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1. aborigines 27. author 53. boss

2. absorb 28. autograph 54. boxer
3. accident 29. awesome 55. boxing
4. acrobat 30. awful 56. brain
5. adaptation 31. axle 57. brain stem
6. adventure 32. axons 58. brainstorming
7. air resistance 33. baker’s 59. brick
8. air sac 34. balance 60. brittle
9. amplitude 35. bar chart 61. brochure
10. anchor 36. barber’s 62. bronchioles
11. ancient 37. basketball hoop 63. bug
12. apologise 38. battery 64. bungee jumping
13. aquarium 39. being honest 65. burn
14. archeological 40. bell 66. bury
15. archeologist 41. bike 67. butcher´s
16. archery 42. bike rack 68. button
17. area 43. binoculars 69. cable car
18. arteries 44. biofuel 70. canal
19. Artic fox 45. biogas 71. capillaries
20. Artic hare 46. biologist 72. capital
21. asteroid 47. black eye 73. carbon dioxide
22. athlete 48. black hole 74. carpenter’s
23. atmosphere 49. blocked 75. cartoons
24. atrium 50. blog 76. castle
25. attack 51. bloodiest 77. catchy
26. Aurora borealis 52. body system 78. ceramic
79. cerebellum 110. constant 141. deformation
80. cerebrum 111. constellations 142. degradation
81. characteristics 112. contact 143. den
82. chariot 113. continent 144. denser
83. cheer 114. control (v) 145. density
84. cheetah 115. control panel 146. deposit
85. chemical energy 116. cool 147. desert
86. chemist´s 117. cornflake 148. design process
87. chemistry 118. corona 149. designers
88. circulatory system 119. corridor 150. diaphragm
89. civilization 120. cosmonaut 151. dice
90. climate 121. costume 152. discussion
91. coconut 122. countryside 153. disperse
92. cogs 123. cowboy 154. distribution
93. coins 124. crash (n) 155. dive
94. colleague 125. crater 156. dizzy
95. collide 126. crazy 157. do karaoke
96. colony 127. create 158. documentaries
97. comedies 128. criteria 159. download
98. comets 129. cruise 160. dragon
99. compared with 130. cube 161. drill
100. compete 131. cuboid 162. driverless
101. complain 132. curious 163. dull
102. complaint 133. current 164. dungeon
103. compound machine 134. curved 165. dwarf planet
104. condition 135. customer service 166. electrical charge
105. conductor 136. cylinder 167. electrical energy
106. conductors 137. damage 168. electron
107. cone 138. dark matter 169. energy
108. confused 139. data 170. energy
109. congratulations 140. decompose 171. engineers
172. enthusiastically 203. forum 234. gravity
173. entry 204. fossil 235. greenhouse effect
174. evaporation 205. fossil fuels 236. grocer’s
175. event 206. fracking 237. guard
176. evolution 207. freezing 238. gust
177. exclaim 208. frequency 239. gym
178. exhale 209. friction 240. gymnast
179. exhaustion 210. friendship 241. gymnastics
180. experimentation 211. front row 242. hairdressing
181. expert 212. fulcrum 243. hammer
182. extinct 213. furniture 244. hammock
183. extraction 214. galaxies 245. handle
184. extreme 215. galaxy 246. handlebar
185. eye-patch 216. game shows 247. hang
186. fail 217. garage 248. hang on
187. fancy dress 218. garbage 249. hang-glider
188. female 219. gas 250. harbour
189. fencer 220. gasp 251. harmful
190. fencing 221. gear 252. headset
191. fetch 222. generation 253. heart
192. fiddle with 223. generator 254. hemisphere
193. field 224. genes 255. hero
194. fist 225. geological 256. heroine
195. fix 226. get rid of 257. hieroglyphics
196. flag 227. glaciers 258. high jump
197. flame 228. glass 259. hippo
198. flexibility 229. glow 260. hole
199. floating skateboard 230. gold 261. hook
200. fluid friction 231. grass 262. horn
201. football pitch 232. gravitational energy 263. however
202. forever 233. gravitational pull 264. hurdles
265. hypothesis 296. lab 327. merge
266. ice floe 297. land (v) 328. metal detector
267. iceberg 298. landfills 329. meteor
268. ideation 299. landline 330. meteorites
269. igloo 300. larynx 331. meteoroids
270. impact 301. launch pad 332. microlight
271. impulses 302. leather 333. microphone
272. in a flash 303. lever 334. microwaves
273. index finger 304. light waves 335. midday
274. inhale 305. liquid 336. midnight
275. inheritance 306. litter bin 337. mild
276. inherited 307. load 338. mimicking
277. inline skates 308. lock someone up 339. miss a chance
278. insect 309. lock 340. missing
279. insulator 310. long jump 341. mission
280. interlock 311. long jumper 342. mittens
281. interview 312. lower 343. mixture
282. Inuit 313. lucky charm 344. monorail
