Book of Design Storm

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Revised July 2019

June 2018
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1

2. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................. 1

3. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION .............................................................................. 1

4. SANITARY SERVICING ....................................................................................................... 2

5. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................... 2

5.1. ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY .................................................................................. 2

5.2. EXISTING CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 3
5.3. PROPOSED STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM .............................................................. 3
5.4. SWM POND 1 ................................................................................................... 4
5.5. SWM POND 2 ................................................................................................... 4
5.6. SWM POND 3 ................................................................................................... 5
5.7. SWM POND 4 ................................................................................................... 5
5.8. STORMWATER QUALITY CONTROL ...................................................................... 6
6. WATER BALANCE ............................................................................................................... 7

7. PHOSPHOROUS BUDGET .................................................................................................. 7

8. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 8

Appendix A – Stormwater Management Calculations
Appendix B – Existing Septic Bed Information
Appendix C – Water Balance Calculations
Appendix D – Phosphorous Calculations
Appendix E – Pearson Engineering Drawings

List of Figures and Drawings

Drawing SG-1 – Site Grading Plan
Drawing SS-1 – Site Servicing Plan
Drawing STM-1 – Pre-Development Storm Catchment Plan
Drawing STM-2 – Post-Development Storm Catchment Plan
Drawing PND-1 – Stormwater Management Pond Details 1 of 2
Drawing PND-2 – Stormwater Management Pond Details 2 of 2
Drawing EP-1 – Environmental Protection Plan I
Barrie & Vaughan 13066.01
705-719-4785 / 905-597-5572

1. Introduction

PEARSON Engineering Ltd. (Pearson) has been retained by Cowden Woods Design Builders LTD.
(Client) to prepare a Servicing and Stormwater Report in support of the proposed Agripharm
Corporation Expansion (Project) located at 6954 County Road 9 in Creemore (Part Lot 10
Concession 2), in Clearview Township (Township) in the County of Simcoe (County) as shown on
Figure 1.

A portion of the 34.1 hectare property is to be developed into a mix of agricultural buildings and
greenhouses. It is located north of County Road 9, east of County Road 42. The site is mostly
vacant land with an existing building and gravel parking lot located in the southern half of the site
and generally slopes from north to south towards a ditch located on County Road 9.

This Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Brief assesses the existing on-site sanitary and
water infrastructure, the onsite Stormwater Management (SWM) facilities, and internal services
required to service the proposed Project.

2. Supporting Documents

The following documents have been referenced in the preparation of this report:
• Ministry of the Environment, Design Guidelines for the Drinking-Water Systems, 2008.
• Ministry of the Environment, Design Guidelines for the Sewage Works, 2008.
• MOE Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual, March 2003.
• Township of Clearview Engineering Standards, 2016 (Revised March 2017).

3. Water Supply and Distribution

The Project's water service will be supplied from the existing drilled well located south of the
existing building. Based on the Hydrogeological Impact Assessment completed by WSP, the site’s
current approximate water usage is 14,500 L/day which is split between domestic usage and crop
use. With the ultimate buildout of the proposed site, this usage is expected to increase up to
150,000 L/day. The existing service running from the well to the existing building is expected to be
sized appropriately for the proposed building addition. An additional water service will be provided
to service the proposed office building located on the west side of the site.

A 50,000 L water storage tank complete with vortex plate has been proposed to provide fire
protection for the site. The tank has been designed to provide access for maintenance purposes.
The Township’s Fire Department has reviewed the proposed tank details and have approved the
design. The proposed tank location can be seen on drawing SS-1 in Appendix E.

Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Report, July 2019 1

6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
PEARSONENG.COM PH. 705.719.4785
4. Sanitary Servicing

The sanitary system for the Project currently consists of an existing septic bed located north of the
existing building which is sufficiently sized for the current number of employees. A new septic bed is
proposed and will be located between the existing building and 26,000 ft2 greenhouse which will
service the proposed greenhouse building.

Under full buildout of the site, approximately 80 employees are anticipated. Using the design
standards in Part 8 of the Ontario Building Code, the ultimate daily design flow for the property was
calculated to be 9,750 L/day. As this is less than 10,000 L/day, MECP approval is not required for
the septic system. Detailed information regarding the design of the existing septic bed as well as
the design flows calculations can be seen in Appendix B.

5. Stormwater Management

A key component of the Development is the need to address environmental and related Stormwater
Management issues. These are examined in a framework aimed at meeting the Clearview
Township’s, Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA), and Ministry of the Environment,
Conservation and Parks (MECP) requirements. SWM parameters have evolved from an
understanding of the location and sensitivity of the site's natural systems. This report focuses on
the necessary measures to satisfy the approval agency's SWM requirements.

It is understood the objectives of the SWM plan are to:

• Protect life and property from flooding and erosion;
• Maintain existing storm drainage and runoff patterns;
• Maintain water quality for ecological integrity, recreational opportunities etc.;
• Protect aquatic and fishery communities and habitats.

5.1. Analysis Methodology

The design of the SWM Facilities for this site has been conducted in accordance with:
• The Ministry of the Environment Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual,
March 2003

• Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) Stormwater Technical Guide,

December 2013

• Township of Clearview Engineering Standards, March 2017

In order to design the facilities to meet these requirements, it is essential to select the appropriate
modeling methodology for the storm system design. Given the size of the catchment areas, the
Modified Rational Method is appropriate for the design for the SWM system.

Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Report, July 2019 2

6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
5.2. Existing Conditions

The majority of the site is vacant land with an existing building and associated gravel parking lot
located on the southern side of the site and generally slopes from north to south towards a ditch
located on County Road 9. An existing tributary of Coates Creek, located north of County Road 9,
flows southerly through a wooded area east of the site and eventually crosses under County Road
9 east of County Road 42. The site’s runoff is conveyed overland towards the southeast into the
existing drainage ditch that runs along County Road 9.

According to the Geospec Engineering LTD., Geotechnical Investigation, 2741 County Road 42
Cashtown Farm, the project site is comprised mainly of a sandy silt or silt deposit overlying a low-
permeability silt. Drawing STM-1 shows the existing storm drainage patterns for the development.
The pre-development peak flows from the site were calculated using the rational method and are
provided in Table 1 below. Detailed peak flow calculations can be found in Appendix C.

Table 1 – Pre Development Peak Flows

2 year 5 year 100 year

(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)

Total Site 0.51 0.68 1.40

5.3. Proposed Storm Drainage System

The post-development storm drainage for the project will generally follow pre-development
conditions. The majority of the site has been graded in order to convey drainage to various
Stormwater Management Facilities located throughout the site via overland flow. Swale capacity
calculations have been completed which demonstrate that all swales can convey the 100 year flow
to the proposed SWM Facilities which have been included in Appendix A. Low Impact Development
(LID) features will be integrated with the design of the proposed storm drainage system in the form
of grassed infiltration areas complete with pre-treatment grassed swales.

The project site is located within an upstream catchment area approximately 1,370 hectares in size
and therefore NVCA staff has stated quantity control would not be required. However, due to the
large scale of the proposed development, on-site quantity control was provided to reduce the storm
runoff leaving the site. Table 2 below demonstrates that the post development peak flows are less
than pre development values.

All SWM Ponds have been designed using 4:1 internal side slopes as per MECP Guidelines. The
northeastern pond (SWM Pond 1) outlets towards the existing wooded area to the east ultimately
draining to the tributary of Coates Creek. The southwestern pond (SWM Pond 3) will outlet to the
south towards the existing ditch. Both southeastern ponds (SWM Pond 2 and 4) will outlet southerly
towards the roadside ditch adjacent to County Road 9. The proposed storm drainage patterns can
be seen on drawing STM-2.

Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Report, July 2019 3

6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
Table 2 - Post Development Peak Flows

2 year 5 year 100 year

(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)

SWM Pond 1 0.04 0.04 0.25

SWM Pond 2 0.08 0.10 0.28

SWM Pond 3 0.03 0.04 0.13

SWM Pond 4 0.05 0.06 0.20

Uncontrolled Area 0.18 0.24 0.50

Total Site 0.38 0.48 1.36

5.4. SWM Pond 1

The stormwater management pond is located at the northeastern corner of the site and has a total
storage volume of 114 m3 available for infiltration, and 680 m3 of storage volume to the top of berm
elevation of 238.10. A 150 mm diameter orifice pipe is proposed to reduce the 2 and 5 year post
development peak flows to pre development values. An overflow weir is provided at an elevation of
237.75 in order to convey the 100 year storm which has an elevation of approximately 237.80. The
top of berm of the pond was set at 238.10, providing 0.30 m of freeboard above the 100 year storm
elevation. Rip-rap will be placed at both the inlet and outlet locations to prevent erosion. The
following Table 3 contains a summary of the outflow from the pond and associated storage volume
and water level.

Table 3 – SWM Pond 1 Release Rates and Water Levels

2 year 5 year 100 year

(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)
Peak Flow (m3/s) 0.04 0.04 0.25

Storage Volume (m3/s) 273 381 423

Water Elevation (m) 237.61 237.75 237.80

5.5. SWM Pond 2

The stormwater management pond is located at the northeastern corner of the site and has a total
storage volume of 95 m3 available for infiltration, and 656 m3 of storage to the top of berm elevation
of 237.15. A 300 mm diameter orifice pipe is proposed to reduce the 2 and 5 year post
development peak flows to pre development values. An overflow weir is provided at an elevation of
236.80 in order to convey the 100 year storm which has an elevation of approximately 236.84. The
top of berm of the pond was set at 237.15, providing 0.31 m of freeboard above the 100 year storm
elevation. Rip-rap will be placed at both the inlet and outlet locations to prevent erosion. The
following Table 4 contains a summary of the outflow from the pond and associated storage volume
and water level.

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6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
Table 4 – SWM Pond 2 Release Rates and Water Levels

2 year 5 year 100 year

(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)
Peak Flow (m3/s) 0.08 0.10 0.28

Storage Volume (m3/s) 171 225 370

Water Elevation (m) 236.59 236.66 236.84

5.6. SWM Pond 3

The stormwater management pond is located at the northeastern corner of the site and has a total
storage volume of 59 m3 available for infiltration, and 256 m3 of storage to the top of berm elevation
of 237.90. A 200 mm diameter orifice pipe is proposed to reduce the 2 and 5 year post
development peak flows to pre development values. An overflow weir is provided at an elevation of
237.55 in order to convey the 100 year storm which has an elevation of approximately 237.59. The
top of berm of the pond was set at 238.90, providing 0.31 m of freeboard above the 100 year storm
elevation. Rip-rap will be placed at both the inlet and outlet locations to prevent erosion. The
following Table 5 contains a summary of the outflow from the pond and associated storage volume
and water level.

Table 5 – SWM Pond 3 Release Rates and Water Levels

2 year 5 year 100 year

(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)
Peak Flow (m3/s) 0.03 0.04 0.13

Storage Volume (m3/s) 60 81 125

Water Elevation (m) 237.40 237.46 237.59

5.7. SWM Pond 4

The stormwater management pond is located at the northeastern corner of the site and has a total
storage volume of 55 m3 available for infiltration, and 460 m3 of storage to the top of berm elevation
of 237.75. A 200 mm diameter orifice pipe is proposed to reduce the 2 and 5 year post
development peak flows to pre development values. An overflow weir is provided at an elevation of
237.30 in order to convey the 100 year storm which has an elevation of approximately 237.36. The
top of berm of the pond was set at 237.75, providing 0.39 m of freeboard above the 100 year storm
elevation. Rip-rap will be placed at both the inlet and outlet locations to prevent erosion. The
following Table 6 contains a summary of the outflow from the pond and associated storage volume
and water level.

Table 6 – SWM Pond 4 Release Rates and Water Levels

2 year 5 year 100 year

(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)
Peak Flow (m3/s) 0.05 0.06 0.20

Storage Volume (m3/s) 109 152 202

Water Elevation (m) 237.18 237.27 237.36

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6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
5.8. Stormwater Quality Control

The MOE issued a “Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual” in March 2003. This
manual has been adopted by a variety of agencies including the Township of Clearview and NVCA.
The SWM Ponds have been designed to provide quality control to meet MECP’s Enhanced
Protection. To achieve enhanced protection, permanent and temporary control of erosion and
sediment transport are proposed and are discussed in the following sections.

5.8.1. Permanent Quality Controls

The Township and NVCA SWM Guidelines require Enhanced Level quality protection which will be
provided by the infiltration within the proposed Dry Ponds. Pre-treatment via grassed inlet swales is
provided in order to prolong the lifespan of the infiltration facilities. The quality control volume of
each SWM Pond is designed to meet the MECP Preferred Criteria guidelines for Enhanced Control
(80% long-term total suspended solid removal). Utilizing Table 3.2 from the MOE Manual (Water
Quality Storage Requirements based on Receiving Waters) and each SWM Pond’s catchment
area/imperviousness, the infiltration volume required was calculated. Detailed quality control
calculations can be seen in Appendix C which shows the required volume for each individual SWM
Pond, and a summary of the required volumes can be seen in Table 7 below.

Table 7 – Required Quality Control Infiltration Volumes

Storage Volume Storage Volume

Required (m3) Provided (m3)
SWM Pond 1 82 114

SWM Pond 2 77 95

SWM Pond 3 31 59

SWM Pond 4 48 55

5.8.2. Stormwater Quality Control During Construction

To ensure stormwater quality control during construction, it is imperative that effective

environmental and sedimentation controls be in place throughout the entire area subject to
construction activities. With the requirement of earth grading, there will be a potential of soil
erosion. The residential subdivision is proposed to be split into phases during construction. A
separate Environmental Protection Plan will be completed during each phase of the subdivision
which will detail the erosion and sediment control measures to be implemented. The proposed
SWM Pond will generate a substantial volume of fill material, and therefore it is to be constructed in
its entirety during the first phase of construction. The following items be are to be implemented
during all phases of construction to assist in achieving acceptable stormwater runoff quality:

• Restoration of exposed surfaces with vegetation and non-vegetative material as soon as

construction schedules permit. The duration in which surfaces are disturbed/exposed shall
not exceed 30 days;
• Installation of filter strips, silt fences and rock check dams or other similar facilities
throughout the site, and specifically during all construction activities;
• Reduce stormwater drainage velocities where possible;
• Ensure that disturbed areas are vegetated and stabilized as quickly as possible;
• Minimize the amount of existing vegetation removed.

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6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
6. Water Balance

Since the post development state will increase the imperviousness of the site, considerations were
taken in regards to groundwater recharge. A water budget was completed as per NVCA guidelines.
Under pre development conditions, the project site consisted mostly of cultivated area. Under pre
development conditions, the site infiltrates approximately 24,876 m3 annually. With the increased
imperviousness of the site, this recharge will be reduced to 19,683 m3, resulting in a deficit volume
of 5,192 m3.

In order to infiltrate the deficit volume of 3,797 m3 annually, it is proposed to infiltrate the first
2 mm from the SWM Ponds’ drainage area in the bottom of the SWM Ponds below the outlet which
results in a total required storage volume of 175 m3. The proposed ponds have a total provided
storage volume of 323 m3, exceeding the deficit volume. Therefore, water balance for the site is
achieved. Detailed calculations can be seen in Appendix C.

7. Phosphorous Budget
Local conservation authorities have determined the importance of reducing phosphorus levels in
water courses in this area. Best efforts are to be employed in order to reduce phosphorus levels
being contributed from the site.

