All Leaders, Please Help Round All Youth Into The Youth Chapel To Start at 6:45P

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Hydrate Leaders, Ive heard great testimonies about last Wednesday this is a testament to the strength of our leadership

p in Youth Ministry! Thank you so much for investing in youth and being a spiritual leader in their lives! An extended thank you to Victor Rodriguez for managing Hydrate last week All of you are special to me and our youth! Tonight, we are on Week 2 of Inked for Life Groups. Ive also attached Week 3 & 4. I would like your feedback; do you like (or use) the student outlines or is it a waste of paper? My general thought is I like something going home in their hands & encourage them to create a folder at home to stuff all their lessons in something they can refer back to when they need answers. But, I also know this is a different day and age I would be surprised if 5 or more youth actually kept these lessons --what do you guys think? Order of Service for THIS Wednesday Sign-In Video Countdown so that we start at 6:45PM - ALL LEADERS, PLEASE HELP ROUND ALL YOUTH INTO THE YOUTH CHAPEL TO START AT 6:45P. This will give us more LG time. Worship Song, then a brief welcome, prayer, & offering Dismiss to Life Groups: teaching INKED Week 2. -We will continue to make announcements during Life Groups and we will skip general announcements in the big group I even heard from a teenager this week that said they liked that better and its more effective. Hydrate Huddle: our next meeting will be Wed. Oct 5th, 8-8:30PM. FAST: Our Church is in the middle of a 40 Day Fast, meaning we have people praying & fasting in our congregation everyday some for multiple days, but every day is covered. I would like us to privately choose a day or a time to fast & pray specifically for our youth ministry. Here are some specific prayer points that we can cover together as a team: Wisdom: (Proverbs 4:5-7) that we seek Gods approval and agenda more than others approval or our own agenda. Parents: (Proverb 4:3-4) that parents become the spiritual fathers & mothers that God is calling them to be. To pass down a genuine faith, more than tradition. Students: (John 14:6) that they own their faith & truly fall in love with Jesus. That our youth seek Him because He IS life, not to enhance their life. Hydrate Staff: (Ephesians 4:1-6) that we remain united in our vision of making disciples and raising leaders Growth: (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) the prayer of Jabez that God would increase our territory spiritually & numerically. That we can be trusted as a place that believes in youth and enables them to use their God given talents and walk empowered by the Spirit. That we are fruitful and purposeful as we seek to build a relational ministry modeled after Christ and driven by the Spirit.

See you tonight! As always, Im available to you anytime fb, call, text, or setup a time to hangout if you have ideas or areas of concern for our youth ministry. I love to see what God is doing through YOU and through this ministry. Lets continue to seek His wisdom & guidance in all we do.

David Brown, Youth Pastor Peerless Road Church (423) 503-4581

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