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a) Opisthorchis: The helminth with the smallest egg

b) Enterobias vermicularis: Perianal swab/fold or worm in underwear.

c) Echinococcus granulosus: Main carrier is a DOG.

d) Diphyllobothrium Latum: Main carrier is a FISH.

e) Toxoplasma gondii: Main carrier is a CAT.

f) Filarial worm: Causes Elephantiasis and eye infection(eye worm)

g) Ascaris Lumbricoides: Eosinophiles will be in the question. It causes Ascariasis.

h) Trichinella and Taenias: Found in PORK.

i) Schistosoma: You will see Australia and egg with characteristic sharp point. It will cause
urogenital or vaginal infection.


a.) Balantidum Coli: Cilia all around or four nucleus or two nuclei two vacuoles.

b.) Giardia Lamblia: Two nucleus and four pairs of flagella.

c.) Dysenteric amoeba: Four nucleus cyst in feces.

d.) Trichomonia: Causes Urogenital and vaginal infection.

e.) Leishmania: It causes both cutaneous and visceral(organs) diseases.

f.) Leptospira: (Spirochete) C&S shape causes nose bleeding

g.) Diphtheria: Chinese letters

h.) Treponema pallidum: Spiral shape(Spirochetes)


a) Wohlfahrt Fly: It causes MYIASIS

b) Karakurt Spider: Roundish black abdomen with two rows of red spots on it dorsal surface.

c) Sarcoptes Scabies: Causative agent of Scabies.

d) Demodicosis or Demodex: Causative agent of Acne etc.


a.) Langhans cells: Tuberculosis

b.) Aschoffs bodies: Acute verrucous Endocarditis

c.) Councilman’s bodies: Viral Hepatits

d.) Virchow’s cells: Leprosy

e.) Mikulich Cell: Rhinoscleroma

f.) Reed-Sternberg cell: Hodgkin disease,lymphogranulomatosis

g.) Beresovsky-sternberg: Lymphogranulomatosis

h.) Warthin-Finkeldey cells: Measles


a.) Typhoid fever: Salmonella typhi; affects small intestine and causes ulceration.

b.) Dysentry:Shigella dysentery; Occurs usually colon. Stages are: Catarrhal,fibrinous, ulcerative
colitis and repair.

c.) Appendicitis: Inflammation of the appendix; Incision is done at Mc burney’s point(From

iliac spine to the umbilicus, junction between lat. 1/3 and middle 1/3)…Stages are: Catarrhal,
phlegmonous, Ulcerophlegmonous, gangrenous and apostematous)

d.) Coccal bacterial: These agents cause purulent processes….So if you see pus in your question
check for any cocci bacterial in the option.

e.) Cirrhosis: Pseudolobules


a.) Anthracosis: Miner and black deposits in the lung tissue.

b.) Croupous/Lobar pneumonia: Neutophil, fibrin and grey or red hepatization.

c.) Amyloidosis: Congo red, lardaceous kidney

d.) Sago Spleen: Mahogany with enlarged follicles

e.) Scarlet Fever: Crimson tongue

f.) Infuenza: Panbronchitis or larngotracheobronchitis(Severe form).

g.) Lipoma: movable soft tissue mass of lipocyte obscuring psoas muscle.

h.) Fibroma: movable soft fibrous tissue.

i.) Infectious endocarditis: Sepsis that affect edges of valves.

j.) Rheumatic endocarditis: Deformation of valves due to rheumatic diseases

k.) Spotted fever: Spots and specks.

l.) Epidemic typhus: Lice

m.) Brills disease: Relapse of epidermic typhus after some years.

n.) Hypospadia: Opening of the urethra below the penis.

o.) Epispadia: Opening of the urethra above the penis.

p.) Diffuse cardiosclerosis: Multiple whitish layers in myocardium.

q.) Baccilus Anthrax: On the cattle farm. Ascolis test.

r.) Actinomycosis: Fungal infection associated with pus

s.) Spore checking: Oil immersion and ozhensko method.

t.) Capsule: Burri-Gins technique

u.) Chronic or choriosepsis: Intoxication usually from wound.

v.) Chorioepithelioma:Sponge with cyncytiotrophoblast.

w.) Syphilis: Caused by treponema pallidum(Spirochetes) perivasculitis endovasculitis.

x.) Tuberculoma: Secondary form of tuberculosis with a capsule formation.

y.) Fibro-cavernous tuberculosis: Secondary form with cavities and walls.

z.) Caseous necrosis: Tuberculosis aa.) Fibro-sarcoma: Meat of fish bb.) Sub-acute

glomerulonephritis: Crescent, demilume, semilunar.

cc.) Systemic Lupus Erythematous: Antinuclear antibodies, wire loops, autoimmune.

dd.) Chronic glomerulonephritis: Decrease of active nephrons. ee.) Acute

glomerulonephritis: due to shock, immunecomplex. ff.) Osteomyelities: Sequester

gg.) Cholera: Rice water stool hh.)

