PRC Healer

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Proficiencies: none Class Skills: Concentration, Know(all), Heal, Listen, Psicraft, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft,
0+int / d12 p m o m m m m m m

Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save
1st +0 +2 +2 +2
2nd +0 +3 +3 +3
3rd +0 +3 +3 +3
4th +0 +4 +4 +4
5th +0 +4 +4 +4
6th +0 +5 +5 +5
7th +0 +5 +5 +5
8th +0 +6 +6 +6
9th +0 +6 +6 +6
10th +0 +7 +7 +7
11th +0 +7 +7 +7
12th +0 +8 +8 +8
13th +0 +8 +8 +8
14th +0 +9 +9 +9

When a new class level is gained, the character gains new spells and powers per day (and spells and powers known, if applic
He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Class Feature Progression: At each level you may continue to advance all base prior classes as if you had gained an addition
You gain all class features, progressions and benefits of having taken that class including saves and spells, but not B
You add your hit die and skill point numbers to each like value for each class you advance but you only count your in
7 – 54
good fortx4, refx1, willx7

Progression Limitations: You may never again take any offensive direct or indirect actions. Only those spells with the (harmles
Certain spells that may only be used defensively (such as antilife shell) to be cast if they have no possible offensive potential.
For instance antilife shell may ordinarily be used, unless it is aimed to shove a non-flying monster off a cliff. In this ca
For instance the class's turn/rebuke undead may only be used to make undead flee (but not destroyed or cower) or b

At 1st level you gain the ability to turn/rebuke undead as a cleric of your class level. If you already turn/rebuke (but not rebuke

At 2nd level any spell cast by you may ignore SR.

At 3rd level any (healing), HP-giving, or temporary HP-giving effect you create has its effects doubled if cast in combat not be

At 4th level you know the HP value and all debilitating conditions on every creature within 10' per class level.

At 5th level you may once a day produce as a move action an (Ex) Sanctuary effect that does not allow a save and lasts as m

At 6th level restoring x hp, you may grant yourself a +x/10 circumstance bonus on the ability score of your choice for the rema

At 7th level for every creature healed, you may stun one creature within 100' of each healed ally. The will DC is 25% of the HP

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At 8th level whenever you remove a condition other than death, you may inflict that condition on an enemy within 50' of the cu
The DC is 10 + Level in this class + the ECL of the creature cured.

At 9th level any spell you cast or spell complete which restores hp or temporary hp cast is treated as one action level shorter
Spells shorter than a standard action are changed as follows: standard to swift, swift to immediate, immediate to free
You may only use use the item-use version of this ability for one free action per item type per turn.

At 10th level whenever you give an ally temporary HP or you heal HP or ability damage dealt by an enemy, you may as a free

At 11th level you may use the Heal skill to once per round on your turn as a free action, grant an ally an extra action type dep
DC20: Free, DC40: Swift, DC60: Move, DC80: Standard, DC100: Full, DC120: Immediate

At 12th level your rewards of service generate an aura 10' per class level that grants an equal bonus to yourself and all allies

At 13th level you exude a 10' per class level Fast Healing 5 aura. Those at full hit points gain 5 additional temporary hit points
If a creature's max HP decreases, the temporary hit points exceeding the new max HP are lost.
These temporary hit points fade 1d20 rounds after the creature leaves the aura.

At 14th level by sacrificing this level's continued progressions, spellcasting and manifesting for one previous class, you are tre
progressions, spellcasting, and manifesting in all other previous classes, meaning a total of three effective boosts at

Cloistered Aspirant [DragMag311 49] (ClerAura Lore

8+d6 Spontaneous Casting 1/day +1AC
fort, will 3: 3+cha auto counter divine spell if readied
4: Spontaneous Casting 2/day
5: +2AC 0—message; 1st—erase, identify, unseen servant; 2nd—fox's cunning; 3rd—illusory script, sec
8: Spontaneous Casting 3/day
10: +3AC
12: Spontaneous Casting 4/day
15: +4AC
16: Spontaneous Casting 5/day
PHB2 Abrupt Jaunt (extra familiar feat) UA Diviner (~extra slots, insight immediate to save or skill preroll) Specialist (banned e
2+d4 5: Metamagic/item Creation feat
will 10: Metamagic/item Creation feat
15: Metamagic/item Creation feat
Psion 1 Practiced Manifester
2+d4 5: Psycrystal Affinity
will 10: Psionic Feat
15: Psionic Feat
Druid 1 Animal Companion Wild Emp +2Surv, Know(nat)
2+d8 2: Woodland stride -> Sand Skimmer (SSt, p 47)
fort, will 3: Trackless Step -> Urban Tracking. "Go to Ground" (CS, web)
4: Resist nature’s lure -> Heat E (full WS as well)
9: Poison Immunity
13: Diguise Self (Su)
15: +3mental stats from age
Artificer item creation scribe scroDisable Trap useless kn
4+d6 brew potion
will Craft wondrous item

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Extra Rings craft humoluncous
5 craft magic armor retain essence
craft wand
metamagic spell trigger (free persist from wands)
Legendary artisan
Craft rod
Metamagic spell completion (high UMD)
Craft staff Craft Construct
Skill Mastery UMD,spellcraft
Forge Ring
Archivist Scribe Scroll -> DCF Full Dark Knowledge up to 8/day
4+d6 2: +2 Decipher&Know
fort, will 4: +2 vs enchantment
7: +2 another Know
10: Metamagic feat

Sorcerer would look like: Wilderness Companion (UA, p 58)

Stalwart Sorcerer (CM, p 36): Lose one spell known from your highest spell level. Gain a marti
Battle Sorcerer (UA, p 56): d8 hitdice, medium BAB, replace bluff skill with intimidate on list of class skills. Proficient
1 +0 BAB +0 Fort +0 Ref +2 Will
2+1d8 hit points Int+2

Prereqs: Heal 11 ranks

Class Features: Must have Aura class feature
Casting: 3 different levels or sources of "Cure ___ Wounds" spells
Special: Must have used the heal skill to stabilize an ally and then healed him fully.

