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ree ‘ Wu heb Set | S| ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = \ 7 4 would tik, to comuy ry Sneoxtpuh oP thowks amd quoditude to Ma. Annie , Mi a Etonomicn teortun, whe always Gaur me =e Velucouble Sugg ations om constant support 2s Auxing The complition of fais yyuojexk 3 J extend my gratitude 1 my principal fe bald A Ha quidiamee end constant Sup wuision = J also Hromk ma paxents , vill - wistens om = ORL uy friends who Lowe orrourag ed wit =| owt Suilped me fo Comelika thie pro{ect Ra within te Limited tive prowme. A Tis pmojeck wos done to Wnowustond Suy Help HHouns dts oim, fumdioning , mudirs dometts, Roly Poyed fy Hu sie in sa dw Toprarnt amd whet Hu eM olheng ex © fered by Hum amd tow Jnhatives taken ws —4y dovenmint Sukps thon in at) 40 By He end y this prof ce we wit tome to wundlestand show sey Kup Hprougs awe novel omd innovative ongamisoHionaR aUup dn 4udin fon Hue Women uptiprnent amd wore, rw He Overaee aout oy LAL CEES WRAL ESSERE EE Saki See CELLET SY OOO! ‘TNDEX ciak Prasat ohana Onigin owd pantlopment of SHirs Evokuti ove Meoming Furakioning H SHGrs Uranoatuustis & Funuions Roles played by GHGs © Sn depute © SHt Leaokut © Sher Rookery Stys in oping a Bonk Arrouwr Nmr wo NM be : CHubit owailatle te Sirs a Nud fon Sup Hey groups lo- Core Studies Ww Snitekive Tun by Grover t2- | Muaits § Suh Huy Apougs 13. | Demurits 4 seh Help Hrouge UY | Problems fasedl by Soe ond wouys to owrcome 15° Conrusion Bibtio qu aphry SAIAIUSUSUSU SLU SU USL ULL ARUBA, Orieun Awo DeverorMent OF SAGs © TH onigin of SHGs in Jndia wan Me tHarrol rack Jo WE wiollishurent cf me suf - Fraployud womm' 4 Associahon (Sewa) in 1972 © Fun defone, the wie small efforts ak UY - OA gonising fon example , in 1954, We tOUiL Lalout Arsouidton (Ta) 4 AhMeolataol formed its women's ing in pee f tHoin the women Utonging to familia y Mull wos Tir ski sur ox suntng, knitting de. * fla Bhatt, who fommed. sewn, omgamised peo anol Sef ern po yok women woMkens SUK 04 WOWUL, potiEa Moms, amd ofyn in He unotiganisel sto, with Me objective f Muanting Mun incomes © NABARD, in 1992 found He SHO bank Unkage PHofeet, Which is today the wontd's Loxgat microptnamer Poof eat © From 1943 onwasols, NAGAI Along wilh Mk kouwe Bonk India, allowed fo SHG open Savings cromk arcount in Lowhs. @ Tt swoun i Yeon SWAHoZgaH Yojana wax Into duced im 1994 Gol with He datonkion o pHomen se - unployment iN wuHal aneas Hough formation cmd shilling Of Such groups. Ts volved into nu Navional RuMal Livdihoods mission (namin 2011 = = => a. we we ba 2 wz Bs = 1 e CU CEET EET IT ITT SH is a Woligtic Programme oy) ee Onturnises covering afk asyurts of sof Umpmoyment, ongomizing 4% the suxak poor dnto uy Saale qpouys and HWM weapast ty tuitding , Manning of adkvity Ahusters , inpastauctane build up tudunotogy , reli and marpeting a Says Umphasis on eivity vlusturs bose on Hig mesounces and tee omupational Skills of Hes People anol owoi.hasyi bity moveats aciviie that thopun in cook muting + TH ploup trun oasis to ww wou month wet ey wok 4 Conn fogetun anol stone Savings @ fired amount 4 mony One Hee mony Ken A