following is MOST likely to be found in the
dentinal tubules:
a-Tomes' fibers.

b- Oxytalan fibers.
c-Tomes' process.
d- Thick collagen fibers.
63) Primary dentin differs from both secondary and
reparative dentin in that:
a- Its matrix is calcified.
b- Its inorganic component is hydroxyapatite.
c- It usually has a greater number of tubules per unit area.
d- It is produced by mesenchymal cells.
64) Which of the following is not present within dentin?
a- Cell bodies.
b- Hydroxyapatite.
c- Collagen type I.
d- Incremental lines.

65) Cementum is a tissue that:

a- provides attachment of periodontal ligament fibers.
b- is easily resorbed than bone.
c- it contains blood vessels.
d- it contains neural receptors.
66) Cementum deposition cervically on enamel surface is due
a- premature degeneration of epithelial root sheath of Hertwig.
b- loss of reduced enamel epithelium.
c- persistence of epithelial root sheath of Hertwig.
d- cementoblasts coming from dental sac.
67) Neonal line is present in:
1) enamel and cementum.
2) dentin and cementum.

3) enamel and dentin.
4) none of the above.
68) Obliteration of dentinal tubules by minerals will result
a- formation of dead tracts.
b- formation of secondary dentin.
c- formation of sclerosed dentin.
d- formation of irregular or reparative dentin.
69) Age changes will increase:
a- dentin sclerosis.
b- interglobular dentin.
c- in cementum thickness.
d- Tome's granular layer.
70) Cementum may cover part of the enamel due to:
a-Premature differentiation of cementoblasts.
b-Destruction of the reduced enamel epithelium covering this part.
c-Malfunctioning of the maturative ameloblasts.
d- Premature destruction of the epithelial root sheath of Hertwig.

71) Which of the following cell is responsible for

a- Ameloblast.
b- Osteoblast.
c- Cementoblast.
72) Which of the following is true about cementum? It:
a- Provides nutrients to secondary dentin in the root.
b- Provides for the attachment of principal periodontal fibers.
c- Contains neural receptors.

d- Is more easily resorbed than bone.
73) Which of the following is not a feature of cellular
a- Lacunae and canaliculi.
b- Continuous remodeling.
c- Sharpey's fibers.
d- Incremental lines.
74) Cementoblasts:
a- Are derived from the dental papilla.
b- Secrete both collagen and glycosaminoglycans.
c- Are multinucleated cell.
e- May become incorporated into acellular cementum.
75) Which of the following is not present inside both cellular
and acellular cementum:
a- Cementoblasts
b- Hydroxyapatite crystals.
c- Incremental lines.
e- Sharpey's fibers.

76) human teeth contain varities of cementum:

a- acelllular extrinsic fiber cementum.
b- cellular intrinsic fiber cementun.
c- mixed stratified cementum.
d- all of the above.
77) Incremental lines of Salter are:
a- highly mineralized areas having less collagen and great amount of
b- hypomineralized areas containing less collagen and great amount of

c- unmineralized areas containing no collagen nor mucopolysaccharides.
a- similar to cementum mineralization.

78) With age, the volume of the pulp decreases because of:
a- A decrease in the number of collagenous fibers.
b- The formation of secondary dentin.
c- Sclerosis of radicular dentin.
d- A decrease in number of fibroblasts.
79) The true pulp stone is formed usually:
a- In large size.
b- In the coronal pulp.
c- In the radicular pulp.
d- Around degenerated nidus.
80) The pulp sensation is:
a- Touch.
b- Propioceptive.
c- Pain sensation.
d- Cold.
81) As a result of aging, the dental pulp in human permanent
a- Increase in size and becomes more vascular.
b- Becomes less cellular and more fibrous.
c- Becomes more cellular and contains more ground substance.
d- Becomes more vascular and contains larger neural elements.
82) The PDL fibers running between two adjacent teeth:
a-Belong to the dento-alveolar group.
b-Are gingival fibers.
c-Are transseptal fibers.

