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Exploring the coating of 3D-printed insulating

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/d2ay00803c
substrates with conductive composites: a simple,
cheap and versatile strategy to prepare customized
Published on 29 July 2022. Downloaded by RSC Internal on 8/24/2022 1:00:49 PM.

high-performance electrochemical sensors

Fabiano Mendonça de Oliveira,a Maria Zizi Martins Mendonça, a Natália Canhete de
Moraes,b Jacqueline Marques Petroni,b Matheus Meneguel Neves,b Edmar Isaias de
Melo,a Bruno Gabriel Lucca b and Rodrigo Amorim Bezerra da Silva *a

The development of 3D-printed electrochemical sensors by fused deposition modeling (FDM) has been
increasing exponentially in the last five years. In this context, commercial conductive filaments
composed of a blend of carbon particles (e.g., graphene or carbon black (CB)) and insulating
thermoplastic polymers (e.g., polylactic acid (PLA) or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)) have been
widely used for electrode fabrication. However, such materials may be expensive and the electrodes
when used “as-printed” exhibit poor electrochemical performance as a function of the low content of
conductive particles in the composition (10 to 20 wt%), which requires one or more post-treatment
steps (e.g. polishing, chemical, electrochemical, and photochemical) to reach good electrochemical
performance. In this technical note a less used approach to produce “ready-to-use” electrochemical
platforms based on 3D printing is explored, which consists of the coating of 3D-printed insulating
substrates with homemade conductive composites. To demonstrate the potentiality of this alternative
protocol, 3D-printed ABS insulating substrates at two geometries were coated in a highly loaded
graphite (55 wt%) homemade composite (G–ABS) and evaluated for the detection of the ferri/
ferrocyanide redox probe and model analytes in stationary and hydrodynamic 3D-printed systems (nitrite
in micro-flow injection analysis/mFIA and paracetamol in batch injection analysis/BIA, respectively). The
analytical parameters acquired with the coated electrodes were comparable to those obtained using
conventional electrodes (glassy carbon, boron-doped diamond and carbon screen-printed) and 3D-
printed sensors fabricated with commercial filaments. Moreover, the inclusion of carbon black in the
fluid conductive composite was demonstrated as a perspective to obtain modified coated 3D-printed
Received 17th May 2022
Accepted 29th July 2022
surfaces easily for the first time. This alternative “do it yourself” strategy is promising for the large-scale
production of very cheap (US$ 0.08) and high-performance electrodes based on FDM 3D printing.
DOI: 10.1039/d2ay00803c
Moreover, this approach dispenses the acquisition of commercial conductive filaments and the laborious development of homemade filaments.

due to affordable costs, easy access to open source soware, fast

1 Introduction printing speed, and large-scale production.1 In a typical FDM
3D printing or additive manufacturing (AM) is a versatile and operation, a semi-molten thermoplastic polymer is reproduc-
rapid technology that has been growing exponentially in the last ibly extruded on the printing bed layer-by-layer until the crea-
few years, enabling the prototyping of things in a myriad of tion of the nal object, according to the standard tessellation
shapes and materials, useful in numerous areas including model (.STL le).2
engineering, aerospace, medicine, industry and science. Electroanalytical chemistry has greatly beneted from the
However, fused deposition modeling (FDM) or fused lament advantages of AM, allowing the development of new and
fabrication (FFF) has become the more popular AM technology, customized electrochemical cells, accessories, electrodes and
sensors, as summarized in recent review papers.3–7 Considering
Chemistry Institute, Federal University of Uberlândia, Monte Carmelo, MG, the fabrication of sensors, composite materials containing
38500-000, Brazil. E-mail:; Fax: +55-34-3239-4208; Tel: +55-34- a blend of conductive material (usually sp2 carbon) and an
3810-1099 insulating polymeric matrix (e.g., polylactic acid, PLA and
Chemistry Institute, Federal University of Mato Grosso Do Sul, Campo Grande, MS, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, ABS) have been used in most
79074-460, Brazil