euirain foot , the gnoup Stats, Internal tunding (i-¢) tuning within Ha guoup momlers on Hu nee basis Functioning Of Sie A group te = 20 women prom sindifon Monomle Larkyrounds come toqetin and foum a SUf Hele Mroup (SHO). Tha details Y th SHG Oxt world at tie Wook fuel. Earth SHe is given © unique 19 end vows fon idauntif cation SHE om " infonmal” ‘ ossociation puyon' onal do net nequixe cay seponate jegistnation © Each SH picks a group pusidant, Vicw Musident anol Lookkegin. Te sole fhe hooker iv fo maintain tu accounts ond AR RRR RAR TIA Chonacteristicn & Functions FA well functioning nor would dane Hs following feorwur “J Munpustip 15 - 20 membuy, * Alt members ttonging to Hee Same Sorin - eonoraie Stato SP stiong bond 4 apinity © Competent Loonie eo mumbo should ahead at He muiHings , ove cmd pomicipate in ofl activites. volt ani ly © Should i oO Soci ayy Viob& inkhpution # Snvelvumunk 4 wornun kn dictation mauding ond promoting Hoduatip qyalitin among wom, dk Antiatt ond maintain swings witein He qroup : Atk mumtos wuar nequloty sowe oF dest a Small cumount H Lending Loan to fia wurwans : Th savings moot 4 SHG mut Se ured I provide hooms Fo wumbure He group Evuytning Wuarul 10 Hu Aeon want te duciolel wittin re quoup # Soling Common problems > Sis vost by comity qudivi duals whe foo BIMLLOM pycoblunns, Tar preuping should be Gruntatly dulping He Jwidiviolual overcome Huse proktums Hough Wiseusien ond intunactions wittin ty group amd ouKcoming Hy puoltums amd fusting o common omd united colutfon to He puobtoms, H Bonk Loans + SHus must work on guting a collective quanonte systum $0 Hrok thoy von awoil y Loans from official sources. Roles PRoayed by SHOs Evry selt- wip qnouy is ewabuotid by Hat Vithage fedsnation fron He to Hm based on HK Pomchosutra prindaes Reconding 1 whith @ good SUf Hulp quoup is ont wirith conolucts, wun gs at regulon imkowals © Whit He mumbo | Ku group ole Kequtor Conitent sowings © which mequtor Tks Leantag roy pons wirin fe gueup @ whith tne mumler do Himily Aspa4ments © whidh re munlot e why Her bovky o atcourlts ane maintained up to date dn Pertopment The Sieve Ploy mulher soles im Hue dutlopmental Mods. some 4 Haye an ox followed | Feveny Alswation * The formation H Shes kas Julpud the Mumbo seve a pork q ruin incomes St Anos inercosed its asses, income and Gewred umptoymunt opporrunitis © The Ins Ween 0 significant stift im He | Me 4 foams fon pouonal use to them dting used “fon Trcome quunation Jo Te cumatosive sawings rhe mumbo hoot — | J made tum Pract ally stodds. This tras Metped | | Hum com out a tas vidous Unk pouty amd unemptoymuunt. He Finand af Tretusion © Aaconaing 1 te Nsso Surwey (69™ socal) mone tran draly Y tee farwun Snousds chs In punal Inada do not ave access te fonmal credit. overalt around to of alt tos F Humon Ruowner pwoetopment © The finamcial stati tiry y The mumbai oncounages Hhum sunk mou on Hu education 4 HuiH uitovien. Tha mumten shourchetale howe neposted Mitr serook outortlanee ond a Oeetease iM Aekool dropout Kate anor «Tu finmnctal stauitity dros Leo fo Lower sual “montasity Ly, Tmproved motuinak sheath, ook mutsition, housing, amd Meatte — Specially