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’ e- . / Women % ° O ef ae \ T™ po Wenment/° °° c,. oe aN 0” f ° 9 o 4 ° Oyo Wy Oo °¢ by S ARSHANA me Oo e Jmolex. Port euhons w z 3 ELumunts of urivuse owi nov. Mee 2 sift fom tuaslitionat 4otvur fomutio, te rackeat fami ies a 3 Rok, f women in econowue grow! o gndio. y 6 4 honges in maser duvrowid of Fonmmod wear Cosme Hamol rags ¥ guvdlouy ‘el Ki tea Appiourers ¢ Voices 7 5 Unomging jondwr Ks On oktenges faced by womm a oveinwunk’s iniHaHves awl Legak neguhoud one 8 Impact of dnamaing Holt of women in OU phen Ulunmunte of business winon mae 4 conclusion . WHAT IS BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT rowth omk suswival foun Tne dint Lebunolog y wnmemnt activin ond Conomic tHenols on gow gation openaty in a owitonmenk, as it camnot exist tn Un On eMWibonment iMpUren ces anh ofso gets afered by its HY 1 i i alk Dimensions Of business Unwitronwmuunt ™ Lous Tue faeces, forces and ivariturions whith ove Aint of Tuminuer influence ovat Me funok oning Of Hu Lusiness OK go cation Tw. following axe tie cirvunsions (01) ekuments of busivurs envistonment ®@ Economic ® SOCIAL @ TECHNOLOGICAL @ POLITICAL @ LEGAL Economic ENVIRONMENT LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Feonomic owihonment consit® of GDP, Income at national tel, jr capita ivcome, profit conning Hate, emproyment Kate and monsrory, fiscal pod oy 4 He Jyoveinmnent ue. Thee may fae constraints awd “nacuy Offer opportunities to tHe Musi ness man Sovak &vwikonmumt Comsits of te eros and tuamitions | Mu souety in which Me dduinus exists St includes: © Steno aro | Living © preprenes # education Kk Y people ana £0 on. Sn the fong wun , SoUaL envi Kon ment tus to Howe a Auage tmpast on We Ls N5S | Technological ewirkonmunt Sruoles a Hu sciuntific invuntions amd imnevations Hrat are Arappening ohound tHe WoHkd. A usines Jras to constamtty change to eolagr te new mactins | rekuriquer to cope ap wiht compet Hon POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT The Political enwittonment wh Hapect to busi nas uwironment incuols alt Kar Pues ausk Hequlations, how and the sole of Mw government in day to olay fumioniny of Hu oxganigations Of Muar 14 am unsrade poli col emvitonwwll prayue out ouvouys Mi steuyutie ns Ona WUULKGS wotuetng partons . Positive Tm park 4r Sends Gusivuss wi nonwunl Whur qovuinwunt promoter small Cale onrurporises oud 44000 ues © wegatve Tmpact: A Comme Yovernmut may Urowe a negative tmpark on Sotiuy as jusiner onbryriss turd to baile Yourinmurt ofpiciad on give Lu, value to aMtomet ‘4 frqurenas S LEGAL ENVIRONMENT Ther wu various Lows that wu ured to eure thar the Business wore in the MY Woy. Thue Lows quick He unturpruise. Sime busivss Compiame followings the Low is @ must. yourious Laws anol emactmunts AHL cMMmdu by tae pewticumnt from Alm to Hw ane Heqiai Huh to be folerweal by Hu Lusi ners Frou jl Y such ets | ae © Te compomis Ack, 1956 © Foctoxies Act, 14ue & Wokk wun cCompuraton Nek 1923 © Consumer Protection Ae 1986 . Computition Ad, 2002 