d- Are oxytalan fibers.
83) Which of the following is not present in the periodontal
a- Epithelial rests of Malassez.
b- Fibroblasts.
c- Cementoblasts.
d- Osteocytes.
84) Which of the following principal fibers groups
constitutes the main attachment of the tooth?
a- Oblique group.
b- Apical group.
c- Horizontal group.
d- Alveolar group.
85) Which of the following groups of tissues comprise the
a- Alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, cementum.
b- Periodontal ligament, cementum, gingiva.
c- Cellular cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone.
d- Cementum, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, gingiva.
86) The width of the periodontal ligament:
a- It is thiner when teeth are functioning normally.
b- It is narrowest at the level of the midroot area.
c- It becomes wider with aging.
d- It is of uniform width around multi-rooted teeth.
87) Which of the following best describes the alveolar bone
a- It is composed of lamellar bone only.
b- It is composed of bundle bone and lamellar bone.
c- It is composed entirely of bundle bone.

d- It is composed of spongy bone only.
88) The alveolar bone proper is composed of:
a- Spongy & woven bone.
b- Bundle & lamellar bone.
c- Compact bone only.
d- Compact & spongy bone.
89) Which of the following is true:
a- Normal long bone contains woven bone.
b- Reversal lines represent rhythmic apposition of bone.
c- Growth line of bone disappears at 5 years.
d- Lamellated bone contains resting lines.
90) Which of the following is wrong?
a- The cribriform plate is another name for alveolar bone proper.
b- Sharpey's fibers are present in bundle bone.
c- Bundle bone develops from the dental sac.
d- Bundle bone is not resorbed.
91) Which of the following best describes the alveolar bone
a- Woven bone and spongy bone.
b- Lamellar bone and bundle bone.
c- Bundle bone and cancellous bone.
d- Woven bone and lamellar bone.
92) Which of the following is not related to the incremental
a- Resting lines.
b- Hunter-schreger bands.
c- Lines of Von Ebner.
d- Retzius lines.

93) Which of the following is not universal component of all
hard tissues in man?
a- Collagen.
b- Calcium.
c- Phosphorous.
d- Water.
94) Sulcular epithelium is formed of:
a- Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
b- Parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
c- Orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
d- Columnar epithelium.
95) Which of the following is a wrong statement about the
dentogingival junction?
a- It has an epithelial and a connective tissue component.
b- It shifts apically with age.
c- Its coronal end corresponds to the bottom of the gingival sulcus.
d- Its epithelial cells are keratinized stratified squamous.
96) Keratinized epithelium differs from nonkeratinized
epithelium in that:
a- It contains granular cell layer.
b- Contain a higher glycogen content.
c- It does not contain basal lamina.
d- No tonofilaments are found in it.
97) The buccal mucosa:
a- Has a keratinized epithelium.
b- Is continuous with the gingival mucosa.
c- It is firmly attached to the underlying tissues.
d- Has numerous connective tissue papillae.
98) Masticatory mucosa has:

a- Elastic fibers in its lamina propria.
b- Elastic fibers in its blood vessels wall.
c- Stratum corneum.
d- No connective tissue papillae.
99) Which of the following is true of the sulcular epithelium?
a- Consists of keratinized epithelium.
b- Has submucosa.
c- Is nonkeratinized.
d- Contain connective tissue papillae.
100) Parakeratinized epithelium is found in:
a- Gingiva.
b- Vestibular fornix.
c- Floor of the mouth.
d- Ventral surface of tongue.