cumong women and writen * women Empowerment © TW cortnibukion qf wonun fo Souxvnobal income Jos inereased frwolvemumt yf won fn duis ton malt ng © St thor tmexecored Min awannes mlout Vani ous wofons sthomis Omi obganizaHons ound AAAS “10 Such ongamdgorions . o The Expditivn on get Education in munler hovserolds tras alo increased AW SHO Leader SHG Lindl it chosen by Hs mumbun of He PPh ond He traowuntp is Korered Off wont Mules prom ttm to Heme . Thay MmorVOte He SHG mules fo fouew tm Pomchasutsa * Tuy ort a fink dewen Hu Sic and ony imsitution auch at banks * Sha ‘Bookeepans. Tu broklaagun Whe SHo 1s a Sitoate munader Y liu qroup on any diterate pon Jenown te fu guoup memo © Th bookkepur 14 selected by Me Sie meter smd tained by Mu SHO bockerning Exh | bookheyun has Hue following books to maiwain 4. Mumbur Pastbook :- Yasthook fon cack wewmbur 2 Minuts book Recond fo maintain ma minutes 4 muting 3+ Sewings book -- Ledger fo maintain senivgs pookedl 4. coshtoot = Ledgur te maintain cash in howd K pawl 5- Lean book - Lecger ntaintain rx Loe Wispwurd fh Me mente Steps m opening a Bonk Account Fox On SH to Opn a bank oxcount Mure ome fe fouowtng sty: 1 8 A Aeotuton iy, posed Ay SHO fe ofan a Lone Bee In te sewter“anen boon on Wl Neonat bank Lroncke. This sesotution Should hove OM He Siqnatunes | Mm Stor memtou pO ME past 4 He sssetutfon , tun offi bears should fe outuonised + ypunate. © He savings | donk account with a conolfion that any Huo | fe Sean, con tromsact wht Hu bomk © AN Gyutication t> oyum a soulngs bomk acount As paepad and sutofttad to Hue Lome manag Ay He Offin beans % A Seok for Me SHa group neds to be make Oud Me Oe beanens need fo submit Huis proof % iH, amd atdlnds os a paxt Pe Kye oman. The opie bearer snoutd eowuy Mae Qfrove ouuments amd HU Hu account Opaning for opuning tue tank atcount S Any transacion with He awk wilh howe to batt honiseuh by at Least two OH beans nominated Gredit Avoikalle To SHGs SUS Ieelp groups trove accuse to muti couse Ot various stage o Hx group An SHtr Was OLS to ML folowing fund A: Member Savings > The wonuy pooled in Ly ¢H6 momen as on apant of Hin Aegulan Intunat P| savings > |2° Tntuvat Income The mony dunt to Hu mumbo wre Hepoad with Infuust Income contuibure fo he SHO fuse 3° Funds from Fedsxation: wrim provides vosious fons bb te fudsnations that on to be Hudisiturad to tun oligibtr sors ak & VO lurk fo catalyse the puouss 4 intonal tuuling TH communtiy iwatment fund dh qv ak He thuster Lek umole twee cakcqorin Which ants ® sud capftal, vulnmaditiry Ke education Ont Livtitrood enrancumumt. 4H Bok loan: A honk sean is a formal taut vuerived prom Lome hy Linking Huw SHO 40.0 tamk account. Ear SHO ix eigist Wy fe Cet omount of Ri IP lakbs oven riod 45-6 yeaus. Thue fumds one Aistuitutel as chur cash out Limit om a5 Tum Loan. The bamk stants with @ Aotating veoit 4m lad on 6-8 hme thin compus amount ouning Mun Need of Sef Help Yroups 4. On 4 ™ inf Aeasons fom runol povuty. is te Sack 4 onerss off Limited serous to wnullt ond financial suanios The Rangarajan Comittee Rapomt dugletud fou Majeh Aeasons fon Lack of Hnomtiak Sudusion in 4naiq Toy ane © Snabitity fo