Tuberculosis: Horseshoe shape


a.) Vitamin B1: Thiamin(Thiamin pyrophosphate) deficiency: Beri-beri

b.) Vitamin B2: Riboflavin(FAD,FMN) Deficiency: Ariboflavinosis

c.) Vitamin B3: Niacin(NAD) Dificency: Pellagra and D-triad..Diarrhea, dermatitis and
dementia….It is gotten from tryptophan…Maize excess causes it as well.

d.) Vitamin B6: Pyridoxal phosphate, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine…Responsible for

transamination and decarboxylation reactions. Isoniazid is an antivitamin B6 so this vitamin
should be taken along with this drug.

e.) Vitamin B9: Folic acid(Tetrahydrofolate) Responsible for DNA synthesis. Co-trimoxazole
blocks pathway of its synthesis….Methotrexate blocks the formation of THF(active form of

f.) Vitamin B12: Cyanocobalamin: absorbed in the stomach by intrinsic factor also called castle
or glycomucoproteins. Its deficiency leads to absence of the synthesis of THFA(active form of

g.) Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid..Responsible for connective tissue strengthening(Collagen) and

blood vessel. It is also an anti-oxidant. (Oxyproline, lysyl oxidase,proline,hydroxyproline)

h.) Vitamin A: Retinol(Trans retinoic acid)..Responsible for night vision and maintenance of skin.)
Deficiency leads to Night blindness and excess leads to hyperkeratosis

i.) Vitamin D3: Cholecalciferol…For calcium absorption and bone strengthening.

j.) Vitamin E: Tocopherol…It is an antioxidant

k.) Vitamin K: Vicasolum(Synthetic form)…For post translational modification of coagulation

factor 2,7,9 and 10.


a.) LDH1,2: Heart pathology(Myocardial infarction)

b.) LDH &CPK: Early stage of myocardial infaction.

c.) CPK: Muscular dystrophy

d.) ALT: Liver

e.) AST: Heart

f.) GAG: Bones

g.) Ceruloplasmin: For copper transport(Wilson’s disease)

h.) C-reactive: Acute phase protein for inflammation.

i.) UDP-Glucoronyltransferase: For glucorination.

j.) G6PD: It synthesizes NADPH which protects cell membrane from lysis.

k.) Uroporphyrinogen 1: Its accumulation under the skin leads to photosensitivity.

l.) Uroporphyringen 1 co-synthase: Its deficiency leads to accumulation of uroporphyrinogen 1

which causes photosensitivity.

m.) Phenylketonuria: Greenish urine

n.) Alcaptonuria:Black urine…Acummunlation of homogentisic acid.

o.) Bence jones protein: Paraproteinemia(In plasmocytoma) These are abnormal proteins.

p.) Xanthine oxidase: Allupurinol and colchicine in purine degredation pathway.

q.) Carbamoyl phosphate: Ornithine –urea cycle.

r.) Glutamic acid: Removal of ammonia from the brain.

s.) Hippuric acid: It is used to check th detoxification function of liver.

t.) Galactosemia: Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase, cataract.

u.) Maple syrup: Accumulation of branch chain aminoacids in urine.

v.) Tay-sachs: Gangliosidase or sphingomyelin(Lipid) insufficiency.

w.) Contrycal: Acute pancreatitis

x.) Bromine poison: Use sodium chloride

y.) Lecithin(Phosphatidylcholine): Lipotropic factor

z.) Methionine: For methylation reaction.


a.) Down syndrome: 47.21+

b.) Patau syndrome:47.13+

c.) Turner’s syndrome:45XO(Monosomy)

d.) Klinefelter’s syndrome:47XXY

e.) Edward’s syndrome:47.18+

f.) Super female:XXX(Trisomy or triple X)

g.) Cru-d-Chat:47.5+

h.) Holandric trait: Y-Linked…E.g Hypertrichosis

i.) Daltonism :Colour blindness….Recessive sex-linked

j.) Hemophilia: Recessive sex-linked


a.) Type 1: Anaphylaxis,atopy,reagine or immediate example bronchial asthma

b.) Type ii: Blood transfusion incompatibility

c.) Type iii: Immune complex e.g Serum sickness, Arthus disease

d.) Type iv: Cellular toxicity, In mantu’s test(Tuberculosis)


a.) Metronidazole: Amebiasis, giardiasis, lambiasis

b.) Aethimizole: For asphyxia of new born

c.) Lobeline hydrochloride: For restoration of respiration after shock etc.

d.) Unithiol: Metal poisoning e.g mercury

e.) Atropine: For organophosphate poisoning.

f.) Neostigmine or proserin: Antidote for Atropine poison.

g.) Calcium chloride: Used as antidote for magnesium sulphate

h.) Acetylcysteine: Used as antidote for paracetamol

i.) Dithylinium: It’s a myorelaxant which causes short term spasm of facial muscles.

