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“Success is not an accident, it is hard work, perseverance,
learning, studying,sacrifice and most of all,
love of what you are doing or studying”.

In Class · Look at the example and use the prompts

How to learn be er in class given.
· Look at the board and take notes. · Use the language you have learned.
· Listen carefully to your teacher and the · Speak only in English.
· Ask your teacher when you don't Read
understand. How to do be er when doing reading ac vi es
· Speak in English as much as possible. · Before reading, try to predict what the
· Par cipate in pair work and group work text is about by looking at the pictures.
tasks. · Look for key words in the text.
· Read the text quickly to understand the
Outside the class main idea.
How to learn be er outside the class · Read the text carefully to understand the
· Read the dialogues and texts from your specific details.
book. · Use a dic onary to find out what unknown
· Study the vocabulary and grammar; words in the text mean.
Then, do your homework.
· Listen to songs in English. Listen
· Watch TV programs or see movies in How to do be er when doing listening ac vi es
English. · Before the listening ac vity, look at the
pictures and read the ques ons.
Vocabulary · Before a listening ac vity, try to predict
How to learn vocabulary be er what the speakers are going to say.
· Write down new words in a notebook with · While listening, try to understand the
its transla on / example / a picture. general idea, not every single word.
· Learn whole phrases, not just isolated · While listening, listen carefully before you
words. answer.
· Learn new words in context.
· When you learn new words, remember if Write
they are verbs, nouns, adjec ves, etc. How to do be er when doing wri ng ac vi es
Refer to the vocabulary building. · Make sure you understand what you are
· Prac ce the spelling and pronuncia on asked to write.
of new words. · Plan your wri ng and make notes before
· Try to use words you have recently learned you write.
when you speak or write.
· Join your wri ng ideas with and, but, or
and because.
· When wri ng a formal/informal
How to learn grammar be er
le er/email,
start and finish in an appropriate way.
· Refer to the Grammar builder.
· When you narrate events, write the events
· Have a grammar notebook to write ps,
in chronological order.
rules, example sentences, important
· A er you finish, check punctua on, capital
gramma cal points, etc.
le ers, word order, spelling, linking words,
· Prac ce and remember the sentences
vocabulary and grammar in your wri ng.
How to do be er when doing speaking ac vi es
· Before you speak, make sure you
understand the task.

Unit 1 1A Warm up - Love and marriage p. 6

I like guys
who . . . 1B Grammar: Relative pronouns p. 7

1C Communication: Matching - personalities p. 8

Unit 2 2 A Warm up - Do you get annoyed easily? p. 9

Perspectives 2 B Grammar: It clauses + adverbial clauses with when p. 10

2 C Communication: Reading p. 11

Refresh your REVISION UNITS 1 - 2 p. 12


Unit 3 3 A Warm up - Careers of the future p. 13

careers p. 14
3 B Grammar: Gerund phrases

3 C Communication: Job opinions p. 15

Unit 4 4 A Warm up: Different customs p. 16

customs 4 B Grammar: Expectations p. 17

4 C Communication: Reading - Culture shock p. 18

Refresh your REVISION UNITS 3 - 4 p. 19

Reading to Writing Task p. 21 - 22

Workbook p. 27- 38
Unit 1 I like guys who. . .

1A GOAL: Using relative pronouns.

Love and Marriage

What women look for What men look for
in a partner in a partner
1. love 1. believe in his capabilities
2. understanding 2. understanding
3. conversation 3. compliments
4. time together 4. acceptance
5. a possitive actitude 5. direct conversation
6. a good listener 6. affection
7. affection 7. respect
8. responsibility at home 8. free time
9. free time 9. trust
10. good health 10. companionship

- What qualities do both men and women look for in their partners?
- In your opinion, which of the things above are most important to look for in a partner?
- Are there other important qualities missing from the list?

Listen and practice 1.1

Nick: Do you have a date for your friend’s

wedding yet?
Kim: Actually, no, I don’t. Do you know
anyone I could go with?
Nick: Hmm, what kind of guys do you
Kim: Oh, I like guys who aren’t too serious
and who have a good sense of humor
like you.
Nick: OK. Uh, what else?
Kim Well, I’d prefer someone I have
something in common with - who I
can talk to easily.
Nick: I think I know the right guy for you.
Jimmy Brown. Do you know him?
Kim: No, I don’t think so.
Nick: OK, I’ll ask him to meet us for coffee, and you can tell me what you think.

