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regittotea it Up: Role af indian Economy a challenges Faced enpae oF | Saxvival Of MMe sector through covicl 19 _ | Recent Initiatives by the Ciovetn MM cnivtnet 1.) hate of Stal) Enterprises Mae +— news and _PrectiHes \ ms ning Developments and Pot —4- | Pandemic Alan. _ Bibliography: covid— 14 _©N MoMe ment ance . in the _?. “Las=16 Whroduction. fenstially the amall scale incuttties are generally ised Of there inedustTes which manufacture, and vender corviter with the help af small ine and lect manpower. These enterpriter must fall the quislelines ret by the Crovetnment of Enea. The Sor 's te the Itetime of the economy , expecially developing countries like Tnolin. These Industries ___ ane genetally labour— intentive, ond hence they ___| lay an important wile in the creation of otpyetnment| employment acti ote a crual vector of the omy both from a Anancal ane deoa) point af View , ab they help with pet capltee ineome anol Betource uttltion im the scoop. af small deale Tnelustries < ral] deale Industiet , manrtfactiring Fnelustries eee vou fest due to the necbolal cupply of: raw. | Mraterwale and hoge demand, in public. 2. .costh I tndia, he cummit held where “SETA (ietnataha _ deal] ceale “haustnes Ascouation) vad alto preparted in Tanuary sex, hacl a motve 20 cliseuss the a ney fgues and dit the Actuttion 1 them at the dame prove the mgt envinnment. for the growth ond. Jopment The mayor Small ceale Tncluettrier in Tarn | Ned. amal} ceeate Tnolustrer 10 Kerala ane sSPINning oud wing) ove nut off maheng ) cakhneo nut Prvceccing y products ete. fmal| ceale ancellany industries im ralbad have a Vast number of employment due 2 ubus mutt nettonal companies Povey investenent af essentia) adit creates a huge mo. a ann) ty Il ceale incugtmer and. there ey creating vor ome examples of amall deale _inclusmes ate Agarcleadey yy 1 chalk emeetng Bivelieae| production, I4pee candy manutactwocing , voord, making, Riven), Pojatechies| Pain Miyobeoy, moaleing, Leymel aap mahing yt Processing , alippett raafelng 1 Detergent eovoder Lali, Frowt dante Production plavt» aplcet Lmeriog and. chocolate makeing Thae atte ame examples of the Teleas ftOn) — % efferent industry ard varctoty of broducty ole tndian_economy { sémelyment Ssrls ate a mayor aouree of eroplogroent| ds developing countries Ube India. Because Of the limited thneleyy and resource availanittyy , tend 1 ude. | aid manpoet fer their ereduchion acttvitter. | Teta! Procducetoyt Mere enterpriter account for_al mast es af the total reduce of qoedt and cervicerin ze Tey wt one af the rnain reasons dor He greoth and. Bhengthening ef he _ecomonnyp £ Moke ln Ince; ST ete beast examples fer the mabe Belin lattve . They docut on the ration euiticn xo wanufacture in Ftcla ond ell the Products veorldwile This abo helps create more deraande rom all ever ithe _wortd. : _ oe B Excort _contnioutibn : Endiad expert industry mmyyorty teller on hese croall_induetrias cor -thety growth and evelopment. Neatly half op the goods that ate —2PPetted ftom Tria ate manifactited or produced. —+Y thee _induenias. —- §© we ) % un dian! woe oh ; Se“ gx detopmg eur gited Renney and | 4 manpetet tex + Otel Prelim 7 f the total Pwe 4 ae oe of me rn Nengthening op the Mare a 4A initfattye . Thea v Pufactue in Dua “AS alee eins crecd % rwertd x t CONt Mout Plies on Potted Aon The th these _indye core weallh and create satiate BLS ane nid impertant Ar the dou) greeth and. lepment af oe county. challenges faced