j.) Pseudocholinesterase or butyrylcholinesterase: For metabolism of dithylium after its used..Its

insufficiency causes prolongation of dithylinium effect.

k.) Morphine: Naloxone

l.) Carbenicillin sodium: For pseudomonas aeruginosa(blue-pus baccilus).

m.) Ketotifen: Seasonal coryza

n.) Ketamin: Dissocative analgesia which side effect is hallucination.

o.) Digoxin: Chronic cardiac insufficiency

p.) Corglycon: Acute cardiac insufficiency

q.) Tetracycline: Affect teeth

r.) Loratadine: Anti-histamine…Donot cross BBB


a.) Leffler: For diphtheria

b.) Tellurite agar: For Diphtheria

c.) Bordet-gengou: Bordetella Pertusis

d.) Red colonies: E.Coli

e.) Colourless colonies: Salmonella typhi

f.) Zeel-neelsen: For acid resistant bacilli

g.) CFT(Reiter’s test): For Gonorrhea and syphilis

h.) Immunoflourescence: For influenza


a.) BCG: For tuberculosis

b.) STI: Anthrax

c.) Antidiphteric antitoxic serum: Diphtheria

d.) DPT: Diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus


a) Phage conversion: To make bacteria toxic

b) Phagetyping: To know source of infection

c) 1;20: To repeat test after 10 days

d) 1;40: Confirms diagnosis

e) 1:80: Carrier of disease

f) Neutrophilic leukocytosis: 500 radiation exposure

g) Lymphopenia:200-300 radiation exposure

h) After appendectomy: Intensification of leukopoeisis.

i) After Shock and accident: Redistribution of leucocyte from the marginal pool.

j) Sinoatrial node: 60-80bpm

k) Atrioventricular node: 40-60bpm

l) Bundle of His:20-40bpm

m) Purkinje fibers:10-20bpm

n) Ammonia in the brain usually leads to convulsion,brain edema etc.

o) Evaporation: High humidity with normal or moderate room temperature…e.g 80% humidity
and 36oc temperature.

p) Convection: A man putting on clothing in a room.

q) Radiation: A man putting on light clothing and in a closed room.

r.) Conduction: A woman in the water or swimming pool.

