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1 Amir

Cheinya Maharani Amir

17 June 2023

Beyond Words: Personal Exploration Into Debate

In a dimly lit courtroom, under the watchful eyes of the judges and an ecstatic audience, I

stood on the podium with my heart pounding. My hands gripped the edges of my notes tighter

and my voice cracked slightly as I began my discussion. The world around me seemed to

disappear and only words, ideas and the desire to convince remained. In seventh grade I was

introduced to the world of debating. It was an area of ​structured reasoning, thorough research,

and persuasion. I was drawn to it like a moth, fascinated by the prospect of analyzing complex

issues and presenting my point clearly and convincingly. In these first debates, I stumbled over

my words and lost arguments, but I was not discouraged. Each round was a new opportunity to

learn, improve my skills, and engage with ideas that challenged my prejudices.

After school, I delved into research, drawing on articles, books, and research papers to

support my arguments. I practiced speaking in front of the mirror, looking for eloquence and

precision. Debating became not just an extracurricular activity but a way of life, a lens through

which I saw the world.But the debate was more than a personal quest; It was a forum for

dialogue and advocacy. It was a space where ideas collide, viewpoints changed, and issues were

resolved. It was a reminder that civic discourse can bridge divisions and that strong arguments

can lead to progress. As with my research on the ethical construction and dimensions of

photography, I began to think about the ethical dimensions of the debate early on. The pursuit of

victory could sometimes lead to manipulation of facts, which irked me deeply. I have learned
2 Amir

that the real power of a debate is not to win at all costs, but to encourage a real exchange of

views. Debate also taught me empathy. It wasn't just about debating, it was about understanding

other people's point of view, even when I didn't agree with them at all. It was a reminder that

every issue, every problem, has many facets and true understanding requires a willingness to

look beyond one's beliefs.

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