qyor ME 26 a whole hae lore oP potential soy growih ation, contnieution tp the economy and pudther jb | ation. Unfortunately these companies alto fae __| Menger whith keep threatening their awtvival end _ et ther ability t grow: key Challenger fuad bey the cecterd : ate Acceas to Me struggled © have accesA to our reasons tbe, back ef _ ybave wot been able to serle the businels for ment Lab accesé germs tne domes: and the global market | nelogteal advancements can make or break thelr woes. Thay abil tp adept new tech nuleptes can robe more competitive, At efSecttve aud accay to roastkot | bee caatet But clay to day cargenctes op these busines thes log tem _poupecttic ack gp adepHen watt , theo absolute andl _exittence wlll ve under trrecd.| Access B. fo 1 Sipnifizant constraint 40 te growin af tagraele uk af wali credit totrastructure. Overall creche ageruduye hed vertiout bottle viecks , Long danction , beeds hijgh redes, eollatera) reagurements, Aelg gowisementa._ The (nates lity to access funds ata ged and in a tiney tmannea hinders the qroeth Quales Human Resource ~ 7 e af the Perennial tesues taced. by the ¥r inawiltty to edtatt and devote wality Human _ PResouree 09 gpyovoth agenda Mast of there MINES ote | BF ten in tne Atage af frequent five. Fighting and dhol [ef manprwet given tnat they to thinly Stasfed tus [Wiekes t+ Anperult for them to allocate these —Aources to usr on loon and mid term prejedtt Stren | ad tererctatye the timer = over Reliance on Ex Sime of these companies aye or hey lari? let she Thit can lirmut treir bux = 2007-08" * Data or ape 0 the Vea, 200708 and 2005-08 274 2005-06 pertain to small scale industies ony, 2008-08" their Potenta) - Tur alo MEK - ao over reliance ar —aatsting client were te Shoulet etwas leek a ree Snares nas 6 5g Lak OF Expertence of using External trons lA ood. conmurant or a vender often cmver Hine and [eine Treg hele Ry uny of eringig. expenttte and talent: Vptowever » matt MIME Sf largely depend pn te capabiuitty a A tre foundett er the core. team. The common build or dilanmie makes them feel with fe ir better 9 do thing! | CToR heuse taro reat riot have the _veguived expouence and kenowledge the time, effort and easts ercalate.. ‘6. over Reliance on Excepting cliente i | dome of these companies orice having acyured fo! [tage ortey gliente let the businecr mun on autopilot. _| This can lint thelr busine and abilety to_maxtmize| _theis potenti) . Tie also reoutts inte high concentration] Limi: over reliane can prove _diastrous lf tne _ —eaistig clients wete to Mow quay. These_ousiness: Ahold _elwaps look et add clients ercrnis izes. —-gengaphie, industry wherever Pausible. mpart_of coviel-14 0 MERE he covorovirus criti¢ har celt crisis crerogs the voorld. lof the virus hile dealing with the econowde iftections. Veith Ctovetnment oxound the yor'd. inapating| oven and dovial oustancing. becoming tne naw morn, | patt— paocemic verte ygit| make up to a Meo | eulture. On the Home _@reunds the. cCovidg | vor psec has bectteted all cectwict et the ecenory Ene micro, ¢rnal) anal medium enterprifet Chirnrec) on. the voor Wek. dered 4+ the growth engine ef the nation, the rerocuns hatted. The Ms of hich welts on_day-te— activites sotttinuse 40 oe th2.r06 2 tockdewen and 4 de tne _calaties in Match rable te Py turvey farther Neveiled thet a whopping 43: hop __ if panic extend teyerd epghh 1 untathomabble hak a Vast umber BF Mint choked, pethaps te the print of-pe of MEME evoy thrush cov! Pectoy that fermi the cack - bore