Compiled by: KOMI LEESI S. (President, Greatness Club International) Remember: If you want to
be ahead, you must load your head…Greatness…It’s in you
● Klinefelter’s syndrome: 47 (XXY); 1 barr body; 1
drumstick; affects only males; tall gynecomastia
● Turner’s syndrome: 45 (XO); No barr body;
affects only females; webbed neck, ‘sphinx’ neck
● Trisomy X: 47 (XXX); 2 barr bodies;
X-chromosome polysomia; super female
● Down’s syndrome: trisomy 21
● Edward’s syndrome: trisomy 18
● Patau’s syndrome: trisomy 13
● DiGeorge syndrome: chromosome 22 (22q11)
● Cri du Chat: chromosome 5p
● Mosaicism: 46 (XY); 47 (XXY)
● Recessive epistasis: woman O ​​, child A ,
husband​ blood group
● 0%: Phenylketonuria recessive gene
● 100%: Hypertrychosis of auricles; Y-chromosome
● Dominant X linked: 5 children, 3 girls and 2 boys;
all girls inherited their father’s disease
● True Hermaphroditism: both male and female
gonads are revealed
● Pleiotropy: Marfan’s syndrome and Hartnup
● Phenocopy: hirsutism resembling adrenal
syndrome; Rubella
● Metaphase: equatorial plane; fully condensed
chromosomes; in this phase we study the cell’s
● Metaphase of second division: haploid number
of chromosomes
● Nucleosoma: 8 histone proteins and a part of
DNA molecule
● Karakurt spider: 4 pairs of segmented
extremities; two rows of red dots
● Anopheles: malaria
● Bug’s bites: sleeping sickness
● Epidemic typhus: lice
● Inversion: turned 180 degree
● Desmosome: electron dense substance
● Periosteum: regeneration of bone tissue
● Basal: regeneration of bronchial epithelium
● Satellite, Myosatellite cells: regeneration (muscle
● Schwann cells: regeneration of nerve cells
● Liver: central vein; portal triad (artery, vein and
excretory duct)
● Spleen: central artery
● Nonmuscular vein or vein of non-muscular type:
no tunica media (doesn’t have tunica media)
● Muscular type of artery: middle coat is enriched
with smooth myocytes (i.e. tunica media is
● Sinusoidal capillaries: red bone marrow
● Fenestrated capillaries: renal corpuscles
● Papillae vellatae: papillae on the border of the
median and posterior third of the back of tongue
● Embryonal: major calyces are absent
● Primary: follicular epithelium consists of 1​ -2
of cubic cells
● Cells of sebaceous glands: seborrhea
● Unformed dense connective tissue: provides
skin strength
● Dermis: mesoderm segmentation and somite
● Smooth muscle cells: mesenchyma cells
● Cortex of cerebrum: stellate, fusiform,
horizontal, pyramidal
● Macula densa: a part of distal tubule between
afferent and efferent arteriole
● Bursa omentalis: posterior wall of stomach
● Bursa pregastrica or Antegastrial bursa: anterior
wall of stomach
● Stapedius muscle: hearing impairment
● Digitus minimus: common synovial sheath of
flexor muscles
● M. triceps brachii (triceps brachial): elbow
extension; posterior surface of shoulder in its
middle third
● Long peroneal: limited elevation of the lateral
foot edge
● Cruciate ligaments: drawer sign; anterior and
posterior displacement of tibia
● Nasal limen: boundary between vestibule and
nasal cavity proper
● Colon descendens: left lateral abdomen (left
lateral region of abdomen)
● Colon ascendens: right lateral abdomen
● Pars descendens duodeni (descending part of
duodenum): single longitudinal fold among the
circular folds
● Duodenojejunal flexure: mesenteric root
● Inferior left lung lobe bronchopulmonary
segments: 5; supplied by tertiary bronchus
● Tr. Cortico-nuclearis (corticonuclear tract): genu
of internal capsule
● Tr. Pyramidalis: frontal part of posterior crus of
internal capsule
● Axillary nerve: passes quadrilateral foramen;
supplies deltoid muscle; deltoid muscle abducts
the arm into horizontal position
● N. medianus (median nerve): impaired skin
sensitivity of 1 – 3 fingers
● Trigeminal nerve: frontal or anterior 2/3 of
● N. ulnaris (ulnar nerve): posterior surface of
medial condyle of humerus
● Abducent nerve: medial strabismus; convergent
● Anterior/Ventral/Motor root: axons of motor
neuron from anterior horn and lateral horn
● Yellow (flaval): diagnostic puncture between the