The existing site consists of cultivated land and the development of the project will increase the
amount of phosphorus contributed from the site. To minimize the site’s phosphorous discharge, a
treatment train approach will be utilized. Storm runoff from the site’s impervious areas will be
conveyed to pretreatment grassed swales, which have been designed at 0.5% in order to reduce
velocities and promote infiltration which will provide phosphorous reduction as well as increase the
lifespan of the infiltration in the SWM Ponds. Ultimately, all storm runoff will be conveyed to a SWM
Pond, which will further reduce phosphorous levels.
According to the NVCA Phosphorus Loading Development Tool, the typical phosphorus reduction is
100% for all stormwater that is infiltrated, and 65% for a vegetated buffer. As the infiltration in the
SWM Ponds were designed for the 2 mm storm event which accounts for 20% of all storms as per
the above Water Balance section, a 20% phosphorous removal efficiency was applied. It is difficult
to predict the phosphorous removal of the pretreatment swales, therefore they were not included in
the calculations however, they will inherently provide some phosphorous reduction for the site. The
following Table 8 details the anticipated phosphorous loadings for the pre and post-development

Table 8: Phosphorus Loadings

Total P (kg)
Pre-Development 6.48
Post Development
Post Development

Detailed calculations can be found in Appendix D.

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6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
8. Conclusions

The proposed SWM Ponds will provide the required quantity control to reduce the 2 and 5 year post
development peak flows to pre development values.

Enhanced Level quality control is provided by the infiltration in the bottom of the SWM Ponds which
was sized as per the MECP Manual Table 3.2.

The proposed Stormwater Management Ponds, grassed inlet swales, and existing vegetated buffer
strips will reduce post development phosphorous levels for the proposed development.

Water Balance for the site is achieved through the infiltration in the bottom of the SWM Ponds.

All of which is respectfully submitted,

Pearson Engineering Ltd.

Taylor Arkell, P. Eng. Mike Dejean, P. Eng.

Project Engineer Manager of Engineering Services

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6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01


Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Report, July 2019 A

6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Calculation of Runoff Coefficients

Runoff Coefficient = 0.25 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Weighted

Surface Cover = Grass Asphalt Building Gravel Conc. Runoff Coefficient

Pre Development Total Area Area Area Area Area Area

(m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2)
1 133253 133253 0 0 0 0 0.25
Pre Total 133253 133253 0 0 0 0 0.25

Post Development Total Area Area Area Area Area Area

(m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2)
1 37604 34463 0 3141 0 0 0.31
2 25139 11344 0 7106 6690 0 0.63
3 11114 6127 0 668 4319 0 0.56
4 13865 4436 0 1403 8026 0 0.73
5 3858 3190 0 668 0 0 0.37
6 41672 41672 0 0 0 0 0.25
Post Total 133253 101233 0 12986 19035 0 0.42

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Pre-Development Peak Flows
Modified Rational Method
Storm (yrs) Coeff A Coeff B Q = CiCIA / 360

2 20.9 -0.699 Where:

5 27.7 -0.699 Q- Flow Rate (m3/s)
10 32.1 -0.699 C- Rational Method Runoff Coefficient
25 37.7 -0.699 I- Storm Intensity (mm/hr)
50 41.9 -0.699 A- Area (ha.)
100 46.0 -0.699 Ci - Peaking Coefficient

Area Number 1
Area 13.33 ha

Runoff Coefficient 0.25

Time of Concentration 15 min

Return Rate 2 year

Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.00
Rainfall Intensity 55.1 mm/hr
Pre-Development Peak Flow 0.51 m /s

Return Rate 5 year

Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.00
Rainfall Intensity 73.0 mm/hr
Pre-Development Peak Flow 0.68 m /s

Return Rate 100 year

Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.25
Rainfall Intensity 121.2 mm/hr
Pre-Development Peak Flow 1.40 m /s

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Post Development Peak Flows
Modified Rational Method
Storm (yrs) Coeff A Coeff B Q = CiCIA / 360

2 20.9 -0.699 Where:

5 27.7 -0.699 Q- Flow Rate (m3/s)
10 32.1 -0.699 C- Rational Method Runoff Coefficient
25 37.7 -0.699 I- Storm Intensity (mm/hr)
50 41.9 -0.699 A- Area (ha.)
100 46.0 -0.699 Ci - Peaking Coefficient

SWM Pond 1 SWM Pond 2 SWM Pond 3 SWM Pond 4 Uncontrolled

Area Number 1 2 3 4 5, 6
Area 3.76 ha 2.51 ha 1.11 ha 1.39 ha 4.55 ha

Runoff Coefficient 0.31 0.63 0.56 0.73 0.26

Time of Concentration 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min

Return Rate 2 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 2 year

Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Rainfall Intensity 55.1 mm/hr 55.1 mm/hr 55.1 mm/hr 55.1 mm/hr 55.1 mm/hr
3 3 3 3 3
Post Development Peak Flow 0.18 m /s 0.24 m /s 0.10 m /s 0.15 m /s 0.18 m /s

Return Rate 5 year 5 year 5 year 5 year 5 year

Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Rainfall Intensity 73.0 mm/hr 73.0 mm/hr 73.0 mm/hr 73.0 mm/hr 73.0 mm/hr
3 3 3 3 3
Post Development Peak Flow 0.24 m /s 0.32 m /s 0.13 m /s 0.20 m /s 0.24 m /s

Return Rate 100 year 100 year 100 year 100 year 100 year
Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Rainfall Intensity 121.2 mm/hr 121.2 mm/hr 121.2 mm/hr 121.2 mm/hr 121.2 mm/hr
3 3 3 3 3
Post Development Peak Flow 0.49 m /s 0.67 m /s 0.26 m /s 0.42 m /s 0.50 m /s

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Quality Control Sizing Calculations
Use Infiltration volumes from MOECC Table 3.2 to size
From Table 3.2 Water Quality Storage Requirements are as follows:

Design Area 1 = 3.76 ha

Imperviousness = 8%
Storage Volume = 16.6 m3/ha (Enhanced 80% long-term S.S. removal)
Area 1 Storage Volume Required = 3.76 x 16.6
= 62 m3

Design Area 2 = 2.51 ha

Imperviousness = 55%
Storage Volume = 30.6 m3/ha (Enhanced 80% long-term S.S. removal)
Area 1 Storage Volume Required = 2.51 x 30.6
= 77 m3

Design Area 3 = 1.11 ha

Imperviousness = 45%
Storage Volume = 27.6 m3/ha (Enhanced 80% long-term S.S. removal)
Area 1 Storage Volume Required = 1.11 x 27.6
= 31 m3

Design Area 4 = 1.39 ha

Imperviousness = 68%
Storage Volume = 34.5 m3/ha (Enhanced 80% long-term S.S. removal)
Area 1 Storage Volume Required = 1.39 x 34.5
= 48 m3

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Stage-Storage-Discharge Table
Stormwater Management Pond 1
Orifice 1 Orifice 1 Weir Weir
Elevation Area Volume Cum. Vol. Head Flow Head Flow Total Flow
(m) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m) (m3/s) (m) (m3/s) (m3/s)
237.00 555 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
237.05 560 28 28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
237.10 570 28 56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
237.15 580 29 85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
237.20 590 29 114 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
237.25 599 30 30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
237.30 620 30 60 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01
237.35 640 31 92 0.08 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02
237.40 661 33 124 0.13 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02
237.45 681 34 158 0.18 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03
237.50 702 35 192 0.23 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03
237.55 723 36 228 0.28 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03
237.60 744 37 265 0.33 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04
237.65 765 38 302 0.38 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04
237.70 784 39 341 0.43 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04
237.75 800 40 381 0.48 0.04 0.05 0.19 0.23
237.80 814 40 421 0.53 0.05 0.10 0.54 0.58
237.85 835 41 462 0.58 0.05 0.15 0.99 1.04
237.90 843 42 504 0.63 0.05 0.20 1.52 1.57
237.95 861 43 547 0.68 0.05 0.25 2.13 2.18
238.00 876 43 590 0.73 0.05 0.30 2.79 2.85
238.05 903 44 635 0.78 0.06 0.35 3.52 3.58
238.10 921 46 680 0.83 0.06 0.40 4.30 4.36