give uotlatmrag seouslly © Wtak wustit oLeorption capacity # Te Trsuffteteat ACK of Gratton 2 weak community Muto Beast is ting Kecognited that one the most important elument ouslit Uinkage tn saith anes is te prawaenc 4 sound Community nutwouks Tn Grattan vitlages. M SHG, Play a vitet sat in going eit ort, to tae poom ond tin Th OUAvwly oueiat in Poverty oktwiation Tay lie play Great note in umpowuiing WOMEN Lecouse SHos Iwkp women fem Ceomomieally weakin suhions druite sovink capital Finameiol inde pendener Hwrough suf - unagloy ener CPpoMMuiHeS abto ules impyoye Oru cw hopmunt foutons such as Etec ary Awa, improvuk sheattheare Cun etter forsity Hamming §n India, Women's sof - daly groups Com bot tre COVID = 19 Papalurni « @ Women 3elf Help Yrcuys im India Snowe seinen i Ee nog wbatunge 4 tle Covid = 14 Fanauic Thy ou wing Stontfas in masks, SOmitTEU amd photudtive equi acon , soavniong Community Kit Uaimns ; fying misinprnation, aun wen providing bowing aml finomei ak Solutions 10 for- flung communis duushia SHH movement Was ewolw uk fom smal savings ond 4 OEE gous trot sougt to empowyr poor wunal women, into one of te Wontd's Langur IvuhtHonal platfooun 6 te poow- Today 67 witlion dudion women ane mento 4 6 wiktion SHGs. © Making Maks and ofan sapey equipments Sn Ov 40/+ o Judia's distuicts, away from re Um tight 4 Hu GHG. Sim women onozs, Fre counRY aut pee furiously fo moke up He Stront {ol Gf mast aml pwuoval soschve Bere (VPE). In oditha, {or ivstomer, poor AMAA WOW Who Wee one engaged dn SHUNING SUhool untfonm ome sewing mors j J Amstel. due the past coupte of We , Hasse Wowun hove proouced Mone than 1 mimtion Cotton masks, tuteing equip foltu puyonnal ow Mnealth workers, whilt Corning someting for Huunneives AU tot, mow rham 14 million mosh, howe dun [odurndl Say Som 20000 Sts antony 21 4nton Stotes ez ae) TT) Ss > fy ae eae Fighting Hii Mfoamation Foportantiy the SHGs One Iutping cw sumors ond mist nfommation “The women ane systema Cally wading hein vast network % whats App groups to wand Of hoor ound confusion, fmoutouing Aitcol support to iy govemment tn this tour 4 eu 2 Sprtading Awonnes © Women’s groups are olso disseminating could Arlated mussages among Sroxok to Weak popkattons. In Bihay, one ci 4nolias poorest Stats, Jewika — tue state's SHG Phat forum. As syrenting the word afout Anamalwostaing, Aanontive , ows 3uf- Isolation Thnough Seaptats , Songs , videos aunt Phone massage Provtaing banking ond pension Services, Sine 005 to finance Js vritteal fon people for people fo sustain thumuctow dusting Da Lockdown, SHirs womu who also Wott an Lomgng Commesponding —Jnawe unvrged O% a Vitol Hour SOLO, Deemed as an Usenttal Thuse Aonk sovkhis shove covttnuedt to provide cloonstep srowung sewers to for flung communitiu, in aoldition to Ait aidaating pustons and nating thy. Woiot fo oxess vxedlits into thin arcs wuts into Hurin accounts thwou Usuct benefit thowpurs (087). Bowks Snowe given thuse wvomen syuctal onientation amd povided thum whith finomelak Incwutves to emalle tum to Connut to wot ousting the Lovedown. Beare nous in He dllo. We Kustumbashyuee [Mojet was started In Jonata fn 1999, ax a communtty