arches of lumbar vertebrae
● S2 – S4: urinary incontinence
● Hypospadia: urethral hiatus opens on
the u​ /inferior surface of penis
● Epispadia: urethral opens on the superior
surface of penis/urethral was split
● Large lips of pudendum: bartholinitis; bartholin’s
● Vena jugularis externa (external jugular vein):
edge of sternocleidomastoid muscle
● V. emissariae mastoideae: area of mammiform
process during shaving
● V. cordis magna: anterior interventricular sulcus
of heart
● V. umbilicalis: bougienage (lumen dilatation)
● A. brachialis (brachial artery): anteromedial
region of shoulder
● Medial membranous artery: epidural hematoma
● Mental artery: frontal third of mandible
● A. facialis (facial artery): edge of mandible;
anteriad the mandibular angle (i.e. anterior to
the mandibular angle)
● Obturator artery: ligament of head of femur
● Round foramen: second branch of trigeminal
passes through
● Crystalline lens: biconvex structure, Zinn’s
● Common hepatic duct can be found or located
in hepatoduodenal ligament
● Ligamentum hepatogastricum (hepatogastric
ligament): lesser curvature of stomach
● In the region of aortic hiatus: disruption of
thoracic lymphatic duct as a result of weight
● Phagotyping: find out source of causative agent
● Phage conversion: microorganism become
● (R) CFT – Reiter’s complement fixation test:
toxoplasmosis and chronic gonorrhoea
● Mantoux test: inject tuberculin; Tuberculosis
vaccine – BCG
● Ziehl Nielsen: Tuberculosis (bacillus tubercle);
acid fast
● Acute, IgM: primary or recent infection; ARVI
–acute respiratory viral infection
● Colienteritis: 0-111
● 4 and 250: coli index and coli titer
● 1:20: to repeat the examination with serum
taken 10 days later
● 1:40: confirms diagnosis
● 1:80: being a potential carrier of typhoid bacilli
● 1:100 to 1:400: patient has typhoid fever
● Previous hepatitis B: Anti-HBs antibodies were
revealed; check for antigens of Hepatitis B in
blood transfusion
● Precipitin lines: a strip of filter paper
impregnanted with antitoxic diphtheria serum
● Precipitation test: homemade pork sausages
● Dry heat sterilization: petri dishes and pipettes
● Salmonella: gram-negative movable bacillus;
colourless colonies; “​salmon fish – swims (movable)”
● Gonorrhea: gram-negative bacteria; coffee
● Giardia lamblia: 4 pairs of flagella/filaments; 2
axostyles; 2 nuclei
● Dysenteric amoeba: 4 nuclei cyst
● Demodicosis, demodex: 4 pairs of short legs
● Diphtheria (corynebacterium diphtheria): leffler;
blood tellurite agar; wide spread fingers/spread
wide apart
● Antidiphtheric antitoxic serum: diphtheria
● Anthrax (bacillus anthracis): STI live vaccine;
ascoli test, “scarlet hat”; cattle; old burial ground
for animal refuse
● Opisthorchosis: smallest eggs among all
● Trichinosis; trichina: pork, f​
acial edemata,​Polessye
● Pseudomonas: yellow-green pigment; meat
● Trichomonas vaginalis: pear-shaped organism;
big nucleus and undulating membrane
● Taeniarhynchus saginatus (taenia saginata):
17-35 lateral branches
● Cytomegalovirus: owl’s eye
● Coxsackie A: “enterovirus infection”; mouse
sucklings died
● Rotavirus: small spoke wheels
● Paschen’s bodies: variola
● HIV infection: gp41; gp120; CD4
● Streptococcus pneumonia: suspected
pneumonia; gram positive diplococcic; pointed
opposite ends
● Streptococcus mutans: enamel demineralization
● Staphylococcus aureus: oxidase and catalase
positive; synthesizes plasmocoagulase
● Leptospira: C and S letters
● C. perfringens: food poisoning; anaerobic
gram-positive spore-forming bacteria
● Spores: ozheshko
● Capsules: Burri gins technique
● Blood, sugar broth: septicemia
● Homogenization: processing of sputum only
with solution of c​austic soda
● Gram’s stain: gentian violet, Lugol’s solution, 96%
● Phase-contrast microscopy: “hanging drop”
● Agglutination reaction: specific antibodies in the
presence of an electrolyte
● Bordet Gengou agar: bordetella
● Bacilli and Clostridia: temperature in autoclave
reach 1000C instead of 1200C
● Actinomycosis: abscess; fungal infection
● Candidiasis: dark-violet gemmating cells