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studies, with the prevalence of two commercially available parameters were compared with those obtained using
laments: Blackmagic® (graphene–PLA) and conductive Proto- commercial electrodes (glassy carbon electrode (GCE), carbon
pasta® (carbon black–PLA).3,6 Despite the successful use of screen-printed electrode (C-SPE) and boron-doped diamond
these materials for electrode fabrication, the costs of doped electrode (BDDE)) and 3D-printed electrodes produced using
laments are considerably higher than those of the respective a commercial lament.
insulating laments (Blackmagic® z US$ 1000 per kg; Proto-
pasta® z US$ 100 per kg; pure PLA z US$ 20 per kg). Moreover,
2 Materials and methods
the electron-transfer kinetics of these materials in the native
form (“as printed”) is low, as a function of the low ratio of 2.1. Chemicals, electrodes and solutions
conductive particles in the composite (e.g., Blackmagic® Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II), potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)
8 wt% (ref. 3)). Thus, the excess insulating polymer must be and sodium nitrite were ordered from Neon® (Suzano, SP,
removed from the surface (enhancing the availability of Brazil); acetic acid was purchased from Vetec® (Duque de
Published on 29 July 2022. Downloaded by RSC Internal on 8/24/2022 1:00:49 PM.

conductive particles) to improve the electrochemical perfor- Caxias, RJ, Brazil); boric acid and acetone were supplied by
mance. For this, some surface post-treatment strategies (alone Dinâmica (Diadema, SP, Brazil); orthophosphoric acid was ob-
or combined) have been reported in the literature through tained from Acros Organics® (Geel, Belgium); graphite powder
mechanical polishing,8,9 solvent immersion,10–12 electro- (particles < 20 mm) and paracetamol were acquired from Sigma-
chemical treatments,10,12–20 photochemical treatment,19 Aldrich® (Saint Louis, MO, USA); carbon black powder (Mon-
carbonization,21 and reagent-less laser treatment.22 arch® 430) was acquired from Cabot (São Paulo, SP, Brazil);
Aiming for cheaper and “ready-to-use” laments, few acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) lament (1.75 mm diam-
research groups have been developing bespoke laments with eter) was provided by 3DFila® (Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil);
higher carbon contents than the commercial ones.3,23–25 For a conductive CB–PLA lament (1.75 mm diameter) was
example, Foster et al.25 developed a composite lament of purchased from Protopasta® (Vancouver, WA, USA); food grade
nanographite and polylactic acid (NG–PLA), in which the silicone rubber and its curing agent were supplied by Redelease
percentage of NG was varied in the range of 1 to 40 wt%. From (São Paulo, SP, Brazil); UV 405 nm photosensitive resin for
this investigation, the optimized material presented 25 wt% of stereolithography/digital light processing (DLP/SLA) 3D printer
NG. However, the development of a new conductive lament is was provided by Anycubic® (Shenzhen, Guangdong, China);
not a simple task, since an appropriate compromise between a C-SPE was acquired from PalmSens® BV (Houten, The Neth-
conductivity (to reach a minimal percolation threshold), print- erlands) and BDDE with a doping level of 8000 ppm was
ability,1 homogeneity and exibility should be achieved. More- acquired from Neocoat® (La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland);
over, this production requires an extruder machine for the 1500 grit sandpaper, M5 screws and y nuts, hydrophilic cotton
conversion of the polymeric blend into a lament shape and the bandage gauze and double-sided tape were purchased at local
optimization of all steps (e.g., ratio among conductive particles, stores. All the aqueous solutions were prepared using puried
polymer and solvent to generate the composite powder/pellet water (resistivity $ 18.2 MU cm) obtained from a Permution
and melting temperature and stirring rate of the extruder24) is RO0310 reverse osmosis water purier system (Curitiba, PR,
typically a time-consuming and expensive process.26 Brazil). Stock solutions of the analytes, buffers and electrolytes
Another alternative and less explored approach for the were prepared weekly and stored in the refrigerator. The solu-
fabrication of sensors based on FDM additive manufacturing tions of the analytes were prepared daily by dilution of the stock
consists of the coating of insulating 3D-printed plastic surfaces solutions.
with conductive materials.27–29 Exploring this concept, our
research group recently proposed a simple immersion of an 2.2. Instrumentation
insulating 3D-printed substrate in a lab-made uid conductive
The electrochemical experiments were performed using an
composite containing a high fraction of conductive particles
Autolab PGSTAT128N potentiostat/galvanostat (Ecochemie,
(55 wt% of graphite) followed by solvent evaporation.29 Thus,
Utrecht, Netherlands) connected to a computer (Metrohm
the electrode does not require complex surface post-treatment
Autolab® Nova 2.1 soware) and a pocketSTAT potentiostat/
protocols (only polishing), since the surface presents a high
galvanostat/EIS (Ivium®, Eindhoven, Netherlands) controlled
fraction of conductive material. Moreover, this method does not
by IviumSo™ soware. The 3D-printed parts were fabricated
require the acquisition of commercial conductive laments
using a Creality Ender 3 FDM 3D printer (Creality, Shenzhen,
(higher-priced than insulating) or extruder machines.
China) equipped with a 0.4 mm diameter brass extruder nozzle,
Thus, in this technical note, we aim to demonstrate the great
a 3D pen from Kuman (Shenzhen, China) and an Anycubic
potential of use and the promising versatility of this approach
Photon SLA/DLP 3D printer (Shenzhen, Guangdong, China).
(coating of insulator substrates with conductive materials). The
sensors fabricated according to this alternative protocol were
explored for the detection of model analytes in some 3D-printed 2.3. Fabrication and activation of the G–ABS/ABS electrodes
electrochemical systems such as stationary cells and hydrody- The graphite–acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (G–ABS) conduc-
namic systems, such as passive microow injection analysis tive thermoplastic composite and the electrodes obtained aer
(mFIA) using a microuidic thread-based electroanalytical the coating of a 3D-printed ABS substrate (G–ABS/ABS) were
device (mTED) and batch injection analysis (BIA). The analytical produced according to a protocol recently reported by our