action to eadicate Poverty Jt thos teow thy Longest women empowering Poject in dnotia Thue one 3 Components Nowwnly Miro credit , ONtH epneneunsial p Sunk MMipow owt Kudumbostrner ts 0 government agen Ns Holuila Aanthik Vikos Mahamandak SH&s in Mahonoshtnn wo Una to Co with tar prowing volume avn gana THomartions and needed Mopusional WWdp . Comm wal ty Momoged Msource LMA (CURE) WL MAVIM Was Lommetned to Povice finandat Gunth Livelifiood Sewics to SHee ChRe ts Suf Sustaining amd provides med - hosed ster \| J 1° Financial Tretusion - shim ineentive bok dnl +0 poon ond marginalised sections | society becouse the assunones % Mow fF Voie t manginalised:- SHas dave given OH voi 4 ¥ fo tht oHwuyise Gunn kyu On od ond voiceless Aubin 4 soctery 3° Sodak Intequity - suas slp odicate yy A0GAL ily su ow% thoway . alcohotism Condy momniage oe 14 Yonder Equasity - by unpowusing women SHors dup Stor tee ABKON towards trun gonoln j eyanlity 15° Cnessune Aproups :- Sirs oct as PUMUNe groups | “Froud whieh youssue Coun Le moowuuenge Hu governmurt to act on impottok issuss. 1]6- Enkomcing the officiorey of government sche: H] sis dake implore Youemmunk Sums Yi duntiy Bnfotive Token by Hovernmnent Te qovoinmunt prays 0 outal Hole O10 foctlitaton fou the Sits Thue youious govuinment sdaums dedicates fo Hu promotion f Ha Sts. Some 4 Hern OL aS foltows Swakn Tayenti fram Swaxozqan yojana (SaSY) In 1999, the govern mnt o, dnolia , ‘intnodunsal SHY to promote Sef- empteymunt in ruKal aKeOs Hisough thu forimotion amt shilling of SHS © Deen Day ok Antyodaya Yojana — National Ruxal Hivlihoods Mission (pay - WRLM) 4k is under te munistny of Kunal Jurtlopment, OxKoss the courtny in & mission mode wlth the obj tive | ongamizing th AWHAR poor Worn tino sey Up Yroups oad continuously nuncuing cn AUPPOMKing them to foulee economic aeHviHe tle Hawg attain on appre able tues in _income. S WHE Program aim to Ununt tat at Lost om woman mumbu prom cach Kunal poor Arowswnotd is bmought Info tu fold 4 women Sts. Ax 4 Bre atl 271%, 5-46 Utom, women Srowe fren mobidied Inte 54.07 Lakh wowun Auf Help Yrougs (sts) vonolor -H ogseoum Ws governwunt Js Manning to wrcate a totat of 15 LO Sey Hop groups by 2022 to enatte monk women fo ge a Livitiroodl @ Sdheme fox promotion of women SHors (wstins) in backwaxd & LWE digtsicts % India The Scheme oiws at saturating Tr Aatatccs witr Viowte amd SUf - suttoinetee weir, by Swwolving avo Aqurie Who shrole romote. Be facititote yolk Linkage 4 Aue groups wlth Loe , Moviole CONF Nn WO UR, Support omol Oo take the susponsitiltty for Loon Mepoy nuts : Demurits of, Sy nd p quoups 4) Too much dipendince on government and Nios Moy SHors ae dlepenoevt ov tHe promoter agenae lon Hai Survival. In cose Hwe agencies widow hein support, ru Hos One vara to downg art 2) Lacks quatifiva focilitaten The forilitarons do not hone Popusion ak taaining with Aeqovrat ongamitng SHO 3) Locks up gradation 4 Apids Most SHG&s Oe not Making We Y nu rednologs cok innovations onl SRA as Hw is tivitedl cuwatnus with Hegowols fo now tUknology 4) SHGs ane Kun by non- Progusionate: Thu, is no professionalism wimhin the SHGs. Tis hos not promote Mme