6 Wb.27
1B Grammar

Relative pronouns
As the subject of a clause As the object of a clause
I like guys who/that aren’t too serious. I’d prefer someone (who/that) I have fun
I like guys who/that have a good sense with.
of humor. I’d prefer someone (who/that) I can talk to

A relative pronoun - who or that - is necessary when the pronoun is the subject of the
clause: I’d love to meet someone who/that is considerate.
When the pronoun is the object of the clause, who and that can be left out:
I’d like a roommate who/that I have a lot in common with. or I’d like a roommate I have
a lot in common with.

Complete the conversation with who or that . Put an X when a relative pronoun is not
A: Anni have you met Jim - the guy _________ Laurie is going to marry?
B. Oh, Jim and I have been friends for years. In fact, I’m the one ______ introduced Laurie and Jim.
A: Do you think they are right for each other?
B: Definitely. They’re two people _______ have a lot in common - but not too much.
A: What does it mean?
B: Well, you don’t want a partner ______ doesn’t have his or her own interests.
Couples _______ do everything together usually don’t last very long.
A: I guess you’re right. But the opposite isn’t good, either. My last girlfriend was someone _____
I had nothing in common with. She wasn’t the kind of girl ____ I could talk to easily.
B: Well, you can talk to me easily.

Wb.28 7
1C Communication

A. Match the words with the definitions. Then, decide whether the words are positive (P)
or negative (N) . Write P or N after each word.

_____ 1. easygoing _____ a. a person who doesn’t change easily and is stubborn.
_____ 2. egotistical _____ b. someone who doesn’t like sharing.
_____ 3. inflexible _____ c. someone who has a very high opinion of him or herself.
_____ 4. sociable _____ d. someone who is helpful and encouraging.
_____ 5. stingy _____ e. a person who doesn’t do what he or she promised.
_____ 6. supportive _____ f. a person who enjoys being with other people.
_____ 7. temperamental _____ g. a person who has unpredictable or irregular moods.
_____ 8. modest _____ h. a person who doesn’t worry much or get angry easily.
_____ 9. unreliable _____ i. someone who doesn’t brag about his or her

B. Cover the definitions. Take turns talking about the adjectives in your own words.
“An easygoing person is someone who...”

C. Think of at least three adjectives to describe yourself. Then, tell a partner.

Discussion Ideal people


A. What is the ideal parent, friend, or partner like? What is one quality each should have
and one quality each should not have? Complete the chart.

This person is . . . This person is not . . .

The ideal parent ______________________ ______________________

The ideal friend ______________________ ______________________
The ideal partner ______________________ ______________________

B. Group work Take turns describing your ideal people. Try to agree on the two most
important qualities for a parent, a friend and a partner.

8 Wb.29
Unit 2 Perspectives
2A Warm up GOAL: Using It clauses with when.

Do you get

Read about some common complains. Check ( ) the ones you agree with.

I can’t stand it when a child screams in a restaurant.

I don’t like it when a cell phone rings in the classroom.
It bothers me when a teacher forgets my name.
I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.
It upsets me when a close friend forgets my birthday.
I can’t stand it when people talk loudly to each other
during a movie.
I don’t like it when people call me early in the morning.
It bothers me when my doctor arrives late for an

Score: If you checked. . .

1 - 2 complains: Wow! You don’t get annoyed very easily.
3 - 4 complains: You’re fairly easygoing.
5 - 6 complains: You get annoyed pretty easily.
7 - 8 complains: Relax! You get annoyed too easily.

Wb.30 9
2B Grammar

It clauses + adverbial clauses with when

I like it when a teacher is helpful and supportive.

I don’t mind it when a friend visits without calling me first.
I can’t stand it when a child screams in a restaurant.

It makes me happy when people do nice things for no reason.

It bothers me when my doctor arrives late for an appointment.
It upsets me when a close friend forgets my birthday.