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group.29 Briey, graphite powder and virgin ABS were blended at

a 55 : 45 ratio (w/w) and solubilized using acetone as the
solvent. Aer this, the composite was homogenized by hand-
mixing until the obtention of a viscous and homogeneous ink
(10 min). Then, the 3D-printed ABS substrates (strip shaped
and round shaped) were quickly immersed (3 s) in the G–ABS
composite to be coated by the conductive material. The elec-
trodes were then le to dry (evaporation of the solvent) for 72 h.
Using this protocol, the thickness of the conductive layer is 178
(27 mm)29 and the weight of the coated material depends on
the electrode shape (around 40 mg for strip and 50 mg for
round). Aer drying, the electrodes were activated by polishing
Published on 29 July 2022. Downloaded by RSC Internal on 8/24/2022 1:00:49 PM.

with a piece of 1500 grit sandpaper in the presence of ultrapure

water for 30 s, to obtain a homogeneous surface without
scratches. Fig. 1 shows the images of the 3D-printed substrates
before and aer coating with the conductive composite. Lastly,
the parts containing the conductive surface (electrodes) were
Fig. 1 3D-printed ABS substrates (strip and round shaped) before (A) cut with a scissor and assembled in the 3D-printed devices for
and after (B) coating with the G–ABS composite. stationary and hydrodynamic measurements (Sections 2.4 and

Fig. 2 Images of the evaluated systems coupled to the G–ABS/ABS electrode: (A) 3D-SSE, (B) 3D-MSEC, (C) 3D-mTED and (D) 3D-BIA.

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2.5, respectively). Like 3D-printed electrodes, these G–ABS/ABS

electrodes may also be produced on a large scale, since
multiple substrates (printed at once) may be simultaneously
dipped into the uid conductive composite.