TRADITIONAL FAMILY STRVC TURE — IN INDIA =~ SS —~_ ~~ The Inetian joint fownity dndlushts Hoes fo four Gurations Living foqgetuy im Hy sone Srourtaolul, offen Sumding frown 0 Comman pve. Wide WOMEN AHL eryucked fo aeeytt on position suldawient fo males, ind to suibomolinate Hui pumonal pupuunes 1 Hus wile Of OH, mak ru erpetral fo cveeut Has OBI GAL HY to conn. HU, He Hole, prrforunred osu: © Head ( Gas wat) - Suu lui sion moking earn Mon cod, take cane gf eloluw, © make womb - diwodwivtas 7 © Fumo membuw - cook f dying 4 widen ong dhouseleetping Toss, play eal A Aubkorsinate geole ound did not have a say in OLLI A On malting. Mongugak foonsiay ka {ovonidly qrour comisting 4 two ports ond Heit welitdnen . REASONS FoR SHIFT To NUCLEAR FAMILIES TNDUSTRIALIZATION 4 Penge moveol from Kunal to wWuban ancor for 40bs and a Lue stenoland of Living bueoking Haris suhariowsuips with Wu joint (amily Twas, modan Wu ies Shaktured Yoime (awili os im Qualia g EDUCATION TW Eolcated Indian Wom aH imyrusedl Dy Hue Moola fomaily ifs Tuy Jraye started making use o% tlacaHonal ond employvnent oppormUmdes . AL [WALL Uns, wommn axe indyrndunk amd Wine Muy Arould drowe ‘pet Higats, ok par with men, uu adurstly ZB. PECLINE IN AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES : with aqpiealiorag watkivikies failing fo provi de geod incoms , mony sual fowmitis Jroue sifted fo urban Meas, Whee wom turd fo Lead fhe thourtirolds Also, He impact of Me waietn ule affected yoink penne Os Moke Curd more WUtAKE deowe Me joint founnily fo Hin own houses WoMEN IN TINOIA’A Economic GRowTH IN T NTT pctonding t would Bowk's rupert, only 26 ates 4 Me dabounf orcs woe wowun. India Mans duaong among 131 commits in fom Lodeoun former Port vipation mares ond Mate of gun - howeol viokunce Humons warorec et bly Jrig'n Tw Yyobal Avuage PEG PAHO Of Women in WwowfoMer i& anoumd yor: amd Jnolia is slo fom Buaivad. India’s, Nnuighhows Nepal, Bomgdodum amd Sni rowka showy much niqhur woww POAkici pOk on in Maik woHlefomer — at Bor, 58 e/+, 35+)+ Huspeciuoly. wovwn in India conrHi burke only (Tle bo Me County's GDP. Aaconoing + a Me Kiniey Rapowt (2015) Svukia could genurate an anoiien $ Too bilkion US doktaxs im Me eonowny by 2026 uf furake Wore pores participation imereaseol to a Commaval eure URBAN ~ RURAL DIVIDE : YRORREE Hue pour cipation q wowun Jno. @ dn ustran India, Jaun Tnquussive nthe bo fear SUSE 3o'le 4 MAL womkgonee is fumake, © Gn mural Oneas (aguiouktuxe and allied AUboHs ) | WOM acount ar Wun Os 84.5 77* of fhe Labour forr Womun oecounk Sow FY of He fetal employment in doiny production im notion © Worn combitute Sif of Hu total wm poyeot in fomut Leask Swrall Seale iver Hia Tr Jnodian Constinion today Lion given yo WOW Hu eval Status with men. Tis howe cong eal Aiqnipicamtly wilh inereasing musteor familie , women Que now willing Fo Wowk outside Huin dromu fon een now bonpits Owl ‘Huy Ones ole upon Haim intoresix, Os Compared to joint fommnaty Aus tows Women frolay howe entered swural fits SUM as SCIENCE, MANAGEMENT, NURSING, AccoUNTING AND