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Short Communication

DOI: 10.1002/elan.201400454

On-Site Determination of Carbendazim, Cathecol and

Hydroquinone in Tap Water Using a Homemade Batch
Injection Analysis Cell for Screen Printed Electrodes
Ricardo Pini Caramit,[a] Bruno Gabriel Lucca,[a] Valdir Souza Ferreira,[a]
Rodrigo Alejandro Abarza Munoz,[b] Eduardo Mathias Richter,[b] and Rodrigo Amorim Bezerra da Silva*[c]

Abstract: In this work, we present a simple homemade limits (nanomolar level). Moreover, the BIA-SPE cell
batch-injection analysis cell for screen-printed electrodes presented better stability (RSD  0.4 %) than a conven-
(BIA-SPE). The potential of the proposed system for on- tional flow injection cell for SPE (RSD  5.0 %) in organ-
site analysis was demonstrated by the determination of ic media. The proposed homemade BIA-SPE cell is very
carbendazim, catechol, and hydroquinone in tap water. simple, inexpensive and can be easily constructed in any
The system provided reduced injection volume (30 mL), laboratory.
high analytical frequency (  200 h 1) and low detection
Keywords: Batch injection analysis (BIA) · Screen-printed electrodes · Homemade portable system · On-site analysis

Chemical analysis performed at the place of the sampling capability to increase the applicability of electrochemical
(“in loco” analysis) rather than in a conventional labora- methods for in field analysis.
tory is often attractive. A portable assay method for field The BIA-SPE homemade electrochemical cell was con-
work enables sample collection and data analysis in real- structed from an acrylic rod (1i = 4.0 cm, height =
time, the reduction in time consumption and total analy- 4.0 cm). As presented in Figure 1, a hole (diameter =
ses costs [1]. Furthermore, portable assays is one of the 3.1 cm; height = 4.0 cm) was drilled from one side of the
main trends in analytical chemistry due to the rapid rod (top side) and the other side was maintained closed
growth of the potentials of such analysis [2] and the in- (bottom side). The top side was closed with an acrylic
creasing demands in field analysis for fuel [3], forensic cover with two holes. The first was used for insertion/ex-
[4], and environmental [5] samples. In electrochemical change of the supporting electrolyte and the second was
detection, many companies commercialize a series of used for the reproducible positioning of the 1 mL combi-
portable instruments suitable to in field analysis, as hand- tip of electronic pipette (Figure 1). The combitip with
held potentiostats and screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) a regular external diameter (6 mm) was firmly introduced
containing a series of modifiers (e.g., multi- and single- into the hole (diameter = 6.1 mm) in such a manner that
walled carbon nanotubes, graphene, bismuth and Prussian the distance between the pipette tip and the electrode
blue) [6]. These simple devices allows the simple adjust- surface was always the same (highly reproducible injec-
ment of SPEs in many electrochemical cells, as batch [7] tion procedure). Optionally an insulin syringe also can be
and flow [8, 9] systems, as well measurements in drops of
solution (  50 mL) [10]. Other suitable approach to devel-
[a] R. P. Caramit, B. G. Lucca, V. Souza Ferreira
opment of portable analytical methods is Batch Injection Instituto de Qumica, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
Analysis (BIA) [11]. This system is based on the injection do Sul
of a sample plug through a micropipette tip directly onto Av. Senador Filinto Mller, 1555, CEP 79.074-460, Campo
the working electrode surface (wall-jet configuration) Grande, MS, Brazil
which is immersed in a large-volume of blank solution. [b] R. A. Abarza Munoz, E. M. Richter
BIA and flow injection analysis (FIA) [12] have high ana- Instituto de Qumica, Universidade Federal de Uberlndia
lytical frequency, low consumption of reagents and sam- Av. Jo¼o Naves de vila, 2121, CEP 38.408-100, Uberlndia,
ples. Nevertheless, BIA is more simple and portable, be- MG, Brazil
cause the absence of pump, valves and tubes [13]. This [c] R. A. B. da Silva
work proposes the use of a very simple and portable Faculdade de CiÞncias Exatas e Tecnologia, Universidade
Federal da Grande Dourados
homemade batch-injection analysis cell to accommodate rodovia Dourados – Itahum, Km 12 (Cidade Universitria),
screen-printed electrodes (BIA-SPE) to determination of Dourados, MS, Brazil CEP 79.804-970
herbicide carbendazim (CZIM), hydroquinone (HQ), and tel: 55-67-3410-2091.
catechol (CAT) in tap water. The BIA-SPE system has *e-mail:  2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2015, 27, 271 – 275 271
Short Communication

Fig. 1. (A) Schematic diagram and (B) photograph of the homemade BIA-SPE electrochemical cell.