● Ancylostomiasis: ovoscopic probes revealed
eggs with 4-8 germinal cells
● Ascariasis: eosinophilic infiltrates
● Filariasis: elongated filiform body; underneath
the eye conjunctiva
● Diphyllobothriasis: freshly-salted caviar; fish
● Balantidiasis: pig farm; oval unicellular
organisms with c​ ; 2 nuclei; 2 short vacuoles
● Enterobiasis (enterobium vermicularis): scrape
from her ​ perianal folds.
● Echinococcosis: d​ og​ and sheep
● Tetanus: limited mouth opening (trismus)
● Scabies: itch between finger, inguinal creases,
on the lower abdomen
● Direct and Indirect immunofluorescence test;
viruses containing hemagglutinins: provisional
diagnosis of “influenza”
● Wohlfarht fly: myiasis
● Favus: mycelium of fungus, spores, air bubbles
and fat drops
● Visceral leishmaniasis: sallow skin, loss of
appetite, laxity, enlarged liver, spleen, peripheral
lymph nodes; Asian countries
● Na+: increase in nerve conduction velocity;
● Waved/Partial tetanus: period of relaxation
● Holotetanus: period of shortening (i.e. period of
● Muscle spindles: myotatic reflex in frogs
● Aschner’s reflex: press on eyeball –
parasympathetic effects like decrease in heart
● Goltz reflex: blow to upper region of anterior
abdominal wall produces parasympathetic
unconditioned reflexes
● Heat radiation: naked person; light clothing
● Heat evaporation: relative humidity
● Convection: exposed skin
● Conduction: in water
● Tractus rubrospinalis: ‘torso muscle tone’
● Inspiratory reserve volume: sternocleidomastoid
● From the cells to the intercellular fluid: G
● From the intercellular fluid to the
capillaries: ​
● Carbohydrates: 1000ml; 1
● 7.5cmHg: Quiet inspiration
● 25cmHg: Forced inspiration
● Brown bread: weakened peristaltic activity of
the bowels
● Posterior central gyrus: craniocerebral injury
leads to decreased skin sensitivity
● Cerebellum: asthenia, muscular dystonia,
balance disorder, adiadicokinesis, ataxia,
dysarthria, intension tremor, staccato speech
● Midbrain: red nucleus
● Reticular formation: deep prolonged sleep
● Quadritubercular/Quadrigeminal bodies:
orientation reflexes
● Anterior tubercles of quadritubercular bodies:
orientative reflexes in response to strong photic
● ecerebrate rigidity: D
D​ estruction of vestibular
nuclei of D eiters (​
​​ s)
● Beta rhythm: eyes closed, EEG
● Middle part of helix: medium frequency
● Corti’s organ closer to helicotrema: low
● Corti’s organ close to oval window: high
● Left ventricle: 0mmHg up to 120mmHg
● 5L: blood minute volume 5L/m
● 10L/min: blood minute volume 10L/m
● Calcitonin: stimulates tooth mineralization and
inhibits tissue resorption
● Repolarization: T wave
● Vagi of an experimental animal cut on both
sides: ​
deep and infrequent
● Transverse disruption of spinal cord below IV
thoracic segment: r​ espiration will stay unchanged
● Collagen: oxyproline; hydroxyproline
● Muscular dystrophy (Duchene’s): creatine;
● Ochronosis (alkaptonuria): Homogentisates;
Homogentisic acid oxidase; Tyrosine
● LDL: hereditary familial hypercholesterolemia
● HDL: remove cholesterol from tissues;
anti-atherogenic lipoprotein
● Fatty liver infiltration (Hepatic steatosis):
phosphatidylcholine; choline; methionine
(methylating agents; methylation reactions)
● Vitamin A ​​(Retinol acetate): Trans-retinoic acid;
Rod cells; Rhodopsin; treats ​ radiation
deficiency – twilight vision; night blindness
● Vitamin B ​1​(thiamine): in thiamine
pyrophosphate; a cofactor for several
dehydrogenase enzyme – Pyruvate
dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate
dehydrogenase. Deficiency – increase in
● Vitamin B ​2​(riboflavin): flavin coenzymes (FMN,
● Vitamin B ​3​(Niacin): derived from Tryptophan;
Maize contains less Tryptophan; Nicotinamide,
NAD+, Pellagra Preventing
● Vitamin B ​6​(pyridoxine): catalyzes transamination
and decarboxylation reactions; should be taken
with Isoniazid during TB treatment
● Vitamin B ​9​(folate): converted to tetrahydrofolic
acid; Deficiency – macrocytic, megaloblastic
anemia. Folate antagonist: methotrexate,
● Vitamin B ​12​(cobalamin): involved in myelin