Orifice 1
Diameter 150 mm
Invert Elevation 237.20
Orifice Constant 0.80
Orifice Centroid 237.28
2 0.5
Orifice Flow Formula 0.80π(D/2000) x(2x9.81xH)

Major Storm Control Weir

Width 10.00 m

Invert of Weir 237.70 m

Weir Flow Formula 1.7WH

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Quantity Control Volume Calculations
Stormwater Management Pond 1
DATE: 20-Jun-19
FILE: 13066.01
Modified Rational Method Parameters SWM Pond Design Input
Pre Development Area Post Development Time of Concentration Pre Development Post Development Chicago Storm Chicago Storm Post Development
(ha) Area (ha) (min) Time Increments (min) Runoff Coefficient Runoff Coefficient Storm (yrs) Coefficient Coefficient Allowable Outflow Runoff Coefficient
3.76 3.76 15 2 0.25 0.31 A B (m3/s)

Note: Refer to page Calculation of Runoff Coefficients for detailed calculations of Modified Rational Method parameters. 2 20.9 -0.699 0.03 0.31
5 27.7 -0.699 0.03 0.31
Pre-Development Runoff Rate 100 46.0 -0.699 0.14 0.39
2 Year 5 Year 100 Year
C 0.25 0.25 0.31
I 57.80 76.61 127.22
A 3.76 3.76 3.76 Results
Q 0.15 0.20 0.42 Storm Storage Time
Note: Q= 0.00278CIA Event m3 min
2 184 98
5 255 112
100 361 44
Note: Storage volume calculated as per Hydrology Handbook, Second Edition, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996

2 Year 5 Year 100 Year

Time Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference
(min) mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3 mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3 mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3

2 225.2 0.73 0.03 72 18 298.5 0.96 0.03 98 25 495.8 2.00 0.14 169 47
4 138.8 0.45 0.03 91 12 183.9 0.59 0.03 122 16 305.4 1.23 0.14 216 30
6 104.5 0.34 0.03 103 9 138.5 0.45 0.03 139 12 230.0 0.93 0.14 246 22
8 85.5 0.28 0.03 112 7 113.3 0.37 0.03 151 10 188.1 0.76 0.14 268 17
10 73.1 0.24 0.03 120 6 96.9 0.31 0.03 161 8 160.9 0.65 0.14 285 14
12 64.4 0.21 0.03 126 5 85.3 0.27 0.03 170 7 141.7 0.57 0.14 298 11
14 57.8 0.19 0.03 132 5 76.6 0.25 0.03 177 6 127.2 0.51 0.14 309 9
16 52.6 0.17 0.03 136 4 69.8 0.22 0.03 183 6 115.9 0.47 0.14 319 8
18 48.5 0.16 0.03 140 4 64.3 0.21 0.03 189 5 106.7 0.43 0.14 327 7
20 45.0 0.15 0.03 144 3 59.7 0.19 0.03 194 5 99.1 0.40 0.14 333 6
22 42.1 0.14 0.03 147 3 55.9 0.18 0.03 199 4 92.8 0.37 0.14 339 5
24 39.7 0.13 0.03 150 3 52.6 0.17 0.03 203 4 87.3 0.35 0.14 344 4
26 37.5 0.12 0.03 153 3 49.7 0.16 0.03 207 4 82.5 0.33 0.14 348 3
28 35.6 0.11 0.03 156 2 47.2 0.15 0.03 210 3 78.4 0.32 0.14 351 3
30 33.9 0.11 0.03 158 2 45.0 0.14 0.03 214 3 74.7 0.30 0.14 354 2
32 32.4 0.10 0.03 160 2 43.0 0.14 0.03 217 3 71.4 0.29 0.14 356 2
34 31.1 0.10 0.03 162 2 41.2 0.13 0.03 219 3 68.4 0.28 0.14 358 1
36 29.9 0.10 0.03 164 2 39.6 0.13 0.03 222 2 65.7 0.26 0.14 359 1
38 28.8 0.09 0.03 166 2 38.1 0.12 0.03 225 2 63.3 0.25 0.14 360 1
40 27.7 0.09 0.03 167 1 36.8 0.12 0.03 227 2 61.1 0.25 0.14 361 0
42 26.8 0.09 0.03 169 1 35.5 0.11 0.03 229 2 59.0 0.24 0.14 361 0
44 26.0 0.08 0.03 170 1 34.4 0.11 0.03 231 2 57.1 0.23 0.14 361 0
46 25.2 0.08 0.03 171 1 33.4 0.11 0.03 233 2 55.4 0.22 0.14 361 0
48 24.4 0.08 0.03 172 1 32.4 0.10 0.03 234 2 53.8 0.22 0.14 361 -1
50 23.7 0.08 0.03 173 1 31.5 0.10 0.03 236 2 52.3 0.21 0.14 360 -1
52 23.1 0.07 0.03 174 1 30.6 0.10 0.03 238 1 50.8 0.20 0.14 359 -1
54 22.5 0.07 0.03 175 1 29.8 0.10 0.03 239 1 49.5 0.20 0.14 358 -1
56 21.9 0.07 0.03 176 1 29.1 0.09 0.03 240 1 48.3 0.19 0.14 357 -1
58 21.4 0.07 0.03 177 1 28.4 0.09 0.03 242 1 47.1 0.19 0.14 356 -2
60 20.9 0.07 0.03 178 1 27.7 0.09 0.03 243 1 46.0 0.19 0.14 354 -2

: Maximum Storage Volume

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Stage-Storage-Discharge Table
Stormwater Management Pond 2
Orifice 1 Orifice 1 Weir Weir
Elevation Area Volume Cum. Vol. Head Flow Head Flow Total Flow
(m) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m) (m3/s) (m) (m3/s) (m3/s)
236.20 600 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
236.25 620 31 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
236.30 640 32 62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
236.35 660 32 95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
236.40 680 34 34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
236.45 700 34 68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
236.50 720 36 104 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
236.55 740 37 140 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.06
236.60 760 37 177 0.10 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.08
236.65 780 39 216 0.15 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.10
236.70 800 39 255 0.20 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.11
236.75 820 41 296 0.25 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.13
236.80 840 42 338 0.30 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.14
236.85 860 42 380 0.35 0.15 0.05 0.17 0.32
236.90 880 44 424 0.40 0.16 0.10 0.48 0.64
236.95 900 44 468 0.45 0.17 0.15 0.89 1.06
237.00 920 46 514 0.50 0.18 0.20 1.37 1.55
237.05 940 47 560 0.55 0.19 0.25 1.91 2.10
237.10 960 47 607 0.60 0.19 0.30 2.51 2.71
237.15 980 49 656 0.65 0.20 0.35 3.17 3.37

Orifice 1
Diameter 300 mm
Invert Elevation 236.35
Orifice Constant 0.80
Orifice Centroid 236.50
Orifice Flow Formula 0.80π(D/2000)2x(2x9.81xH)0.5

Major Storm Control Weir

Width 9.00 m

Invert of Weir 236.80 m

Weir Flow Formula 1.7WH1.5

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Quantity Control Volume Calculations
Stormwater Management Pond 2
DATE: 20-Jun-19
FILE: 13066.01
Modified Rational Method Parameters SWM Pond Design Input
Pre Development Area Post Development Time of Concentration Pre Development Post Development Chicago Storm Chicago Storm Post Development
(ha) Area (ha) (min) Time Increments (min) Runoff Coefficient Runoff Coefficient Storm (yrs) Coefficient Coefficient Allowable Outflow Runoff Coefficient
2.51 2.51 15 2 0.25 0.63 A B (m3/s)

