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Written last, your executive summary is a summary of all of the other sections of
your marketing plan. Your executive summary will give you and other parities
(employees, advisors, lenders, etc.) an overview of your plan.


Clarify exactly what your business offers and your plans for the future
direction of the business. Suggested length is one or two paragraphs.

Handmade soaps with various figures. The product is semi-customized, since

the client chooses the essence and the figure of which he wants the product.
The curious shapes are what differentiates the product from others.
In the future it is planned to expand the range of molds as well as essences. It
has also been thought of transforming the product into something totally
customizable, so in 3D printing the mold that the client requests would be made
and later the soaps would be made. It would not change the definition of the
business, on the contrary, it would be an expansion. The market would be the
same, as this enhancement would be attractive to existing customers, however
it could attract the attention of new users.
The feature would be more variety and the benefit would be more choice for
The product is really a hygiene and decoration item, due to its attractive shape it
is purchased in most as a gift. Where more sales have been presented is at
Christmas, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day, however, orders are also made
throughout the year because orders are made for parties and weddings, so
even if the demand is high or low, the flow of money always moves and leaves
a profit.
Currently and on average, it costs 14 pesos to produce a soap and it sells for
$50. In the future, it is sought that the soaps are better positioned, for which the
sale price would rise, although not drastically. In a period of 3 months, a
significant reinvestment of time and capital will be made in the business, which
is planned to increase the profits and popularity of the product by up to 4 times.


The potential market is people between the ages of 23 and 60 who care about
the care of their person and the aesthetics of their spaces. They are mostly
women, however there is also a large percentage of men who purchase the
product. I think that the place where they work is not relevant, since it is a
decoration item. They live in urban areas such as Querétaro, Mexico City,
Monterrey, Guadalajara, Puebla, etc. The target market are people who opt for
natural products instead of processed or chemical ones, they are also
conscious people who care about using products that do not test on animals
and choose to buy local products.

Both markets are extremely important to me, the youngest customers are the
ones who promote the product and the older ones (those who have greater
purchasing power, because they usually already have a stable job) are the ones
who purchase the product in larger quantities to give away at events, so
approximately 60% of aura care's profits come from these customers.

People who are interested in spending their money on these types of products
are classified in the middle class and upper middle class. Their lifestyles are
considered healthy. They eat healthy food, exercise, take care of their hygiene,
manage their money well, and have order and visual harmony in their homes.
They shop at stores like GAIA, Zara Home, H & M Home, the body shop, bath &
body, etc. They are educated people who appreciate art and history and in their
day to day read informative articles and trends. They buy personal hygiene
products such as hair treatments, lip balms, scrubs, masks, home decorations,
rugs, artomatic candles, among others. :

A study by the Kantar Worlpanel firm reveals that Mexicans buy between 10
and 15 categories of personal care products a year, but their vanity prefers the
cheapest products. No one can run away from the care of their charms or
vanity, not even Mexicans. Households in the country spend an average of
2,800 pesos on the purchase of 10 to 15 categories of products focused on
personal care, according to data from the firm.

The Mexican households with the highest spending in the vanity market are
those with young housewives, large families, and children under 5 years of age,
who buy personal care products 47 times a year. Currently, 14.4% of the
spending of Mexicans use personal care items, a percentage that fell 0.6
percentage points in one year. The products within the premium category are
the ones that lose the taste of the national consumer, while the economic ones
capitalize on the decline of the most expensive brands. The product most
purchased by households in the Mexican Republic is toilet soap, with 98.8% of
the universe of families, and what they spend the most on is 'shampoo', with a
preference of 12.4%, while mouthwashes and medicated soaps are the least

Although the percentage seems low compared to the sale of shampoo, the
market is growing more and more, since producers are getting creative with the
products they offer to consumers and trying to cover new needs, in addition to
the fact that in recent Over the years there has been a growing tendency for
people to take care of themselves and take care of their spaces as a whole.


The competitive advantage that aura offers is the variety of unique designs that
are handled. You will rarely be able to find handmade soaps in a store, with
natural ingredients, at a good price, and with shapes as fun as those from aura
care. The brand also has an opening with the packaging, that is, if a client
wants to place an order for their event, they are given the freedom to choose
the presentation of the soap packaging, in this case, personalized for the
occasion (wedding, birthday party, birthday, retirement, bachelorette party,
convention souvenir, etc.).

Flor de  Recycled
espuma materials
 Variety of
products in
addition to

uixool  Reasonable
 Variety of
 High
recognition in
the market
 Available in

Botánico  Long time in

s the market
 Variety of
 Aromatherap
y line
 Specialized
soap for hair
The income of the users who sell these products is the same, since they are
directed towards the same market, on the other hand the 3 biggest competitors
are big brands with several years already positioned. Aura care soaps lack
some of the advantages that the competition offers, however, visually it is still
very different due to the shape of the pieces.



The strategies that have been used to this day have been social networks
(Instagram to be more specific) where they have become dynamic and the best
possible service is provided to customers who contact us through this means.
For the future, we are working on a web page that includes an online store,
since in addition to being necessary we want to be a bit on a par with the
competitors. Social networks will help us to attract young customers, however
for older customers, we are preparing to be in bazaars and entrepreneurship
fairs, in this way they can touch and smell our products, it is not used as a sales
strategy but as a advertising strategy, since perhaps the customer who did not
buy two soaps from me at that time, will buy 60 from me in the near future.


Current packaging
Users like the current packaging, in addition to the fact that it fulfills its function,
however, it seeks to improve it to protect the most complex figures that can be
damaged during transport. It had been considered to focus only on the
packaging, however we want the user to be comfortable while transporting their
product, although at the same time we do not want to generate more garbage
with our venture, since we relate to the natural part.

Future Packaging:

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