CORPORATE Maw Age men) Thuy cue now officentty abl to Manage born HUH Lrourrkotor ag well as Wo the Life ef He NUCLEAR Frmity System Mem too jenol to Suppouk worm fo commune to woe anol PHoviole Auppok AR Mutt, worn WoKkfoter THumendlo urdy committe to Hae COUMHY 5S GHOWH . ALL professions ane ow open for bol mum anol wonun. Wwovin out Mow paxtcipaing in almost abt fos q work amd Show Hun imhust atisyin quis Meat row in onAToRs , © onion = women howe vosious sas 4 dit Gs POLITICIANS , Lawyers, pocTORs ANO DIPLOMATS. eo woMn eoUcise Hin Righus yo vote, COME! qe" fartiamme omc cisely elections aml compte 1” oruur splous of Life with wun. Twa shows Haak wow in Jvolia enjoy MoM LWA ty ool prssslonn bedoy Prom before Tay howe been given EQUALITY Wilk yun in Shroping Yuin furwu @ wom UHR NOt ovdy swe fongucol tuk also Montst, ofidunk amd puonual in Mun joes Tay on Ls SUS Cour Lele fo eowrupion im fonm 4 Arie awl fowounicnn @ AML Mane Whamges owing te suite fo lucteout fouwition from Toimr fowei us Arawe malted Trmeasod woven park cipeon Ia Yr Womef omer , comrequnly dvneoning Hun contd bution fe Gor AREAS WHERE WOMEN EXCEL: |. RECEPTIONISTS AND AiR HOSTESSES ° Women ance Frou ally eect Me 40bs | nucepionists Om ast - Anostesses 2° TeacHers By vinku of Hit Love amo tection for chaitderon , Women drove proved He er teaches in pat cony Cuma Find orgasowun $0ho0ls. Tay tan unoluistamt He Mai lols Pycrology Luter tou vain. By out vely OHH cipoing in Has Feaching jure fasion, women Jetp Julia Ho come our Hue hoxkneas 4 ititvracy 3 Doctors avy Nurses : womm howe mono poised os muses im hospitats omal MUMKiLG trowus becouse Muy towe He notol tendunoy fo Swe amd «htom Lovly odours howe ben fou to [foram Ufidiont SUM Gi boy visu of Ma Sot anol § arouHore prs Flosunce Nightingale populatised nursing awaong he Wwomm Y open oss in Engfoud oma Europe - Y- PoLiTies AND SocrAL SERVICES * wonun Ay Bucespul as poUlH dems ond social worluns foo. We commot fail fo mention ths nowme of Jnolina Yowsllri who shone 0 Ladi oun tly ama Kodseutly Te Hitman ot 4 Jnolia's politica dn Me fits o socal suwicn to women drove Home exeient Jobs. MeHun Turesa bu ought fo Motel Pai ge (on 4uolia ty as MUflus sowies bb he pooh Sn ste q AM these adtiovemurts Ly faolay's women, Mur 3H Suumatun ov fw aneas Y coneuin - Yurdir poy gap. Sera violence and olomutic Violumee shill pruaik in some Maus. Also, olowsuy Ocoths atl Aro pum in wumak Jnolia Tr Yovernvaunt nos fr Fale Spice measures against Such social wik CHANGES IN ee Market Demand WO d+ WOMEN'S FORMAL WEAR ancl manluk com Le broadly L02i (i uoh men's wea, Women's Wet women's wean conknitute ut thaw, ik if exyrcted to ' i diglun Mate than ments ween number of wouling Women has Leo fon formal aMins. companies howe Lol of Mu Shows onol ase fouusing d p J Huis Segment To olay ' 8 Welthing Woman conunnrl With Wen Image mm business [ots fo surat casuals union for formnat wisternuers Nos eee f atime is Om y te fosrat wank | | | | | | | null “in tmarease TH his porale ‘ncoms Whida in fuun tras feel ook Hy