econeney. weas hit due © the bleu af deronstrati BEIOD and. O67 =omplementection. He the At tuaston began © Show Bhyns of ive eltbreak and thereat in 294 companies In the outereae and the crncepe Malley» tector lijeo credit defies “pills arta decrease in — hallerga leaving many _ exmpanies 9 the larch ue HP the pantemic ontoreat and. the consequent. locke | r Adelitionatty , dactokt lipe. credtit-dehett- ahertage | a vorieiny capital, anel.a decrease 10. clemand Le a 8 werocuns halted. The Mime cuties vane the meen at emhich weller en day-te—ctay nas 10 -AtY afirak, continues 40 be the mest casi syulneartele... 0049. to the Lockdown and 4 decreade ti] remand According te 4% AWey corertng sero Mirdes roucted. by tne All Trdia manfactares ergoniiatter| armio) hae seveclect that Tt ef the ouetnatiet cht able to pay tne dalaties int Martech: The eurvey further Nvevesled. that a whopping 437. would | ut Akop if panic extends beygend. exit .uaechs tet wdathorable that a. vast rumber bf MiMesr vill | | choked» _petbaps te he print nf. permanent leila | urvival of Me&MeE Sector thugh__covid —!4 Te ves Meme tector that dorms the back bore of the __| Indian economy, reas hit due to the blows Of dernonstration and. ots zmplemertatton However, a> _ the _Aluatton begun +0 show Bigns of _improvemcat | the pandemic ortthreak ancl udneted It 4. bet ef be pon cctena) goods MUNK A grin Pictiy es that the govetamem ke taterne the fret ¢ ng counter | daseite to contad Whe (oe incuyyed due tothe mgannes = Lepratermic revenue _wemain ata halt: AS AY Whe C1) crap nap MoM ane Atria ligy doy Bleriety 9 sales [peel on the impact Bf cevick-1% 20 the economy and inckustey_1 SL ff CRO FORY. 1 head. _rerdit ybb faced in they presence ef sespedtte aederl path the | Lorkcioven ,ohere ad St foresee, 15 “apy. ley affe [Raaitionally , 337. af theif ave expecttny a fal) to zeverity for pysi/. fOr indtane, auto Mantfacsrert | Uke maui’ Suzutee Aas nox Apri vate, Liter, wheres» luieg Pebnurery the company. produced L4019382 cary. pow. Mar makes tne situation umute 43 that vith a clecrease | in_dlemand , anck np partiole sebound. in the sfetwre, it MAY Gt increasrngly challenging dey matt. Of the | —buvinesrer to ether t2._thery boiypations . oo rAcceretig © tronscatton Unubn Uiet'|, MSM leans Werth @e. 2:22 beh cxpre cute at a. oe high vetle| peat becorniog non = petdormjng . Purdtrer, the cced fol Metein capiial wit! increase aad payment eyelet <7 — lke 40 be eetoneteet , _genexating _cashetlous —_— — rues, evexn met vierctiver by Atrate giet er andin. har developed Key promote rl dupporte_ane MINE cachet AS rate haa vested in 0. claret pasitie Key eraracterintis of vidal rere Co ctemesite. production, Afgatieand reqpuirerent » qpetatiora) , capactHas te develop irnpert Pubttt tutte > oriented and contneuctan low hvestment bcattist este mtcelity tech nolegy detene production » technolegy Rsircr ancl compettivenacr. in domestte andl export ptkerS help them tp qpporuntttr +0 yariour cfedors. ey announcements fey _NISMEL dager ytbution tractels Bie of them S to kK fn the union Sudget , 2010 — Uf exe = Vilocation fr MIME 40 be snereaded Foro R81, TA Cr +o 2/900 co fox the yet Jo. pes fer Miao Finance Dewekpraant: and. Byuby Far 2 led to B400 cr ferorl. on of existing Intetedt Aubventin of 21 air more b yor feb exports covexing hanctirests, carpets, handlecrds, mit of tumovet dtr the purpale of presurptive temation inal bubinetres enhanced +0 RB 60 akeh, Baers

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