A. How do you feel about these situations? Complete the sentences with it clauses from
the list. Then, take turns reading your sentences with a partner.

I love it I don’t mind it I don’t like it

I like it It doesn’t bother me It really upsets me
It makes me happy It annoys me I can’t stand it

1. _________________________ when someone gives me a compliment.

2. _________________________ when I get phone calls on my birthday.
3. _________________________ when a stranger asks me for money.
4. _________________________ when people call me late at night.
5. _________________________ when teachers are temperamental.
6. _________________________ when people are direct and say what’s on their mind.
7. _________________________ when someone corrects my English in front of others.
8. _________________________ When a friend is sensitive and supportive.
9. _________________________ when people throw trash on the ground.
10. ________________________ when a friend invites me to dinner.

B. Do you ever get annoyed by a certain type of person or situation? Write down five
things that annoy you the most. Then, compare in groups.

10 Wb.31
2C Communication

How do you choose your friends online?

What qualities do you look for in cyberfriends?

Social networking makes it very easy to have friends - lots and lots of friends.
Hundreds of millions of people have joined Facebook, Orkut, and other sites so that
they can communicate with their friends online. However, the meaning of the word
“friend” seems to have changed. In the past, a friend was someone you had a close
personal relationship with. Now, anyone in the world can be your friend online! Some
people have thousands of cyberfriends, but what do you do if you don’t want so many
Easy! You can dump an unwanted friend with just one click on your mouse. In recent
years, it has become so common to get rid of friends in this way that there is a new
word to describe it - to “unfriend.” The New Oxford American Dictionary named it Word
of the Year in 2009 and defined it like this: “to remove someone as a friend from a
social networking site. ” But why would you want to do such a drastic thing as unfriend
The most common reason for unfriending someone is to eliminate annoying people
from your social life. For example, some friends post messages much too frequently -
and those messages can be extremely boring. They endlessly post status updates that
say things like “I’m cooking dinner.” or “I’m doing my homework.” Another reason for
unfriending someone is disagreement about world issues. A third reason is to get rid
of people who write nasty things on social websites.
Although dumping friends is not just an Internet phenomenon, far more online
friendships end suddenly than off-line ones. Even in this computer age, it remains true
that many people prefer spending time together face-to-face. After all, that’s what
friends are for!

A. Read the article. Then, for each statement, check ( ) True, False or Not given.

True False Not given

1. Social networking has changed the way many people make friends.
2. It’s not easy to remove cyberfriends.
3. The word “unfriend” became popular in 2009.
4. People who are unfriended may feel upset.
5. Some people write unpleasant things on websites.
6. Sometimes family members are unfriended from websites.

Wb.32 11
A. Circle the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. I can tell Paul anything, and I know he won’t tell anyone else.
I can really _____________________ him.
a. believe b. treat c. trust
2. Betty has a very high opinion of herself.
I don’t like people who are so ____________________
a. egotistical b. temperamental c. supportive
3. It bothers me when people are too serious.
I prefer people who are ___________ and have a good sense of humor.
a. easygoing b. inflexible c. reliable
4. I like it when someone expresses strong _____________.
Hearing other people’s views can really make you think.
a. accomplishments b. compliments c. opinions
5. Shantall is very rich, but she only spends her money on herself.
She is very ________________________
a. generous b. modest c. stingy

B. Complete the sentences about dates or friendships with phrases from the box.
Then, add four more statements of your own.

arrive late lie to me send me flowers

forget to call me make me feel special talk during a movie

I can’t stand it when my date arrives late.

1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. It makes me happy _______________________________________________________
3. I like it __________________________________________________________________
4. It bothers me ____________________________________________________________
5. It really upsets me ________________________________________________________
6. It embarrasses me ________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________________

Unit 3 In-demand careers

3A Warm up GOAL: Using gerund phrases.

Careers of the future

Simulation engineer You develop different kinds of
simulators such as flight simulators for training pilots
or virtual patients for training medical students.

Health informatics technician You use computer

systems to update patients files, which helps doctors
diagnose and treat patients.

Green researcher You research new environmentally

friendly technologies for fields such as transportation,
energy and recycling.

Social media manager You control the representation

of a company’s brand online on sites like Facebook, Twitter,
and others.

