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SRD Paladin

Eludecia the Advanced Succubus Paladin Bluff, Disg, Gather Info, Handle Animal, Intim, Perf, UMD + Conc, Listen, Hide
No patrons accepts her but she stays compatible with Mystra, Tyr and Milil
Level d?+? BAB Fort Reflex Will HD Class Features
0: 10 free HD d8+8 +10/+ +7 +7 +7 +2cha, Able Learner via human-descended optional rule
5->4 LA after buyoff (-1 thanks to t4 status via SS beyond RAW interpretation)
5 Factotum d8+6 +0.75 0.33 2.5 0.33 (Ex) 2/day free action insight int to save, (Ex)
6 Paladin of Tyrannyd10+2 +1 2.5 0.33 0.33 +1cha, feat (Ex) Aura of Good, (Sp) Detect Evil, (Su) Sm
7 Paladin of Tyrannyd10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 (Su) Divine grace, (Su) Lay on Hands
8 Paladin of Tyrann d10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 (Su) Aura of Despair = -2 enemies in 10' & R
9 Paladin of Tyrannyd10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 feat (Su) Rebuke Undead, (Ex) Power Attack
10 Blackgaurd 1 d10+2 +1 2.5 0.33 0.33 +1cha (Ex) Aura of Evil, (Sp) Detect Good, (Ex) Pois
11 Blackgaurd 2 d10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 (Su) Dark Blessing, (Su) Smite evil 1/day, 1
12 Blackgaurd 3 d10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 feat (Su) Aura of Despair = -2 enemies 10', (Su) C
13 Paladin (Underdad10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 (Ex) +10'ms, +2bal,clim,jump, lowlight vision,
14 Paladin 6 (Mysticd8+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 +1cha (Su) Spellshatter 1/day = Greater Dispel Mag
15 Paladin 7 d10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 feat (Sp)? Spike Stones 1/day http://www.d20srd.
16 Paladin 8 d10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 (Ex) Bonus Divine Feat
17 Paladin 9 (Harmod10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 (Su) Inspire Greatness 1/day sing+5rounds [P
18 Paladin 10 d10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 +1cha, feat (Su) Smite Evil 3/day
19 Paladin 11 d10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 (Ex) Bonus Divine Feat
20 Paladin 12 (Unded10+2 +1 0.5 0.33 0.33 (Ex) Earth Glide, (Su) Spellshatter 2/day
12d8+1+26/+2 18 14 12
slippers of battledancing (33,750gp) = hit dam 1handed or light weapon upon move action of 10' replacing str

Page 1
SRD Paladin
erf, UMD + Conc, Listen, Hide, Move Silent, Spot Flaws: Shaky (-2ranged), Vulnerable (-1AC)

Racial Features:
ed optional rule 30', 50'(average)fly, +2str, +2dex, +2con, +6int, +4wis, +16cha, +9nat
DR10/cold iron or good, darkv60', Immune elec&poison, res10 acid,cold&fire, SR2
action insight int to save, (Ex) Trapfinding (Su) Change Shape any small or medium Humanoid for +10Disguise. +8racial Lis
od, (Sp) Detect Evil, (Su) Smite evil 1/day (Su) Energy drain Fort DC21 willing kiss or grapple w/ auto suggestion again Will
ce, (Su) Lay on Hands (SLA) Charm Monster, Detect Thoughts, Ethereal Jaunt, Suggestion, Greater Tele
spair = -2 enemies in 10' & RAI also immunity to fear, (ex) Divine Health = immune to disease
ndead, (Ex) Power Attack
il, (Sp) Detect Good, (Ex) Poison Use Cleave Item Improved Sunder Item
sing, (Su) Smite evil 1/day, 1st level spell
spair = -2 enemies 10', (Su) Command Undead = Rebuke, 0 2 nd level spells
2bal,clim,jump, lowlight vision, (Su) Smite Evil 2/day Point Buy
er 1/day = Greater Dispel Magic upon an attack at CL=PalLvl Cha 18
ones 1/day Int 16
Con 16
eatness 1/day sing+5rounds [Perform5] Str 4
Dex 4
Wis 4
e, (Su) Spellshatter 2/day Total: 62

' replacing str

Page 2
SRD Paladin

int, +4wis, +16cha, +9nat

lec&poison, res10 acid,cold&fire, SR20, tele100', tongues
umanoid for +10Disguise. +8racial Listen & Spot
rapple w/ auto suggestion again Will DC21
ereal Jaunt, Suggestion, Greater Teleport. CL14

Point Buy Cost


Page 3
BoED Asura
Ashura the Advanced Asura _____ Skills

Level d?+? BAB Fort Reflex Will HD Class Features

0: 10 free HD d8+8 +10/+ +7 +7 +7 +2dex, Able Learner via human-descended optional rule
5->4 LA after buyoff (-1 thanks to t4 status via SS beyond RAW interpretation)
6 +1dex, feat
9 feat
10 +1dex
12 feat
14 +1dex
15 feat
18 +1dex, feat

