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Citizenship in Anciente Greece

Unit 1 - Citizenship
2nd Baccalaureate

1. What is equality

2. Why should all people enjoy the same rights?

3. Explain in your own words what exclusion means, and whether or not this concept affects

4. Choose the right option

a. Gender equality means:
i. All the people are different.
ii. Men and women have the same rights.
iii. Men and women have equal rights and duties.
iv. That all genders are equal.
b. Equality of people can happen when:
i. Development opportunities are created for all people.
ii. Get everyone together and form groups.
iii. All people acquire capabilities.
iv. The State declares social equality, via decree.

5. Analyze, why is it essential for a democratic society to recognize the natural equality of all
human beings? How does that recognition protect life against significal abuses of power?

6. Research about the social inequalities in Ecuador, explore if they have increased or decreased,
what are the reasons for those changes?

7. Reflecting on your own life, what are some prejudices, phrases, behavior that you recognize
in yourself or in your household that could be considered disrespectful and discriminatory?

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