Note: Refer to page Calculation of Runoff Coefficients for detailed calculations of Modified Rational Method parameters. 2 20.9 -0.699 0.08 0.63
5 27.7 -0.699 0.10 0.63
Pre-Development Runoff Rate 100 46.0 -0.699 0.28 0.79
2 Year 5 Year 100 Year
C 0.25 0.25 0.31
I 57.80 76.61 127.22
A 2.51 2.51 2.51 Results
Q 0.10 0.13 0.28 Storm Storage Time
Note: Q= 0.00278CIA Event m3 min
2 171 40
5 225 38
100 370 26
Note: Storage volume calculated as per Hydrology Handbook, Second Edition, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996

2 Year 5 Year 100 Year

Time Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference
(min) mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3 mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3 mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3

2 225.2 1.00 0.08 81 23 298.5 1.32 0.10 107 31 495.8 2.74 0.28 187 60
4 138.8 0.61 0.08 105 15 183.9 0.81 0.10 138 19 305.4 1.69 0.28 247 36
6 104.5 0.46 0.08 119 11 138.5 0.61 0.10 158 14 230.0 1.27 0.28 283 25
8 85.5 0.38 0.08 130 8 113.3 0.50 0.10 171 11 188.1 1.04 0.28 308 18
10 73.1 0.32 0.08 138 6 96.9 0.43 0.10 182 8 160.9 0.89 0.28 326 13
12 64.4 0.29 0.08 144 5 85.3 0.38 0.10 191 7 141.7 0.78 0.28 339 10
14 57.8 0.26 0.08 150 4 76.6 0.34 0.10 198 6 127.2 0.70 0.28 349 8
16 52.6 0.23 0.08 154 4 69.8 0.31 0.10 203 5 115.9 0.64 0.28 357 6
18 48.5 0.21 0.08 158 3 64.3 0.28 0.10 208 4 106.7 0.59 0.28 363 4
20 45.0 0.20 0.08 161 2 59.7 0.26 0.10 212 3 99.1 0.55 0.28 366 2
22 42.1 0.19 0.08 163 2 55.9 0.25 0.10 215 3 92.8 0.51 0.28 369 1
24 39.7 0.18 0.08 165 2 52.6 0.23 0.10 218 2 87.3 0.48 0.28 370 0
26 37.5 0.17 0.08 167 1 49.7 0.22 0.10 220 2 82.5 0.46 0.28 370 -1
28 35.6 0.16 0.08 168 1 47.2 0.21 0.10 221 1 78.4 0.43 0.28 370 -1
30 33.9 0.15 0.08 169 1 45.0 0.20 0.10 223 1 74.7 0.41 0.28 368 -2
32 32.4 0.14 0.08 170 1 43.0 0.19 0.10 224 1 71.4 0.40 0.28 366 -3
34 31.1 0.14 0.08 170 0 41.2 0.18 0.10 224 0 68.4 0.38 0.28 364 -3
36 29.9 0.13 0.08 171 0 39.6 0.18 0.10 225 0 65.7 0.36 0.28 360 -4
38 28.8 0.13 0.08 171 0 38.1 0.17 0.10 225 0 63.3 0.35 0.28 356 -4
40 27.7 0.12 0.08 171 0 36.8 0.16 0.10 225 0 61.1 0.34 0.28 352 -5
42 26.8 0.12 0.08 171 0 35.5 0.16 0.10 225 0 59.0 0.33 0.28 348 -5
44 26.0 0.12 0.08 171 0 34.4 0.15 0.10 224 -1 57.1 0.32 0.28 342 -5
46 25.2 0.11 0.08 170 -1 33.4 0.15 0.10 224 -1 55.4 0.31 0.28 337 -6
48 24.4 0.11 0.08 170 -1 32.4 0.14 0.10 223 -1 53.8 0.30 0.28 331 -6
50 23.7 0.11 0.08 169 -1 31.5 0.14 0.10 222 -1 52.3 0.29 0.28 325 -6
52 23.1 0.10 0.08 168 -1 30.6 0.14 0.10 221 -1 50.8 0.28 0.28 319 -319
54 22.5 0.10 0.08 167 -1 29.8 0.13 0.10 220 -1 49.5 0.27 0.00 0 0
56 21.9 0.10 0.08 166 -1 29.1 0.13 0.10 219 -1 48.3 0.27 0.00 0 0
58 21.4 0.09 0.08 165 -1 28.4 0.13 0.10 217 -2 47.1 0.26 0.00 0 0
60 20.9 0.09 0.08 164 -1 27.7 0.12 0.10 216 -2 46.0 0.25 0.00 0 0

: Maximum Storage Volume

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Stage-Storage-Discharge Table
Stormwater Management Pond 3
Orifice 1 Orifice 1 Weir Weir
Elevation Area Volume Cum. Vol. Head Flow Head Flow Total Flow
(m) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m) (m3/s) (m) (m3/s) (m3/s)
236.95 200 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.00 215 10 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.05 229 11 21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.10 243 12 33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.15 257 13 46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.20 271 13 59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.25 285 14 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.30 299 15 29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.35 312 15 44 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.0000 0.02
237.40 326 16 60 0.10 0.04 0.00 0.0000 0.04
237.45 339 17 76 0.15 0.04 0.00 0.0000 0.04
237.50 352 17 94 0.20 0.05 0.00 0.0000 0.05
237.55 365 18 112 0.25 0.06 0.00 0.0000 0.06
237.60 380 19 130 0.30 0.06 0.05 0.0950 0.16
237.65 394 19 149 0.35 0.07 0.10 0.2688 0.33
237.70 407 20 170 0.40 0.07 0.15 0.4938 0.56
237.75 421 21 190 0.45 0.07 0.20 0.7603 0.83
237.80 435 21 212 0.50 0.08 0.25 1.0625 1.14
237.85 449 22 234 0.55 0.08 0.30 1.3967 1.48
237.90 462 23 256 0.60 0.09 0.35 1.7600 1.85

Orifice 1
Diameter 200 mm
Invert Elevation 237.20
Orifice Constant 0.80
Orifice Centroid 237.30
Orifice Flow Formula 0.80π(D/2000)2x(2x9.81xH)0.5

Major Storm Control Weir

Width 5.00 m

Invert of Weir 237.55 m

Weir Flow Formula 1.7WH1.5

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Quantity Control Volume Calculations
Stormwater Management Pond 3
DATE: 20-Jun-19
FILE: 13066.01
Modified Rational Method Parameters SWM Pond Design Input
Pre Development Area Post Development Time of Concentration Pre Development Post Development Chicago Storm Chicago Storm Post Development
(ha) Area (ha) (min) Time Increments (min) Runoff Coefficient Runoff Coefficient Storm (yrs) Coefficient Coefficient Allowable Outflow Runoff Coefficient
1.11 1.11 15 2 0.25 0.56 A B (m3/s)

Note: Refer to page Calculation of Runoff Coefficients for detailed calculations of Modified Rational Method parameters. 2 20.9 -0.699 0.03 0.56
5 27.7 -0.699 0.04 0.56
Pre-Development Runoff Rate 100 46.0 -0.699 0.13 0.71
2 Year 5 Year 100 Year
C 0.25 0.25 0.31
I 57.80 76.61 127.22
A 1.11 1.11 1.11 Results
Q 0.04 0.06 0.12 Storm Storage Time
Note: Q= 0.00278CIA Event m3 min
2 60 32
5 81 32
100 125 20
Note: Storage volume calculated as per Hydrology Handbook, Second Edition, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996

2 Year 5 Year 100 Year

Time Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference
(min) mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3 mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3 mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3