2.4. Fabrication and assembly of the stationary

electrochemical cells
2.4.1 3D-printed cell for strip shaped electrodes (3D-SSE).29
The cell covers (bottom and top) and the molds for the silicone
parts were printed in 405 nm photosensitive resin using an SLA/
DLP 3D printer. Aer this, the positive molds were used to cast
the silicone parts of the cell by mixing food grade silicone
Published on 29 July 2022. Downloaded by RSC Internal on 8/24/2022 1:00:49 PM.

rubber and its curing agent in a 1 : 1 ratio (w/w), degassing the

blend and curing it at 70  C for 12 h. To accommodate the three-
electrode setup, the silicone base contains three channels
(37.5 mm length  3 mm width  1.50 mm depth). The silicone
cover has a 19 mm hole that delimits the area of the electrodes Fig. 3 CV curves obtained in the absence (dashed lines) and presence
and prevent leakage in the cell. To assemble the electrochemical (solid lines) of 1 : 1 mmol L1 K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6 on different
cell, the parts were gathered together by sandwiching the 3D- working electrodes: BDDE (on 3D-MSEC), G–ABS/ABS and GCE (both
on 3D-SSE). Electrolyte: 0.5 mol L1 KCl. n: 50 mV s1.
printed top cover, the silicone cover, the silicone base and the
3D-printed bottom cover with four M5 screws and their
respective y nuts (Fig. 2A). This cell was also used for the
measurements with the GCE. a lab-made mechanical stirrer and the electrodes (Fig. 2D). The
2.4.2 3D-printed multi sensor compatible electrochemical top cover contains four orices for the assembly of the Pt wire
cell (3D-MSEC).17 This cell is composed of three 3D-printed ABS (CE), Ag/AgCl/KCl (RE), the mechanical stirrer and a support for
pieces (stick, cover and solution vessel) easily self-assembled by accommodation of the pipette Combitip (volume: 10–1000 mL).
screwing (Fig. 2B). The cover contains two 3D-pen-printed CB– This tip is concentric to the WE (G–ABS/ABS or BDDE) placed in
PLA electrodes (counter electrode (CE) and pseudo-reference a hole on the bottom of the cell (wall jet mode), between
electrode (PRE)), and the working electrode (WE: G–ABS/ABS, a rubber o-ring (0.2 cm2) and a steel board (electrical contact).
CB–G–ABS/ABS or BDDE) is positioned between the stick and 2.5.2 3D-printed microuidic thread-based electroanalyt-
cover, with the area delimited by a rubber o-ring. The cell ical device (3D-mTED).31 This mFIA system is 95 mm length 
requires low electrolyte volumes (0.5–3.0 mL) and is compatible 60 mm width  122 mm height. It was printed in ABS and
with several planar working electrodes. contains two reservoirs, for the inlet and outlet, with a diameter
of 22 mm and a maximum volume of ca. 4 mL each. The outlet
reservoir is xed to the main platform using two M3 screws. The
2.5. Fabrication and assembly of the hydrodynamic systems
assembly of the device consisted of placing four hydrophilic
2.5.1 3D-printed batch injection analysis (3D-BIA) cell.30 cotton threads (obtained from cotton bandage gauze), which are
This system is composed of a BIA cell printed in ABS (volume  used as passive microow channels. These threads were
80 mL), an electronic pipette (Eppendorf® Multipette XStream),

Table 1 Comparison of reversibility of the ferro/ferricyanide redox probe for 3D-printed electrodes using different commercial filaments and
surface post-treatment protocols

Conductive lament 3D-printed electrode post-treatment DEp (mV) for [Fe(CN)6]3/4 Ref.

Proto-pasta® MPa (120 s) + EAb (+1.4 V/200 s 116–297 14, 15, 17, 18 and 20
followed by 1.0 V/200 s in NaOH
0.5 mol L1)
Proto-pasta® PFc (UV/VIS light for 300 s in a Fe(II)/ 240 19
H2O2 solution) + EAb (+1.8 V for
200 s in an acetic acid solution (pH
Proto-pasta® LTd for 50 s (CO2 laser machine) 130 22
Blackmagic® SIe (methanol, ethanol, water, 296 11
acetone, or DMF for 540 s)
Blackmagic® SIe (600 s in DMF) + EAb (2 V for 171 10
150 s in phosphate buffer solution)
G–ABS/ABS MPa for 30 s 110 This work
a b c d e
MP: mechanical polishing. EA: electrochemical activation. PF: photo/Fenton. LT: laser treatment. SI: solvent immersion.

