Đề số 4

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Đề số 4

The line graph below illustrates the average time spent by four car manufactures
to produce vehicles at their US factories from 1998 to 2005. Overall, despite
some fluctuations, the time used to produce a vehicle for all brands decreased
during this period. In 1998, General Motor took the longest time to assemble a
vehicle, while Honda ang Toyota spent the least. Over 7 years, the producer
General Motor had the significant development in the time spent to make a car,
reducing from 32 hours to 22 hours. In the middle of 1999 and 2004, Ford and
General Motor had the same time to finish a car, which were respectively 29
hours and 24 hours. As can be seen from the graph, in 1998, Toyota and Honda
started at the same lowest points at 22 hours per vehicles among 4
manufactures. Although Honda used three hours less than Toyota to put
together the vehicle in 1999, both manufacturers gradually took the exact hours
that rose from 22 hours to 24 hours to produce by the year of 2001 to 2002. In
spite of the different fluctuations between 2002 and 2005, Toyota and Honda
ended up with 20 hours per complete car.
The bar graph illustrates the number of people from both genders who
attended different evening courses such as Drama, Painting, Sculpture and
language in the year 2009 at an adult education centre. The pie chart
illustrates data on the ages of participants who attended these courses.

In 2009, women loved to attend maximum language courses (40 women) and
were least likely to visit sculpture (nearly 5 women only), Although men
attended painting class nearly 25 in number. In contrast, women are 30 in the
same course. However, men attended drama and sculpture classes equally,
which is 10 persons each and men and women attended language and drama
classes on an average of 20 each simultaneously.

Furthermore, 42 per cent of the total population who attended various courses
are the age of 50 and above, and only 5 % are under 20, and people from 20-
29 are 11%, and from the age 40 to 49 are 16%. Lastly, nearly a quarter of the
population from 40-49 are attended(26%).

Overall, in 2009 mostly older people attended various courses and out of this,
women love to attend language classes; however, men visited painting classes

The given graphs present information on the participants on the adult education and
their age groups in the year 2009. Overall, numbers of male students were more than
their female counterpart and people who were 50 years old or over were more than
40% of the total participant in this adult education centre.

According to the bar graph, 20 male students attended drama classed in the adult
education centre while 10 female attended in this same course. In painting number
of male students was 30 compared to the approximately 24 female students. Least
number of students attended sculpture related education where female exceeded
the male students (female about 10 while make only about 5). Highest number of
students went to language course where male students (40 participants) were double
than the female (20 participants) students.

The supplied pie chart shows the percentage of students based on their age groups.
As is observed from this graph, people over 50 or above comprised more than 42%
of the total participants.  Second largest participants who joined the adult education
courses came from 40 to 49 years age group while all other participants of other age
groups comprised the remaining 32%.

From the bar chart, which represented the number of men and women that took part in
the evening courses, women recorded the highest participants across all subjects apart
from the sculpture—ranging as 40 number of people in a language which was the peak
across all courses, 30 in painting, 20 in drama and about 5 in sculpture which was the
lowest of female participants of all the subjects. This was measured in the number of
people. At the same time, the men had their peaked attendance in the painting of about
25 people, 20 in language and a significant record of 10 persons in drama and sculpture,
which was their trough.

Moreover, the age range of participants was represented in the pie chart, age 50 and
above had a peaked of 42%, followed by people within the age of 40-49, which was 26%,
age 30-39 recorded 16%, age 20-29 had 11%, and people of under 20 of age had a hit
low of 5%as seen in the chart.

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