Page 4
BoED Asura
Flaws: Shaky (-2ranged), Vulnerable (-1AC)

Racial Features:
ed optional rule +6str, +4dex, +4con, +0int, +4wis, +6cha, +6nat
Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Chaotic, Good)
30'ms, 60'fly (good), DR5/evil or cold iron, darkv60', SR11+HD (35@lvl20) +4vs ev
Immune to Fire, Petrification, Charms & Compulsions
10hd conc, dipl, esc art, intim, Know(plan), list, sense, spot, surv, use rope
Burning Wind (Su) 2d6 fire 15'r standard action
Change Shape (Su): any small or medium Humanoid. +2bindings, +2other planes
(Sp) Detect Evil, Detect Good, Discern Lies, True Seeing at will
(Sp) 1/day Holy Smite, Magic Circle against evil

Point Buy
Dex 18
Con 16
Cha 16
Str 4
Int 4
Wis 4
Total: 62

Page 5
BoED Asura

arkv60', SR11+HD (35@lvl20) +4vs evil or evil outsiders

st, sense, spot, surv, use rope

umanoid. +2bindings, +2other planes survival

True Seeing at will

Point Buy Cost


Page 6
The Deva
Madonna the Advanced Astral Deva _____ Skills

Level d?+? BAB Fort Reflex Will HD Class Features

0: 14 free HD d8+8 +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +9 +3str, Able Learner via human-descended optional rule
7->6 LA after buyoff via BL (-1 thanks to t4 status via SS beyond RAW interpretation)
9 feat
10 +1str
12 feat
14 +1str
15 feat
18 +1str, feat

Page 7
The Deva
Flaws: Shaky (-2ranged), Vulnerable (-1AC)

Racial Features:
+12str, +8dex, +8con, +8int, +8wis, +10cha, +15nat
Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Chaotic, Good)
50'ms, 100'fly (good), DR10/evil, darkv60', SR18+HD (46@lvl20), tongues
Immune to Acid, Cold, Petrification, Res10 elec&Fire, Uncanny Dodge
conc, dipl, esc art, hide, intim, know(3), list, move sil, sense, spot, use rope (+2binding)
Change Shape (Su): any small or medium Humanoid. +2bindings, +2other planes survival
Stun (Su) = hit twice in a round -> DC22 fort or stunned 1d6. Str-based
(Sp) At-Will: Aid, Continual Flame, Detect Evil, Discern Lies, Dispel Evil, Dispel Magic, Holy Aura
(Sp) At will: Holy Smite, Holy Word, Invis self, Plane Shift, Remove Curse, Remove Fear
(Sp) 7/day Cure light, See invis, 1/day blade barrier, heal. CL 12

Point Buy Point Buy Cost

Str 18 16
Con 16 10
Cha 16 10
Dex 4 -4
Int 4 -4
Wis 4 -4
Total: 62 24

Page 8
The Deva

@lvl20), tongues

e, spot, use rope (+2binding)

ndings, +2other planes survival

s, Dispel Evil, Dispel Magic, Holy Aura

Remove Curse, Remove Fear

Page 9
____ the Advanced Erinyes _____ Skills

Level d?+? BAB Fort Reflex Will HD Class Features

0: 12 free HD d8+8 +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +8 +3str, Able Learner via human-descended optional rule
6->5 LA after buyoff (-1 thanks to t4 status via SS beyond RAW interpretation)
9 feat
10 +1str
12 feat
14 +1str
15 feat
18 +1str, feat

Page 10
Flaws: Shaky (-2ranged), Vulnerable (-1AC)

Racial Features:
+10str, +10dex, +10con, +4int, +8wis, +10cha, +8nat
Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Lawful, Evil)
30'ms, 50'fly (good), DR5/good, darkv60', SR11+HD (38@lvl20), tele 100', See In Darkness, Tru
Immune to Fire & Poison, Res10 acid&cold, Uncanny Dodge
conc, dipl, esc art, hide, intim, know(2), list, move sil, search, sense, spot, surv (+2track) use rop
(Sp) At-Will: Greater Teleport, Charm Monster, Minor Image, Unholy Blight. CL12
Entangle (Ex) animate rope CL16 50' long

Point Buy Point Buy Cost

Con 18 16
Wis 16 10
Dex 16 10
Cha 4 -4
Int 4 -4
Str 4 -4
Total: 62 24

Page 11

vl20), tele 100', See In Darkness, True Seeing

h, sense, spot, surv (+2track) use rope (+2binding)

e, Unholy Blight. CL12

Page 12

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