A. Rank the careers from 1 to 4 (least interesting). Compare with a partner.

Can you think of any other careers that will be in demand in the future?
What jobs do you think will not be in demand? Why?

B. Read about people giving opinions of different careers. Do you agree or disagree?

“Being a flight “Designing clothes is “That’s not true!

“But flight attendants
attendant sounds not a man’s job. Many great clothing
get tired of traveling.
very exciting. Flying Women are much designers are men.
They spend most of
all the time would more fascinated by Just look at Calvin
their time in airports!”
be fun.” fashion. Klein!”

“I’d enjoy working “I’m not so sure. “I’d like to work in the “I disagree! Working
with animals. I think Animals can be very television industry. in front of the camera
working as a vet unpredictable. Directing a TV show as an actor would be
could be rewarding.” Getting a dog bite would be really much more
would be scary!” interesting. satisfying.”

Wb.33 13
3B Grammar

Gerund phrases
Gerund phrases as subjects Gerund phrases as objects
Being a flight attendant sounds exciting. He’d love being a flight attendant.
Designing clothes is not a man’s job. He wouldn’t like being a fashion designer.
Working as a veterinarian could be rewarding. She’d enjoy working with animals.
Directing a TV show would be interesting. She’d be good at directing a TV show.

A gerund phrase as a subject takes a singular verb: Taking care of children is a rewarding job.

There are some common verb + preposition expressions (for example, dream about, feel like,
talk about, think about) and adjective + preposition phrases (for example, good/bad at,
excited by/about, interested in, tired of) that are followed by a gerund:
I’m thinking about looking for a new job.
I’m tired of working long hours.

A. Complete the sentences with the correct gerund forms of the verbs in the box.

become have make stand travel

change learn solve take work

1. My brother is very interested in ___________ a flight attendand. He dreams about

___________ to new places.
2. I’m excited about ___________ a Japanese class next semester. I enjoy _________
new languages.
3. You wouldn’t like ___________ in a restaurant. You’d get tired of ______________
on your feet throughout the long hours.
4. Our teacher is very good at _____________ problems. Maybe she should think about
_____________ careers to become a guidance counselor.
5. _____________ a living as a photographer could be challenging, ________________ an
impressive portfolio is really important to attract new clients and employers.

14 Wb.34
3C Communication

A. Look at the gerund phrases in column “A”. Write your

opinion of each job by choosing information from
columns “B” and “C”. Then, add two more gerund
phrases and write similar sentences.

1. working as an accountant seems awful
2. taking care of children sounds stressful
3. being a farmer could be fantastic
4. designing clothes would be fascinating
5. working on a movie set must be difficult
6. making a living as an artist boring
7. doing volunteer work overseas rewarding
8. retiring at age 40 challenging
9. _________________________
10. ________________________

1. Working as an accountant would be boring.

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. ______________________________________

5. ______________________________________

6. ______________________________________

7. ______________________________________

8. ______________________________________

9. ______________________________________

10. _____________________________________

Wb.35 15
Unit 4 Different customs

4A Warm up GOAL: Expressing expectations.

A. Listen and read about different customs around the world. 4.1

Brazil Canada Egypt

Open any gift in front of If you are invited for a meal, Don’t eat anything
the person who gave it you should arrive on time with your left hand.
to you. (not early or late).

France Japan Indonesia

When eating out, keep Take off your shoes at Never point to anything
both hands on or the entrance to all with your foot.
above the table. homes.

Nigeria South Korea Thailand

When you meet people, Always use both hands Never touch anyone.
don’t call them by their to pass something to Especially a child
first names until they an older person. on the head.
say you can.

B. Answer these questions.

1. Does your culture follow any of these customs?
2. Do any of these customs seem unusual to you? Explain.
3. What other interesting customs do you know?

16 Wb.36
4B Grammar

A. Listen and practice the conversation. 4.2

Molly: I just got invited to my teacher’s house

for dinner.
Mark: Oh, how nice!
Molly: Yes, but what do you do here when you
are invited to someone’s house?
Mark: Well, here in the U.S., it’s a custom to
bring a small gift.
Molly: Like what?
Mark: Oh, maybe some flowers or chocolate.
Molly: And is it all right to bring a friend along?
Mark: Well, if you want to bring someone,
you’re expected to call first and ask if
it is OK.

it’s the custom to bring a small gift.
When you visit someone,
you aren’t supposed to arrive early.

you’re expected to call first and ask.