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Fig. 4 Amperograms recorded on mTED system for triplicate injections of NO2 in ascending and descending order (25 to 200 mmol L1) using
(A) G–ABS/ABS and (B) a commercial C-SPE (Palmsens®) as the WE. Insets: respective calibration curves. Conditions: supporting electrolyte:
0.1 mol L1 BR buffer pH ¼ 4.0; PRE and CE: G–ABS/ABS; E ¼ +1.15 V vs. G–ABS/ABS; injection volume: 4.0 mL; height difference between the
inlet and outlet reservoir: 60 mm; number of cotton threads: four in parallel disposition; distance sample injection zone/detection point: 5 mm.

positioned perpendicular to the three G–ABS/ABS electrodes (or composite (G–ABS/ABS) and stationary cyclic voltammetry (CV)
C-SPE) and xed to the reservoirs using double-sided tape in the presence of an equimolar mixture (1.0 mmol L1) of
(Fig. 2C). potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) and hexacyanoferrate(III) in
0.5 mol L1 potassium chloride solution (supporting electro-
lyte). These measurements were also performed with commer-
3 Results and discussion cial electrodes (BDDE and GCE), and the currents of the cyclic
voltammograms were normalized by using the geometric area
The rst electrochemical measurements were carried out using (current density, j), for a better comparison of the WEs with
the proposed 3D-printed electrode coated with a conductive

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Fig. 5 BIA amperometric responses after triplicate injections of paracetamol solutions (25 to 200 mmol L1) in increasing and decreasing orders
using G–ABS/ABS (A) and a BDDE (B). Conditions: supporting electrolyte: 0.1 mol L1 phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). Injection volume: 100 mL, stirring
rate: 700 rpm, dispensing rate: 100 mL s1. E ¼ +0.63 V (A) and +0.76 V (B) vs. Ag/AgCl and respective calibration plots (insets). Conditions
optimized according to ref. 16.

different geometries (Fig. 3). As shown, the current density of using different methods, which usually require more toxic or
the G–ABS/ABS electrode (236.0 mA cm2) was a little better time-consuming procedures or expensive apparatus (Table 1).
when compared to the BDDE (225.1 mA cm2) and GCE (175.4 This result may be considered good, since the G–ABS/ABS
mA cm2). The proposed G–ABS/ABS electrode showed a good electrode uses a fast, so and simple post-treatment (only
reversibility for the [Fe(CN)6]3/4 redox probe (DEp z 110 mV), mechanical polishing for 30 s), which enhances the exposure of
comparable to that obtained for the BDDE and GCE (DEp z conductive particles (graphite) through the removal of excess
155 mV and 171 mV, respectively). Moreover, the coated elec- insulator ABS (surface becomes rougher, more porous and has
trode (G–ABS/ABS) exhibited similar reversibility (or better) than more available electroactive sites).29 It is important to empha-
those acquired with 3D-printed sensors fabricated using the size that good results were achieved with the polished coated
most usual conductive commercial laments and post-treated electrode due to the high graphite content present on the

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Table 2 Cost per electrode and analytical characteristics of 3D-printed based and commercial electrodes for the determination of nitrite ions
(NO2) and paracetamol (PA) using the evaluated 3D-printed hydrodynamic systems with amperometric detection

LOD (mmol Linear range

Analyte Platform Electrode Cost (US$) L1) (mmol L1) Ref.