mould deg wun Wot thos bem wHmatol rok Par bs. 102,358 “tone Wwowwm'S wean wmrorik will grow Ok & CAuR (commound amvrak guowle Mate) Y Mi] fe oes Re. 284 5)8 CHoMe in 1095 we dt cam be poetic oot Hick Women's Wear yay roe biqgn wanker Han ments wear in 4uolfa by 2025 - 80 |e Alo e@ - commuree Snar Reeome an ‘Wmportour | medium 4 shopping because wor hing wovwun with us per Hine woun earily Stoop fou fosumat attHk om online Matfor ma | | lie with dneneasing number Y working Worm, Ht | Humowd for corms amo jwmonal come | products has gem up [The Indian Recunky md pyvonal cone (Bfe) wacueet jx euprered jo grow at CAG of Tele from gly - 16 bition in v017 $0 $ 22-28 bition in 2022. With sising lis pos ob ‘neon of Wom ng wenn, Mu dumand 4 Cosimurics tras bum COM nous gout \* Also, buome 4 He imeteotedl ames ners of eee [ooluds, Hu herbal coamette | Jnolua tay Js also eypctd +9 grow * plong with tis, Me olumand fen Doin Saloons amd spa Khas gone uf Cohmute tHeakmembs Mu growing ar a Hote Vaca Tus Justia 14 exyateol fo wirnrs & urge in olevnarol fon cosets greatin Han Hu Zaroean | 1) Hirmatoya ' re H | Majo AHCAs of 2 Bie qur | 4 eleti 4 east ay 3 vagus 4) Lorus 5) Poremjali 9) L! oneak ? Reton The Success stouy of Fakqumt Naor, 0 fommun wanaging intern at Korok Malinda , foumoun nuyfeero. in 2012 JF | wos Louneeuk os am C- commer poral | Cnauing a Namge 4 beauty emo WW nts & [x0 oles Stonted by a female CH eR UU, Nuytoa is ow 4 tus Aeoating nomu in Hu 4Inuoian Cocmatic di wolust Huy From LOst fo Huis Yeon, ! has groum by About 360 */* Tay ane got aggrusive Fax gers Hy ans OSs WH to oie ans Tre Jromothag moult ty Jnatia , in tuum of Hen on volume if fo grow OF a cane of | | 1a 2‘]> and [5 | e/o wuspUcnt vOly , OVO" Ws porod doiy — 2019. Tue Sramolbags molut cam he sequacenrenh tvs foun — Hote , showlolos bags, se oul | wales wor He Longest Aequuant with iman cout ng mula of working wow, Srownokhr ays Trduar ay Jnas grown. Some of Ne Koy ployou in Hd Tauro ove # Baggit * chanel x Geer * Timmy choo x CAPRESE # Bawzone LIFESTYLES | Ayouk prom rune WU Jemown sel Mure 14 { a wage Hol lou eal by Mu wun ot gauni eal syon Uo — = = Jnakia's gums om Jjuwitiery sudon Uf ove y hw agar Ta Me worl, contHibuting Iq +> to tw 4otal qeoval jowrtlory coms asmpnon Neco mshi ng Fo Hue foumes Y wording women, jowdouy manuf EACH ts ane vow AWWHM| bo ‘Qi greg jewelry” Boras Mle ConakLenn (A Tamiaegy paukuslip) oud GT's Owiana howe becom yepatan He ovurcali, Mun dri ton mpi ourcr wok im Folia ip arin at INK 21500 H im Dols. oUF of [us Soels is compututed by Lange It Folin fyi owt Tu wowluk 14 eye Fo grow ok & Hare 4 CAGR IDe/> 4 H fraong alk Jt i Caun agyliamers , Us worer uve | seguaunns it enfucted fp wits We Uighur mower gow Ha 4 go}. | dr mictowave Over, \wouuchon cooklop 14 tnguskun fo wins a quowth Be}e 4 Biting newer 4 nuplear foul, unibom 7ai0n , nen casing number % wowun in wollfomes ane ts dey Ovo for Moylol guowrh y Wtdum cymes Mo Tn Inia # Co Juolia dowinots Hue mot anc Lor Loxge weyonal buomolr fide andl South Jnolia contuiburr 35 °/* of He woxhet genoa MATOR APPLIANCES >) ae 1 Wnhin pada ous } 2. trunear. — Gr numba | % i 4 MiAeWONt CNUS | » Carib | 4. Chana pee 5. Coffen ranclumus a) Peal &. Kotts s) autey, 4. Danan 2 hem E bn 8) whhialpoot 6. VEHICLES we with inetease Fa nuwntert 4 working wowwn th demon fon velidu - es puri OULey Acoofuu has gow. up P chaxe of 9 whut wast wont up prom 21-/> in Fyls He 33¢h Gn FYIF. wv net casing WHramigovion, bittur Hoos ant woHe women comumun ane dntped fo hin Mu wheds in fowoun Y Acoosens # Scooter sols tawe meporsed a CAGE H dorJ. Im Hs pour ft Ys | F.CHANGES IN) FooD HABITS” F wouping womun fival it i ffioale 4 Cook fooot oma foun oj ob Heoulay fon office As a Heute Hou has dn a shift in fooo Jnadits Fe" Comvemiones foool” Tis potsuser , work - Life Gatomer ounol sts [Mtoldume ar bung facet by working Women F Wowking worn do not dave fin fo furepars J home - cooked meats anol puyor to buy partum, clean and Has on ably ruc meats + Neo fen Commie , inenease ‘im nus q WOKlg women, heaset Comeiournuss ave ALLE up AUid9Y Aouunclred a susenption - pp Haak “How Comms acess to 7G Mead peep oval by Moms clups mMeols guy Wy giunric Tw Susigay Doity Pip is Tate Oo WU ar Uovonrical fe Today's Gndian women howe shifted Lom being bread aku tr breadwinnwu?? wom tevuning Mowe Hron mur ub a noulicol vbomge not Just dn Gnobiq but achons ime world Taadlitionatiy, mun JAone been Hae pmouiolons oY Hu foidly women Srowe Lookeol aftr drow aol wri Lolien AL moKL Women ontet the womlefouer amo Qrnildl AUEUAS ul Konwens , rrowniager ovr fomerol to Awddgn Humes fo a wun noHmnot. The Conpt % Women as dHeaolwinnwE — a person Who eons money fo suppor tag fomity , Fy puentty fe sole one — neeok a Lot 4 Mep ation dn judia Jn 2017, Qhout 27 +f» {umals wou " Yraotuates us female Bera inne * Soctak Expectations He Society exp wks mun to be te douooluinnens the fowily oun eayutts wow fo Stay ar home He most mun ae not used fo staying wilt wow whe ane financially imolyp und aml popu sion arty | Mors Suyution Hh hum | # Accousling to a sumvey, only 321 H men ane ok with Wale wift eomuing ment Mon rum: monty rims tr duets Hae mate ego amok ty por umosoulated ulin worn icone vaxe Serccerc furl ron Hu K Ruut Lun dora wens rok awnrong eusntly | manutiod, wow neat Sroubly y/o o ohh dap wsetao tals | “de No master chow Umpowetio Women are, Hey finrol Huu dw 34 ping imho AU CO Fy yu that terol to make Hum oo more Worle ab Movs He with passage | Hye, rmedlenn sections of sodely do omylt amis encourage fumak dp cosas i VHS H The portnayal on unolunstamoling a women Tn Qui nox Len am wold Wumorunon Tuy vragen waysei ad soak Hols over He past * The untumpe wom in dnutia dros moved ond all social wilh 1 ewtge O% % tai wma Jay 4 Avoudlta 4 Fomostow DOUghkuls Ou jUWMsuing ambition cone ta tue mak - dominated conponate World fe oven Lost several decor, women howe Yoh alty deqom to Pout cipore im the poultice AU Howwy Mut hor fen UH poxtici potion im deme Hols ~ fonsing wowun jo rool Lorn work ond home Uf ee * The quar show that Hw is a B percentage