If you want to bring someone, you’re supposed to check with the host.
it’s not acceptable to arrive without calling first.

Use the base form of a verb - not the gerund - after these expressions for expectations:
be the custom to, be supposed to, be expected to, be acceptable to.
It’s the custom to arrive a little late. (Not: It’s the custom to _______
arriving a little late.)

B. Match the information to make sentences about customs in the United States and
Canada. Then, compare with a partner.

1. If you plan to visit someone at home, ____ a. you’re supposed to call first.
2. If you’ve been to a friend’s home for dinner, ____ b. you’re expected to leave a tip.
3. When you have been invited to a wedding, ____ c. you aren’t supposed to kiss him or her.
4. When you go out on a date, ____ d. you’re expected to respond in writing.
5. If the service in a restaurant is acceptable, ____ e. it’s the custom to thank him or her.
6. When you meet someone for the first time, ____ f. it’s acceptable to share the expenses.

Wb.37 17
4C Communication


August 27 ____________________________
People often refer to Taipei as “The Sleepless City,” but
I didn’t understand why until I got to Chicago. I was
window-shopping with another student this evening.
Suddenly, the store owners started pulling down their
gates and locking their doors. Soon the whole street was
closed. And it wasn’t even dark yet! I’d never seen this in
Taiwan. Back home, the busiest streets “stay awake” all
night. You can go out to restaurants stores, and movies
even long after midnight.

September 10 ___________________________
After the first week of class, I’ve found some differences Kim Park, a student from
between Taiwanese students and American students. Taipei, Taiwan, is studying
Whenever a teacher asks a question, my classmates in Chicago. The following
immediately shout out their answers. And some of them entries are taken from her
interrupt the teacher. In Taiwan, we usually quiet in class blog during her first three
so that the teacher can finish on time. We usually ask the months in the United States.
teacher questions afterward. American students seem to
leave the room as soon as the class ends.

October 9 _________________________________
I met an interesting girl at an internet café today. I was writing an email to my mother,
and she asked me what language I was using. We ended up talking for about an hour!
People in Chicago seem very comfortable with each other. It’s very natural for two
people to start talking in a café. This is something that doesn’t happen in Taipei. At
home, I’d never just start chatting with a stranger. I like that it’s easy to meet new people

A. Read the blog. Then, add the correct title to each blog entry.
Café etiquette Less than 24/7 Just say it!

B. Complete the chart.

Chicago Taipei

1. When does the city shut down? _______________________________________ _______________________________________

2. How do students behave in class? _______________________________________ _______________________________________
3. How do students after class? _______________________________________ _______________________________________
4. How do people act toward strangers? _______________________________________ _______________________________________

18 Wb.38
A. Complete the phrase with the correct verb in the gerund form.

1. ___________ a pilot sounds interesting. * work

2. ___________ as a vet could be exciting. * prepare
3. ___________ care of kids sounds difficult. * design
4. ___________ food for lots of people seems stressful. * fall
5. ___________ clothes must be challenging. * be
6. ___________ in love could be fantastic. * take

B. Read and complete with the correct gerund.

smoking - reading - setting - painting - playing -

emigrating - laughing - listening - dancing - being

1. She likes ___________ beautiful pictures.

2. I can't bear __________ to loud music.
3. He enjoys ___________ tennis.
4. Leila dreams of __________ up her own business.
5. He is interested in __________to Canada.
6. Are you good at __________.
7. She is crazy about __________ romantic poems.
8. I can't help ___________ when I watch that TV program.
9. I can't imagine __________ anywhere else but here with you.
10. You should give up ___________.