NO2 mTED G–ABS/ABSa 0.08 3.25 25–200 This work

NO2 mTED CB–PLAb 0.20 2.39 8–200 31
NO2 mTED C-SPE 3.00 0.30 25–200 This work
PA BIA G–ABS/ABSa 0.08 0.05 25–200 This work
PA BIA CB–PLAb 0.10 0.21 1–200 18
PA BIA BDDE 17.0 0.04 25–200 This work
Insulating 3D-printed substrate coated with a conductive composite. b
3D-printed using conductive laments.
Published on 29 July 2022. Downloaded by RSC Internal on 8/24/2022 1:00:49 PM.

surface (55 wt%), unlike 3D-printed electrodes, which have Fig. 5 shows amperograms for injections of different
smaller amounts of conductive particles in the lament (10 to concentrations of paracetamol (25–200 mmol L1) on a 3D-
20 wt%). printed BIA system using G–ABS/ABS and a commercial BDDE
The performance of G–ABS/ABS was also evaluated for the and the respective calibration curves. As shown, good linear
amperometric detection of nitrite ions in the mFIA–mTED plat- dependences between the current density and paracetamol
form and paracetamol in the 3D-BIA cell. Such analyte/systems concentration were obtained using both electrodes (R2 > 0.99).
were chosen considering previous publications using sensors Moreover, comparing the similar slope values of ascending and
3D-printed with a commercial CB–PLA lament,18,31 to enable descending calibration plots obtained in each electrode, no (or
a better performance comparison of the proposed G–ABS/ABS minimal) memory effects were noted on both electrode
electrode. mFIA–mTED31,32 and BIA33,34 are alternative systems surfaces. Finally, the normalized sensitivity obtained with G–
that are more portable, simpler and cheaper than ow injection ABS/ABS was slightly better than that with the BDDE (0.72 vs.
analysis (FIA).35 Both are based on the concepts of continuous 0.50 mA cm2/mmol L1), with similar LODs (0.05 vs. 0.04 mmol
and reproducible analysis, (semi)automation and high sample L1). The calculated TAF for the BIA system during paracetamol
throughput. However, unlike FIA that requires complex injec- analysis was 600 injections per hour.
tors, tubes and a pumping system, in mFIA–mTED the sample is Table 2 summarizes some analytical characteristics of the
inserted (typically by using a usual micropipette) into a carrier evaluated 3D-printed hydrodynamic systems coupled with G–
ow (towards the WE) generated spontaneously due to the ABS/ABS, commercial electrodes and 3D-printed electrodes
capillary forces of hydrophilic threads in contact with the (from the literature) for determination of nitrite and para-
carrier aqueous solution. In BIA, the injection of a plug of cetamol as well as the unitary electrode costs. The prices of the
analyte solution (usually by using an electronic pipette) is per- fabricated electrodes (coated and 3D-printed) were calculated
formed directly over the WE (wall jet mode) assembled in only considering the material costs (excluding energy costs). As
a batch cell.33,34 can be seen, the analytical performance of the electrode
Fig. 4 shows the amperograms for injections of different prepared through coating of a 3D-printed insulating substrate
concentrations of nitrite ions (25 to 200 mmol L1) on a 3D- in a uid conductive composite was comparable with those
printed mTED platform using G–ABS/ABS and the commercial obtained using 3D-printed sensors using a commercial
C-SPE. The used conditions (see caption of Fig. 4) were chosen conductive lament (CB–PLA) and usual commercial electrodes
based on an optimization reported before.31 As shown in Fig. 4, (C-SPE and BDDE). This result is exciting considering that G–
good linear relationships between the nitrite concentration and ABS/ABS has a cost considerably lower than commercial elec-
current density were obtained using G–ABS/ABS and C-SPE trodes (0.5% and 3.0% of the cost of the BDDE and C-SPE,
electrodes (R2 > 0.99). The slope values of the calibration respectively) and may be reused (non-disposable) even if pol-
curves (ascending and descending orders) were similar for both ished sometimes (as seen in 3D printed electrodes). Thus, based
carbon electrodes, suggesting the absence of memory effects on what has been reported here, it is clearly demonstrated that
(without electrode passivation). Moreover, the G–ABS/ABS the G–ABS/ABS sensors may be a very interesting option for
electrode presented normalized sensitivity comparable to the electrochemical sensing on different types of analytical plat-
C-SPE (0.34 vs. 0.41 mA cm2/mmol L1). However, the limit of forms, providing great analytical performance with low cost and
detection (LOD) of G–ABS/ABS was ten-fold higher than that of simple manufacturing.
the C-SPE (3.25 vs. 0.30 mmol L1), due to the greatest noise of An interesting perspective using the coating of 3D-printed
the baseline current. The LODs were obtained by 3SDb/S, where insulating substrates with conductive composites consists of
SD is the standard deviation of currents from the baseline (n ¼ the incorporation of modiers during composite preparation,
5) and S is the slope of the calibration plot. The calculated in order to produce modied sensors with improved perfor-
theoretical analytical frequency (TAF) (considering the peak mance. To demonstrate this approach, a modied composite
width) for the mTED platform for nitrite analysis was 30 injec- was prepared by adding carbon black (CB) to the uid matrix,
tions per hour. using a mass proportion of 5 : 50 : 45 (CB : G : ABS). The