2 225.2 0.39 0.03 29 9 298.5 0.52 0.04 40 12 495.8 1.08 0.13 64 22

4 138.8 0.24 0.03 38 5 183.9 0.32 0.04 51 7 305.4 0.66 0.13 87 13
6 104.5 0.18 0.03 44 4 138.5 0.24 0.04 59 5 230.0 0.50 0.13 100 9
8 85.5 0.15 0.03 48 3 113.3 0.20 0.04 64 4 188.1 0.41 0.13 108 6
10 73.1 0.13 0.03 50 2 96.9 0.17 0.04 68 3 160.9 0.35 0.13 114 4
12 64.4 0.11 0.03 53 2 85.3 0.15 0.04 71 2 141.7 0.31 0.13 119 3
14 57.8 0.10 0.03 54 1 76.6 0.13 0.04 73 2 127.2 0.28 0.13 122 2
16 52.6 0.09 0.03 56 1 69.8 0.12 0.04 75 2 115.9 0.25 0.13 123 1
18 48.5 0.08 0.03 57 1 64.3 0.11 0.04 77 1 106.7 0.23 0.13 124 0
20 45.0 0.08 0.03 58 1 59.7 0.10 0.04 78 1 99.1 0.22 0.13 125 0
22 42.1 0.07 0.03 58 0 55.9 0.10 0.04 79 1 92.8 0.20 0.13 125 -1
24 39.7 0.07 0.03 59 0 52.6 0.09 0.04 79 1 87.3 0.19 0.13 124 -1
26 37.5 0.07 0.03 59 0 49.7 0.09 0.04 80 0 82.5 0.18 0.13 123 -1
28 35.6 0.06 0.03 59 0 47.2 0.08 0.04 80 0 78.4 0.17 0.13 122 -2
30 33.9 0.06 0.03 60 0 45.0 0.08 0.04 81 0 74.7 0.16 0.13 120 -2
32 32.4 0.06 0.03 60 0 43.0 0.07 0.04 81 0 71.4 0.16 0.13 118 -2
34 31.1 0.05 0.03 59 0 41.2 0.07 0.04 81 0 68.4 0.15 0.13 116 -2
36 29.9 0.05 0.03 59 0 39.6 0.07 0.04 80 0 65.7 0.14 0.13 114 -3
38 28.8 0.05 0.03 59 0 38.1 0.07 0.04 80 0 63.3 0.14 0.13 111 -3
40 27.7 0.05 0.03 59 0 36.8 0.06 0.04 80 0 61.1 0.13 0.13 108 -3
42 26.8 0.05 0.03 58 0 35.5 0.06 0.04 79 0 59.0 0.13 0.13 105 -105
44 26.0 0.05 0.03 58 0 34.4 0.06 0.04 79 -1 57.1 0.12 0.00 0 0
46 25.2 0.04 0.03 57 -1 33.4 0.06 0.04 78 -1 55.4 0.12 0.00 0 0
48 24.4 0.04 0.03 57 -1 32.4 0.06 0.04 78 -1 53.8 0.12 0.00 0 0
50 23.7 0.04 0.03 56 -1 31.5 0.05 0.04 77 -1 52.3 0.11 0.00 0 0
52 23.1 0.04 0.03 56 -1 30.6 0.05 0.04 76 -1 50.8 0.11 0.00 0 0
54 22.5 0.04 0.03 55 -1 29.8 0.05 0.04 76 -1 49.5 0.11 0.00 0 0
56 21.9 0.04 0.03 54 -1 29.1 0.05 0.04 75 -1 48.3 0.11 0.00 0 0
58 21.4 0.04 0.03 54 -1 28.4 0.05 0.04 74 -1 47.1 0.10 0.00 0 0
60 20.9 0.04 0.03 53 -1 27.7 0.05 0.04 73 -1 46.0 0.10 0.00 0 0

: Maximum Storage Volume

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Stage-Storage-Discharge Table
Stormwater Management Pond 4
Orifice 1 Orifice 1 Weir Weir
Elevation Area Volume Cum. Vol. Head Flow Head Flow Total Flow
(m) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m) (m3/s) (m) (m3/s) (m3/s)
236.70 224 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
236.75 250 12 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
236.80 274 13 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
236.85 298 14 39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
236.90 323 16 55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
236.95 347 17 17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.00 372 18 35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.00
237.05 397 19 54 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.0000 0.02
237.10 421 20 74 0.10 0.04 0.00 0.0000 0.04
237.15 446 22 96 0.15 0.04 0.00 0.0000 0.04
237.20 471 23 119 0.20 0.05 0.00 0.0000 0.05
237.25 497 24 143 0.25 0.06 0.00 0.0000 0.06
237.30 522 25 169 0.30 0.06 0.00 0.0000 0.06
237.35 547 27 195 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.0950 0.16
237.40 573 28 223 0.40 0.07 0.10 0.2688 0.34
237.45 599 29 253 0.45 0.07 0.15 0.4938 0.57
237.50 624 31 283 0.50 0.08 0.20 0.7603 0.84
237.55 653 32 315 0.55 0.08 0.25 1.0625 1.15
237.60 687 33 349 0.60 0.09 0.30 1.3967 1.48
237.65 726 35 384 0.65 0.09 0.35 1.7600 1.85
237.70 771 37 421 0.70 0.09 0.40 2.1503 2.24
237.75 772 39 460 0.75 0.10 0.45 2.5659 2.66

Orifice 1
Diameter 200 mm
Invert Elevation 236.90
Orifice Constant 0.80
Orifice Centroid 237.00
Orifice Flow Formula 0.80π(D/2000)2x(2x9.81xH)0.5

Major Storm Control Weir

Width 5.00 m

Invert of Weir 237.30 m

Weir Flow Formula 1.7WH1.5

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Quantity Control Volume Calculations
Stormwater Management Pond 4
DATE: 20-Jun-19
FILE: 13066.01
Modified Rational Method Parameters SWM Pond Design Input
Pre Development Area Post Development Time of Concentration Pre Development Post Development Chicago Storm Chicago Storm Post Development
(ha) Area (ha) (min) Time Increments (min) Runoff Coefficient Runoff Coefficient Storm (yrs) Coefficient Coefficient Allowable Outflow Runoff Coefficient
1.39 1.39 15 2 0.25 0.73 A B (m3/s)

Note: Refer to page Calculation of Runoff Coefficients for detailed calculations of Modified Rational Method parameters. 2 20.9 -0.699 0.05 0.73
5 27.7 -0.699 0.06 0.73
Pre-Development Runoff Rate 100 46.0 -0.699 0.20 0.91
2 Year 5 Year 100 Year
C 0.25 0.25 0.31
I 57.80 76.61 127.22
A 1.39 1.39 1.39 Results
Q 0.06 0.07 0.15 Storm Storage Time
Note: Q= 0.00278CIA Event m3 min
2 109 40
5 152 44
100 202 20
Note: Storage volume calculated as per Hydrology Handbook, Second Edition, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996

2 Year 5 Year 100 Year

Time Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference Intensity Inflow Outflow Storage Difference
(min) mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3 mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3 mm/hr m3/s m3/s m3