Complete the Following (100 Questions)
1) The remnant of the anterior portion of Meckel's cartilage gives the
2) The remnant of middle part of Meckel's cartilage gives the
.................of the mandible.
3) The............................. ligament originates from the fibrous
coverage around the Meckel's cartilage.
4) The remnant of posterior portion of ..................... gives the incus
and the malleus of the middle ear.
5) The muscles of mastication are derived from the ...........................,
while the muscles of facial expression are derived from the

6) Each branchial arch is supplied by blood vessels originating from
the ..................
7) The first arch is supplied by the................................................
arteries, while the ................ arch is supplied by the facial artery.
8) The................. arch is supplied by the internal and common carotid
9) development of the face starts at ................wiu.
10) The lower lip developed by the median fusion of the two
11) shaped ectodermal thickening named ...........................
12) During the development of face, the horseshoe shaped
outgrowth encircling the nasal placodes has lateral and medial
edges called ................................
13) Odontogenesis of the primary dentition begins at .................
wiu life.
14) The first stage of tooth development known as the
15) The vestibular lamina located ................ to the dental lamina.
16) An........................... is the space between the maxilla and the
mandible on one side and the lips and the checks on the other side
17) The ectomesenchyme cells condensation just beneath the
enamel organ is called ..........................
18) The connective tissue beneath and around the enamel organ
and dental papilla forming what is called ....................................
19) A .............................. remains between the bud and the
growing underlying ectomesenchyme.
20) The tooth primordium has three components ........................,
................... and dental sac.

21) The dental organ is..................... in origin, while both dental
papilla and dental sac are .......................... in origin.
22) The stellate reticulum cells synthesize and secrete
23) The lingual extension of the dental lamina is called the
24) The ..............................are non succedaneous and have no
primary predecessors.
25) The permanent molars develop from a ...........................of
the dental lamina.
26) In the bell stage, the connection of dental organ to the dental
lamina is elongated forming a .....................................
27) The point at which inner enamel epithelium differentiation
first occurs represents the site of future ...........................................
28) ......................begins in the early bell stage and ends at the
beginning of root formation.
29) Increase in width of the jaws leads to movement of the
germs ..............................
30) Increase in height of jaws leads to the .......................
movement of the germs (Excentric growth).
31) .................... growth means that one part of the developing
tooth germ remains stationary and the remainder continues to grow
leading to a shift in its center.
32) In ...................... bone resorption occurs only on the crypt
wall facing the growing tooth germ.
33) .................. begins by root formation and ends when the
tooth reaches the occlusal plane.

34) In ....................... stage of eruption, the rate of eruption
accelerates. Then it becomes very slow as it approaches the
occlusal plane.
35) Eruption of the maxillary third molar in the maxillary sinus
represents an ...................eruption.
36) Eruptive path is achieved by the ........................ canal which
is filled with the ...................................
37) In a dried skull, holes that identified in the jaws on the
lingual aspects of the anterior deciduous teeth represents the
opening of the ...............................
38) The occlusal wear is compensated by
39) ......................... is compensated by a process known as
mesial drift.
40) ........................ theory supposes the existence of cushion-
hammock ligament, running across the base of the socket from to
provide a fixed base for the growing root to react against.
41) .............................. theory proposed that the cells and fibers
of the periodontal ligament pull the tooth into occlusion.
42) .................. is the physiological elimination of the deciduous
43) The permanent incisors and canines develop................ to the
deciduous teeth and erupt in an occlusal and vestibular direction.
44) The resorption of the roots of the ........................ often
begins early on their inner surface facing the inter-radicular
45) The premolar tooth germs move................... to the deciduous
molars to relieve the pressure on the roots of the overlying
deciduous molars.

46) The process of tooth resorption is ....................; there periods
of resorption and periods of rest and repair.
47) The resorption of the hard-dental tissues of deciduous teeth
is achieved by highly specialized multinucleated cells called
48) Odontoclasts are derived from ...................................
49) Odontoclasts are found on a shallow hollowed out
depressions or bays called ...............................
50) .............................. are able to resorb all hard-dental tissues
including cementum, dentin and on occasions enamel.
51) The tooth sheds with some pulpal tissue intact except that
..................... seem to be missing.
52) the pulp plays a ...................... role in the shedding process.
53) Retained deciduous tooth are most often
54) The most frequently remnants are found in the region of
.......................... because their roots are widely divergent.
55) Ameloblasts having ruffled borders are........................
56) .................. ameloblasts are characterized by having a distal
cell membrane with many infoldings.
57) ......................... are a result of variation in rhythmic
58) Enamel.....................are grass like structure.
59) Organic components of enamel are primarily removed from
enamel by
60) Enamel is composed of rod ,....................................