wise in 6 quaouate plus fomate edo inns? | alk over dnolia state Lite makranarrna erat | wut Bengal Snowe done quite Wel, with wise of 12 amd 14 poivets Jespecrivly. Apaat from | tronome ond mulinnal dhonges, Hue ot foucron | whut fa foun com ein opto, Hx Holt 4 a mon in MK Indien fomnity- |< mun abe Sougint up Sidi wing ruor iF ik Hin OAK fo be Me pHimony eOHn iW a Mousthold ”. Apoxt from nos, Marr ane sural Suu prnoblems thar a woman fac on Wr way bo becoming a Ragusa of mun aunh foul struts ami Jnweounity njuuionity among Nousrolals Stougales 4 trowing He manage both Uailduun awd wotlk | Comiduning OW His, fu Futian society Mos to | OMeoutage female Lneadwianur's pauHelpation | ond powe wou for "Qa niw nommal ” Changes ‘in Yenden voles . Hronaor Holy ane Leowmd Lowi was Ly a (UM4on 06 cpp puri ote bh MWK quadlin,, Uaterncin et by He pawaiting aurttral norms” * Ly unoius Hols outuwnin row mates and females Suould Hine, speoue, ours om EurmouHve wihin He coment of War society. At ows, people Awe Some prmuwyutons ovout oltdision moming , financial Huspowitihiin, de. At womk, Me jrusum pious ane atouk power, Latour ano posifons. % Mundin inequoihe anise. prom Hue Oi porenees This Wuar not Mkped oun sociuy, whe we Halse boys to be prouroluts, uncomyso ~mising anol Oumomaing , WhiKeas We Kaige gilts fo Me swhwaisgive , passive amo Or fo a man's verds a Sn 2016, Jnolia momkeol 130 our 4 1Yy6 im Me Y onsen I neaprals Fy ivolex - * This is aso wef in Ly onan you yor” Wit ww Oe portal monk fon Hu Lome work Moat a woman dou # Sorivin Kam Uronge Such Mat geno solu Hayu ly Unomnrge Yuden eqpatity Ulows gerd Hols to Ltrome fur dishinet we mun need to Chomge Muir wire Hao dovuHe UoHs Ont sUppostd fo LK a woman! 4 jor awd J mon nud fo Voluuvten te do & shone of oust old Work ¥* Jndlian soddy eoytuet, owky furalus to Fake Cane | 4 tn fomaily ond whiLolow , imag rg that a mam Woe We predom 4 duh balping om net ulpng in thom. Twis nerols fo change or ras not Lun a aon sf oumey aa ovum to attain firandat indy urdu They nae amd SHU at facing gurnat mrallonrges Lid 4. unequal fou 2+ Disthiminarion a Wworkplart 3 Safety Conces 4 pomate viola 5. Sera dovmasment Lath of fovnily suppent 7 Jnwuffi OMe ma.tucni Hf Leos A pumsomantal nomge 16 Keqyuined in altd Hatin 4 umpley us fownily mule puMttie emo Hae sociuky ok Lange fo encourage out women cd Heose en pet porn at > GovERNMENT’S INITIATIVES AND Laws FoR WoMEN IN INDIA Jn omar fo pot Hae wigs 4 wenn emploges duwvung pregnancy amd offer ainda th, gnddian Law makers howe emocked Ms makounity Buait Ak, 1461 Haar afyies fo all shops anal Broadishulemts with 10 of Mode umpoyes Tie Low was punto emended tn 2017 fo mode Tr waa oo Hay for Wtablisnm ets Wilh MOHE than 5p wonkurs to arattish cucds Wore now wu onkitted to 26 works of motuurily Leave DID you Kwow ? Even adoptive mols ove unkitlud fo matvunity Lowe @ 12 woes Tris Lowe stants from me day o adlopon amo 15 appti cable fo" a faty wow HH mons | age. Apowt pom pis, a ost & oh Laws Kane han unarted fy Me Yovernwant Gf Iuotia in