C. Unscramble the words to form sentences.

1. you’re / to leave / If / the service / is good / a tip / in a restaurant / expected


2. first / to visit / plan / If / supposed / to call / you’re / you / someone


3. you / on the first date / you aren’t / to kiss / when / go out / supposed




Refusing an invitation

Hi Ted,

Thanks for inviting me to the amusement park on Saturday. I’m sorry, but I can’t go with you.
My family is going on a trip with real danger. We’re going to swim with sharks this weekend.
Have you ever done that?
I’ve taken diving classes for two years. I’ve been on a lot of dives, but I’ve never seen sharks.
Actually, it will be safe. We’re going with a diving instructor, and we’ll be in cages. But it is
still scary!
Again, I’m really sorry. Have a great time! Maybe we can go to the amusement park together
in July.

Your friend,


When you refuse an invitation:

- thank the person for the invitation

- apologize at the beginning of the note
- explain why you can’t accept the invitation
- apologize again at the end of the note
- suggest another time to do something

Write an email refusing an invitation.


Phrasal Verbs


A. Make a sentence with each phrasal
Turn off: switch off a machine
1. _____________________________________
Turn up: arrive unexpectedly
2. _____________________________________

Turn on: switch on a machine 3. _____________________________________

Turn down: reduce loudness / refuse 4. _____________________________________

B. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

1. Paul turned _________ his cell phone to see if he had any text messages.
2. James turned ____________ after midnight.
3. He asked her out but she turned him _____________
4. Could you please turn ________ the TV a bit? I can’t read.

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself”.
John Dewey
Unit 1 I like guys who. . .

1A Warm up
A. Complete these descriptions with the words from the list.

modest sociable supportive temperamental unreliable

1. John is so __________!
modest He always has such great ideas and never takes any credit for them.
2. The Chans like meeting new people and having friends over for dinner. They’re the one of
the most _________ couples I know.
3. You can’t trust Jane. She always promises to do something, but then she never does it.
She’s pretty _________.
4. Alex wants to be an actor. It’s hard to break into the business, but his family is very ________
of his dream.
5. I never know how to act around Tina! One minute she’s in a good mood, and the next minute
she’s in a bad mood. She’s so _________.

B. Complete the chart by forming the opposites of the adjectives in the list.
Use in- and un-. Then, check your anwers in a dictionary.

attractive dependent formal reliable

competent experienced popular sensitive
cooperative flexible reasonable sociable

Opposites with in- Opposites with un-

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

1B Grammar

A. Add who or that to the conversation where necessary.

Put an X where who or that is not necessary.

A: I’m looking for someone _________ I can go on vacation with.

B: Hmm. So what kind of person are you looking for?
A: I want to travel with someone ________ is easygoing and independent.
B: Right. And you’d probably also like a person ________ is reliable.
A: Yeah, and I want someone _________ I know well.
B: So why don’t you ask me?
A: You? I know you too well!
B: Ha! Does that mean you think I’m someone _______ is high-strung, dependent,
and unreliable?
A: No! I’m just kidding. You’re definitely someone _______ I could go on vacation with.
So, .... what are you doing in June?


B. Complete the sentences with who or that and your own information or ideas.

who are easygoing and have a sense of humor

1. I generally like to go out with people ________________________________________.
2. I’d rather travel with someone _____________________________________________.
3. I don’t really want a roommate _____________________________________________.
4. My classmates and I like teachers __________________________________________.
5. My best friend and I want to meet people ____________________________________.
6. Most workers would prefer a boss __________________________________________.
7. Some people don’t like stingy types _________________________________________.
8. I don’t want to have inflexible friends ________________________________________.
9. I feel comfortable discussing my problems with friends _________________________.
10. My favorite friends are people _____________________________________________.

1C Communication

about a best

A. Think about your best friend. Answers these questions. Then, write a paragraph.

1. What’s your best friend like?

2. How long have you been friends?
3. How did you meet?
4. How are you similar?
5. How are you different?

My best friend is someone who is friendly and easygoing. She is a reliable

friend and someone who I can call anytime.
We’ve been friends for about five years, but we didn’t become friends right away.
We. . .


Unit 2 Perspectives
2A Warm up
A. Match the clauses in column A with the most suitable clauses in column B.

