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Etcd is a database that stores information in a key-value format


The kube-apiserver is the primary management component of kubernetes.

The kube-api server is responsible for orchestrating all operations within the

It exposes the Kubernetes API which is used by externals users to perform

management operations on the cluster as well as the various controllers to monitor
the state of the cluster and make the necessary changes as required and by the
worker nodes to communicate with the server.
Create a new folder
Get into new folder
Create new file name with firstlab.yml and copy below Kubernetes definition files

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
replicas: 4
app: nginx-keyword

app: nginx-keyword
- name: nginx-container
image: nginx:1.7.9

Create Deployment

kubectl apply -f <FILE NAME>

kubectl apply -f firstlab.yml
kubectl get deploy

kubectl get deploy -o wide

kubectl get pod

kubectl get pod -o wide

[Know the ip address of the POD and which node this POD is running]

Get into Pod

kubectl exec -it <POD NAME> /bin/sh # Getting into running container
kubectl exec -it nginx-deployment-78d87f8b6c-przqg /bin/sh
kubectl exec -it <POD NAME> bash

You can get into inside the POD

Apply below commands

ping < POD ip address>


output is


how to come out from pod, apply below


kubectl get rs
rs meanes Replica Sets

kubectl describe deploy <DEPLOYMENT NAME>


Upgrade Deployment

Open Kubernetes definition file

Replace nginx verson 1.7.9 with 1.9.1

kubectl apply -f firstlab.yml

kubectl get rs -w
(-w : watch)

(rs indicate replica set and w indicate watch)

kubectl get rs
(All POD's running under Replica Set)

kubectl get deploy

kubectl describe deploy nginx-deployment


Rollback Deployment

kubectl rollout status deploy/nginx-deployment

(Be ready : nginx-deployment Rolling back)

kubectl get deploy

kubectl rollout history deploy/nginx-deployment

[ You can get list of revision]

kubectl rollout undo deploy/nginx-deployment

1.9.1 replace with 1.7.9

kubectl describe deploy nginx-deployment

Checking K8S Pods CPU and Memory

kubectl top pod <POD NAME> --namespace=default

kubectl top pod nginx-deployment-78d87f8b6c-jvnbc --namespace=default


Scale up (Scaling)

kubectl get deploy

Auto Scale
HPA : Horizontal Pod Auto scaling
VPA: Vertical Pod Auto Scaling

kubectl autoscale deploy nginx-deployment --min=5 --max=9 --cpu-percent=80

kubectl get pods

kubectl get hpa

kubectl describe hpa nginx-deployment

kubectl delete hpa nginx-deployment


Pause a Deployment

kubectl rollout pause deployment/nginx-deployment

kubectl set image deploy/nginx-deployment nginx-container=nginx:1.9.1

(Imperative way)

kubectl rollout resume deployment/nginx-deployment

kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment

Delete Deployment
kubectl delete deploy <DEPLOYMENT NAME>

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