Hus intuit o women's fro teciion : TT 3) Tha Puolribition of uid vmowiage Aor, 2006 2) DowHy Puouilition Act, 1461 3) Juolian Divous Ae , 1969 4) Serual trannass mer e{ wowum ar woHeptace (Pawontion, PHolubtion amd pednusat Ack ) 2018 5) Squok Remununcion ner, 1476. INITIATIVES BY DELHI METRO : A Wow - onty Coads im wees +Hoin H CCTV sus velomer In [Lat poms amd coartes ¥ Fim YF 250]- fon tHaweling in wonen's coat fon wane pasronrg ws - ¥ 2et0 folrcome fon drunkorols od tHo whe mous le Patnotli ng 4 Huse [Maton after sumser Jnous we fivd mony y yuu im ahoanai mito as wih .- Impact of WORKING Women ON VARIOUS DIMENSIONS oF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT — ewe wee ee ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT AR pUUrt wowun contmidaute (1-]> of Ye coumbay 's 1 | ci0P qs comparnd to Hee yobat avurage of 37 le cle of Sutlion Lurinusd ane Aun by Wow un paHhaipate im Me CLonomy ak part it could aod USD 2°49 tHilion to S$ GDP by MMe year 2025 under wom now Hy on Mui Own amd Yurs He duno fon various 5 Like componare formal wear , AXcusnries, re imen eared ti b arts dis posodde income has jue eased WU Iwet { pur Uber i | 2. Soctal ENVIRONMENT =| | | | | « fo mooluini zation ow qfovatisaion , wows {et no Longer confined win y walls | |* with working wow, tht duok jneown Mos | teen cre uly imyurovedl Hae Stowdosal of | diving in vay GH *K Howwet, in Mouserolos women SEL ole majority | Y re Mouserotl horus - siguifying we Kirt Jrowe mits to goin whanging tH adivonal Jen Holes. J om Me oft Aro, wrowny (omni tia now meouwrage Muir Aanghrurs fo pUnkue Mui fod yf intuust — Maus a proof of Unornging Sodak outlook 3 TECHNOLOGICAL MOVENVI RON MENT K fnoumdl 26-1 4 {owas ase imyolwed in + tol Joss in 9nplia Je wom now tuk in judunical filo as wll as compar HH Me tHapliHonal job% of | teaming oma eee x My won NOW OH engi nae omd PhP | holdun in teernical anear o dunowtedge wrofy wou wun «1 WIM Cwm mre ono, uw sahormy h si omy wl amin md}yammne bLumneml naheroy mow neo sort vmmom hwo ‘oyy “MMM?r weymmMsy Oo 'ypyMow umd wr wo vy IM WO rophynom po vied vawom fy vounsonl my ry rey h AVOVy ~~ pryyows wove Wewmwno, ™ LNAWNOAIANZ 19937 -G nana buawre row uiws ywo hnewms rwmims wows vyowMin — AO Puyo) pow MA uL MAEM wrwem journal on) y abwrnay yoqoyly au wou rig we) ¥1 PMO Y wonrnG ur wamom 1 voupmmmaby M1 iam mot *| homaim Ip yrovaly vo verona 4} Synod ones Vi perm vovp man wren Ly vaqwrn ny, x ANAWNOYIOND TwIILII0g -h onovE wd my 0) yw mot+ dro ™m aby ya pun wewam HNOmMmaot NoHo wo wl voepow dal vr} 0 Gunes at POY am WM, HAN pwn mniy “BOIM 'otyoM ¥41 fy wood ywod aa}yyo ybnowme ryqissod 41 wrong by wndornl ny Brym wmows am byw01 . frvopvfnyor dou x) ampnl ypons my 'wory 4 NEUE, vi vawom x hropot ty mrois MH uno, -wrout, woh sbwowy hy yok m4 rary Mau IMW WMeMm una ML mwory 1 TUM MY b mo wwe of Ww perl sur Vy voy? pun ssw) poppy nou buywossoyy Mm yrwamn WwM( « baynne fo nals ume uy wy swnins ‘vaya «poh fh aman My NE WOM ,, pror Mua I yprel NOTIVGU0D

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