2 225.2 0.63 0.05 52 15 298.5 0.83 0.06 71 20 495.8 1.73 0.20 104 36
4 138.8 0.39 0.05 66 9 183.9 0.51 0.06 91 13 305.4 1.07 0.20 140 21
6 104.5 0.29 0.05 76 7 138.5 0.39 0.06 103 9 230.0 0.80 0.20 161 14
8 85.5 0.24 0.05 82 5 113.3 0.32 0.06 112 7 188.1 0.66 0.20 175 10
10 73.1 0.20 0.05 88 4 96.9 0.27 0.06 119 6 160.9 0.56 0.20 185 7
12 64.4 0.18 0.05 92 3 85.3 0.24 0.06 125 5 141.7 0.50 0.20 192 5
14 57.8 0.16 0.05 95 3 76.6 0.21 0.06 130 4 127.2 0.44 0.20 196 3
16 52.6 0.15 0.05 98 2 69.8 0.20 0.06 134 3 115.9 0.41 0.20 200 2
18 48.5 0.14 0.05 100 2 64.3 0.18 0.06 137 3 106.7 0.37 0.20 201 1
20 45.0 0.13 0.05 102 2 59.7 0.17 0.06 140 2 99.1 0.35 0.20 202 0
22 42.1 0.12 0.05 104 1 55.9 0.16 0.06 142 2 92.8 0.32 0.20 202 -1
24 39.7 0.11 0.05 105 1 52.6 0.15 0.06 144 2 87.3 0.31 0.20 201 -1
26 37.5 0.10 0.05 106 1 49.7 0.14 0.06 146 1 82.5 0.29 0.20 200 -2
28 35.6 0.10 0.05 107 1 47.2 0.13 0.06 147 1 78.4 0.27 0.20 198 -3
30 33.9 0.09 0.05 108 1 45.0 0.13 0.06 149 1 74.7 0.26 0.20 195 -3
32 32.4 0.09 0.05 108 0 43.0 0.12 0.06 150 1 71.4 0.25 0.20 192 -3
34 31.1 0.09 0.05 109 0 41.2 0.12 0.06 150 1 68.4 0.24 0.20 189 -4
36 29.9 0.08 0.05 109 0 39.6 0.11 0.06 151 0 65.7 0.23 0.20 185 -4
38 28.8 0.08 0.05 109 0 38.1 0.11 0.06 152 0 63.3 0.22 0.20 181 -4
40 27.7 0.08 0.05 109 0 36.8 0.10 0.06 152 0 61.1 0.21 0.20 176 -5
42 26.8 0.08 0.05 109 0 35.5 0.10 0.06 152 0 59.0 0.21 0.20 172 -172
44 26.0 0.07 0.05 109 0 34.4 0.10 0.06 152 0 57.1 0.20 0.00 0 0
46 25.2 0.07 0.05 109 0 33.4 0.09 0.06 152 0 55.4 0.19 0.00 0 0
48 24.4 0.07 0.05 108 0 32.4 0.09 0.06 152 0 53.8 0.19 0.00 0 0
50 23.7 0.07 0.05 108 0 31.5 0.09 0.06 152 0 52.3 0.18 0.00 0 0
52 23.1 0.06 0.05 107 -1 30.6 0.09 0.06 151 0 50.8 0.18 0.00 0 0
54 22.5 0.06 0.05 107 -1 29.8 0.08 0.06 151 0 49.5 0.17 0.00 0 0
56 21.9 0.06 0.05 106 -1 29.1 0.08 0.06 151 -1 48.3 0.17 0.00 0 0
58 21.4 0.06 0.05 106 -1 28.4 0.08 0.06 150 -1 47.1 0.16 0.00 0 0
60 20.9 0.06 0.05 105 -1 27.7 0.08 0.06 149 -1 46.0 0.16 0.00 0 0

: Maximum Storage Volume

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx
PEARSONENG.COM PH. 705.719.4785
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Calculation of Runoff Coefficients-Swale Capacity

Runoff Coefficient = 0.25 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Weighted

Surface Cover = Grass Asphalt Building Gravel Conc. Runoff Coefficient

Post Development Total Area Area Area Area Area Area

(m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2) (m2)
1A 27736 17894 0 4813 5029 0 0.50
1B 8625 8625 0 0 0 0 0.25
2 19609 8095 0 4824 6690 0 0.66
3 3853 3412 0 441 0 0 0.33
4 10923 3253 0 1403 6267 0 0.74
Post Total 70746 41279 0 11481 17985 0 0.54

13066.01 - SWM_rev7.xlsx
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Swale Capacity Peak Flows
Modified Rational Method
Storm (yrs) Coeff A Coeff B Q = CiCIA / 360

2 20.9 -0.699 Where:

5 27.7 -0.699 Q- Flow Rate (m3/s)
10 32.1 -0.699 C- Rational Method Runoff Coefficient
25 37.7 -0.699 I- Storm Intensity (mm/hr)
50 41.9 -0.699 A- Area (ha.)
100 46.0 -0.699 Ci - Peaking Coefficient

SWM Pond 1 SWM Pond 1 SWM Pond 2 SWM Pond 3 SWM Pond 4
Area Number 1A 1B 2 3 4
Area 2.77 ha 0.86 ha 1.96 ha 0.39 ha 1.09 ha

Runoff Coefficient 0.50 0.25 0.66 0.33 0.74

Time of Concentration 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min 15 min

Return Rate 2 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 2 year

Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Rainfall Intensity 55.1 mm/hr 55.1 mm/hr 55.1 mm/hr 55.1 mm/hr 55.1 mm/hr
3 3 3 3 3
Post Development Peak Flow 0.21 m /s 0.03 m /s 0.20 m /s 0.02 m /s 0.12 m /s

Return Rate 5 year 5 year 5 year 5 year 5 year

Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Rainfall Intensity 73.0 mm/hr 73.0 mm/hr 73.0 mm/hr 73.0 mm/hr 73.0 mm/hr
3 3 3 3 3
Post Development Peak Flow 0.28 m /s 0.04 m /s 0.26 m /s 0.03 m /s 0.16 m /s

Return Rate 100 year 100 year 100 year 100 year 100 year
Peaking Coefficient (Ci) 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25
Rainfall Intensity 121.2 mm/hr 121.2 mm/hr 121.2 mm/hr 121.2 mm/hr 121.2 mm/hr
3 3 3 3 3
Post Development Peak Flow 0.58 m /s 0.09 m /s 0.55 m /s 0.05 m /s 0.34 m /s

13066.01 - SWM_rev7.xlsx
Channel Report
Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Jun 26 2019

Swale Capacity Calculation - Area 1A

Triangular Highlighted
Side Slopes (z:1) = 8.0000, 8.0000 Depth (m) = 0.3018
Total Depth (m) = 0.3018 Q (cms) = 0.5800
Area (sqm) = 0.7284
Invert Elev (m) = 237.9500 Velocity (m/s) = 0.7962
Slope (%) = 0.5000 Wetted Perim (m) = 4.8656
N-Value = 0.025 Crit Depth, Yc (m) = 0.2560
Top Width (m) = 4.8280
Calculations EGL (m) = 0.3341
Compute by: Known Q
Known Q (cms) = 0.5800

Elev (m) Depth (m)

238.4500 0.5000

238.3000 0.3500

238.1500 0.2000

238.0000 0.0500

237.8500 -0.1000

237.7000 -0.2500
0 .6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4 6 6.6

Reach (m)
Channel Report
Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Jun 26 2019

Swale Capacity Calculation - Area 1B

Triangular Highlighted
Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.0000, 3.0000 Depth (m) = 0.2195
Total Depth (m) = 0.2200 Q (cms) = 0.090
Area (sqm) = 0.1445
Invert Elev (m) = 238.0000 Velocity (m/s) = 0.6229
Slope (%) = 0.5000 Wetted Perim (m) = 1.3880
N-Value = 0.025 Crit Depth, Yc (m) = 0.1798
Top Width (m) = 1.3167
Calculations EGL (m) = 0.2392
Compute by: Known Q
Known Q (cms) = 0.0900

Elev (m) Depth (m)

238.4500 0.4500

238.3000 0.3000

238.1500 0.1500

238.0000 0.0000

237.8500 -0.1500

237.7000 -0.3000
0 .15 .3 .45 .6 .75 .9 1.05 1.2 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.8

Reach (m)
Channel Report
Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. Tuesday, Jun 25 2019

Swale Capacity Calculation - Area 2

Trapezoidal Highlighted
Bottom Width (m) = 1.0000 Depth (m) = 0.3018
Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.0000, 3.0000 Q (cms) = 0.5500
Total Depth (m) = 0.3018 Area (sqm) = 0.5749
Invert Elev (m) = 236.8400 Velocity (m/s) = 0.9567
Slope (%) = 0.5000 Wetted Perim (m) = 2.9084
N-Value = 0.025 Crit Depth, Yc (m) = 0.2469
Top Width (m) = 2.8105
Calculations EGL (m) = 0.3484
Compute by: Known Q
Known Q (cms) = 0.5500

Elev (m) Depth (m)

237.5000 0.6600

237.3500 0.5100

237.2000 0.3600

237.0500 0.2100

236.9000 0.0600

236.7500 -0.0900

236.6000 -0.2400
0 .3 .6 .9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3 3.3 3.6 3.9