cxpamsion amd improv omen % ru SHas 5) Lacks Secunity SHas on mostly not Hegistred - Thay ane Mun rose on Hae trust bUwer the mune The | Sawings Mal. by Hum may not be Safe. Whi { Oo CU Comuption though Soi ak Cunauits T Alkoinate source ci Uveli toed | om ployrnent ee SHas Juhy peone carn Mw Livelihood a [esteang Vocatonal Haining also impHove thai Sassy SOULE 4 Livditoool iy opens tools ; Tw Sule case tie Sepenolomey on aguiorttane > & Tmpact on Wnealtncone ond housing: fomily Howning , KUALA Hotes oma Mate pom gut direns wou 4 bute wutuition Bj Financial inetuusion dun to Shes thax teal fo pettus . “| CHUL montatiny . BK bUtH by a Bombing Litotacy:- SHG s Oncoukage peonk to sve and Piomote boudeing Litvracy Sumong Tne HUH a Aeqmnont. obfems Faced By SHGs amd ways to Oumcome The Potiticigation of tu Hin : Strength of aon SHO ies pon ont ly Tn ths solohoudt ty based paatici patony Chast ork Youstnmut Tnteiventions and sutgidin have started Jim porting the SHGs negaHutly. The patronage om £ulwi dis jr ovr oleok by Ha Yourinunt drone often Leo to Hui potiticizarion Hur cone must JK tren + wus trot Government | Anktative don’t unotamine the foundation ak Pi nc pees % SUK ~ Aretp amd wnpowenment wy the poon Alsence in Unban AXeas Inevxeasing sual wrtan migration hos teen o dominant tau in Kumt duodes. The Lack Y aecess tr foxmal wnedit oun to Lorn of Houument asuy props hos Led fo Hin improveris -hawt jn wubon slume- © Tt is a meeol to onganige Heese people into et owned Yroufrin Same partun my i = 2k =. oe nw we 4 c 5 « ae f Poon Courage A Loge mumbo Snourthotls in te surmok OXtOS OH Hue Nour - Fost ond In tur back antl Beaty Le Bion, Trovveond, uktox (Hod, oditha ee. don't Shove access to fone of Crubit due to Hu Loe of good SHor movement A major tHywit on the expansion 4 Me SHG movement in Hause sats should Le provided Pook Cwedlit Motiti gakion Tne & shh a fong wy, +o 4e befom. cee SHers coukd fully utilise Tue anaitebte Healt Wunder goveinnent sdrumes. Te SHor Movement should ke foster sthengrrened fo Ahicue Hus goak The attitwole of He government officiate Stops Sout de town to fen tHaining ana COPOLA HY buitding Me govern mun {unui on ois 50 Hak ty Awcop a positive abi toe amo tHeak “the mumlens of GHors ax Vioke amd HUsponsie ouster, onl 4 ontHe Menu. suy Help groups OL novel amd innovative 0H gouri Sai onal sup in Jondio (o% Me sou Up Uti ewe aunt vorbfavs A women An Indio ou given Mromer to join ony one 4H SHa's fox THaining amd Aw kopwuant, go as fo St prospective Tntre pe od sci Med Wonken The SHO any Pemoted ty ie government. when sa’ s MHOMGE Hin training facility | to warsy out covain Jeind % work whiek ane | Suite fen Women in India, sam wut wumage finamial assistance te Conny owt petunia and THOM ng Oa Vi Hen, Moun ging marking forilities WI Hie ove will (Howse He product | SHG's, anmamge fon erlramdng tur Capacity 4 Women in 10 4 Leanushri p qpakity . As 0 Social movment wir Gove wuppont, SHO's fteomes a pout Ef aouuy. ae Somjoh « Leaving Muttivum . Com en. wikipdia 01g Byjus. com TAS express. net Hun. nie. in and gou in YZ & a a a $ i e _— y

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