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Design of Reinforced Concrete Shear wall

Example 1: Design of reinforced concrete non-load bearing shear wall.

Design code: ACI 318-05

Design data:
Seismic shear force: (service load)

Roof: Vr = 100 kips

4th floor: V4 = 75 kips, ,

3rd floor: V3 = 50 kips

2nd floor: V2 = 25 kips

Floor height: H = 15 ft

Length of wall: lw = 18 ft

Width of wall: h = 10 in

Concrete strength: fc' = 4000 psi

Yield strength of steel: fy = 60 ksi

The wall is an exterior wall.
Design reinforcement for shear wall

Maximum shear occurs at load combination: Pu or Nu = 1.2D+1.4E+1.0L

Calculate maximum vertical and shear force at first floor

Maximum factored shear: Vu = 1.4 (100+75+50+25) = 350 kips

Check maximum shear strength permitted Vn = φ10 fc' h d

Calculate effective depth, d = 0.8 (18) = 14.4 ft

Strength reduction factor, = 0.75

Vn = 0.75X10 fc' h d = 819 kips > 350 kips O.K.

Critical section for shear at smaller of 18 ft/2 = 9ft, H/2 = 7.5 ft (take minimum value)

Calculate factored overturning moment and weight of wall at critical section

Mu = 1.4 [100 (60-7.5) +75(45-7.5) +50(30-7.5) +25 (15-7.5)] = 13130 ft-kips

Nu = (0.15) (10/12) (18)(60-7.5) = 118.1 kips (density = 0.15kips/ft3)

Calculate shear strength of concrete:

Vc = 0.75 [3.3 fc' h d + Nu d/ (4 lw)] = 288.2 kips

Mu/Vu - lw/2 = 28.5 ft

Vc = 0.75 { 0.6 fc' + lw ( 1.25 fc' + 0.2 [Nu/(lw* h)]) /( Mu/Vu - lw/2)} h d = 163.9 kips

Or Vc = 0.75 (2 fc' h d) = 163.9 kips (Use minimum value)

Is shear reinforcing needed?

Yes! because Vc is less than Vu

Design horizontal shear reinforcement:

Vu = Vc + Vs

Vs = Vu - Vc = 350 – 163.9 = 186.1 kips

Use #5 bar in one layer, area of reinforcement, Av = 0.3 in2.

Spacing: S = Av fy d /Vs = 0.75 x 0.3 x 60(14.4x12) / 186.1 = 12.6 in,

Use 12" O.C (on center to center).

Check maximum spacing: Lw / 5, 3h, 18 in

(18x12)/5 = 43 in, 3 (10) = 30 in, or 18 in O.K.

Check minimum reinforcement: t = 0.3 in2 / (12x10) = 0.0025 O.K.

Design vertical Shear reinforcing:

l = 0.0025 + 0.5 (2.5 - hw/ lw )( t - 0.0025) = 0.0025

(l = Perpendicular to shear plane & t = Parallel to shear plane) Use l = 0.0025

Area of reinforcement: Av = 0.0025 (10) (12) = 0.3 in2/ft

Use #5 bars at 12" O.C (on centers)

Design Vertical flexural reinforcing:

Calculate factored moment at base:

Mu = 1.4 [(100) (60) + (75) (45) + (50)(30) +(25)(15)] = 15750 ft-kips

Tension control section,  = 0.9 Rn =Mu/φhd2

Factor: Rn = (15750) (12000)/ [0.9(10) (14.4x12)2] = 703 psi, and m = fy/(0.85fc') =17.7

Reinforcement ratio,  = (1/m) [1-(1- 2 m Rn/fy)] = 0.013 OK

Area of reinforcement, As = 0.013 h d =0.013 x 10(14.4x12) = 22.46 in2.

Use #10 bars, number of bars, n = 22.46 /1.27 = 17.68

Use #4 closed shape ties to enclose tension reinforcement,

Area of reinforcement for shear As = 0.4 in2.