Reach (m)
Channel Report
Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Jun 26 2019

Swale Capacity Calculation - Area 3

Triangular Highlighted
Side Slopes (z:1) = 38.5000, 27.0000 Depth (m) = 0.0732
Total Depth (m) = 0.1500 Q (cms) = 0.050
Area (sqm) = 0.1753
Invert Elev (m) = 239.3800 Velocity (m/s) = 0.2853
Slope (%) = 0.5000 Wetted Perim (m) = 4.7938
N-Value = 0.025 Crit Depth, Yc (m) = 0.0549
Top Width (m) = 4.7915
Calculations EGL (m) = 0.0773
Compute by: Known Q
Known Q (cms) = 0.0500

Elev (m) Depth (m)

239.6300 0.2500

239.5600 0.1800

239.4800 0.1000

239.4100 0.0300

239.3300 -0.0500

239.2600 -0.1200
0 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5 15

Reach (m)
Channel Report
Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Jun 26 2019

Swale Capacity Calculation - Area 4

Triangular Highlighted
Side Slopes (z:1) = 3.0000, 3.0000 Depth (m) = 0.3627
Total Depth (m) = 0.5700 Q (cms) = 0.3400
Area (sqm) = 0.3947
Invert Elev (m) = 237.1500 Velocity (m/s) = 0.8615
Slope (%) = 0.5000 Wetted Perim (m) = 2.2940
N-Value = 0.025 Crit Depth, Yc (m) = 0.3048
Top Width (m) = 2.1763
Calculations EGL (m) = 0.4006
Compute by: Known Q
Known Q (cms) = 0.3400

Elev (m) Depth (m)

237.8000 0.6500

237.6500 0.5000

237.5000 0.3500

237.3500 0.2000

237.2000 0.0500

237.0500 -0.1000

236.9000 -0.2500
0 .6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4

Reach (m)


Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Report, July 2019 B

6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01


Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Report, July 2019 C

6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
Table 3.1: Hydrologic Cycle Component Values
Water Holding Evapo-
Capacity Hydrologic Precipitation transpiration Runoff Infiltration
mm Soil Group mm mm mm mm
Urban Lawns/Shallow Rooted Crops (spinach, beans, beets, carrots)
Fine Sand 50 A 940 515 149 276
Fine Sandy Loam 75 B 940 525 187 228
Silt Loam 125 C 940 536 222 182
Clay Loam 100 CD 940 531 245 164
Clay 75 D 940 525 270 145
Moderately Rooted Crops (corn and cereal grains)
Fine Sand 75 A 940 525 125 291
Fine Sandy Loam 150 B 940 539 160 241
Silt Loam 200 C 940 543 199 199
Clay Loam 200 CD 940 543 218 179
Clay 150 D 940 539 241 160
Pasture and Shrubs
Fine Sand 100 A 940 531 102 307
Fine Sandy Loam 150 B 940 539 140 261
Silt Loam 250 C 940 546 177 217
Clay Loam 250 CD 940 546 197 197
Clay 200 D 940 543 218 179
Mature Forests
Fine Sand 250 A 940 546 79 315
Fine Sandy Loam 300 B 940 548 118 274
Silt Loam 400 C 940 550 156 234
Clay Loam 400 CD 940 550 176 215
Clay 350 D 940 549 196 196

Notes: Hydrologic Soil Group A represents soils with low runoff potential and Soil Group D represents soils
with high runoff potential. The evapotranspiration values are for mature vegetation. Streamflow is composed of
baseflow and runoff.
This is the total infiltration of which some discharges back to the stream as base flow. The infiltration factor is
determined by summing a factor for topography, soils and cover.

Topography Flat Land, average slope < 0.6 m/km 0.3

Rolling Land, average slope 2.8 m to 3.8 m/km 0.2
Hilly Land, average slope 28 m to 47 m/km 0.1

Soils Tight impervious clay 0.1

Medium combinations of clay and loam 0.2
Open Sandy loam 0.4

Cover Cultivated Land 0.1

Woodland 0.2

SWM Planning & Design Manual - 3-4 - Environmental Design Criteria

Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Water Balance Calculations
Pre Development Recharge

Rainfall data taken from Environment Canada rain gauge for Ruskview, Ontario.

Yearly Precipitation = 718.0 mm

Using Table 3.1 of the MOE's SWM Planning & Design Manual, the infiltration amount is approximately 26% of the precipitation value
for Moderately Rooted Crops for Fine Sandy Loam. Using site specific rainfall data, the infiltration can be calculated.

Pasture and Shrubs = 13.33 ha

Annual Site Area Recharge Volume = 13.33 x 0.26 x 718

= 24,876 m3

Therefore, 24,876 m3 per year of recharge volume is required for the proposed project.

Post Development Recharge

Using Table 3.1 of the MOE's SWM Planning & Design Manual, the infiltration amount for Urban Lawns is approximately 29%.

Grassed Area = 10.12 ha

Annual Site Area Recharge Volume = 10.12 x 0.29 x 718

= 21,079 m3

Therefore, post development infiltration deficit is as follows:

Deficit Volume = Pre Development - Post Development

= 24,876 - 21,079
= 3,797 m3

Recharge Basin
Find the depth of annual rainfall required to infiltrate 7,825 m 3 from the area into the ground.

Area contributing to the infiltration locations = 87,723 m2

Infiltration Deficit = 3,797 m3

Annual Precipitation Depth Required

Req'd Precipitation Depth = 3,797 m3
87,723 m2
= 43.3 mm

The average runoff for the contributing area is 0.63, the following yearly precipitation depth is required to get 43.3 mm of runoff.

Precipitation Depth = 43.3 mm

= 68.7 mm

Find Percent of Annual Precipitation that Req'd Precipitation Depth represents

Annual Precipitation for Study Area = 718.0 mm

% Annual Rainfall = 68.7 mm

718.0 mm
= 10%

From MOE Figure C-2, 10% of annual rainfall occurs for storm events of 1 mm or less. However, a target storm of 2 mm was selected.

Contributing Area = 87,723 m2

Precipitation Depth = 2 mm
Storage Volume Req'd = A x D
= 87,723 x 2
= 175 m3

Therefore, the site will require a minimum infiltration volume of 175 m 3 . The proposed ponds have a total storage volume of 323 m 3.
As such, water balance for the site is achieved.

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx


Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Report, July 2019 D

6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01
Agripharm Corporation - Phase 2 Expansion
Phosphorus Budget

Residential Industrial Cropland Pasture

Phosphorus Export (kg/ha/year) 1.32 1.82 0.19 0.07

Pre-Development Condition

Residential Industrial Cropland Pasture

Agripharm Property Limits Area (ha): 0.00 0.00 34.10 0.00

Total P (kg): 0.00 0.00 6.48 0.00

Total Pre-Development P (kg): 6.48

Post-Development Condition (Uncontrolled)

Total Area Residential Industrial Cropland Pasture

Area (ha): 0.00 8.44 0.00 25.66

Total P (kg): 0.00 15.36 0.00 1.80

Total Post-Development P (kg): 17.16

Post Development Condition (Controlled)

Uncontrolled Area Residential Industrial Cropland Pasture

Area (ha): 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.33

Total P (kg): 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.77

Area Draining to SWM Pond Infiltration

Area (ha): 0.00 8.44 0.00 0.33

Total P (kg): 0.00 15.36 0.00 0.02

SWM Pond Infiltration Treatment

Infiltation Proficiency (%): 20
P Removed (kg): 3.08
P Remaining (kg): 12.31

Vegetated Buffer Treatment

Vegetated Buffer Proficiency (%): 65
P Removed (kg): 8.00
P Remaining (kg): 4.31

Total Post-Development P (kg) : 6.08

13066.01 - SWM_rev6.xlsx


Stormwater Management Report & Servicing Report, July 2019 E

6954 County Road 9, Creemore, Clearview Township 13066.01

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