used in a thirty hole to injections of solutions. The SPE erence electrodes, respectively. To compare the perfor-
was inserted into the cell through an orifice (width = mance of the proposed cell, amperometric measurements
0.1 cm; height = 1.08 cm) performed on the cell wall. In were also performed with a homemade flow injection cell
order to prevent leaks, a thermo-polymer (hot-melt adhe- for screen-printed electrodes (FIA-SPE) [9].
sive; Tilibra, Brazil) was placed outside the cell. If neces- Firstly, experiments were carried out to find the most
sary replacing the SPE, the polymer must be mechanical- adequate potential for amperometric detection of each
ly removed and then a new SPE must be repositioned analyte (HQ, CAT or CZIM) in the BIA cell. In these
and glued. studies, aliquots of 50 mmol L 1 of analyte solution were
The total internal volume of the cell is around 15 mL. injected holding the electrode at fixed applied potentials
The SPE (DropSens) was composed by a planar carboxyl (from 0.3 V to 0.5 V to HQ/CAT and 0.0 to 0.9 to
functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes as working CZIM). Hydrodynamic voltammograms (Figure 2) were
electrode (1 = 4 mm; geometric area = 0.1257 cm2), and obtained by plotting the average peak current values (n =
printed carbon and silver as the counter and pseudo-ref- 3) as a function of the corresponding applied potential.  2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2015, 27, 271 – 275 272
Short Communication

Fig. 2. Plot of the average peak currents obtained after sequen-

tial injections (n = 3) of a solution containing 50 mmol L 1 of each
analyte (HQ, CAT or CZIM) into the BIA-SPE cell as a function
of the applied potential. Supporting electrolyte: HQ and CAT:
0.04 mol L 1 BRB (pH 4); 5 % (v/v) ethanol water with
0.04 mol L 1 BRB (pH 4); dispensing rate: 113 mL s 1; injected
volume: 50 mL; working electrode: MWCNT-SPE (Geometric
area: 0.1257 cm2).

As presented in Figure 2, the oxidation current of

CZIM starts to increase at around 0.5 V and reaches a pla-
teau value at potentials above 0.7 V. At potential more
positive than 0.8 V, higher background currents were ob-
served. Therefore, the potential of 0.8 V was chosen as
the best for the determination of CZIM. In addition, the
hydrodynamic voltammograms for HQ and CAT were
also presented in Figure 2. As can be observed, a maxi-
mum current for HQ and CAT oxidation were obtained
at 0.2 V and 0.4 V, respectively. After, BIA parameters as
dispensing rate (155 mL s 1) and injection volume (30 mL)
were evaluated in order to obtain the highest analytical Fig. 3. Amperometric responses after twenty successive injec-
tions of 50 mmol L 1 CZIM solution in BIA-SPE with electronic
signal, best precision, and analytical frequency. These pa-
micropipette (A) and insulin syringe (B) and FIA-SPE system
rameters were defined taking into account the theoretical (C). Conditions: (A): dispensing rate: 155 mL s 1; injected
justification for wall-jet amperometric configuration pre- volume: 30 mL (other as in Fig. 2). (C): Injected volume: 50 mL;
viously reported [14]. Flow rate: 40 mL s 1. Electrolyte: 5 % (v/v) ethanol water with
In order to evaluate the precision of the homemade 0.04 mol L 1 BRB (pH 4).
BIA-SPE cell under the optimized conditions, a repeata-
bility study was conducted through successive (n = 20) in-
jections of 50 mmol L 1 CZIM solution. system were worse than BIA-SPE. Moreover, it was
As presented at Figure 3 A, good repeatability (RSD = noted a progressive reduction in peak currents (RSD
0.4 %; n = 20) was obtained when the electronic micro-  5.0 %), and from 21st injection, the working electrode
pipette was used in the injection procedure. However, showed no responses. This unstable behavior occurs prob-
when in these experiments the electronic micropipette ably due to the continuous flow of the aqueous-organic
was replaced by a disposable insulin syringe (Figure 3 B), electrolyte on MWCNT surface (wall jet configuration).
the repeatability was much worse (RSD = 4.7 %; n = 20), In this way, the batch configuration of BIA electrochemi-
because of imprecision of manual injections. In this case, cal cell proposed is less destructive to screen-printed elec-
the use of an internal standard with multiple pulse am- trode.
perometric detection could minimize the fluctuations re- Under optimized conditions of BIA-SPE (injected
lated to manual injection variations, as demonstrated in volume = 30 mL and dispensing rate = 155 mL s 1), three
a previous work [15]. To compare the performance of the calibration curves were obtained for HQ, CAT and
proposed electrochemical cell, twenty successive injec- CZIM, respectively. The analytical figures of merit of
tions of CZIM solutions were also performed in a FIA- each curve were summarized in Table 1. The recovery
SPE system with amperometric detection (Figure 3 C). As values calculated to each analyte in tap water are also
presented, the noise and stability of baseline of FIA-SPE presented in Table 1. As presented, satisfactory sensitivity  2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2015, 27, 271 – 275 273
Short Communication
Table 1. Variables, analytical figures of merit and recovery obtained for HQ, CAT and CZIM. LOD: limit of detection; RSD: relative
standard deviation.
Detection potential (V) [a] 0.30 0.50 0.80
Linear range (mmol L 1) [b] 0.1–200 0.1–200 0.2–100
Slope (mA mmol 1 L) [b] 0.129 0.136 0.093
LOD (mmol L 1) [b] 0.02 0.05 0.06
Correlation coefficient [b] 0.999 0.999 0.996
RSD (%) [c] 0.87 0.38 0.34
Analytical frequency (h 1) [c] 190 270 200
Recovery (%) [d] 97  2 101  2 101  1
[a] Selected in accordance with Figure 2. [b] Calculated from respective calibration plots. [c] Calculated from repeatability study (as in
Figure 3 A). [d] Found value by calibration curve/spiked value  100 %.