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Fig. 6 (A) CV curves in the absence (dashed lines) presence (solid lines) of 200 mmol L1 paracetamol and 100 mmol L1 nitrite on unmodified and
modified composites (G–ABS/ABS and CB–G–ABS/ABS, respectively) assembled in a 3D-MSEC; (B) Nyquist plots, equivalent circuit modeling
(inset 1) and CV curves in 1 : 1 mmol L1 K3Fe(CN)6/K4Fe(CN)6 and 0.1 mol L1 KCl. CV conditions: electrolyte (PA and NO2): 0.1 mol L1
phosphate buffer (pH 4); n: 50 mV s1. EIS: frequency range: 1 Hz to 50.000 Hz, amplitude: 10 mV, points per decade: 10.

electrochemical performance of the electrodes produced using paracetamol (Fig. 6A) and the ferri/ferrocyanide probe (inset of
the modied and unmodied composites (CB–G–ABS/ABS and Fig. 6B) were acquired in the modied sensor. These results
G–ABS/ABS, respectively) was assessed by cyclic voltammetry in may be explained by the lower resistance to charge transfer of
the presence of paracetamol and nitrite (Fig. 6A). the modied sensor in comparison to the unmodied sensor
As shown (Fig. 6A), the peak currents of both analytes were (RctCB–G–ABS ¼ 120 U; RctG–ABS ¼ 341 U), measured in the EIS study
better in the modied sensor than those acquired in the (Fig. 6B). The better performance of the modied sensor may be
unmodied sensor (1.4-fold higher for paracetamol and 2.2-fold attributed to carbon black, which is an amorphous nanocarbon
higher for nitrite). Moreover, a slightly better reversibility for form which exhibits better electrical conductivity and higher

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surface area than graphite.36 However, the investigation of the 9), FAPEMIG (process APQ-03000-18) and Coordenação de
proportion between the elements of the uid composite (CB, G Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior – Brasil (CAPES,
and ABS) that generates the sensor with the best electro- Finance Code 001).
chemical responses is beyond the scope of this technical note,
which demonstrates only a single modication as a perspective.
Thus, the modication of composites with other substances References
(e.g. nanomaterials, biomolecules, catalysts, etc.) is a promising
way to create sensors with improved electrochemical perfor- 1 H. H. Hamzah, S. A. Shaee, A. Abdalla and B. A. Patel,
mance (e.g. more stable, sensitive and/or selective). Further- Electrochem. Commun., 2018, 96, 27–31.
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15 D. P. Rocha, A. L. Squissato, S. M. da Silva, E. M. Richter and
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16 E. Vaněčková, M. Bouša, S. N. Lachmanová, J. Rathouský,
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18 F. M. de Oliveira, E. I. de Melo and R. A. B. da Silva, Sens.
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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́co e Tec- 19 H. A. Silva-Neto, M. Santhiago, L. C. Duarte and
nológico (CNPq, processes no. 420526/2018-8 and 407581/2021- W. K. T. Coltro, Sens. Actuators, B, 2021, 349, 130721.

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