synthesis; Deficiency – macrocytic,

megaloblastic anemia, funicular myelosis,
atrophic gastritis
● Vitamin ​ C​ (ascorbic acid): necessary for
hydroxylation of proline and lysine in collagen
synthesis. Deficiency – Scurvy, bruising, p​ etechiae
● Vitamin D ​​: 1 α-hydroxylase from kidney
catalyzes the formation of active form
–C ​alcitriol​[1,25-(OH)2D3]. Deficiency – Rickets in
children, osteomalacia
● Vitamin E​ ​ (Tocopherol acetate): radioprotective
● Vitamin K ​​: Vicasol; gamma-carboxyglutamate;
● Glucose 6-phosphatase: Gierke’s disease
● UDP glucose: immediate donor of glucose
● sulin: i​
In​ hibits GP and activates GS (​
n​ sulin
NB: In​
– I​hibits b4 it activates); Type I diabetes
mellitus; stimulates glucose transport from
extracellular space through plasmatic
● Reverse transcriptase (RNA dependent DNA
polymerase): ​ DNA on the matrix of mRNA
● rRNA: nucleolar organizer
● endonuclease: repair enzyme that is defective in
Xeroderma pigmentosum
● Decarboxylation of Glutamate → GABA →
● Decarboxylation of Histidine → Histamine
● Monoamine oxidase: oxidative deamination;
breaks down noradrenaline, adrenaline,
● Low level of carnitine: causes obesity
● Hypoxanthine-guanine
phosphoribosyltransferase: Lesch-Nyhan
● Phenylpyruvic acid in urine: disorder of A
● : Osteolaterism
Lysyl oxidase​
● Catalyzation of the same reaction: Isoenzymic
● Cytochrome P-450: Xenobiotic; microsomal
● Dehydrogenase of branched-chain alpha-keto
acids: “brewer’s yeast” or “maple syrup”
● Ceruloplasmin: Wilson’s degeneration
● Proopiomelanocortin (POMC): lipotropin,
corticotropin, melanotropin and endorphins
● : able to form ester bond
● Dihydrouracil: minor nitrogenous base
● Fatty parenchymatous degeneration: “​ tiger’s heart”
● Tay sachs disease: cherry red spots
● Mantoux test: inject tuberculin; negative result –
no cell mediated immunity; Type IV
hypersensitivity reaction
● Tuberculosis: h​ orseshoe​; military nodules
● Primary tuberculosis: inferior lobe
● Syphilis (​ : e​
treponema pallidum)​ ndovasculitis;
Romanovsky-Giemsa method; “​
perivasculitis; ​ lacquer​ ”
bottom of grayish colour
● Acute glomerulonephritis: “meat slops” urine
● Subacute glomerulonephritis: “demilune”;
● Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML):
splenomegaly (6kg); hepatomegaly (5kg); pyoid
● Chronic osteomyelitis: bone sequesters; body of
● Chronic pyelonephritis: “scutiform” or
“shield-shaped” kidney
● Essential hypertension: shrunken kidney
● Basal cell carcinoma (basalioma): basal
epidermal layer
● Meningioma: Psammoma bodies
● Melanoma: brown pigment with positive DOPA
reaction; Perls’ reaction is negative; retinal
● Medulloblastoma: area of vermis of cerebellum
● Chorioepithelioma: “​ sponge​”; langhans cells and
giant cells of ​
● Neurinoma: verocai (verocay) bodies
● Lipoma: retroperitoneal soft tissue mass
obscuring the left psoas muscle
● Fibroadenoma: ​ breast; mammary gland
● Fibrosarcoma: meat of fish, fish flesh, flesh of
● Fibrosing alveolitis: pulmonary fibrosis,
panacinar emphysema
● Atherosclerosis: abdominal aorta had a
sacciform protrusion
● Liposclerosis: fibrous plaque with some lipids; a
form of atherosclerosis
● Atherocalcinosis: tuberous intima appeared w ​hite
and petrosal​; a form of atherosclerosis
● Anthracosis: c​ -miner
● Silicosis: dust
● Scarlet fever: crimson tongue; nasolabial triangle
is pale; circumoral
● Spotted fever: ​ Popov’s granuloma
● Virchow’s cells​: Lepra
● : Rhinoscleroma; Scleroma
Mikulicz cells​
● Beresovsky-​ cells/Reed-​
sternberg ​ sternberg​ cells:
● Cholera: rice water
● Anthrax (​ ): “scarlet hat”
bacillus anthracis​
● Diphtheria (​ Corynebacterium diphtheriae​ ): a​
ttempts to
remove membrane produce bleeding
● Croupous: ​easily removed
● Ischemic stroke: flabby, anhistic, grayish and
yellowish tissue with indistinct edges
● Necrotic nephrosis (Necronephrosis): ethylene
glycol poisoning; capsule is easily removed;
tubulorrhexis; phlebostasis; necrosis of tubules
● Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): antinuclear
antibodies; “wire loop”
● Septicemia: shock along with​ syndrome
● Septicopyemia: multiple pulmonary abscesses
● Chroniosepsis (chronic sepsis): brown atrophy of
liver, myocardium, spleen and cross striated
muscles as well as renal amyloidosis
● Empyema: greenish-yellow liquid in the right or
left pleural cavity (700ml or 900ml)
● Acute viral hepatitis: kaunsilmen’s bodies;
councilman’s bodies (correct spelling)
● Desmoid: anterior abdominal wall
● Liver cirrhosis: pseudolobules
● Ichthyosis: tortoise shell
● Influenza, severe form: coal miner’s effect
● Uraemia: size of kidneys 7​X3​
​ X2​
​ cm; weight 6​
.5​ g;
brain edema
● Regeneration: painful nodules; amputation
● Infectious mononucleosis: ELISA revealed
Epstein-Barr virus
● Infectious mononucleosis and AIDS: secondary
● Secretory IgA: local post-vaccination immunity
● Type I HSR​: atopy, immediate, reagine, anaphylaxis;
IgG, IgE; mast cell; labrocytes; b​ ;
ronchial asthma​
characterized by rash and i​ tchy papules
● Type II HSR​: antibody-dependent; blood
● Type III HSR​: immune complex; acute
post-streptococcal​ glomerulonephritis
● Type IV HSR​ : delayed, cellular cytotoxicity; m ​antoux
● Neutrophilic leukocytosis: irradiation dose of
500 roentgen
● Heat radiation: naked person; light clothing
● Heat evaporation: relative humidity (%)
● Convection: exposed skin
● Conduction: in water
● Steroid diabetes (adrenal): 17-ketosteroid (17-KS)
● HDL: removes cholesterol from tissues;
anti-atherogenic lipoprotein
● LDL: hereditary familial hypercholesterolemia
● Hyperlipoproteinemia type IIa: cholesterol
(12.3mmol/L); total lipids (8.2g/L); increase LDL;
consumes eggs, pork-fat, butter
● Cushing’s​pituitary basophilism