Spacing = As / 0.0025h = 0.4 / 0.0025x10 = 16 in c/c

But provided / use 12 in C/C

Reinforcement detail

Example 2: Design of Reinforced Concrete load bearing

shear wall
Situation: A reinforced concrete load bearing shear wall supporting for a four
story building.
Design code: ACI 318-05

Design data:
Vertical load: (service load)

Dead load at each floor and roof: PD = 40 kips

Live load at each floor and roof: PL = 25 kips

Seismic shear force: (service load)

Roof: Vr = 100 kips

4th floor: V4 = 75 kips

3rd floor: V3 = 50 kips

2nd floor: V2 = 25 kips

Floor height: H = 15 ft

Length of wall: lw = 18 ft

Width of wall: h = 12 in

Concrete strength: fc' = 4000 psi

Yield strength of steel: fy = 60 kis

The wall is an exterior wall.

Design reinforcement for shear wall

Maximum shear occurs at load combination: 1.2D+1.4E+1.0L

Calculate maximum vertical and shear force at first floor

Maximum factored shear: Vu = 1.4 (100+75+50+25) = 350 kips

Check maximum shear strength permitted

Effective depth, d = 0.8 (18) = 14.4 ft

Strength reduction factor, = 0.75

Vn = 0.75x10 fc' h d = 819 kips > 350 kips O.K.

Critical section for shear at smaller of 18 ft/2 = 9 ft., H/2 = 7.5 ft

Calculate factored overturning moment and weight of wall at critical section

Mu = 1.4 [100 (60-7.5) +75(45-7.5) + 50(30-7.5) +25 (15-7.5)] = 13125 ft-kips

Nu = 1.2 [(0.15) (12/12) (18) (60-7.5) +4 PD] +1.0 (4 PL) = 462.1 kips

Calculate shear strength of concrete:

Vc = 0.75 [3.3 fc' h d + Nu d/ (4 lw)] = 0.75[3.3 4000 x12(14.4x12) + 462.1(14.4x12) /(4x72)]

= 393.9 kips

Mu/Vu - lw/2 = 28.5 ft

Vc = 0.75 { 0.6 fc' + lw ( 1.25 fc' + 0.2 [Nu/(lw* h)]) /( Mu/Vu - lw/2)} h d = 228.2 kips

Vc =  2 fc' h d = 0.75 x 2 4000 x12(14.4x12) = 196.7 kips (use smaller value)

Design horizontal shear reinforcement:

Vs = Vu - Vc

Vs = 350 – 196.7 = 153.3 kips

Use #4 bar , area of reinforcement, Av = 0.2 in2.

(Code requires two layers for 12" wall)

Spacing: S = Av fy d / Vs = 0.75 x 0.2 x 60 (14.4x12) / 153.3 = 10.144 in

Check maximum spacing: (18 x12) / 5 = 43 in, 3 (12) = 36 in, or 18 in Use 18"

Check minimum reinforcement: t = 0.2 in2 / (12x12) = 0.0013 , Use t =0.0025

Spacing S = 0.4 in2 / (0.0025) (h) = 0.4 / (0.0025x12) = 13.333 in

(Use 12 in C/C). (2x0.196 = 0.4 in2)

Design vertical reinforcement

l = 0.0025 + 0.5 (2.5 - hw / lw) (t - 0.0025) = 0.0025

Use l = 0.0025

Use #4 bar in two-layer, area of reinforcement, Av = 0.2 in2. (2x0.196 = 0.4 in2)

(Code requires two layers for 12" wall)

Use #4 bars in two layers at 12" O.C

Calculate factored moment at base:

Mu = 1.4 [(100) (60) + (75)(45) + (50)(30) + (25)(15)] = 15750 ft-kip

Rn =Mu/φhd2

Factor: Rn = (15750) (12000)/ [0.9(12) (14.4x12)2] = 586.07 psi

Refer table A-13

Reinforcement ratio,  = 0.0108

Area of reinforcement, As = 0.0108 h d =0.0108 x 12(14.4x12) = 22.39 in2.

Use #10 bars, number of bars, n = 22.39 /1.27 = 17.62

Use #4 closed shape ties to enclose tension reinforcement,

Spacing = As / 0.0025h = 0.4 / 0.0025x12 = 13.33 in c/c

But provided / use 12 in C/C

Use 18#10 bars at each end of shear wall, column ties is required since  > 0.01. Use #4 ties at
12" O.C.

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