283. invent 314. lunar module 345. moons
284. inventor 315. lungs 346. motion
285. invitation 316. machinery 347. motion
286. iteration 317. male 348. mummy
287. jar 318. mammoth 349. mysterious
288. jealous 319. mankind 350. mystery
289. jet pack 320. manufacture 351. nails
290. jeweller’s 321. manufactures 352. nanobots
291. keen on 322. mass 353. nanorobotics
292. keep fit 323. matter 354. narwhal
293. key 324. mean 355. nation
294. kinetic energy 325. mechanical energy 356. natural selection
295. kinetic friction 326. mechanisms 357. navy
358. nervous system 388. per day 419. pros and cons
359. net 389. period 420. proton
360. nonrenewable 390. permeable 421. prototype
resources 391. pharaoh 422. pulley
361. Northern Lights 392. pharynx 423. puma
362. nuclear fusion 393. photosphere 424. pyramid
363. nutritionists 394. photosynthesis 425. queue
364. observation 395. physicist 426. racket
365. observation pod 396. physics 427. radiant energy
366. observatories 397. pirate 428. radio (v)
367. obstacle 398. planets 429. radioactive
368. officer 399. playground 430. raft
369. on behalf of 400. pointed 431. railings
370. opaque 401. polar bear 432. ramp
371. orbit 402. polar bear cub 433. rare
372. orbits 403. pole 434. raven
373. ore 404. police dramas 435. raw materials
374. organism 405. polite 436. reality tv shows
375. organizer 406. politician 437. recognise
376. organs 407. pollutant 438. recommend
377. oxidation 408. pollute 439. reflection
378. paint pot 409. portfolio 440. refraction
379. paintbrush 410. position 441. region
380. paleontologist 411. post (n) 442. reindeer
381. palm 412. postcard 443. release
382. palm tree 413. potential energy 444. remind
383. parachute 414. powder 445. renewable resources
384. particles 415. prison 446. represent
385. peace 416. profile 447. rescue (v)
386. pedal 417. prominence 448. research
387. penguin 418. properties 449. resistance
450. respiratory system 481. screwdriver 512. South Pole
451. rest 482. sculpture 513. souvenir
452. restaurant 483. seal 514. space
453. restore 484. seal pup 515. space capsule
454. review 485. security 516. space shuttle
455. rigid 486. sediment 517. space station
456. rise 487. series 518. spacecraft
457. rob 488. shape 519. spacesuit
458. robot 489. share (v) 520. spade
459. rock 490. shark 521. spanner
460. rock(v) 491. sheriff 522. speaker
461. rolling friction 492. shiny 523. specialize
462. round 493. show (v) 524. species
463. row (v) 494. simple machine 525. spectrum
464. rower 495. simulation game 526. speculation
465. rowing 496. size 527. speed
466. royal 497. ski-doo 528. sphere
467. running track 498. skytrain 529. sphinx
468. sabre tooth tiger 499. slam 530. spiral
469. saddle 500. slaves 531. spot
470. sailfish 501. sledge 532. spread
471. samples 502. sliding friction 533. spy
472. satellite 503. sloth 534. square
473. saw 504. sneeze 535. stadium
474. scale 505. so far 536. stamina
475. scientific method 506. soaking wet 537. static
476. scientist 507. soaps 538. steer
477. scissors 508. solar flare 539. step
478. scorpion 509. solar panel 540. stiff
479. screen 510. sound energy 541. stone
480. screw 511. sound waves 542. stop fiddling
543. streamlined 574. tough 605. walkway
544. strength 575. town guide 606. walrus
545. stress 576. toxic 607. waste
546. string 577. toxicity 608. waste time
547. stripe 578. trachea 609. water resistance
548. stunt 579. tractor 610. waterfall
549. stuntman 580. train (v) 611. wavelength
550. sunspots 581. translate 612. wax
551. surface 582. translucent 613. weapon
552. surface water 583. transparent 614. wedge
553. surfboard 584. transport 615. weight
554. survive 585. tranter 616. weightlifter
555. suspended matter 586. travel agency 617. weightlifting
556. switch 587. treasure chest 618. wheel
557. symbol 588. treehouse 619. wheel barrow
558. tailor’s 589. try on 620. wind erosion
559. take place 590. tundra 621. wind turbine
560. telescope 591. tunnel 622. wooden leg
561. tennis court 592. turbine 623. workbench
562. tensile 593. typical 624. wrestling
563. testing 594. uncomfortable 625. yield
564. the news 595. unicycle
565. theme 596. universe
566. thermal energy 597. useless
567. thread (n) 598. vacuum
568. threats 599. valuable
569. throne 600. valves
570. thumb 601. variation
571. tides 602. veins
572. tissue 603. ventricles
573. tomb 604. vessels

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