(​ syndrome); increased production
of glucocorticoids: moon-shaped face;
android-type obesity
● Air embolism: bubbles escape
● Fat/Adipose embolism: fractures
● Thromboembolism of pulmonary artery:
thrombophlebitis of lower limbs
● Eukinetic: increase in cardiac output and general
peripheral resistance
● Myocardial infarction: CK-MB (early period);
LDH1 (6hrs later); aspartate aminotransferase
● Complete atrioventricular: atria and ventricles
contracts i​ 60-70 and 35-40
ndependently ​
● Sinoatrial (S. A.) block: missing of several PQRST
● S. A. node: 60- and above (112bpm)
● A. V. node: 40-60
● Catecholamines: transplanted heart
● Sympathoadrenal system: raise of arterial
pressure under stress
● Causalgic: gunshot wound damage sciatic nerve
● Protopathic: poorly-localized
● Hemolytic/Prehepatic/Indirect Jaundice:
↑unconjugated, normal conjugated; faeces is
coloured, stercobilin and urobilin are present;
caused by increased hemolysis
● Post-hepatic/Mechanical/Obstructive/Direct
Jaundice: ↑conjugated; normal unconjugated;
faeces is hypocholic (not coloured); stercobilin,
urobilin, stercobilinogen are absent. Caused by
obturation of bile duct, cholithiasis
● Hepatic/Parenchymal/Mixed Jaundice:
combines the characteristics of both
● Increase in ALT and AST rate: indicator for
parenchymatous Jaundice
● Paraproteinemia: myeloma, plasmocytoma,
multiple myeloma, bence jones proteins
● Burn toxemia: extensive burns of torso skin
● Mechanism of edema: increase hydrostatic pressure at the
venous end or rise of hydrostatic pressure in venules
● Thalassemia: anisocytosis, poikilocytosis and
target cells
● Sickle cell anemia: Glutamic acid to Valine;
sickled cells; modified cells
● C-reactive protein: “acute phase” protein
● Gyrus supramarginalis: a​ – lost ability to
praxia ​
execute learned purposeful movements
● Collapse: consciousness is confused
● Glycated hemoglobin: diabetes mellitus; over
the last 4-8 weeks; blood plasma protein
● Electrolytic-osmotic and Membranopathy:
Minkowsky-Shauffard disease
● Hippuric acid: antitoxic liver function
● Catarrhal: lacrimation, nasal discharges
● Ceruloplasmin: Wilson’s degeneration
● Bowels​: vasoconstriction will be m​aximal
● : vasoconstriction will be m
Heart​ ​inimal
● Tay sachs disease: Cherry-red spot
● Cheyne-stokes respiration: cycle repeats
● Hereditary enzymopathy: drug idiosyncrasy
● Pathogenetic: Acetylcysteine as a part of
complex therapy
● Teratogenic: mental and physical development
lag; avoid taking paracetamol during pregnancy
● Pharmacokinetic, absorption stage: treated with
an antacid drug a​lmagel
● Mebendazole: ascarid eggs
● Spironolactone: aldosterone antagonist (no
effect in Addison’s disease)
● ethimizolum: A
A​ sphyxia (a child born with
● Corglyconum: acute heart/cardiac failure;
intravenous administration
● Digoxin, digitoxin: chronic heart failure
● Epinephrine hydrochloride: Anaphylactic shock
● Ethanol: methanol intoxication
● Doxycycline: broad spectrum antibiotic; avoid
long stay in sun; dysbacteriosis; forms brown rim
around dental cervix
● Potassium permanganate: gastric lavage
● Dimercaprol, Unithiol: heavy metals – lead,
mercury, bismuth
● Insulin: Type I diabetes; stimulate glucose
transport from extracellular space through
plasmatic membrane; inhibits GP and activates
● Glibenclamide: Type II diabetes; sulfonylurea
● Vitamin U: cabbage and potato juice
● Vicasol: Vitamin K; bleeding/hemorrhage (nose
bleeds); virus B hepatitis
● Amlodipine: long acting calcium channel blocker
● Dihydrofolate reductase: methotrexate,
Co-trimoxazole – these drugs inhibits DNA
● Co-trimoxazole: treats toxoplasmosis
● Nitrazepam: GABA-ergic system activation;
hypnotic with tranquilizing effect
● Diazepam: neurosis
● Xanthine oxidase: a​ , xanthine,
● Contrycal: acute pancreatitis; inhibits trypsin
● Magnesium sulphate: cholagogue having also a
laxative effect; antagonist is calcium chloride;
treats hypertensive crisis
● Promedol: antispasmodic effect; cardiogenic
shock; shin fracture
● Levodopa: Parkinson’s disease
● Heparin: natural anticoagulant; antagonist is
protamine sulphate
● Aspirin/Acetylsalicylic acid: blocks or inhibits
cyclooxygenase (COX)
● Bisacodyl: chronic constipations
● Butyrylcholinesterase/Pseudocholinesterase/ac
etylcholinesterase: their deficiency or absence
prolongs dithylinum action
● Azithromycin: macrolide
● Sodium hydrocarbonate: stomach swelling
● Sodim valproate: reduce epilepsy and improve
patients psychic condition
● Methyluracil: accelerate formation of connective
● Eubiotics: normalize intestinal microflora
● Aminoglycosides: adverse effect – hearing
impairment and vestibular disorders
● Metronidazole: drunk from an open water
reservoir; trichomonal, lamblia (lambliasis),
● Chingamin: dysenteric amoeba and malarial
● Metoclopramide: breakdown at a nuclear power
● Dobutamine: non-glycosidic cardiotonic
● Fluids and dobutamine infusion: surgery for

necrotic bowel; hemodynamic support

● Amiodarone: blocks potassium channels
● Hydrochlorothiazide: increases digoxin toxicity
● Droperidol: neuroleptanalgesia; potentiate
● Sodium bromide: cough, rhinitis, ​ epiphora
● Aminazine: neuroleptic drug; treats alcoholic
● Narcotic analgetics: cheyne-stokes respiration
● urosemide: F​
F​ orced diuresis

● Dithylinum: trachea intubation
● Acyclovir: herpetic rash; herpes infection
● Ciprofloxacin: fluoroquinolone, contraindicated
for children
● Naloxone: acute morphine poisoning
● Carbenicillin disodium: blue pus bacillus
(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
● Ketotifen: stabilizer of adipose cells; seasonal
allergic rhinitis
● Pyrazinamide: high serum uric acid level was
● Timaline: improvement of immune state

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