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GPU Programming In Python using Google Colab


• Learn GPU programming basics

• Understand how to use Google Colab for GPU programming
• Implement GPU programming techniques for larger tasks


1. Create a new Google Colab notebook.

2. Load a large dataset into memory.
3. Write a function to process the dataset.
4. Use the numba package to accelerate the function using the GPU.
5. Measure the time taken to process the dataset with and without GPU acceleration.
6. Compare the execution times and discuss your findings.
7. Submit your notebook and a report summarizing your findings.

Grading and evaluation:

• Completeness: Did you implement all the required tasks? 3 marks

• Correctness: Does your program produce correct results? 3 marks
• Efficiency: How much faster is your GPU-accelerated code compared to the non-
accelerated code? 3 marks
• Analysis: Did you analyze your results and draw valid conclusions? 3 marks
• Presentation: Is your report well-written and clearly organized? 3 marks

Help Resources:

• Google Colab:

• Introduction to GPU Programming with Python:
• Using CUDA with Python:

Submission Deadline: Friday 19 May 2023

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