Items Feats
WS items Obtain Familiar
Monk's belt Serenity (wis for abilities)
Natural Spell, Natural Bond

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ion, Know(all), Heal, Listen, Psicraft, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
m o m m m m m m

Special Class Features

Progression Limitation, Turn/Rebuke Undead +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Irresistable Spells +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
In Combat Healing +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Condition Detection +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Compelling Sanctuary +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
The Rewards of Service +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Holder of Awe +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Affliction Transference +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Rapid Healing +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Retributive Healing +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Healing Action Fatigue +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Rewards of Service Extension +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Energy Plane Alignment +1 level of all existing classes' abilities
Additional Boosts +1 level of all existing classes' abilities

new spells and powers per day (and spells and powers known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in every spellcasting base clas
a character of that class would have gained.

inue to advance all base prior classes as if you had gained an additional level in that class.
benefits of having taken that class including saves and spells, but not BAB.
o each like value for each class you advance but you only count your intelligence for skill points from this Healer Prestige class.

y offensive direct or indirect actions. Only those spells with the (harmless) descriptor, one requiring a willing target, or one without obvious o
as antilife shell) to be cast if they have no possible offensive potential. Since inflict spells do not qualify, these are normally off limits unless
ed, unless it is aimed to shove a non-flying monster off a cliff. In this case, the spell simply fails.
may only be used to make undead flee (but not destroyed or cower) or bolster (or dispel turning of) friendly undead but not command unwillin

s a cleric of your class level. If you already turn/rebuke (but not rebuke/turn) levels in this class stack.

giving effect you create has its effects doubled if cast in combat not between only allies or allied NPCs.

conditions on every creature within 10' per class level.

tion an (Ex) Sanctuary effect that does not allow a save and lasts as many rounds as you have levels in this class. The rounds need not be

/10 circumstance bonus on the ability score of your choice for the remainder of the day.

e creature within 100' of each healed ally. The will DC is 25% of the HP restored.

Page 4
an death, you may inflict that condition on an enemy within 50' of the cured ally.
f the creature cured.

restores hp or temporary hp cast is treated as one action level shorter as the rapid spell feat for casting time longer than a standard action.
nged as follows: standard to swift, swift to immediate, immediate to free.
this ability for one free action per item type per turn.

or you heal HP or ability damage dealt by an enemy, you may as a free action deal that kind and amount of damage to an enemy within 10'

und on your turn as a free action, grant an ally an extra action type depending on the check as follows:
: Standard, DC100: Full, DC120: Immediate

10' per class level that grants an equal bonus to yourself and all allies for saves, AC, SR, and DR

ng 5 aura. Those at full hit points gain 5 additional temporary hit points per round up to its maximum hit points.
ary hit points exceeding the new max HP are lost.
after the creature leaves the aura.

ssions, spellcasting and manifesting for one previous class, you are treated as gaining two additional levels of this class for continued
all other previous classes, meaning a total of three effective boosts at this level.

~Heavy armor proficiency

e, identify, unseen servant; 2nd—fox's cunning; 3rd—illusory script, secret page, tongues (reduced from 4th level); 4th—detect scrying; 6th—

xtra slots, insight immediate to save or skill preroll) Specialist (banned evocation), Fighter Feat, Animal Companion Wizard 1

Ego Whip
Crystal Storm
Share Pain

Ground" (CS, web)

+2UMD activate item creation type 20


Page 5

p 36): Lose one spell known from your highest spell level. Gain a martial weapon proficiency, and weapon focus in that weapon, and 2 hitpo
m BAB, replace bluff skill with intimidate on list of class skills. Proficient with light armor and one light or one-handed melee weapon. Reduce
Light Armor casting (sorcerer casting only) 4 0th, 2 1st spells /day 3 0th, 1 1st known
a 1-handed martial weapon prof
Proficiency FEAT with 1 martial & WF!

Special Mount Uncap it to be able to attack

Divine Grace
Lay on Hands Allow it to be used as damage is being applied (insta-cure!)
Cast spells as SLA
Move action to move around damage among all willing allies so long as each one has another within 30'

y and then healed him fully.

Page 6

vel in every spellcasting base class in which he could cast before.

Healer Prestige class.

ng target, or one without obvious offensive capability may be cast.

hese are normally off limits unless transformed.

y undead but not command unwilling undead.

his class. The rounds need not be continuous.

Page 7

me longer than a standard action.

of damage to an enemy within 10' per class level of the healed creature.

els of this class for continued

4th level); 4th—detect scrying; 6th—analyze dweomer; 7th—sequester; 9th—vision.

ompanion Wizard 1

Page 8

n focus in that weapon, and 2 hitpoints/level.

e-handed melee weapon. Reduced spells per day and spells known.

ed (insta-cure!)

her within 30'

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