1. I like it _____ a. when someone criticizes me in front of other people.

2. I don’t mind it _____ b. when people are easygoing and friendly.
3. It upsets me _____ c. when rich people are stingy.
4. It embarrasses me _____ d. when people are a few minutes late for an

B. Write sentences using the expressions in the box.

1. I love it 4. I can’t stand it 7. I don’t like it

2. It upsets me 5. It bothers me 8. II don’t mind it
3. I really like it 6. It makes me happy 9. It makes me angry

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________________

2B Grammar

A. What are some things you like and don’t like about people? Write two sentences about
each of the following. Use the pictures and your own ideas.

1. What upsets me: 2. What really doesn’t bother me:

It upsets me when
_________________________________ I_________________________________
really don’t mind it when
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

3. What I don’t like: 4. What I really like:

It bothers me when
_________________________________ I_________________________________
love it when
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________

2C Communication

A. Read the following situation and discuss.

It really embarrasses me when someone is

too generous to me. Recently, I dated a guy
who was always giving me things. For my
birthday, he bought me an expensive
necklace, and he invited me to dinner and
a movie.

The problem is, I don’t have enough money

to treat him in the same way. I’d prefer to date
someone I have more in common with. In fact,
my ideal boyfriend is someone who is sensible
and saves his money!

B. Choose one thing that really embarrasses, bothers, or upsets you. Write two paragraphs
about it. In the first paragraph, describe the situation. In the second paragraph, say
why this situation is difficult for you and describe a situation you would prefer.


Unit 3 In-demand careers

3A Warm up
A. Match the jobs with their definitions.

A/An . . . is a person who. . .

1. comedian ____ a. researches environmentally friendly technologies

2. green researcher ____ b. helps students with their problems
3. guidance counselor ____ c. controls a company’s brand online
4. organic food farmer ____ d. takes care of animals in captivity
5. social media manager ____ e. grows food without chemicals
6. zookeeper ____ f. makes people laugh for a living

B. Write a definition for each of these jobs: accountant, fashion designer, flight attendant,
teacher and nurse.

1. __________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________

C. Which words have a positive meaning, and which ones have a negative meaning?
Write P or N.

- awful _____ - fantastic _____

- boring _____ - fascinating _____
- challenging _____ - frightening _____
- dangerous _____ - interesting _____
- difficult _____ - rewarding _____

D. Write about four jobs you know. Use the words in part C and gerund phrases.
Example: I think being a zookeeper would be fascinating.

1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________

3B Grammar

A. Add the suffixes -er, -or, -ist, or -ian to form the names of these jobs.
Write the words in the chart and add one more example to each column.

computer technic___ politic______

factory supervis ____ psychiatr_______
gossip column_____ TV report______
guidance counsel___ zookeep_______

-er -or -ist -ian

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

B. Give a definition for each job.

1. A computer technician is someone who fixes computers.

2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________________________________

C. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

creative collaborative independent physical practical precise

1. My brother is very ____________ , so he prefers to work by himself.

2. My friend Elena is a graphic designer, which lets her use her imagination and be
3. My boss comes up with the big ideas, but I enjoy planning out the __________ details.
4. Building a house requires __________ strength and stamina.
5. The best part of working in a team is the ________________ process of making decisions
6. In finance, it’s important to be ________________ and not make mistakes!

3C Communication

A. Match each career and the most appropiate job responsibility.

Careers Job responsibilities

for an airline do resarch

with computers teach discipline and fitness

as a high school coach learn new software programs

be a university professor work independently

a writer travel to different countries

B. Use the information from part A and gerund phrases to complete this conversation.

Mary: So, what kind of career would you like, Mike?

Mike: Well, I’m not exactly sure. _____________ could be interesting.
Maybe blogging about something I’m interested in.
Mary: Hmm, I don’t know if I’d like that because I’d have to write every day.
Mike: What do you want to do, then?
Mary: Well, I’m not sure either! I’d love ________________________ .
I’d really enjoy being with teenagers all day and ______________________.
On the other hand, I’d be interested in ______________________________.
Mike: Really? What would you like about that?
Mary: Well, I’d love ____________________________ all over the world.
Mike: Oh, I could never do that! I think it would be a very tiring work.

C. Write a short conversation like the one in part B. Use the remaining information in
part A or your ideas.

A: So, what kind of career would you like?