61) The extensions from secretory ameloblast cells that give
structure to enamel rods are called ...............................
62) .......................... are due to rhythmic apposition of enamel.
63) ................ is formed of 96% minerals & 4% organic
materials and water.
64) In enamel ...................... appear to be periodic bands at 4
microns interval across the rod.
65) The complex arrangement of rods over the cusps of teeth is
termed .............................
66) Prismless enamel is ...................mineralized than prismatic
67) The predominant inorganic portion of enamel is
68) Developmental enamel lamellae is type............. enamel
69) The predominant organic portion of mature Enamel
70) .........................makes up the outside layer of anatomical
crown of a tooth.
71) The ............... lines fissures, grooves and pits.
72) The property that enables enamel to withstand the
mechanical forces applied during tooth functioning is
73) Mature enamel is composed of 88-90 % inorganic material
and 10-12 % organic material and water by .......................
74) Fluoro-apatite is 20% less soluble than ..................... which
means that it is much less susceptible to demineralization.
75) .......................secreted by differentiating ameloblasts.

76) ...................... interdigitate with the surface of the forming
enamel giving it a picket fence appearance.
77) .................. is the mineralized tissue that forms the bulk of
the tooth.
78) Two major properties distinguish dentin from enamel: First,
dentin is .......... Second, dentin ...................................
79) Dentin is slightly harder than...............or ............... and is
less hard than ...................
80) On radiographs, dentin appears more .................. than
enamel and more ..................... (lighter) than pulp.
81) The collagen of dentin comprises over 90% of the organic
matrix. The principle collagen fibril is type ..................., traces of
type III and type V collagen are also found.
82) ........................... are highly specialized connective tissue
cells that differentiate from the peripheral cellular layer of the
dental papilla.
83) Secretory odontoblasts exhibit ...................... and
..................... activity along their plasma membranes.
84) The................. odontoblast produces dentin in a very slow
85) In resting odontoblasts, there are increase in number and size
of ............... and ........................
86) The Mantle dentin varying in width from ................ μm. The
large collagen fibrils (0.1-0.2 mm in diameter) aggregate in the cell
free zone.
87) The collagen fibrils of mantle dentin are aligned
...................... to the basal lamina, while in the mantle dentin of the
root they are......................

88) ..................................theory proposes that fluid movement
through the tubules distorts the local pulpal environment and is
sensed by the free nerve endings in the plexus of Raschkow.
89) The ...................dentin is the basic structure of dentin and
forms its bulk.
90) The collagen fibers of ......................... dentin are smaller in
diameter (0.05Mm) and are more closely packed and interwoven
with each other.
91) The fibers of circumpulpal dentin are present
............................. to the tubules.
92) The ground substances of the ....................... dentin are
exclusively a product of odontoblasts.
93) The vesicles that bud from the odontoblast cells during
mineralization of dentin are called ..............................
94) ......................... comprises matrix formation and
mineralization of cementum.
95) The ............................ will induce the neighboring cells of
the dental papilla to differentiate into odontoblasts.
96) The epithelial root sheath of Hertwig will loss its continuity
and its cells become ............................................
97) The cells entrapped in the mineralized cementum are
referred to as................................and occupy lacunae.
98) cellular cementum has a ................. mineral content than
acellular cementum.
99) The Sharpey's fibers of .......................cementum generally
retain an unmineralized core.
100) PDL fibers are divided into:
· ................................
· ................................


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