and low LOD values were obtained, as well good repeat- a magnetic stirrer bar in this cell; (iii) necessity of a flask
ability (RSD < 1 %) and analytical frequency (  200 h 1). clamp assembly to maintain the BIA cell in standing posi-
Moreover, appropriated recovery values (between 95 and tion.
105 %) were obtained for the three target analytes stud-
ied. Experimental
Previous works reported an improvement in analytical
frequency when solution inside the BIA cell was under Solutions were prepared with deionized water (Direct-
stirring [11, 16], because the enhance of analyte washout Q3, Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) with a resistivity no
from the electrode surface [11]. However, in this work we less than 18.2 MW cm. Hydroquinone (HQ), cathecol
choose not employ magnetic stirrer due to easier trans- (CAT) and carbendazim (CZIM) were purchased from
port and use of homemade BIA cell in the field analysis. Sigma-Aldrich (USA), ethanol from Dinamica (Brazil),
Another feature of the BIA-SPE cell is the low size and acetic acid, boric acid, phosphoric acid and sodium hy-
internal volume of the cell (15 mL), which presents ad- droxide from Acros Organics (USA). All reagents used
vantages as reduction of waste and electrolyte consump- in this work were of analytical grade. Britton Robinson
tion. Moreover, as observed in BIA-amperometric experi- buffer (0.04 mol L 1 BRB; pH = 4.0) was used as support-
ments at different cell volumes (not shown) and reports ing electrolyte for HQ and CAT determination. This solu-
in literature [17], no changes in current peaks and in tion was prepared by mixing acetic acid, boric acid and
washout properties are observed for cells with different orthophosphoric acid (0.04 mol L 1 of each) and the pH
working volumes. was adjusted by additions of a 0.5 mol L 1 sodium hydrox-
Recently, some analytical methods based on SPEs ide. For the determination of CZIM, ethanol was added
(bare working electrodes or biosensors) associated with to 0.04 mol L 1 BRB until reach a 5.0 % (v/v). The stock
FIA systems have been proposed due to enhanced mass solutions of HQ and CAT were prepared in water and
transport (hydrodynamic flow), speed and reproducibility, CZIM in ethanol. All solutions were freshly prepared just
as well advantages in portable characteristics [18]. How- before experiments. Tap water was collected from our re-
ever, despite the portable SPEs, it is important to point search laboratory. Each sample was spiked with 200, 250
out that the FIA components (pump, valves and tubes) or 500 mmol L 1 of stock solution of respective analyte
are not so easy to carry to out of laboratory. In this way, (HQ, CAT or CZIM). Before the injections in the home-
BIA apparatus (electronic microppipete and electrochem- made BIA-SPE cell, the spiked tap waters samples were
ical cell) are easier in transport and hand manipulation. diluted 10 times in the same supporting electrolyte used
Thus, the homemade BIA cell for SPEs proposed herein inside the BIA cell.
is advantageous in the development of fast and portable Electrochemical measurements were performed using
analytical methods. The BIA-SPE cell proposed here is a PalmSens handheld potentiostat/galvanostat (PalmSens,
simpler and easier to build than the cell previously re- Utrecht, The Netherlands) interfaced to a microcomputer
ported by our group [19]. The simplicity of construction and controlled by PSTRACE 2.2 software. Injections of
can be useful for other research groups since the cell can solutions were performed with a motorized electronic mi-
be constructed in a simple mechanical workshop (without cropipette (Eppendorf Multipette stream), which enables
the help of an expert in the field). However, some disad- injections from 10 to 1000 mL (with the 1 mL combitip) at
vantages compared with the previous cell can also be a programmable dispensing rate (from 28 to 350 mL s 1).
cited: (i) greater difficulty in electrode exchange opera- The multiwalled carbon nanotube modified screen-print-
tion (because of the use of thermo-polymer); (ii) greater ed electrode (MWCNT-SPE) was purchased from Drop-
difficulty in positioning a micro DC-motor on the top Sens (Oviedo, Spain) [20]. The MWCNT-SPE was com-
cover for solution stirring [15] (due to the lower dimen- posed by a planar carboxyl functionalized multi-walled
sions of this cell); however, stirring can be supplied by carbon nanotubes as working electrode (1 = 4 mm; geo-  2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Electroanalysis 2015, 27, 271 – 275 274
Short Communication
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