B: Well, I’m not exactly sure. ________________________________________________
A: That sounds interesting. But I wouldn’t like it because ________________________
B: What do you want to do, then?
A: Well, I’d love ___________________________________________________________
B: ______________________________________________________________________
A: ______________________________________________________________________

Different customs
4A Warm up
A. These words are used to describe how people sometimes feel when they live
in a foreign country. Which are positive (P) or negative (N)?

anxious _____ embarrassed _____ insecure _____

comfortable _____ enthusiastic _____ nervous _____
confident _____ excited _____ uncertain _____
curious _____ fascinated _____ uncomfortable _____
depressed _____ homesick _____ worried _____

B. Complete these sentences. Use words from the list.

confident depressed fascinated uncomfortable

curious embarrassed uncertain worried

1. In my country, people never leave tips. So when I first went abroad I kept forgetting
to tip waiters. I felt really _________________________
2. The first time I traveled abroad, I felt really ________________________ I was alone,
I didn’t speak the language, and I didn’t make any friends.
3. I just spent a year in France learning to speak French. It was a satisfying experience,
and I was ____________________ by the culture.
4. At first I really like shopping in the open-air markets. I felt ______________________
because so many people were trying to sell me something at the same time.
5. When I arrived in Lisbon, I was nervous because I couldn’t speak any Portuguese.
As I began to learn the language, though, I became more __________ about living
6. Before I went to Alaska last winter, I was very ____________ about the cold. But it
wasn’t a problem because most buildings there were heated.
7. When I was traveling in Southeast Asia, I couldn’t believe how many different kinds of
fruit there were . I was _________________ to try all of them, so I ate a lot of fruit!
8. It was our first trip to Latin America, so we were ____________________ about
what to expect. We loved it and hope to return again soon.

4B Grammar
A. Imagine you are going to travel to a country you have never visited before.
Write sentences using the factors and feelings given. Then, add another sentence
explaining your feelings.

Factors Feelings

public transportation anxious (about)

the architecture comfortable (with)
the climate curious (about)
the food enthusiastic (about)
the language fascinated (by)
the money nervous (about)
the music uncertain (about)
people my age uncomfortable (with)

Public transportation is something I’d be anxious about.
I’d be afraid of getting lost.

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________________

4C Communication

A. Scan the article about cultural differences. Where can you find articles like this?
Who was it written for?

Each society has its own beliefs, attitudes, customs, behaviors, and social habits.
These things give people a sense of who they are and how they are supposed to behave.

People become conscious of such rules when they meet people from different cultures.
For example, the rules about when to eat vary from culture to culture. Many North
Americans and Europeans organize their timetables around three meals a day. In other
countries, however, it’s not the custom to have strict rules like this - people eat when
they want to, and every family has its own timetable.

When people visit or live in a country for the first time, they are often surprised at the
differences between this culture and the culture in their own country. For some people,
traveling abroad is the thing they enjoy most in life; for others, cultural differences make
them feel uncomfortable, frightened, and insecure. This is known as “culture shock”.

When you’re visiting a foreign country, it is important to understand and appreciate

cultural differences. This can help you avoid misunderstandings, develop friendship
more easily, and feel more comfortable when traveling or living abroad.

Here are several things to do in order to avoid culture shock.

1. Avoid quick judgements; try to understand the point of view of the people in another
2. Become aware of what is going on around you, and why.
3. Don’t think of your cultural habits as “right” and other people’s as “wrong”.
4. Be willing to try new things and to have new experiences.
5. Try to understand and appreciate other people’s values.
6. Think about your own culture and how it influences your attitudes and actions.
7. Avoid having negative stereotypes about foreigners and their cultures.
8. Show interest in things that are important to other people.

B. Read the article. Use your own words to write definitions for these words.

1. culture ____________________________________________________________
2. culture shock ____________________________________________________________
3. appreciate ____________________________________________________________
4. stereotypes ____________________________________________________________

Irregular verbs list

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

be was / were been

beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
can could been able to
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
dig dug dug
do did done
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
freeze froze frozen
fight fought fought
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known

Irregular verbs list

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

leave left left

lend lent lent
light lit lit
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
show showed shown
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
sting stung stung
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written


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